acrxbxt · 3 years
[ Just like my other blogs, I wanna rework that one a bit but in the meantime feel free to like this for a starter! ]
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acrxbxt · 4 years
‘  you  might  not  have  been  able  to  save  them ,  but  you  sure  as  hell  saved  me .  ’
‘  you  are  not  the  best  part  of  my  life …  you  are  my  life .  ’
‘  delicious ,  delicious .  that  man  is  delicious .  ’
‘  he’s  like  a  chocolate  george  clooney  with  a  caramel  gosling  center .  ’
‘  look  at  you  being  the  bigger  man .  i  mean ,  smaller  bigger  man .  he’s  taller .  ’
‘  i  know  this  sounds  crazy ,  but  that  is  not  the  worst  thing  that  ever  happened  to  me .  ’
‘  i’m  happier  than  i’ve  ever  been  and  i’m  not  playing  by  the  rules  anymore .  ’
‘  it’s  perfectly  normal  to  change  your  shirt  fifteen  times  before  going  to  play  video  games .  ’
‘  you  say  everything  happens  for  a  reason .  i  can’t  find  a  reason  for  this .  ’
‘  it  absolutely  kills  me  that  i  wasn’t  there  for  you .  ’
‘  that  was  one  time .  and  i’m  sober  now .  ’
‘  happy  birthweek  is  not  a  thing .  ’
‘  i  truly  believe  everything  happens  for  a  reason .  the  challenge  in  life  is  to  find  that  reason .  ’
‘  it’s  not  that  i  don’t  want  to  live .  i  just  don’t  want  to  live  like  this .  ’
‘  i  dare  you  to  go  steal  her  mic  and  sing  ‘ ( insert  song  here ) ’ .  your  version ,  wrong  lyrics  and  all .  ’
‘  i  have  so  many  feelings  that  i  can’t  process  because  i’m  too  ashamed  to  admit  that  i  have  them .  ’
‘  when  i  first  met  you ,  you  said  what  you  needed  was  a  time  machine .  where  would  you  go  if  you  had  one ?  ’
‘  sometimes  i  get  really  sad  for  no  reason .  actually ,  a  lot  of  times .  ’
‘  i  tried .  i  tried  to  be  the  man  you  taught  me  to  be .  i  tried  not  to  ask  for  help .  ’
‘  you’re  allowed  to  be  angry .  you’re  allowed  to  feel  whatever  it  is  that  you  feel .  ’
‘  i  can’t  do  this .  i  can’t  hurt  you .  ’
‘  if  you’re  in  there ,  can  you  just  knock  three  times  please ,  so  that  i  know  that  you’re  still  alive ?  ’
‘  listen ,  i’m  sorry .  i  tried .  i  can’t  not  care .  ’
‘  not  that  you  need  my  permission ,  but  you  deserve  to  be  happy .  ’
‘  you’re  right ,  i  don’t  know  what  i’m  talking  about .  ’
‘  i  always  thought  the  next  apartment  i  would  rent  would  be  for  us .  ’
‘  i  have  seen  porn  flicks  with  more  plot  twists  than  your  love  life .  ’
‘  maybe  you  should  stop  taking  shots  at  me  and  get  them  back .  or  is  it  your  plan  to  stand  there  and  do  nothing  and  lose  them  forever ?  ’
‘  you’re  always  so  fast  to  assume  that  it’s  my  fault ,  but  guess  what ?  you  don’t  know !  ’
‘  you  know  what  life  is  really  about ?  friendship .  you  and  me .  right  here .  yeah ,  us .  that’s  what  it’s  about .  ’
‘  of  course  i’m  scared .  i  thought  you  of  all  people  could  understand  that .  ’
‘  dare  me  to  do  anything  and  make  it  really  hard .  ’
‘  i  was  here ,  dammit ,  until  i  wasn’t .  ’
‘  you  can’t  worry  so  much  about  tomorrow  that  you  forget  to  live  today .  be  here .  ’
‘  it’s  got  to  be  the  hardest  thing  i  did  in  my  life .  ’
‘  sometimes  you  can’t  do  the  fun  thing  –  the  thing  that  makes  you  happy .  you  have  to  do  the  right  thing .  ’
‘  whatever  we  did ,  whatever  happened ,  we  also  created  a  life .  ’
‘  how  can  something  so  small  cause  so  much  pain ?!  ’
‘  the  thing  is  i  don’t  have  time  to  be  angry  because  i  have  to  use  up  all  of  my  energy  to  make  sure  that  he  is  okay .  ’
‘  you’re  not  the  boss  of  you  anymore .  ’
‘  slight  problem .  he  found  the  pregnancy  test .  ’
‘  just  because  you’re  scared ,  doesn’t  mean  you  shouldn’t  do  it .  ’
‘  there’s  nothing  you  can  say  to  change  the  fact  that  i  love  you .  ’
‘  this  is  your  baby .  it’s  just ,  it’s  too  much .  we  hurt  too  many  people .  ’
‘  it’s  bad  enough  you  wrecked  your  marriage  but  don’t  try  to  wreck  mine .  ’
‘  you  may  think  you  have  a  bulletproof  relationship ,  but  so  did  i .  ’
‘  wow ,  i  don’t  want  you  to  take  this  the  wrong  way ,  but  i  really  wish  you  hadn’t  met  me .  ’
‘  you  don’t  get  it .  i  know  you  think  i’m  distant .  i  am  just  trying  to  survive .  ’
‘  there’s  a  history  of  ‘ we  don’t  talk  about  that ’  in  my  family .  ’
‘  as  bad  as  it  seems ,  there  is  good  and  you  will  find  it .  i  promise .  ’
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acrxbxt · 4 years
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acrxbxt · 4 years
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acrxbxt · 4 years
Shipping Tag Drop
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acrxbxt · 4 years
First-Time interaction starter pack
“Have you seen my dog?”
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry-!”
“Watch where you’re walking!”
“Do you need a ride home?”
“Hey! Where are you going? It’s dark out, i wanna walk with you.”
“Hey… Can i walk with you? It’s getting late, and..”
“Hello! Would you like to hear about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?”
“Who… Are you?”
“Why are you holding my hand?”
“Wait! You aren’t my grandma!”
“I think you have the wrong number.”
“Wanna get a drink?”
“I think you grabbed the wrong bag.”
“Looks like we’re paired together!”
“That’s my seat.”
“Oh! Sorry! I thought you were someone else..”
“Do you have a dollar or two to spare?”
“I heard you singing. It sounded nice.”
“So, since we’re gonna be stuck together, what’s your name?”
“D…Did the elevator just stop?”
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acrxbxt · 4 years
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acrxbxt · 4 years
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acrxbxt · 4 years
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acrxbxt · 4 years
Lightheaded/Fainting Starters
❝Whoa, hey, you okay there?❞
❝Please don’t pass out on me–❞
❝Stay with me.❞
❝I think you need to lay down.❞  
❝I need to lay down. Like, now.❞
❝Can you help me sit down?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out.❞
❝I don’t feel so good…❞
❝I can’t move.❞
❝I can’t sit up.❞
❝Why is the room spinning?❞
❝When’s the last time you slept?❞
❝Do you need to eat something?❞
❝When’s the last time you ate?❞
❝I think I just need to eat something.❞
❝Let me get you some water.❞
❝Here, elevate your feet.❞
❝How much did you drink?❞
❝I think I drank too much.❞
❝Did you drink something? Did you take something?❞
❝You’re really pale.❞
❝Can you hear me?❞
❝Hey – you passed out.❞
❝Are you gonna pass out again?❞
❝I think I’m gonna pass out again.❞
❝Don’t sit up yet. Just relax.❞
❝This isn’t normal. You’re freaking me out.❞
❝Thank god you’re awake, I was about to call an ambulance.❞
❝You’re gonna be fine, I’m gonna call an ambulance.❞
❝What happened? Did I hit my head?❞
❝You hit your head pretty hard. Just stay down.❞
❝What happened? I just found you laying here.❞
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acrxbxt · 5 years
more lines from modern media that are raw as hell
warning: some may be nsfw
insp: x / x
❝ we deserve a soft epilogue, my love. ❞
❝  we are good people and we’ve suffered enough. ❞
❝ violence for violence is the rule of beasts. ❞
❝ when the weight of the world is on your shoulders, you learn. ❞
❝ will you fight? or will you perish like a dog? ❞
❝ welcome to my twisted mind. ❞
❝ i will face god and walk backwards into hell. ❞
❝ you mean the chaos emeralds? ❞
❝ i see now that the circumstances of one’s birth are irrelevant. ❞
❝ it is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are. ❞
❝ it’s not about the size of the dog in the fight but about the size of the fight in the dog. ❞
❝ pick a hell and rot there. ❞
❝ we are the timeline that god has abandoned. ❞
❝ do you think that god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created? ❞
❝ every day we stray further from god’s light. ❞
❝ you’re about to experience the wrath of a god. ❞
❝ alone on a friday night? god, you’re pathetic. ❞
❝ you sit on a throne of lies. ❞
❝ they don’t decide who you are. you are who you choose to be. ❞
❝ thanks to you, i am saddled with unnecessary… feelings. ❞
❝ i survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me. ❞
❝ bold of you to assume i can die. ❞
❝ if you had the chance to change your fate, would you? ❞
❝ it’s a beautiful day outside. birds are singing, flowers are blooming…on days like these, kids like you… should be burning in hell. ❞
❝ despite everything, it’s still you. ❞
❝ in this world, it’s kill or be killed. ❞
❝ i’d sell you to satan for one corn chip. ❞
❝ prove to me that you are strong enough to survive. ❞
❝ i should have killed you when i had the chance. ❞
❝ god won’t let me die. ❞
❝ god gave me depression because if my ambitions went unchecked i would have bested him in hand to hand combat by age 16. ❞
❝ you know i had to do it to em. ❞
❝ it seems you were the one offended, my good bitch. ❞
❝ you will stay who you are, not a perfect soldier, but a good man. ❞
❝ the risk i took was calculated, but man, am i bad at math. ❞
❝ this jackassery will NOT stand! ❞
❝ god can’t help you now. ❞
❝ i am a monument to all your sins. ❞
❝ if the world chooses to become my enemy, i will fight like i always have. ❞
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acrxbxt · 5 years
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I finished it
Now ima go back to the dead and be offline forever :’)
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acrxbxt · 5 years
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