The blog is finally set, you can find it at @acloakofschemes
Everything, from theme to pages, remains as it was.
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Moving blog
During the next few hours I will be moving the blog to a full blog. 
My apologies for the hassle, I will probably be following everybody as soon as the theme and all else is set
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For @unwaveringxlight , from here
Xion was alive, that was good. She was conscious, that was better. It could have been days or it could have been weeks, Zexion didn’t know, he’d only learnt of the situation a few hours prior to his arrival. It had been Lexaeus the one who’d informed Zexion as he’d returned to his quarters. 
The Schemer hadn’t been furious, of course not. It wasn’t as if he could be. That hadn’t stopped him from finding out why that was happening and where they’d been keeping Number XIV. How anyone had thought torture useful, he couldn’t comprehend it. She had as much heart as any of them, which was to mean none, and she was too valuable, too unique so far. Did they think puppets grew on trees? Because if they did, then they were wrong.
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The way to Xion’s location had managed to calm Zexion down somewhat, however, and by the time he approached he was able to be gentle with her. He didn’t know how she’d react and she was already hurt enough, he'd seen no point in being abrasive. 
“You are not fine.” He replied to her words, his voice still gentle. “I’ve come to take you to your quarters. This barbarity ends now.”
He didn’t try to stop her from pulling the hood over her features, he’d already seen her expression, and after a moment of consideration he crouched next to her to put an arm around her back, intending to help her stand up. 
“Lean on me?” He offered. “Carrying you is not a possibility.”
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Things I need:
Give Zexion some friendships outside of the former scientists. Give the arrogant amoral young nobody friendships and watch him try to decipher what to do with them.
Watch him be a protective little ball of ‘I don’t know what I’m doing’ and ‘Of course I do not care about you, but are you sure you are well?’
Watch him grow a heart and be confused (and have serious doubts about everything).
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My muse had been kidnapped and tortured for the past week send “I’m here- I’m here, now” for your muse to save them.
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@nctforgctten from here
“I imagine there wasn’t a vast offer in Twilight Town.” Ienzo considered, tilting his head slightly. "Which means you have much to discover."
When he saw Xion’s expression, moreover, he echoed her smile.
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“Radiant Garden is flourishing once more, so there are many new establishments.” He replied. “I haven’t had the chance to visit most of them, but from what I’ve heard they are very popular. Especially now.” He added. “And there are many kinds of sweets. Marshmallows, chocolates, fruit candy, even cookies. Drop by whenever you wish and I can show you some of the places I remember.” He offered.
After all, the team at Radiant Garden weren’t running on dangerous deadlines anymore. 
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Send in 😷 for a starter where my muse is sick.
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“Who are you?”
It took a moment for Ienzo to turn around, focused in the calculations ad he’d been. He’d sensed Kairi’s arrival, yes, but he'd known Aeleus and Dilan would be there to greet her, maybe his Master Ansem too. He’d wanted to go upstairs too, of course, and be polite, but he’d just wanted to finish that part of the tests before leaving. 
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It was when he heard Kairi’s voice that he noticed it had been more than a couple minutes, but he turned around and managed to smile even though he was feeling slightly sheepish at the lack of manners he’d just displayed. 
“My name is Ienzo.” He introduced himself. “You must be Kairi?”
She did fit the description Naminé had given him, after all, and the lack of darkness in her scent tipped the scales. 
“I’m afraid Naminé isn’t in Radiant Garden at the moment,” he added, “but if there’s anything I can help you with, I’ll gladly be of assistance.” 
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Dark Magic sentence starters
I received an anonymous ask requesting starters for necromancy, so I decided to expand upon that idea and create starters for dark magic in general, including necromancy. Enjoy!
“I’ve never used this spell before.” “Magic like this is forbidden, and for good reason.” “With this book of spells, we have the power to destroy everything.” “If this wasn’t dangerous, it wouldn’t be interesting.” “Have you ever wanted to bring someone back from the dead?” “I don’t care what it takes. I’m bringing them back!” “Be warned: what you’re going to see might terrify you.” “This seems… dangerous.” “One way or another, I’ll make them love me.” “You can’t just use magic to manipulate people like this!” “This isn’t right. It’s unnatural!” “This is the only true way to speak to the dead.” “If we do this spell correctly, we’ll own the world.” “Do you believe in demons?” “I’ll let you light the candles.” “This isn’t the first curse I’ve cast.” “This book of black magic is my little secret. Would you like to see?” “Be quiet or I’ll curse you next.” “They’ll regret the day they even thought to cross me.” “Nothing will hurt us if we stay inside this circle.” “They’ll be alive again, but not the same as they were before.” “No one ever said dark magic was easy.” “This spell couldn’t actually kill anyone, could it?” “The ritual begins soon. I suggest you prepare yourself.” “I’ve seen far more disturbing things than this.” “Demons don’t scare me.” “Let’s say the incantation together.” “Do you want to see something truly horrifying?” “We need a sacrifice.” “All you need to do is offer a little bit of blood. Just a tiny bit, that’s all!” “Trust me, and step into the circle.” “I’ve never felt power like this before.” “Open your eyes. It’s time for you to come back to life.” “I’ve done it. I am the master over death!” “I’m not evil. Magic isn’t evil. It’s just shades of grey.”
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⚔ the princess bride sentence starters ⚔
“  you  mock  my  pain!  ”  “  life  is  pain.  ” “  he’s  only  mostly  dead.  ” “  i’m on  the  brute  squad.  ” “  you  are  the  brute  squad.  ” “  prepare  to  die.  ” “  we’ll  never  survive.  ” “  nonsense.  you’re  only  saying  that  because  no  one  ever  has.  ” “  who  are  you?  ” “  get  used  to  disappointment.  ” “  you  keep  using  that  word.  i  do  not  think  it  means  what  you  think  it  means.  ” “  i’ll  use  small  words  so  that  you’ll  be  sure  to  understand,  you  warthog  faced  buffoon.  ” “  that  may  be  the  first  time  in  my  life  a  man  dared  insult  me.  ” “  drop.  your.  sword.  ” “  shut  up!!  ”   “  you’ve  made  your  decision  then?  ” “  i  bet  my  life  on  it!  ” “  truly,  you  have  dizzying  intellect.  ” “  you’re  just  stalling  now.  ” “  you  guessed  wrong.  ” “  enough  of  that.  ”  “  surrender.  ” “  you  mean  you  wish  to  surrender  to  me?  very  well,  i  accept.  ” “  i  hate  waiting.  ” “  morons.  ” “  you  are  wonderful.  ” “  you  seem  a  decent  fellow,  i  hate  to  kill   you.  ” “  why  are  you  smiling?  ” “  because  i  know  something  you  don’t  know.  ” “  goodnight.  good  work.  i’ll  most  likely  kill  you  in  the  morning.  ” “  oh,  there’s  something  i  ought  to  tell  you.  ” “  think  it’ll  work?  ” “  it  would  take  miracle.  ” “  hear  this  now —  i  will  always  come  for  you.  ” “  this  is  true  love,  you  think  this  happens  every  day?  ” “  death  cannot  stop  true  love.  ” “  i  died  that  day.  ” “  we  may  as  well  die  here.  ” “  he’s  dead.  he  can’t  talk.  ”   “  as  you  wish.  ”   “  why  didn’t  you  wait  for  me?  ”   “  you  can  die  slowly,  cut  into  a  thousand  pieces.  ” “  you  killed  my  love.  ” “  it’s  possible. i  kill  a  lot  of  people.  ”   “  yes,  you’re  very  smart.  shut  up.  ”   “  you’ve  been  mostly-dead  all  day.  ”  “  inconceivable!!  ”  “  let  me  explain.  ”   “  your vote of confidence is overwhelming.  ” “  what  hideous  sin  have  you  committed  lately?  ” “  will  you  ever  forgive  me?  ” “  there’s a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. it would be a pity to damage yours.  ”  
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Don’t I even warrant a hello, Lexaeus?
Please like or reblog if you’re interested in interacting with a private, independent, selective Zexion & Ienzo from Kingdom Hearts
Mun is 18+, KH3 spoilers are tagged
Rules || verses || Sideblog to @iwillreturntothisland
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quotes sentence meme
quotes i picked up from searching ‘ quotes ‘ in google images. 
“ stars can’t shine without darkness. “
“ it’s not the future you’re afraid of. it’s repeating the past that makes you anxious. “
“ we accept the love we think we deserve. “
“ time doesn’t heal anything … it just teaches us how to live with the pain … “
“ just because my path is different , doesn’t mean i’m lost. “
“ stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being excited about what could go right! “
“ don’t let yesterday take up too much of today. “
“ if ‘ plan a ‘ didn’t work , the alphabet has 25 more letters! stay cool. “
“ the best things in life are actually really expensive. “
“ every time i see you i fall in love all over again. “
“ all it takes is a beautiful fake smile to hide an injured soul and they will never notice how broken you really are! “
“ you only fail when you stop trying. “
“ today my forest is dark. the trees are sad and all the butterflies have broken wings. “
“ cut the shit , be real with me. “
“ i love sarcasm. it’s like punching people in the face , but with words. “
“ always speak the truth. even if your voice shakes. “
“ the earth laughs in flowers. “
“ it’s so strange that autumn is beautiful ; yet everything is dying. “
“ they wanna see you do good , but never better than them. remember that. “
“ it never gets easier , you just get stronger. “
“ your name is my favorite word. “
“ be careful with your words , they can only be forgiven , not forgotten. “
“ veni , vini , amari. we came , we saw , we loved. “
“ life is really simple , but we insist on making it complicated. “
“ while you’re talking behind my back , feel free to bend down and kiss my ass. “
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Url change
The definitive url for this blog is @acloakofschemes
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Whether we have a thread or not:
Like/comment this post and I'll go through your memes and send you something :)
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Behold the fallen prince of Radiant Garden
So it appears I am playing this beautiful boy too. 
I’d been wanting to write Zexion for a while, but as I’d been writing a fic from his point of view, I worried characterization could bleed out. I’ve written enough that it doesn’t worry me anymore (well, a little, but I love this boi) so behold this blog. 
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As with all my other blogs, replies will probably be shorter than usual for the first days and there won’t be shipping until I am comfy enough with the muse. That could be a couple of weeks or a couple of months, we’ll see. 
This is a sideblog to @iwillreturntothisland and I’ll probably spend the next few days adding more content. Some verses, headcanons and the rules are up and I’ll probably reblog memes soon.
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Tag dump
For all my tags lalala
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Test post
behold a test, with all letters and thingies lol
It looks nice?
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