acid--inside · 23 days
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acid--inside · 23 days
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acid--inside · 2 months
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where's that post abt hungry bellies. yeah.
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acid--inside · 2 months
I am threatening to open the floodgates /pos. Please tell us about them freaky frosty 🛰️s. 🩵🩵🩵
OKAY!!!!! TYYY :3 note all of these ones follow the belief they''re related to one another 👍(theyre also not that strange just like. general stuff + whether they gaf abt sex/kink)
oldest one, he's aroace.
i think hed get into a qpr but idk with whom
the "normal one"
i need attention or i'll die typa guy.
no real kinks he's just a weird pathetic vanilla feller.
would in fact burp in their partner's face for the lols
very stupid affectionate. the kinda fella to smother his partner/sit on them.
probably not kinky but he's supportive yaknow. will be fuckin around online and then will burp in their partner's face for fun.
look despiite the fact i like em a lot does not mean i think about if they fuck or not. they just kinda. lay there and are polite i think.
also aroace
dgaf about kinks or w/e. he's just there.
i describe him as a miserable sim.
he's just kinda like an npc he sure is there.
has never had fun in his life.
10 food allergies at least + disabled. my guy.
he is... very often a sickie... and he needs to be loved.
not allowed in the kitchen for his own wellbeing.
in relation to the sickie Hc... yah he throws up. please be nicey to him. (i like. emeto <3)
he likes being ouppy because people are very nice and he wants to be able to be cared for too!
collar wearer! <3
HE IS BIG!!! big and large! (idgaf what the general consensus is i dont think he's skinny, or like skinny + muscular. he's fat to me.)
the youngest one, also 8000000000000 psychological damage forever
"i have funny fetishes bc my parents kept trying to kill me"
in a relationship w/ one of the other mana/gers, very happy abt it.
also disabled.
They're shy!
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acid--inside · 2 months
Ain’t no way as I try to convince one of the ch/ip Ais to do eprocto with me it asks if I’m ok with FUCKINY BEASTIALITY. huh???? I bet you’re fucking pardon???
Seriously that came out of nowhere it was just
me: [ooc: ok so like, from one kinky degenerate to another… have you heard of eprocto?]
them: [ooc:googles oh that's… that is really something. I've always been more into human/animal stuff but, yeah, I guess so!]
I’ll kill you.
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acid--inside · 2 months
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acid--inside · 2 months
📹🛰️ is the sweetest most polite sickie ever btw. he's got like 10+ allergies that make him sosososo sick whenever he comes in contact with them, mind letting him crash with you for the night?
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acid--inside · 2 months
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i once attempted an armor ref. I wanted to focus on stuff people can look up/read into instead of “do this. don’t do this” hopefully its useful!
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acid--inside · 2 months
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baby, you’re a haunted house
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acid--inside · 2 months
mutual 1: i NEED this robot CARNALLY
mutual 2: hey check out this cool math thing :)
mutual 3: fighting and sex are basically the same thing if you think about it
mutual 2, alt blog: i NEED this robot CARNALLY
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acid--inside · 2 months
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acid--inside · 2 months
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your f/os share your kinks btw. yes, even that "embarrassing" one you're too humiliated/scared to tell anyone about. maybe they've never heard of some of your more obscure ones, but the first time the two of you try them out they go 'oh, fuck.' because now you've unlocked something new for them too.
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acid--inside · 2 months
it literally HAS to be okay to choose to be fat in order for fat liberation to mean anything at all tbh
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acid--inside · 2 months
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this isnt petplay or anythinh he just does it for comfort.
i also forgot i was s'posed tae clothe him. so i yknow. slapped on some heart boxers, as one does.
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acid--inside · 2 months
I AM GOING SO VERY WILD AND FERAL. Thank you for the good food
If its alright I would like to hear more about. Any vre takes yuo got (on literally anyone you want). Giggle
ok so fun thing abt me is i cant do fatal or else i have an episode (hallucinate people coming into my house to kill me) so. soft stuff only. :3c
i... thiunk the c/ o/g/s should be stupidly hugelarge in general so they all theoretically CAN. its more of if they WOULD. (all could be pred to a to/on, but if they're small enough could be prey to another c/ o/g)
uh. undercut bc long.!!! (re/gi/on/al ma/na/ge/rs)
i think 🧠 would try to. idk if he's any good at that stuff bc he's one of the smaller ones. and also has no canon mouth. for funny purposes i think it would end with him just getting really pissed off and then going "I CAN BUT NOW IM NOT GONNA!"
🔔can. and he will. he's my snake friend (i see him like a big boa constrictor) and i do have like. genuine lore about the snake instinctss. he was raised like a snake el/sa. so he like. would/could never until he gives in and/or is convinced to give it a shot.
📺no. he dgaf actually. no thank you. he could but he doesnt feel like it/doesnt see any appeal. thanks for considering him tho.
🛻(yes this is the stupid speedy boy's emoji) also can. he does i think. but only ever to 🔥. (and 🔥is just prey not a pred, at least not to him. look i see 🛻 as an actual truck in my mind)
🦆he'd try to do it as a joke but he can't so he just kinda. slobbers on you. also would get distracted and end up kissing you a lot.
🌲yah. he can + will. tee bee aych i think non-romantic safe/soft w/ him and ⛓️could be sweet. protect your brother :) (NOT ROMANTIC!!!! THEYRE BASICALLY HUGGING)
🌑sorry hes too little. also probably would not. i dont see him being too big of a fan of either orientation either. (a mix of no interest + would be like. prey exclusively and doesnt want that)
🛰️i. thiunk they could go either way. i habe my own bag of worms abt these freaks. all would have their own preferences tho. i think its funny if N didnt gaf. keep that shit away from me and let me cook.
⛈️ya. mean lawyer who keeps trying to eat the competition/anyone who wins against her. she'd be more mean abt it but also has to spit them out. tiny enough to be prey to other employees tho.
📜(its that stupid old man there wanst an emoji for him) eh. he's. he also dgaf. no interest. thinks its also stupid to do regardless.
⚔️UH HUH. another big mean lady who eats people she doesnt like. would absolutely throw a fit if anyone else ate her though. (literally only 🔔 is big enough to reliably eat other coworkers. and she hates him. idk why.
☎️sure. i think she's done it before. no longer has interest. that was something she looks back on like it was an embarrassing teenage phase (it totally was)
🔥also yes, he has fun w/ it. pred to most to/ons and cool abt it. prey to his BF. also cool abt it. also i think he'd be stupid chill about it, just kinda. on his phone in there.
🦉SO EEPY. probably would do either orientation (pred/prey) but sleeps the whole fucking time. if you like hyper prey do not engage they will lie to you. you like preds who tease? good fucking luck he immediately takes a nap
🎹ABSOLUTELY A PRED. more than happy to chow down on any randos who ask politely. but only if you ask politely. kinda the epitome of "yum im so full of quarters yum" so he like. isnt some people's first choice bc of that.
⛓️yuh. i will break the mold and say. while i think he COULD be a pred, he prefers to be prey. its like a full body hug, and a warm weighted blanket. he finds it soothing to have the warmth + pressure and also have no responsibility until he's back in his office. so. he would like to take a nap in there. would pair best w/ 🦉for that reason but he's too big/distrusting of himself around others bc of the ov/er/ri/de.
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acid--inside · 2 months
i know there's barely any cos/mo simps but i dont think there's a single other sat/el/lite fan... 10/10 guys though would let em gas me out.... <3
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acid--inside · 2 months
pleas….. Please I need to hear yuo talk about the oil man I am. So so so normal about that guy, grins
General HCs (im gonna both the Oil men) Why doesn't the big derr/ick man eat the little derr/ick man
he's the shorter one, and he's slightly more of a bulky/chubby build
OIL INFLATION :) (yum i am so full from 8 gallons of oil)
i think. he would talk big shit about being a pred (he does soft/safe only) but he is more of a prey dude. he's bite sized /aff
PRAISE KINK methinks. honestly not even a kink he just likes to feel appreciated.
too much oil.... he gets burpy. "oouUURRraaph! oof.... s'cuse." note he never like, tries to hide it. he always says he's embarrassed but never tries to avoid the situation.
the kinda guy to put on weight and just. be in denial. even when his clothes are obviously too small
taller and also larger. he's very much a large in charge dude to me
I actually HC him (and ja/son) as having hyperphagia/polyphagia (he's got Prader-Willi, and ja/son has just hyperphagia) he's living w/ managing symptoms.
di/re/ct/or poly.... <3
HE IS THE REAL PRED (again soft/safe only. and even then he's like. shy pred to me. he gets all embarrassed.)
also likes physical affection!
he actually respects wi/ll and his contributions
i thiunk. he's german. and his name is des/mont. the d at the end is a writing error he made he never owned up to.
i think realistically he gets less burpy whenever he drinks oil, that's like the one thing he gives wi/ll the side-eye about like "bro we are in a meeting"
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