Hey, I'm Elias and I'm a young writer! This is a sideblog to ramble about my writing project (A Crooked Moon is the working title) :) If I interact it'll be from @idontwriteenough
Here's the cast!
Atticus Soliel
he's the main viewpoint character, a prince from a royal family blessed with magic. he is the third born of the family, and the youngest, giving him a larger sense of freedom than his older sisters, Amara and Adelaide.
Ezra Lune
a cunning young man who recently had his birthday, erza is like a mysterious stranger to people other than his family. he's the prince of the kingdom atticus' rivals, also blessed with magic but cursed with a price to use it.
Ivory Umbrine
they're a free spirit, a potion maker who lives in the woods near atticus' castle grounds. they met him as children, and they've been close friends ever since. they live with their aunt, lyra, who taught them the art of making potions.
Hafrós Áste
a girl who lives by the sea with her mothers and baby brother. she loves swimming and atticus goes to her to swim together, sometimes bringing ivory along too.
Relic Slater
ezra's best friend, relic is the oldest of the group. they keep books, and study history. they live in the city, but sneak out often to see the rest of the group after they've all met.
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