achirv · 2 years
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achirv · 2 years
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things I didn’t expect to learn from from chapter 119: Denji and Nayuta tally their farts each month and Denji is winning for March
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achirv · 2 years
sorry for documenting my suffering and delusions online do you still think im hot
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achirv · 2 years
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achirv · 2 years
final destination or saw?
both are about the inevitability of death; but where in one it is something inescapable, a destiny that won't change no matter who you are, were o will be, on the other who you are does matter, the bad things you did -to others and yourself-, have repercussion, and there's a 'god' (jigsaw in the beggining), who is going to judge you, and decide your end.
death as a destiny or death as a punishment.
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achirv · 2 years
i feel the need to talk, but i can't see the words i want to say. there's a black wall hiding me, i built it, i placed every stone and painted it with the darkest tone of the darkness; afraid or hurted, i couldn't find the real reason behind my actng, but i didn't stop until it was thicker enoff to suffocate the noise, and dark enoff to hide the mirror i was holding behind of it.
i wish i could find it- the word that may talk to me, through me, and that could only come from me.
a truth, is a truth yesterday and tomorrow, but the only things we can trust about their existence, are those we can see. i can only see the wall, and i cant remember the picture the mirror held on the other side, so i can't be sure about its truth, it may have been in some moment, but i cant see it anymore, i cant guarantee its existence anymore, i may have lost its value as a truth, and it may be now only a memory lost in star dust.
i might be afraid of the word im looking for
and mybe thats why i havent been able to break the wall
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achirv · 2 years
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achirv · 2 years
i dont know if i'll ever get comfortable
to feel-
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achirv · 2 years
constantly im feeling like a kid that never got to fully understand the game they are playing but still goes along with it because the fear to abandonement its bigger
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achirv · 2 years
a veces pierdo completamente la razón
no puedo dejar de añorar el tacto de seda de tus manos
la brisa balsámica de tus susurros con el sabor mentolado de tus labios
calmando la pena de mi piel
recorriendo cada extremidad de mi cuerpo
reemplazando la sangre de mis venas con el aire de tus pulmones
no puedo dejar de pensar en tu mirada fantasmagórica
helada allí donde mi ira hierve
eterna en la fugacidad de nuestra vida
extraño todos los momentos que nunca tuvimos
y el amor que tu alma nunca me entregó
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achirv · 2 years
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achirv · 2 years
ahora que hallo paz en la soledad, me duele tener que abandonarla; volver al ritmo vertiginoso del agotador encuentro de acción y pensamiento, donde ya no pertenecen a mi gobierno, sino a la corriente impredecible de los deseos multitudinarios.
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achirv · 2 years
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Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)
Several Circles, 1926
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achirv · 2 years
the feminine urge to drop out of uni
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achirv · 2 years
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Chainsaw Man | チェンソーマン – Chapter 17 ⊙ Kill Denji
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achirv · 5 years
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achirv · 5 years
que paja sentir que cuando hablas con una persona te contesta sólo de onda
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