acheronticsystem · 6 years
Content warning: swearing, use of the word c*nt
It was difficult writing about how they met for the first time, they sat in the school toilet for the rest of the break and discovered they had a lot in common (I left that bit out). Spencer has never really had school friends so Emrys invited him over to say thank you to Elliot for talking to him. I did my best even if it feels a bit rushed.
It was Friday and Spencer was elated, he had managed his first full week at school without getting into trouble and Emrys had promised to cook his favourite meal for him and his friends before their band practice.
Russell was sat next to him and was tucking into his lunch whilst Spencer scribbled in his notebook. They had grown closer over the course of the week as Russell let him ramble about music and talked about his own road trips and travel. He never made a big deal over Spencer’s seizures and only brought them up when they happened; usually it was one of the only things that people spoke about when they worked with the teenager, so this made a nice change.
A loud crash pulled Spencer out of his trance and he lifted his head up, looking over to where the noise came from. He got up out of his seat and saw that someone had been tripped over, spilling his food onto the floor, himself and a girl that was fixing her makeup. “Russ, I’m going to go and see if he’s okay,” he announced before he made his way over to the boy.
Spencer never really bothered himself with other students but this boy was stunning. He had blonde, almost white hair and cornflower blue eyes; he flapped his hands when he laughed which happened a lot less than Spencer wanted.  They few classes and Spencer almost always saw him sketching in a sketchpad when he was alone.
Spencer knelt down beside the blonde boy who was biting his bottom lip in an attempt to stop himself from crying and held out a hand. “You okay, man?” he asked quietly, trying his best to ignore the shouting and snide comments from the students that stood around him. The other boy nodded a little and took a deep breath before taking Spencer’s hand, allowing himself to be pulled up.
“Elliot, what the fuck? You ruined my uniform!” a girl shouted, she was almost identical to Elliot, save for the inch thick make up that was caked to her face.
“I fell,” Elliot mumbled, glancing down at the floor at his lunch. “Bullshit, you did this because dad bought me a new phone, didn’t you?” Elliot shook his head and bit his lip again, twisting his hands together.
Elliot’s sister continued shouting insults at him until Spencer slammed his hand down on the table, making her jump. “Back the fuck off and calm the fuck down. He got tripped up. He didn’t do this on purpose, I saw everything, okay? Maybe you should be more concerned with the fact your own fucking brother fell onto the floor and dropped all his fucking food because of these twats,” Spencer shouted, gesturing towards the group of boys stood around them, sniggering.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Elliot’s sister screamed back at Spencer who had balled his hands up into his fists. “I’m not going to stand here and listen to some pikey scum who thinks he knows what he’s talking about. How the fuck did you manage to get into this school, anyway? Did your mum suck off the headmaster?”
Spencer was just about to lose it, his knuckles turning white, just itching to punch that girl in the face when Elliot grabbed his arm and tugged him away. “Everyone knows what you did before you came here; I think she just wants to make you angry so you get kicked out, she’s like that. Let’s go to the toilet so I can deal with this and you can calm down, okay?” Elliot smiled and led him through the crowd that had gathered.
“Of course these toffs know about the fight, I bet all their parents are judges and lawyers and shit,” Spencer hissed, pulling his arm out of Elliot’s and marching to the toilet.
“I’m Elliot, you’re in some of my classes but you’re always with that guy so I didn’t know if I could talk to you…” Elliot rambled as he dabbed tissue on his clothes, scrapping off as much of the food as he could.
“I’m mentally ill not a murderer,” Spencer laughed, “you’re always drawing or something anyway.”
“So do you! You’re always writing in that notebook-“ Elliot pointed at the notebook that Spencer had swiped up when they walked past his table- “well, when you’re not shouting at someone.”
“Oi, I’ve been good this week, thank you very much!” Spencer pouted.
The bathroom door opened and Russell poked his head around the corner, “Spence, your brother’s coming to pick you up in about twenty minutes.” Spencer groaned and slid down the wall next to the sinks. “I fucked up,” he whispered as he banged his head against the sinks to his side. “You aren’t in trouble, I explained everything,” Russell’s attempt at comforting was met with a louder groan and another head bang.
Elliot sat down next to the other and pulled his knees up to his chest, “I’m sorry she said those things to you, Izzy likes to be the centre of attention. She’s always been like this, even when we were little! She tells our parents that I purposefully do things out of jealousy or whatever.”
Spencer frowned and glanced over at his newfound friend, “Why are you apologising for her? I don’t give a shit about what she thinks about me,” his phone went off and he turned to Elliot, “my brother’s here but if you take my number you can always chill at the café if she gets annoying.”
Elliot beamed at Spencer and the both exchanged numbers before Elliot excused himself and disappeared to his next class.
“Russ, he’s fucking adorable,” Spencer exclaimed as he stood up from the bathroom floor and brushed himself off. Russell chuckled and nodded in agreement, holding the door open and following Spencer out. “Yeah, from what I hear his family aren’t great but incredibly rich. They’re all like his sister… horrible family.”
“You allowed to be telling me this stuff? How do you even know anyway? You’ve been here for like a week!”
Russell tapped his nose and grinned, “They talk a lot in the staff rooms after school.” Spencer chuckled slightly and shook his head, “brilliant.”
After translating the brief conversation between Russell and his brother, Spencer took one of Emrys’ straights from the packet of Marlboro’s he knew his brother hid in the glove box and lit it. He spent the entire car journey staring out of the window, not wanting to see the disappointed look on Emrys’ face.
“Fucks sake,” Spencer hissed when he noticed Lucan serving people in the café. He picked up his bag from the car and rushed inside, dodging Lucan’s attempt at grabbing his arm to stop him going up the stairs.
I can cover the lunch shift, babe. You go and speak to him, he looks more upset than angry, Lucan signed when Emrys entered the shop after his brother. Emrys sighed and scanned the room, it was busy but he knew that Lucan would be able to hold it down until he returned.
Spencer was sat on the kitchen counter, taking a swig of whiskey from the bottle and was busy typing away on his phone. “What the fuck, Em?” he shouted as his brother swiped the bottle from his hands.
I get you’re angry but it’s only just turned one, don’t drink in the day. Emrys placed the bottle on the side and waved towards the sofa in the living room, let’s talk about what happened at school, okay? Spencer nodded, flung himself onto the sofa and frowned as he continued scrolling through his phone, refusing to look at Emrys.
Emrys clapped abruptly to get Spencer’s attention, I don’t care about it. It sounded like the girl had it coming and you were only helping someone, it’s not your fault she was a grade A bitch, Zaz. You’ve had an awesome week and I couldn’t be prouder of you so don’t beat yourself up about it.
Spencer shrugged, I just feel like I let you down, Em. I just felt bad for Elliot… He stopped signing and buried his head in his hands; Emrys wrapped his arm around his back and pulled him into a hug.
Elliot? Emrys tapped his little brother’s shoulder, an actual school friend?
I guess? He’s in some of my classes and I think he’s being bullied by his sister and the rest of the stuck up posh twats. I gave him my number because it sounds like he has a shitty family. Spencer shifted and nuzzled into his brother’s shoulder, can we still have Mexican tonight?
His brother nodded before pushing Spencer off him, yeah, yeah. Its band practise isn’t it? You had a good week so I think you deserve Mexican and a few drinks. Why don’t you invite your friend over?
I doubt he’ll want to… Spencer let his hands fall to his lap as he contemplated calling Elliot, he sighed and got off the sofa, okay, I’ll ring him but you have to go downstairs and help Lucan hold down the fort.
Emrys nodded and left the flat as Spencer quickly read through his contacts, pausing when he reached Elliot’s number. He took a deep breath before ringing it, slightly taken back with how fast the other picked up.
“Yo, it’s Spence… from the bathroom-“ Spencer mentally kicked himself for being so nervous, “my brother invited you over for dinner because of what happened but it’s cool if you don’t want to come or whatever.”
He relaxed a little when he heard Elliot laugh on the other end, “that sounds amazing! Where do you live? My dad can drop me off”
Oh! Awesome! Just search for Brewed Awakening in the middle of town, that’s the café.”
Spencer could not help but to grin when the two said their goodbyes and hung up. It had been an incredibly eventful day but this would make his day a lot better.
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
Content warnings: slurs, use of the word c*nt
After putting on his seatbelt and connecting his phone to the aux cord in the car, Spencer rolled himself another cigarette, lighting it quickly. “Spencer Henry Beaumont! I’ve fucking told you to not smoke in my bloody car!” Lucan shouted, shooting a murderous glare at the younger male, “and what the fuck are you playing? I’m not driving to fucking suicideboys.”
“Jesus, I’ll turn it off,” he swiped his phone open and promptly changed the song, nodding his head slightly to the bass that filled the car. When Lucan started driving, he flicked the cigarette butt out of the window and slid down in his seat, scrolling through his phone and occasionally changing the music.
The drive itself was pretty uneventful, Emrys was signing about something that had happened in the café but Spencer was too engrossed in a game he was playing on his phone to take notice. He swore quietly when the car came to a stop, rolling a cigarette with shaky fingers as his brother and Lucan got out of the car. “Fuck this” he muttered, glaring at the few students that had walked past him and were giving him a weird look.
Come on Spence, it’s not going to look good if we’re late for the meeting and I have to open up the café at some point, Emrys ruffled his little brothers hair and gave him a small smile, you’ll be fine, stop worrying okay? Spencer shot him a weak smile and threw the cigarette to the floor, stubbing it out with the toe of his boot before slapping his hands together. “Let’s fucking do this.”
Lucan slapped Spencer’s shoulder, pulling him out of his daydream and raising his eyebrows, “pay attention, Zaz” he sighed. Emrys was staring intently at the headmaster and glanced at his partner every so often to clarify what the headmaster was saying. “So, as he is a special circumstance” Spencer hated the word ‘special’- “Spencer is required to have a support worker in class with him. I have taken a look over his therapist’s recommendations and the court order highlighting his issues and have decided to use a private mentor agency that is more suited to dealing with his needs.“
The headmaster pointed over to a man sat by the door, “this is Russell; he will be with your brother in classes and during breaks to make sure he stays out of trouble.” Russell smiled and shifted in his chair, waving at Spencer. “You are aware that he has other issues apart from his behaviour?” Lucan asked, directing his question at Russell who nodded and replied, “yeah, may I ask what type of seizures he has and how severe?”
“Wow, it’s like I’m invisible or something,” Spencer muttered as he turned around in his chair to speak to his new support worker, “I get tonic-clonic, myoclonic and absence seizures. They’re quite severe but my meds help me manage, I usually have between like two to seven seizures a day but they’re getting better.”
“When was the last time you had one?”
“This morning” Spencer shrugged and lifted up his arm, rolling his sleeve down a little and pointing to the bracelets on his wrist, “if they last longer than five minutes, press the panic button to alert these two and call an ambulance, if you’re not around I have a medical alert bracelet that will tell people I’m epileptic.”
“Awesome!” Russell smiled as the headmaster cleared his throat, “I’ll print off your timetable and you can go to your first class.”  
Emrys gave Spencer two thumbs up and a smile as the headmaster turned to the printer. Good luck Zaz! He signed before tapping his boyfriend on the shoulder and pointing towards Russell.
“Oh, right! Please look after my little brother, he’s difficult sometimes but is really smart. He finds it hard to concentrate and he gets frustrated when he doesn’t understand things but he’s going to try properly this time. Just… don’t let him get into a fight.”
Spencer waved his brother and Lucan off before trudging slowly behind Russell, scanning over his timetable. When Russell opened the door to the classroom, it fell silent. All of the students eyes were trained on Spencer and he suddenly felt self-conscious.
The teacher strolled up to the two of them, whispering briefly to Russell before smiling at Spencer, “go and sit on that table over there-“ she pointed over to the only free table –“that way Russ can sit next to you” Spencer tutted and threw his bag onto the floor by his new desk.
“Fuck do you want?” he hissed at some of the students that were still staring at him, gaining a few dirty looks and raised eyebrows. This was going to be a long day.
When the bell rang, Spencer shoved his belongings into his bag and pulled out his tobacco which was promptly swiped from his hand by Russell. “What the fuck?” he shouted, reaching to grab his rolling equipment out of his support worker’s hands. “You can’t smoke on school premises, Spencer.”
“Fucking cunt” Spencer muttered, “can’t even have a fucking fag after sitting through this boring fucking hour.” A few heads turned to stare at him, the teacher pursing her lips as she folded her arms in front of her chest, “Spencer, do not use that language in class.”
“The fucking class has finished.”
“You will not use that language when talking to a member of staff-“ her lecture was interrupted when Spencer threw his chair out from underneath him, grabbing his bag and walking out of the class.
There was a stunned silence that fell amongst the remaining students as Russell ran after the younger male, calling after him. “What was that about?” he asked when he caught up to Spencer, gripping Spencer’s sleeve to stop him from running away. “I need a fag.”
“You can’t smoke on school premises, dude,” Russell reiterated, sighing as Spencer gritted his teeth and groaned. “It helps me calm down. I can’t fuck this shit up. I’m not doing that to Em again. So, please let me have a fucking cigarette so I don’t flip out and try to kill someone.”
“Okay, okay! I’ll take you out the front for one. Anything else that helps you calm down? We never really got a chance to go over what helps you out. I was told brief things by… Lucan was it? but I’d like to hear it from you.”
Spencer followed Russell out of the school, focusing more on rolling a cigarette than walking. He lit it when they got outside, relishing in the slight nicotine rush he got from his first drag. “Smoking helps. In school I get pissed when I can’t understand something or if someone says something stupid. If I completely flip out, like, throwing shit around or beating the shit out of someone then you have my permission to do whatever to restrain me. Press the panic button and Em or Lucan will come sort me out if you can’t cope.”
Russell nodded as he listened, pulling out his phone and typing a few notes before turning on his heel, “back to class.”
The rest of the day flew by with Russell occasionally taking Spencer outside for cigarettes to prevent another outburst. When the final bell went, Spencer rushed out of the building and quickly located Lucan. He was leaning against the bonnet of a police car was wearing his uniform. “I thought you weren’t working today?” Spencer asked as he bumped fists with Lucan. “Nah, I have the night shift. I start in like an hour. How was your day?”
“Decent. I almost flipped out because I couldn’t smoke but Russ said I can now. He’s cool.” Spencer opened the car door and collapsed into the seat as Lucan turned to speak to his support worker. He connected his phone to the aux cord, turning the volume up all the way as he rolled the window down, sticking his head out and singing the lyrics loudly.
Lucan chuckled and shook his head at the younger man who was now dancing, drawing attention from the students that were leaving the school. “Mate hurry the fuck up, I feel like I’m being arrested again.” Spencer shouted over the music before getting back inside the car and leaning over to the front of the car to turn on the sirens.
“Don’t you fucking dare! That is a criminal offence!” Lucan swore under his breath and said a hasty goodbye to Russell, rushing into the car before Spencer figured out how to use the controls. “You’re in a good mood,” he laughs, glancing back to look at the other male in the mirror. “Yeah, I hated it but Russell explains things in a good way and doesn’t flinch when I slam shit down. I didn’t speak to anyone though,” he said before adding a quiet, “they all seem like cunts,” hoping Lucan didn’t hear him.
When they pulled up in front of the café, Spencer grabbed his things and ran into the café, hugging Emrys tightly and talking about his day. Lucan signed; I think he’s manic through the window before getting back into his car and driving off.
Zaz, you want to help out in the shop or are you going out?
I’m going to go over to Nox’s to practise or go for a run. Not sure yet. Spencer bounded over to the stairs, waving at his brother before disappearing. Emrys sighed and ran a hand down his face, pulling his phone out of his pocket and warning Nox about Spencer’s current state.
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
I apologise for my writing skills first hand - this is my first time writing a story.
Emrys is deaf so I struggled finding a way to differentiate speech and sign. All sign language (both English and French) will be in italics.
content warning: swear words, description of a seizure.
“Spence, get up,” a thick South African accent whispered, brushing the hair out of the sleeping boys eyes as he tried to wake him up as gently as possible. After waiting a few minutes to see if his attempt had actually succeeded, Lucan sighed and straightened up before throwing the duvet onto the floor, “If you don’t wake up, I’m not getting you baccy this week,” he laughed.  Spencer mumbled a barely audible “fuck off,” stretching his arms above his head and groaning as he glared at his brother’s boyfriend.
“It’s your first day, kid. Get your ass into to gear,” Lucan chuckled, watching the younger male gulp down the coffee he had placed on the side. Spencer clicked his tongue at the other man, grabbing a pre rolled cigarette and lighting it, he was not prepared to do anything without getting some nicotine into his system. Lucan gave him a disapproving look and Spencer flipped him off, blowing some of the cigarette smoke directly into the older man’s faces.
 “You’re a dick” Lucan scrunched up his nose and wafted the smoke out of his face, standing up and resting his hands on his hips. “We’re leaving in an hour. I’m coming in with you and Em because he’s just going to get confused and you’ll just be a little shit” he said, turning on his heels and walking out of Spencer’s room, shutting the door behind him.
The younger male stubbed the cigarette out into the ashtray on his bedside table, standing up and stretching the last remnants of sleep out of his body. He walked over to the uniform his brother had laid out for him the night before, throwing them on and humming with approval as he checked himself out in his mirror. His brother knew exactly what his style was and, even though he was wearing a uniform, his clothes fitted and suited him perfectly.
He sat down at his desk and rubbed some hair wax into the palm of his hands, running them through his dyed black hair before spritzing his hair with a little hair spray. After fixing his hair, his attention was drawn to his face and he ran a finger over the fresh scar on his bottom lip, it had faded considerably over the past month but it was still obvious and that annoyed him. The bruise around his eye had faded to a light yellow and was a stark contrast against his bright green eyes; he prodded it gently before getting up from his seat and walking out of his room.
Lucan whistled and nodded with approval as Spencer walked into the living room, “looking good, kid.” The younger male flipped him off again, “Where’s Em?” he asked as he scanned the room for his older brother.
“Kitchen, he’s cooking you breakfast but be careful, I think he’s stressed as fuck.”
Spencer groaned and ran a hand through his hair, “fucking great” he muttered to himself as he walked into the kitchen, tapping his brother on his shoulder. You feeling okay, Em? He signed with a concerned look on his face.
Do not fuck today up.
I won’t, promise. Spencer sighed; I’m not going to fuck it up so stop stressing.
Emrys nodded slightly as he turned off the cooker, plating up the food he had cooked and shoving a plate into Spencer’s hand. Meds are on the table.
Spencer signed a thank you and made his way to the table. He threw the plate on the table and mumbled a quiet, “seizure,” his hands fell to his sides and he dropped to the floor, going rigid before his body started seizing. Lucan checked his watch and grabbed a pillow off the sofa, placing it under Spencer’s head as he pushed the coffee table out of the way. Keeping one eye on him, he pressed the emergency button on the younger man’s wrist to alert Emrys and checked his watch again.
When the seizing stopped, Emrys moved his little brother into the recovery position and his partner moved the table back into its original position. “You had a seizure” Lucan explained as Spencer’s eyes darted about, confused as to how he ended up on the floor. “Yeah, no fucking shit” he muttered, lying still for a few minutes before getting up and grabbing his medication off the table.
“Make sure you wear your alert bracelet.” Lucan said, joining Spencer and Emrys at the table as they began eating.
 “What the fuck? Why? I’ve already got that stupid panic button and fucked up arms. I’m not wearing the fucking bracelet” Spencer replied, throwing the fork he had in his hand onto his plate and sliding down in his chair. “And if you have a seizure people will know what to do. The panic button is connected to my phone and Emrys’ but no one else’s, it will just let people know in case they freak out and do something stupid like hold you down.”
“Fine,” Spencer groaned before picking up his plate and walking into the kitchen. “Get your stuff together we need to leave,” Lucan called after him.
Spencer waved at his comment before grabbing his phone, wallet and keys off the side. He ran into his room to get his bag, checking himself over again and grabbing his medical alert bracelet off his desk, clicking it around his wrist.
“Right, I’m ready. Let’s go.”
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
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Elliot Walker 18 He/him Emotional ------- Brief info: He used to live in a very religious and homophobic household before his parents were told about his relationship to Spencer by his twin sister (she's not in the system). He moved in with Spencer and his family when he was 16 - he and Spencer had been together for 4 months. He used to be very shy and anxious but since moving out has come out of his shell. He's currently studying film and media production and always films. He has camera's around everywhere and manages to catch the cutest moments between everyone, like Emrys announcing he was pregnant and emrys' and Lucan's engagement.
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
Spencer likes to pretend that he's hard as balls but he always turns his music up really loud so Emrys can feel the vibrations and signs along to the lyrics (especially rap), pretending he doesn't notice so Em doesn't feel left out.
I love my future brother in law
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
I keep trying to write about Spencer and Elliot getting together but it's so hard! I can't get it right and I feel like a fake creative writing student...
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
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Lucan Steyn 27 He/him Father figure --- Brief info: He works for the police and translates for deaf witnesses/criminals. Looks after everyone and makes sure they're okay but can be very stern if he needs to be. Is one of the only people that can calm Spence down and is usually the one to deal with him when he gets arrested. He moved to England from Johannesburg (South Africa) when he was 10 with his family and met Emrys when he was 21 (Em was 17) but they didn't have an intimate relationship until the Beaumont's moved out. Lucan was the one who phoned the police after a really bad incident, Spencer and Emrys lived with him until Emrys managed to take over his 'uncles' cafe and all three of them moved into the flat above it.
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
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Emrys Beaumont 23 He/him (trans male) Emotional
Brief info: He owns a cafe that encourages customers to use sign language. He’s profoundly deaf and uses this to develop and programme things that will make his work and personal life better. Adopted Spencer when their father went to prison when he was 18 and Spence was 13 and is Spencer’s primary carer. Loves music and dancing. Basically the big brother every one wants.
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acheronticsystem · 6 years
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Spencer Beaumont 18 He/him Protector —– Brief info: He struggles a lot with his anger and lashing out. Gets in a lot of fights. Is in a band with Nox and Alder. Speaks BSL, French Sign Language and French. Really smart and caring but hates people knowing. He suffers with ODD, BPD and bulimia. He's also epileptic and has a history of drug and alcohol addiction
He helps out in his brothers cafe when he’s not at school and helps teach customers sign language if they want to learn.
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