achiterms · 2 months
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Sacrificegender is a xenogender related to sacrifice. People who identify as sacrificegender may feel a connection to the concept of sacrifice, or may feel that their gender is somehow related to sacrifice. This could be because they feel like they have sacrificed something for others, or because they feel like they are a symbol of sacrifice.
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achiterms · 2 months
(pt: Melachinic /end pt)
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Melachinic; a gender connected to decrepit old machinery, lost memories, the passage of time, & feelings of melancholy!
points; 5 (5 (base))
etymology; mel(ancholy), (m)achin(ery), “ic” meaning of or pertaining to
coinfight attack for @noxwithoutstars!
tagging; @radiomogai & @coinfight
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achiterms · 2 months
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flag id: seven flags made up of 3 rectangles, each of which is smaller than the last and centered within the flag. rectangle colors will be listed from largest/outer to smallest/inner. the top flag's rectangles are very light teal, pale blue, and bluish-white. the upper left flag's rectangles are bluish-white, pale blue, and bluish-white. the upper right flag's rectangles are bluish-white, light grey, and grey. the lower left flag's stripes are very light silver, dull pale blue, and bluish-white. the lower right flag's rectangles are light bluish-green, very light cyan, and light blue. the bottom left flag's rectangles are very light blue, cream, and very light red. the bottom right flag's rectangles are blue, yellow, and red. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
glassmaden floatglassmaden | mirrorglassmaden plexiglassmaden | seaglassmaden chromaglassmaden | stainglassmaden
glassmaden: a gender related to being made of glass
floatglassmaden: a gender related to being made of float glass
mirrorglassmaden: a gender related to being made of mirrored glass
plexiglassmaden: a gender related to being made of plexiglass
seaglassmaden: a gender related to being made of sea glass
chromaglassmaden: a gender related to being made of chromatic glass
stainglassmaden: a gender related to being made of stained glass
[pt: glassmaden: a gender related to being made of glass
floatglassmaden: a gender related to being made of float glass
mirrorglassmaden: a gender related to being made of mirrored glass
plexiglassmaden: a gender related to being made of plexiglass
seaglassmaden: a gender related to being made of sea glass
chromaglassmaden: a gender related to being made of chromatic glass
stainglassmaden: a gender related to being made of stained glass. end pt]
for anon! colors are from the various types of glass and the flag format is meant to sort of represent construction. the terms are 'glass'/the type of glass, 'made', + 'en'!
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @prettypinknarc, @skrimbliest, @seraphtrix
dni link
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achiterms · 3 months
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original | striped
a backrooms alterhuman flag for anon! i wanted to make the flag look like the alt key symbol (⎇) which is sometimes used as an alterhuman symbol. colors are taken from the original backrooms image.
flag id: the left flag has 5 stripes. in order, they are grey-yellow, dull yellow, yellow-brown, dark dull yellow, and grey-yellow. in the center of the flag is a dark dull yellow line the same width of the stripes that is angled upwards towards the top right of the flag. it begins about 1/3 of the way from the left of the flag on the fourth stripe and extends up to 1/3 of the way from the right of the flag on the second stripe. the left side of the second stripe is dark dull yellow.
the right flag has 6 stripes, with the second and third being half the size of the others. in order, they are grey-yellow, dull yellow, dark dull yellow, yellow-brown, dark dull-yellow, and grey-yellow. end id.
dni transcript here
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achiterms · 5 months
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Frigelid: A xenogender that is connected to the feeling of coldness, like the chill of winter air or the coolness of ice. It can also represent feelings of isolation or loneliness, as well as a sense of being detached from the world around you. Frigelid individuals may feel a strong connection to the cold, and may find comfort in cold environments.
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achiterms · 5 months
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A “plurid”, short for “plural identity”, is something as or with which the system collectively identify and/or that affects identity throughout the system in a way that affects how the system present themselves. A plurid can be a collective identity such as being gay, dogkin, or disabled. This might be an identity that is very common among individual members, that is ascribed to the system's singletsona/that they present as, that they have lived experiences or a social circle associated with, or that no individual member has but that they feel they make up collectively. However, something can be a collective identity for any reason. A plurid can also be something that isn't necessarily an identity itself but that can affect identity, such as love, outer space, or books. While these things have identities associated with them (e.g. lovegender, spacekin, writer), they are not themselves actually identities.
These are called xenoplurids, although it is not important when coining a plurid to denote if it is a xenoplurid or not, and there can be gray areas or in-system disagreements. The counterpart to "xenoplurid" is "oikoplurid". However, if the coiner prefers to call it something else, this is also acceptable A system can use "[thing]plurid" as a label, or they can say "[thing] is our plurid". This post is a self-recoin. The original coining post for plurid can be found here, and while the thing it describes is still a form of plurid, the original definition is narrower than how it is now defined. The difference between the old version of plurid and the current version is that the old version of plurid only covered things that "typically" constitute identities (e.g. genders, kintypes, orientations, etc.) whereas the recoined version of plurid includes things that affect identity in ways outside of being the identity itself.
[This post has no DNI other than not to involve it in discourse, mockery, or other harassment]
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achiterms · 5 months
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flag id: a flag with 6 stripes, with the first and sixth being twice the size of the rest. they are very dark grey, dull yellow, very light grey, dull dark purple, near-black, and very dark grey. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
nonbinaryunnec: an identity in which one does not feel connected to the nonbinary label even though it technically describes them
[pt: nonbinaryunnec: an identity in which one does not feel connected to the nonbinary label even though it technically describes them. end pt]
nonbinary unnec term for anon! the grey stripes represent a lack of connection and the rest are desaturated from the nonbinary flag.
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai, @freezingnarc | dni link
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achiterms · 5 months
Can you make a aliumkind flag? No one's made one yet
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[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 6 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark grey-brown, dark green, white, light green, dark green, dark grey-brown. in the center of the flag is a white-to-light green user symbol with an X next to it, outlined in dark green. /end id]
aliumkind (link) flags !
@radiomogai , @thecoffeecrew404
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achiterms · 5 months
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Mirroredgender is a xenogender that feels connected to the idea of reality being a mirrored world of itself. This could mean that one feels like their gender is reflected in the world around them, or that they exist in both the real world and a mirrored world simultaneously. Mirroredgender people may feel like they are their own reflection, or that they are constantly seeing themselves in the world around them. They may also feel like they are able to see through the mirror of reality, or that they are somehow connected to the other side.
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achiterms · 5 months
[PT: Publicornersongic]
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[Image ID: Two rectangular images, each with five rings around a circle in the center. In both images, the rings start as black on the outer edges and get lighter grey the further towards the center they are. The first image has UtsuP's PTSD album cover inside the center circle. The second image has a mid grey background with a white music note inside the center circle. /end ID]
A -songic gender related to the song 公衆便所のスミ [Kōshū Benjo no Sumi] aka In the Corner of the Public Bathroom by UtsuP.
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achiterms · 5 months
(pt: Sickorma /end pt)
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(id: a rectangular flag with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are bright green, green, darkish green, dark green, and black. in the center of the flag is 3 dark green circles with thick darkish green outlines. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with 3 thinner lines in the middle. colors in order from top to bottom are bright green, green, darkish green, dark green, darkish green, dark green, and black. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in order from top to bottom are pale blue, bright blue, blue, darkish blue, and darker blue. in the center of the flag is 3 grey-blue circles with thick blue outlines. /end id)
(id: a rectangular flag with 4 equally-sized horizontal lines with 3 thinner lines in the middle. colors in order from top to bottom are pale blue, bright blue, blue, grey-blue, blue, darkish blue, and darker blue. /end id)
Sickorma; a headmate whose origin is sickgenic (link)/connected to (physical) illnesses.
etymology; sick, orma
for lucian!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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achiterms · 6 months
sculkkin userbox!
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[Image ID: A short rectangular box split into a square on the left and a rectangle on the right. Inside the square is the sculk block texture from Minecraft. Inside the rectangle are the words "This user is sculkkin!" written in a dark teal on a lighter teal background. /end ID.]
please respect my dni, but anyone is free to use.
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achiterms · 6 months
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horrorborosgender <333 . a gender related too / feels like horrorboros from splatoon 3!!!! label coined and both alternative flags made by me :3!
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achiterms · 6 months
(pt: Radiumcollector /end pt)
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(id: a rectangular flag with 7 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom and reflected after the last listed color: grey-purple, green, light green, pale yellow, light green, green, grey-purple. in the center of the flag is an hourglass-shaped section of lighter versions of the line colors. /end id)
Radiumcollector/Radiumhoarder; a collector/hoarder term for one who collects/hoards radioactive (& similar) genders.
etymology; radium, collector/hoarder
for 🍬 anon!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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achiterms · 6 months
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ⓘ Sculkrotic !
» sculk - rot
a gender connected to sculk rot
coined by me ; req by n/a
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achiterms · 6 months
[pt: Mechapoirine /end pt]
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[ids: 2 rectangular flags with 5 equally-sized horizontal lines. colors in this order from top to bottom: darkish blue, blue, pale blue, grey, darkish grey. on the top and bottom are lines that cover half of the outer lines, and extending to over half the inner 2 lines. the lines are colored dark blue (top) and dark grey (bottom). in the center of the first flag is a dark blue-to-dark grey gear symbol with a “shine” line on the left, and a plus sign cut-out in the center. the symbol is filled with and outlined with pale blue. /end ids]
Mechapoirine/Tempoireve; a term that is both Mechaneve (link) & Tempoirine (link), mechaneve-in-nature (MECHIN) & tempoirine-in-nature (TEIN), mechic (mechaneve-aligned) & tempoiric (tempoirine-aligned), or any other combination between the two terms.
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[ids: 3 images; a transparent image, a dark grey gear symbol with a “shine” line on the left, and a plus sign cut-out in the center, filled and outlined with pale grey, a transparent image. /end ids]
etymology; mecha(neve), (tem)poirine/tempoi(rine), (mechan)eve
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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[id: a blue-to-light blue-to blue rounded line divider with a break in the center, with a "blue raindrop" magikarp from magikarp jump in said break. /end id]
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achiterms · 6 months
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[Image ID: a rectangular flag with eight horizontal stripes in the following colors, from top to bottom: black, dark pastel bluish-cyan, mid pastel bluish-cyan, near-white bluish-cyan, greyish turquoise, dark greenish-cyan, and black. On the edges of the black stripes are two small vertical squares. In the centre of the flag are three circles stacked onto each others, each one getting bigger. On the outermost circle are six squares portruding from it, three on the top and three on the bottom. /end ID]
plain text: Mechaneve.
— A non-xenine umbrella term that can encompass all things related to mechanical engineering, machinery, and other similar concepts and themes. Can be based off of vibes too like an id that feels mechanic.
This term is usually a gender, but is not exclusive to being only a gender.
Mechaneve is not inherently a xenine term, please do not tag it as such.
— Themes that fall under mechaneve, but aren’t limited to: – One’s identity feeling like a machine. – One’s identity feeling as if it makes machinery. – One’s identity being connected to mechanical systems or engineering. – Mechanics being a way one describes an aspect of their identity. – One feeling like their identity operates in the same way a machine does.
And more!
Etymology + Other Terms.
plain text: Etymology + Other Terms.
— Mechan (from 'mechanic') + eve
— MECHIN - Mechaneve-in-nature ; the in-nature term for mechaneve.
— Maichenis / Maichenity - Adjective form of mechaneve ; having mechaneve qualities. Can apply to gender, presentation, orientation, ect.
— Mechic - Mechaneve-aligned.
— Metan / Metix - Mechaneve form of man/woman/enban.
— Meten / Mex - Plural form of metan / metix.
— Mechivis - A mechaneve gender.
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