acthologram · 9 months
This model enjoys immense popularity, as customers eagerly and unquestioningly acquire them as soon as they become available. It boasts impressive features such as high brightness, a high contrast ratio of 1000-2000 nits, and the ability to customize AI and ChatGPT according to your specific requirements. Don't overlook the significance of being an early adopter and seizing the market opportunity that lies ahead.
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acthologram · 9 months
MiniLED is a new display technology that offers several advantages, including high brightness, frameless design, high contrast ratio, wide color gamut, and resistance to ambient light interference. Here is a detailed explanation of these features:
High brightness: MiniLED displays can provide high brightness, which is particularly useful when viewing the screen in bright environments. This is because they utilize hundreds to thousands of tiny LED backlight sources, allowing for greater brightness and better light control.
Frameless design: The frameless design offers a larger display area, enhancing the immersive viewing experience. This design also gives the device a modern and stylish look.
High contrast ratio: MiniLED displays have a very high contrast ratio, reaching up to 1,000,000:1. This means that black areas appear darker, and white areas appear brighter, resulting in sharper and more vibrant images.
Wide color gamut: MiniLED displays typically have a wide color gamut, meaning they can display a broader range of colors. This is particularly useful for tasks that require precise color reproduction, such as image editing or movie post-production.
Resistance to ambient light: Due to their high brightness and contrast characteristics, miniLED displays can provide a good visual experience even in bright ambient light conditions.
Overall, miniLED display technology offers a high-quality display solution that delivers excellent visual experiences, whether you are in bright or dark environments.
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acthologram · 9 months
2 Gen shows significant improvements in image quality, viewing angles, projection size and effects.
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acthologram · 9 months
Digital Human, Better than Hereweholo, Holobox Upgraded Version
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acthologram · 9 months
AI Digital Human is an innovative platform powered by advanced AI technology. It creates incredibly realistic virtual characters with synchronized lip movements and natural expressions. By combining voice interaction and digital model generation, it provides enterprises with a cost-effective and efficient solution for content production, resulting in enhanced brand value and decreased labor costs. This versatile platform supports various scenarios such as news anchoring and real-time voice interaction, and it can be customized using both 2D and 3D image training. With its multi-language support, it ensures a truly authentic and immersive AI interaction experience for users all over the world.
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acthologram · 9 months
This cylinder with digital human effect is a whole set. Videos are customizable, USB/HDMI Supportive,AI ChatGPT Supportive. The overwhelming tech.
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acthologram · 9 months
09:16 美团 0.10 KB/s Ho 5G 47% 食山 跟团游 桂林出发 图片7/9 桂林+漓江+阳朔+3天2晚跟团游漓 江风光/遇龙河漂流/兴坪古镇网红鱼 鹰拍照+啤酒鱼] ¥418/人起¥418 年销量5 广西凤凰国际旅行社有限公司北海分 公司 三星服务 套餐/出发日期选择(2个套餐) 舒适酒店¥418起 桂林3日游住舒适 27周三 ¥418 09-28周四 ¥518 行玛 4钻酒店¥556起 住4钻酒店 09-29周五 ¥758 09-30周7 ¥988 更多 日期 费田须知 商家说亮点 全程管家式服务,团友更放心, 家庭亲子游、爸妈 游、情侣游 桂林攻略首推5大景点 漓江竹筏+十里画廊+遇龙河 漂流+兴坪古镇+芦笛岩 一餐网红谢大姐“三吃”豆瓣啤酒鱼+桂林特色米粉 行程概览 景点 餐饮 住宿 共9个景点 共9次用餐含2早2正5次餐自理 1晚舒适型酒店1晚高档型酒店 自由活动 共5次总计3小时 第1天 桂林 自理 桂林 自理 日月双塔文化公园 自理 正阳步行街 上车集合地 集合地: 12:00, 桂林接机/接站 (下车地 桂林接机/接站 具体以导游为准! 12:00 您乘坐飞机/火车抵达桂林两江机场/桂林火车站 后,我们为您安排了接站/接机服务,接您到酒店 办理入住。今日行程不做安排,若抵达桂林时间尚 可在桂林城内目田漫步。 导游会提前与您联 系,请保持通讯畅通)+ 自由活动: 游客可自由漫步于[中心广场]、[正 阳步行街] 去美食街品尝特色小吃 1、游玩攻略:游玩市区免费景点,如果您的时间足 够充裕,您可以到市中心漫步杉湖和榕湖夜景: 2、美食攻略:前往市中心正阳步行街,步行街上有 很多的美味小吃,特别推荐尚水街上的美食小吃 吃米粉到崇善米粉,吃正餐可以到受当地欢迎的椿 记烧鹅、阿甘酒楼、小南国、金龙寨等: 3、购物攻略: 桂林的土特产有罗汉果、三衣 椒酱、豆腐乳:工艺品有苗绣、壮锦、桂绣 简要行程 等,+ 4 交通攻略:酒店到市中心打的费用不会超过20 元,另外也可以乘做贯穿中山路的公交车2元抵达中 心广场,具体可以询问酒店前台工作人员。 温馨提示: 1、出发前: 司机将在出行前一天21: 30左右联系 您告知具体出行时间和地点,请注意查收短信或接 听电话,祝您旅途愉快! (具体以师傅通知为准 请按照通知集合地点时间集合) 2、行程中:导游会在21:30左右联系您第二天行 程与出游时间,请注意查收短信或接听导游电话 请保持手机畅通,如21:30-22:30此时间段无法联 系,请预定时提前告知! 全天自由活动,来程可自行选择航班/车次,返程建 议预订19:30之后的航班,18:30之后的火车车次 14:00 日月双塔文化公园,正阳步行街 简要行程 若您还有更多余暇时光 桂林精华景点供您参考, 我们为您贴心准备了以下 敬请自行前往,不含接 送: 8 18:00 t t74 代世4+ 博尔/长益/华谊/润东/港舍漫居/柠檬湾等酒店或同 等级酒店 温馨提示: 酒店随机安排,不指定酒店哦,请知 晓! 餐饮 简要行程 早餐:敬请自理 午餐:敬请自理 晚餐:敬请自理 住宿 三棵树大酒店(华润万象城店)舒适型 或 雅斯特酒店(桂林火车站万象城店)舒适型 成显洒庄(桂林火车站庄) 轻活刑 同类型酒店 三棵树大酒店 三棵树大酒店 简要行程 第2天 桂林日 漓江竹筏日 桂林兴坪古镇 遇龙河漂流 十里画廊 08:30 漓江竹筏 漓江竹筏 (游览约45分钟) 乘车前往草坪码头 乘坐排伐游览[渴江]精华段 (碧岩阁-草坪/草坪-碧岩阁),漓江两岸群峰连 绵,相映成趣,感受“分明看见青山顶,船在青山 顶上行”的绝妙景致,让您在这如梦如幻的人间仙 境中,体验到“桂林山水甲天下”诗句的由来。与 漓江水0距离接触,是真正的游山玩水,漓江竹筏被 称之为”水中法拉利 。乘竹筏游览,是体验漓江 美景好玩的游览方式。 简要行程 11:00 桂林兴坪古镇 兴坪古镇(游览约30分钟) 游览漓江江畔的千年历史人文古镇--[兴坪古 镇],赏兴坪佳境风光。古镇历史悠久,仍然保存 士 1t天 十公
Virtual Being
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acthologram · 9 months
Digital Human Newest Tech, your perfect choice for AI ChatGPT companion.
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acthologram · 9 months
Digital Human, Virtual Beings, AI & ChatGPT Supportive.
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acthologram · 9 months
A digital human or virtual being is a computer-generated character or persona that is designed to be highly realistic and interactive. These virtual beings are often created using advanced technologies such as computer graphics, artificial intelligence (AI), and natural language processing (NLP) to simulate human-like appearance, behavior, and communication.
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acthologram · 9 months
A digital human is a virtual entity created using computer programs and artificial intelligence technologies. Digital humans typically have a human-like appearance, behavior, and language capabilities, allowing them to interact and communicate with humans. They can exist in virtual reality, augmented reality, or computer interfaces.
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acthologram · 9 months
Digital Human-miniLED AI Chat ChatGPT Supportive, Accompanying you as a virtual being, like a real human being!
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acthologram · 9 months
Newest Released 22 inch Digital Human Super Bright and Contrast Cylinder, Your Visual Feast!
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acthologram · 10 months
Chang Jian Talks with His Simulation Robot! SKLCD
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acthologram · 10 months
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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acthologram · 10 months
4K waterproof display interactive parael multi touch table for restaurant
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acthologram · 10 months
Interactive multi-touch screen table!
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