aclean-break · 3 years
Nothing Unexpected !
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Nothing is ever unexpected when it comes to Modeling.  Nothing is ever expected from the start.  The technicality, the futuristic expression, the emotions associated with what seems like a few clicks on a computer, a drum beat, and a voice.  But really nothing is ever expected with Modeling- if one was to try to lock down the experiences brought by this band, they’d be at a loss for words.  Still in a daze from the perfectly whelming orchestra that the three brothers put together for us. 
The first time I saw Modeling was a chilly night, on an outdoor stage at a small bar.  Never heard them before I was completely unsure of what I was about to witness from these mysterious performers.  Each dressed in a black trench coat, walking around and preparing themselves for their performance.  Through more research one can clearly see their carefully curated social media that adds to their modern yet innovative music style and aesthetic.  Once Modeling gets to performing, their listeners are locked into a wonderfully produced show.  Mesmerized by their ability to perform, sing, play, and run sound simultaneously, it is not done by local bands in North West Arkansas.  As I sat at a picnic-style table listening to Modeling for the first time it was a challenge for me to figure out what was happening.  I was mesmerized by the sounds materializing from the stage speakers I couldn’t even remember, nor cared, that I was freezing.  Leaving during the middle of their performance was not an option for me.  
When one gets to view Modeling’s performance, you get to see much more than musical aspects.  It’s clearly more than just a “band” to these brothers- it’s a lifestyle! Each move is done with such precise thought, talent oozing from their fingertips.  Their production was intriguing in all aspects.  Unlike anything I had seen before, they faced away from each other- instead of connecting through their looks like most musicians, they find balance and connection within the music.  They know themselves and their instruments so well they can rely on each other to change tempo or transition at each needed moment.  Not only did they astound the crowd with their polyphonic creation, but they also astounded us with their technical capabilities.  Using some of the most futuristic-looking instruments that one has seen, Modeling incorporated so many different musical components, it was hard to imagine it was done by just these three talented artists.  
Their introspective electronic style is easily adaptable to possible venues.  It is detailed and textured enough to allow yourself to endure the nostalgia that it brings up, but also dreamy allowing one to get lost in movement on a dance floor.  The second time I saw Modeling was at a release event, at a community space called Likewise (pictured above).  Projections cast over the brothers and the crowd of supportive young adults stood in awe around them.  Each concertgoer found it hard to keep their body free of movement.  With the stunning visual arts and the haziness of the lead singer’s voice dubbed over the keyboards bleeding instrumentals, it became very much like a trance state of mind- allowing the listeners to feel the intensely detailed composures within the vibrations of their body.  
Since their show at Likewise, the music lovers of Fayetteville have been looking forward to the release of their first self-produced album set to release in early spring of 2022.  In the meanwhile, they have been performing across North West Arkansas and preparing for their upcoming reveal.  
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