acrystaltorres21 · 7 years
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acrystaltorres21 · 7 years
I just realized the Five Stages of Grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance) spell out DABDA and I feel like this is Important Information
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acrystaltorres21 · 7 years
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21 Of The Pettiest People On The Entire Planet
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acrystaltorres21 · 7 years
listening to music in your room like
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acrystaltorres21 · 7 years
5 ever
it’s been a minute since I've been on here but it’s time to hop back on here. I’ve slept on tumblr for too long lol #tumblrisnotdead
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acrystaltorres21 · 7 years
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Reblog this within 30 seconds in order to receive luck in your efforts for romance, assistance in your relationships, and/or to help easy conflict in your current relationship. Likes charge.
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
I found an unopened pack of Batman silly bands so I opened them and I caN’T STOP LAUGHING BECAUSE IT LOOKS LIKE HE’S DANCING
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slide to the right
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take it back now y’all
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
Wait for someone who says, “Holy crap, how did I get so lucky?” when you walk in the door, absolutely exhausted from work at 6pm after being married for 30 years. Wait for that, it’s more than worth it.
(via hplyrikz)
Clear your mind here
(via hplyrikz)
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
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These aren’t my tweets, but I saw this and thought it could be helpful. ✨Girl Power✨
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
I think earth signs and especially us capricorns aren't emotionless. I think we feel a lot but we choose to contain it because we don't want to give our self to the wrong ones also this is not as easy as others may think
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
I like to believe that every time I go home for the holidays, my exs shiver with terror when they hear of my coming. Yes. You will be seeing me at that party. And I will be wearing something that shows off all the parts of me you no longer get to touch. Yes. You will stare at me too long & I won’t give you the time of day. Yes. You will run into me while shopping and you won’t know whether to hide in another isle or casually bump into me, as if it wasn’t planned out. Yes. You will see me driving on your way home & you’ll wonder where I’m going or where I’m coming from. Because you’re no longer the one I text to let know I’m safe after I’ve arrived. Yes. You will go home that night and lie in bed, wondering what your life would’ve been like if you had followed me out of that small town & fought to be the one holding my hand under these city lights, rather than spending all of your time away from your 9-5 at the bottom of a bottle. Yes. Your girlfriends will hold your hands tighter when you see me coming. Yes. I will smile at you both & say hello, because I’ve out grown my anger. Yes. I will look better without you. Because I am. And yes. Your stomach will drop to your knees and there will be a moment where you regret every harmful and abusive word you ever said to me. And for a second the girl standing next to you won’t seem so amazing. You won’t even remember her presence. Because there is something so attractive about a person who not only doesn’t want you anymore, but who clearly walks a little taller without your hand tugging them down. Yes.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH FUCK YES (via im-sad-lets-have-sex)
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
We’ve shared silences deeper than conversations.
(via 3frraa)
(via l-amya)
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
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“You told me to go away.”
“Yeah, but I never said Goodbye.”
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
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{ how could i ever feel lost }
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acrystaltorres21 · 9 years
my cat has been fucking playing me for weeks, playing me like a fucking harp. I feed my cat twice a day with prescribed diet food because she’s really fat and doesn’t know when she’s full so she never stops eating. usually when I come home from class she is all over me like the whore of babylon all over me putting on a pity party and trying to get me to sin and give her more food but no matter what I only feed her the amount of food for her prescribed diet. but after awhile i started noticing that she wasn’t loosing weight at all and was actually just getting fatter. so I called the vet pissed and i’m just like the fuck she’s still getting fat. so I switched her to another diet food and that still didn’t work and I was so confused and frustrated like what is wrong with this cat? so a couple weeks go by and I start noticing that I go through bags of food really fast like a week fast and I remembered how I thought that was so weird like I God honest could not figure out why the food disappeared so fast (my former naive and innocent mind) well y'all ready here’s the fucking climax - the other day my class was canceled and I come downstairs at like noonish and do you know what I see when I get down? I see my fucking cat sitting in the food bin. with my own two eyes I see her sitting in the fucking food bin. my spoiled ass cat has been eating like a fucking queen and living it the fuck up while I’m in class and then pretends like she’s hungry when I get home. and you know what’s the real kicker? when she leaves the lid gets knocked shut which is why i never caught onto her scam. she’s fucking been working the system and playing the food game right under my fucking nose like i want to scream and now I have to call the vet and the morning and explain to him how I, a well educated adult in college, got one-upped in intelligence by my fucking cat
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