acloudofonesown · 3 years
There's just something about classical music
When I close my eyes, I see myself walking on fine sand, with the breeze in my hair. It tugs on my heart string and the music engulfs my being and I'm just...
Away. Away from everything.
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
Aur Ho | Raghav Chaitanya | AR Rahman | Mohit Chauhan | Rockstar
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
People can invent the best and the worst for you
You might think me mad for re-watching movies I love over and over again. But there is something so comforting about it, especially (!) during times when my emotions are tumultuous and unmanageable. 
Truth be told, I am perplexed at the rapidity of change in my thoughts and feelings, at any given time. You would think that one would have a complete grasp of one’s emotion but let’s face it, who does (well at least I don’t). 
But in all my disregard for my self and pretension in those moments of insecurity, it holds no contest to the havoc that others can cause to me.
One sentence, –no! - One word could tumble all the self-worth that I have worked so hard to build. And the worst part is that it stays with me, for so very long, nagging at me, laughing at me every time I muster an ounce of strength to believe in myself. I am to blame too. There have been times when my callousness have grieved others. I can be quite relentless when my emotions goes unchecked. 
Words are like daggers sometimes, leaves scars long after it’s healed. This serves as a warning for me to always be kind, regardless! Cause ultimately, the best reflection of ourselves is our words.
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
Girls Like You | Tere Bina | Cover By Jeffrey Iqbal & Purnash
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
Great Art Explained: Michelangelo's David
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
"Journey to the Past" Performed By Christy Altomare and Liz Callaway | A...
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
A R Rahman MTV Unplugged 2 Rehna Tu YouTube
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
A Dream Within a Dream
Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow — You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, or in none, Is it therefore the less gone? All that we see or seem Is but a dream within a dream. I stand amid the roar Of a surf-tormented shore, And I hold within my hand Grains of the golden sand — How few! yet how they creep Through my fingers to the deep, While I weep — while I weep! O God! Can I not grasp Them with a tighter clasp? O God! can I not save One from the pitiless wave? Is all that we see or seem But a dream within a dream?
- Edgar Allan Poe
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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Leo Tolstoy
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Edgar Allan Poe
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Kahlil Gibran
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Charles Baudelaire
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Rainer Maria Rilke
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Donna Tartt
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Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Albert Camus
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
What is gone, is gone
A pill that is hard to swallow. 
I don't quite get how to comprehend memories. 
I do remember instances when I just wanted to just be, in the moment, trying to hold on to it for as long as I could. I remembered how it made me feel - but now, that is all that is left of that point in time. Some memories are oddly etched in my mind and yet, it is as if it never happened.
But aren’t memories selective? Its all based on one’s perspective so we can mould it however we want to, which renders it useless for accuracy and objectivity.
I wish the pensive of memories wasn’t just fictional. That I could cast away some memories and revisit them whenever I feel like it. How nice it would be to be able to view memories objectively and not be jolted into an emotional frenzy everytime a memory surfaces without permission.
But good or bad, I'm afraid of losing them memories cause they have become a thread in the fabric of my life.
I planned to write a lofty note about 2020. I had the idea of it in my head but I realise that I couldn't quite put it to words.
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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“Melancholia : it’s a habitual feeling of our imperfection… It can also be a product of ideas about a certain perfection that is not found either in ourselves or in others, in the objects of our pleasure or in nature.”
Definition of the melancholia by Diderot in the Encyclopédie 
Painting : Automat by Edward Hopper in 1927
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
Being but men, we walked into the trees Afraid, letting our syllables be soft For fear of waking the rooks, For fear of coming Noiselessly into a world of wings and cries. If we were children we might climb, Catch the rooks sleeping, and break no twig, And, after the soft ascent, Thrust out our heads above the branches To wonder at the unfailing stars. Out of confusion, as the way is, And the wonder, that man knows, Out of the chaos would come bliss. That, then, is loveliness, we said, Children in wonder watching the stars, Is the aim and the end. Being but men, we walked into the trees.
- Dylan Thomas
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acloudofonesown · 4 years
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