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Sherlock à la Mucha (sorry)
Sherlock the beekeeper, in the same pose as one of the iconic Paget illustrations <3 Its just silly and goofy and took 30hrs off of my life
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Johnlock poll 3🩷
poll 1 said dog/puppy, poll 2 decided they would only have one, poll 3 will decide…
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Pink Locked - A Study In Pink
Are You Alright? (Speak to Me) / Breathe 1 2 3 / The Game Is On / Code / The Great Game in the Sky / Vatican Cameos / Us Against The World (Original Stereo Mix) / My Favorite Colour Is You / Heart Damage / Supernova
(re-posting the series from the start, renumbering) my orig. post here.
Rock Out With Your Lock Out, Vol. 1
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(actual album covers shown above for reference only)
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‘This is nice, yea.’ ‘Yes.’
[and then sherlock snuggles john and whispers quietly ‘I love you, John’]
based on this (i just doodled + changed it to johnlock :)
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[incomprehensible noise]
Also rip Watson that arm has fallen asleep like an hour ago.
[ID: a digital drawing of Holmes and Watson sitting on a couch in the fireplace light. Holmes is cuddled up to Watson and asleep, Watson is smiling and has a few pieces of paper resting on his leg and is holding a pen. /End ID]
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May Prompt 28: Empty
Oh, this is the painful one! It’s over on AO3 with the others.
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“Time heals all wounds, so they say.”
Lestrade had not sounded convincing, but Watson made the effort to keep a civil tongue in his head and nod despite the cavern in his chest.
“We all miss him too.”
He would not listen as his own head doused Lestrade’s kind words in acid.
But we’ve all moved on. Why haven’t you? Our wounds are barely scars now. Why does yours still feel like an open sore? Come on, man. It has been a year. Get over it!
Get over him.
“Some of the boys are celebrating. Just a drink or two. Do you good to have a laugh.”
It would not do him good. He’d recognised how his life might easily drain away on his army pension back before he’d had the incredible good fortune to meet Sherlock Holmes. A drink or two would lead to many more. And he’d take his service pistol and—
He would not have anyone accuse him of ‘taking the easy way out’ and then raking through his belongings and Sherlock’s for evidence of their deep love, turning it into something tawdry for the gossip columns.
He went home to his dull little flat, devoid of fond memories, and stared at the fountain pen Sherlock had given him.
“Why did you have to die, you bastard!”
Tagging: @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @bs2sjh @friday411 @louieclamlent @topsyturvy-turtely Let me know if you want on/off the tag list.
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May Prompt 28: Empty
Oh, this is the painful one! It’s over on AO3 with the others.
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“Time heals all wounds, so they say.”
Lestrade had not sounded convincing, but Watson made the effort to keep a civil tongue in his head and nod despite the cavern in his chest.
“We all miss him too.”
He would not listen as his own head doused Lestrade’s kind words in acid.
But we’ve all moved on. Why haven’t you? Our wounds are barely scars now. Why does yours still feel like an open sore? Come on, man. It has been a year. Get over it!
Get over him.
“Some of the boys are celebrating. Just a drink or two. Do you good to have a laugh.”
It would not do him good. He’d recognised how his life might easily drain away on his army pension back before he’d had the incredible good fortune to meet Sherlock Holmes. A drink or two would lead to many more. And he’d take his service pistol and—
He would not have anyone accuse him of ‘taking the easy way out’ and then raking through his belongings and Sherlock’s for evidence of their deep love, turning it into something tawdry for the gossip columns.
He went home to his dull little flat, devoid of fond memories, and stared at the fountain pen Sherlock had given him.
“Why did you have to die, you bastard!”
Tagging: @calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @bs2sjh @friday411 @louieclamlent @topsyturvy-turtely Let me know if you want on/off the tag list.
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fade to black
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@giftober2023 | Day 17: Mirrors.
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John Watson
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MARTIN FREEMAN | Blue jumper
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me: *forgets about my daily existence trapped in johnlock hell for approximately .000002 seconds*
me: *Say Something comes on the radio* OH FUCKING HELL you’re the one that i love and i’m saaaaying goooodbyyyyye *gross sobbing*
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John Watson, you keep me right.
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stag night
john: *gets them both drunk*
john: *knee gropes*
john: *spreads legs wide open, like as far as possible, like practically shines a light on his own dick*
sherlock: *cuddles next to john on the stairs*
sherlock: *puts his arm around john like a teenager on the sofa*
sherlock: *pukes*
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The fact that the knee grope and “I don’t mind” “Anytime” weren’t in the script is insanity. Like what did you mean by that what do you meannnn. Also neither was the laughing. The way John is giggling at Sherlock like he has the biggest crush on him and it’s NOT IN THE SCRIPT
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Hi! I'm Vicky, welcome to my pinned masterpost! I'm a digital artist, fan of BBC Sherlock, and this is a collection of all my retouching works (and other stuff) I've been posting here so far. I hope you enjoy it!
PS: this post will be updated from time to time
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You can see all my work HERE.
☆ Interactions with others accounts:
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(X, X)
The oscillating movement of the kitchen lamp meta in 'The Blind Banker'.
Benedict Cumberbatch's skull tie.
Sherlock reading an 'explicit' johnlock fic that John accidentally left open on his laptop.
Christmas John, before & after the fall getting married.
The moment when John discovered that Sherlock was the only one who jumped into the fire to save his life.
Conversation between John and his brain being like...
Tea with the devil before the fall.
This was the only one time when Sherlock broke the 4th wall to tell us that he's the only one consulting detective in the world.
The only moment in the entire show where Sherlock doubted John.
Sherlock having fun texting to his brother.
(you can see other creations HERE)
"And at that moment.... I knew", Inspired by “The Moment I Knew” by Taylor Swift and based on the BBC Sherlock mini episode "Many Happy Returns". Spanish version here.
May Prompt 2024 with the only 2 fics I wrote :)
'Tell me Where it Hurts' by @helloliriels, inspired by this work.
I made this image for this lovely fic 'It Belongs in a Museum', written by @helloliriels.
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I'm always open for commissions 👉🏼 here you'll find the details
Ooooww, you wanna invite me a ko-fi? Thank you! ☕️
And tysm for your love and support!! 🫂
Vicky 💋
Instagram Twitter Ko-fi
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The two Deaths of John Watson
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