aclassikrem · 6 years
After too long, I’m back from my unforeseen break. I apologize for the unexpected break. I ended up having to shift into high gear to finish preparing for, and then to actually run, the first session of a d&d campaign. 
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aclassikrem · 6 years
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“Leutenent Cremisius Aclassi, of The Iron Bull’s Chargers.
Call me Krem, it Saves time for everyone.”
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aclassikrem · 6 years
okay, so I lost yesterday due to a lack of energy. But I’m here now and let’s see what I can get done
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aclassikrem · 6 years
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ind. ZEVRAN ARAINAI —— written by ARTHAS. you know who i am, yes? i was one of the crows you hired to kill the grey wardens. well, i just wanted to report that i failed my mission, loghain. / you don’t say. / i’m terribly broken up over it.
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aclassikrem · 6 years
Headcanon meme~
Put a symbol (or several) and a character/characters in my ask box, and I’ll give you a headcanon.  Yes.  Do it.
☾ - sleep headcanon
★ - sad headcanon
☆ - happy headcanon
☠ - angry/violent headcanon
✿ - Sex headcanon
■ -  Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
♡ - romantic headcanon
♥ - family headcanon
☮ - friendship headcanon
♦ - quirks/hobbies headcanon
☯ - likes/dislikes headcanon
▼ - childhood headcanon
∇ -. old age/aging headcanon
♒ - cooking/food headcanon
☼ - appearance headcanon
ൠ - random headcanon
◉ - Any other question of your choosing
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aclassikrem · 6 years
Send “👋” if you want to RP with me but have been too shy to approach.
(If you cannot see the emoji send “Wave”)
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aclassikrem · 6 years
telling me that you want to explore the possibilities of shipping with me isn’t forcing a ship with me. sending me a ship-related meme to test the waters isn’t forcing a ship on me. writing me a starter and having your muse refer to mine as a significant other / and or insinuating that my muse feels something for him/her without discussing it with me first is totally forcing a ship on me. so please, send me all the ship memes you want, come to my inbox and yell about shipping our muses; i love that shit.
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aclassikrem · 6 years
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          “I’ve never told anyone what truly happened to me at Ferelden’s Circle. I           was… not myself after that. I was angry. For years that anger blinded me.                                                            I’m not proud of the man that made me.”
                                                           [rules] [about] [verse]
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aclassikrem · 6 years
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          “I’ve never told anyone what truly happened to me at Ferelden’s Circle. I           was… not myself after that. I was angry. For years that anger blinded me.                                                            I’m not proud of the man that made me.”
                                                           [rules] [about] [verse]
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aclassikrem · 6 years
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Beyond this, consider how these professions might vary depending on who the customers are - nobles, or lower class. Are they good at their job or just scraping by? Do they work with lots of other people or on their own? City or village?
For younger characters:
Apprentice to any of the above
Shop assistant
Looks after younger siblings
(Images all from Wikimedia Commons)
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aclassikrem · 6 years
unless  there’s  actual  malicious  intent  involved,  this  is  your  friendly  reminder  that  there’s  absolutely  nothing  wrong  with  age  gap  relationships  simply  because  one  person  is  older  than  the  other.    there  isn’t  automatically  an  imbalance  of  power,  there  isn’t  automatically  a  more  dominant  person.   age  is  not  malicious  intent,  with  the  exception  of  one  person  being  under  age.   imbalance  of  power,  or  to  simply  use  someone  can  happen  in  any  relationship,  anytime.   
age  difference  does  not  make  a  relationship  bad.
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aclassikrem · 6 years
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aclassikrem · 6 years
He is a weapon, a killer. Do not forget it. You can use a spear as a walking stick, but that will not change its nature.
Madeline Miller, The Song of Achilles
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aclassikrem · 6 years
okay, was unexpectedly busy this weekend, I’ll work on replies and starters tomorrow. Should be able to get a fair amount of things done.
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aclassikrem · 6 years
Cuddling is good and valid and not inherently romantic and can be completely platonic reblog if you agree.
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aclassikrem · 6 years
So every once in a while, this picks up additional notes even now. So I guess I'm just going to reblog it because why not?
I'm also going to take this chance to say that just because I find his reactions and motivations understandable, it doesn't mean I actually agree with them.
So, I had a thought . What if ‘May the Dread Wolf take you’ used to be a blessing? Fen'Harel was the breaker of chains and the freer of slaves, after all. He sought to over throw the ones who would set themselves up as gods.   Why would a people living in fear not wish him to steal them away? “It inspired fear in my enemies and hope in my allies.” It sounds to me as though there were plenty of people who would have taken sincere oaths by the name of Fen'Harel. The name inspired hope in those who followed him, it stands to reason that they would have prayed, whether he wanted to be viewed as a god or not. What if ‘May the Dread Wolf take you’ used to be a sort of quietly desperate prayer that he would come to their aid? Something akin to 'God go with you’. Imagine how much it must have disturbed him when the quiet pleas for help gradually turned in to cries of anger, of rage and fear. It was no longer a prayer asking for his help but a slap to his face with every utterance. Another reminder of just how badly he had failed. Is it really any wonder, then, that he has so little respect for the Dalish when they turned something that was, if not entirely pleasant, at least something to be proud of into an insult to his very nature and everything he tried to accomplish? Because it used to be “May the Dread Wolf take you” with an unspoken 'And keep you safe.’ And now.. its not…
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aclassikrem · 6 years
Send Me Your Assumptions About Me And I’ll Respond With “Correct,” “Nope” or “Kinda”
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