But Claudia...Broke my heart.
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my infant death
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actualcannibalminka · 18 days
survived checking my bank account. i deserve a little treat
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actualcannibalminka · 27 days
can yall believe that liam started writing noel the soppiest begging lovesongs in 2017 to woo his crusty ass and never stopped and that shit actually WORKED
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actualcannibalminka · 1 month
Yes mother this is the man I love
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lester | bullseye icons
if you save or use, please like or reblog.
or credit  © clacefall
open the imagens for better quality!
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actualcannibalminka · 1 month
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Link to original
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actualcannibalminka · 1 month
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not exaggerating when i say this is the best post anyone ever made in human history
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actualcannibalminka · 2 months
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A personal update, since I don't have any art to share and probably won't for a bit because of life things
Got back last month from an impromptu trip to Canada (was supposed to go to Germany, don't book through Kayak), had a job interview and am now teaching high school digital and traditional art! There's only a few weeks until school starts back up, and I'm trying very hard not to be nervous (anxiety disorder means I'm failing on that end, but it could be worse)
Taken up making skirts, which is harder than it needs to be because the foot of my machine is having a hard time holding the fabric... But my baking skills are just as epic as ever (raspberry chocolate babka pictured)
Thank you to everyone reading this for all your encouragement and support, whether you're a new follower, mutual, or if you've been following for years. Having you here means the world to me, and I love having a community to interact with!
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actualcannibalminka · 2 months
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Hellverine Jr
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actualcannibalminka · 2 months
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For the two homely lovebirds ^.~
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actualcannibalminka · 2 months
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Cap was trying to get laid.
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actualcannibalminka · 5 months
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✨just fandom things✨
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actualcannibalminka · 5 months
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actualcannibalminka · 5 months
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you bottle Miette??
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actualcannibalminka · 5 months
Lucky cat (two)
A towel plays reflection in the aftermath of the fall
"You look like shit," it says.
"Your face is too bloody to clean."
I am going to be late.
On my way to get dressed,
someone crosses my path
weaving between my intent and momentum
tangled in ankles
and she screams
and my heart hurts
worse than every angled joint splashing across the floor.
She skitters beneath a table
to weather the storm
but my clouds hold no thunder for her
and the sun breaks through my eyes
in slow blinks.
She was born small and kind and black,
things to love
that some still call a curse.
Her tail stops flicking,
her ears ease their furrow
and she blinks back.
She was so happy to see me.
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actualcannibalminka · 5 months
I don't watch Hannibal, but in every picture I see of them, Will Graham looks like he has a vibrator up his ass and only Hannibal knows.
Jack knows why do you think he looks at Will like this all the time
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actualcannibalminka · 5 months
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actualcannibalminka · 6 months
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