The last post off this blog.
So I owe my followers an explanation on why this blog is getting shut down/ archived. I’m going to try and make sense but its 12AM so don’t expect too much by way of eloquence.
I’ve made it pretty clear over the past few months how breaking up with my ex partner has affected me. It wasn’t fun and while I doubt I’m the picture of good mental health I’m in a far better place than I was now. I’ve been seeing a counsellor and I’m moving through things with my friends.  Part of me moving past my ex has been to drop all contact and try and remove them as much as possible from my life. I’ve blocked them on my phone, facebook, skype, steam and I have blocked all three tumblrs my ex was active on during our relationship. When I am at university (which is once a week) and on campus I wear headphones and avoid anywhere we used to hang out. The only exception to this was AMERICA but after the reception I got the first time I tried to go I’ve only been back once and I was scared shitless the whole time. About six weeks ago I got a new follower. I sent them a message asking them who they were because stupid paranoid me wondered if it was my ex's new girlfriend. They replied just saying we had mutuals and thought I looked cool so I figured fuck it let paranoid Katie rest. I even followed them back. Last night they got an anon where they refused to give their first name, followed by another where they refused to even give the first initial. Then I did some digging. It was absolutely my ex’s new girlfriend.   I feel pretty fucking violated. I mean there was some stuff I didn’t really care about them seeing, I knew that my ex had been checking out my blog hence the blocking from their dash etc. But I’m trying my best to get every part of him and by extension her out of my life. I’ve tried my best to make this as abundantly clear as possible so following me is a bit creepy. My friends and I realised my ex reblogged me several times and could find any url I change to from there. The three times I’ve changed it are somewhat useless now. So I’ve made a new blog. I’ve followed about 80 of the 146 blogs I used to follow since then. You’re welcome to follow me back or not. If I haven’t followed you on my new blog there are three reasons I may have done so: 1. You haven’t updated in a significant amount of time.
2. You’re a fandom blog I no longer pay attention to (sorry ask the ander bros)
3. I don’t trust you.  Sorry about number three. You’re welcome to message me about it but she’s followed quite a few of my friends and I don’t know what to do with her mutuals. Message me on FB if you want to talk about it. Heres where I’m going to lose my composure somewhat. I’m going to add a small PS for the two fucking numbskulls who can’t take a goddamned hint. What the fuck do you think you’re playing at? What is accomplished by this? It’s weird and creepy. Seriously you’ve had plenty of fun seeing how far you could push me, but this is beyond a joke. It’s not funny, its weird and stupid. Also Matthew Brian Bonniface if you turn up at my house again (and yes that includes putting stuff in the letter box) I will call the police. Stay the fuck away from me and my house. 
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Hey dude, hope you're doing okay :)
I’m fine :) Just typing up something to explain myself now and then signing out of this. It’s your last chance to reveal yourself haha.
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This blog will be shut down and saved as an archive by the end of this week. More to come on why soon but I think anyone with half a brain can guess.
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I put Ginny Blackmore on my spotify and now I can’t stop listening to angsty love songs.
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this is what i imagine an american biology class is like
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clingy and annoying doesn’t bother me when it’s from the right person
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Getting invited to things is such a minefield right now because I have to play the “Will my ex be there” game without being able to see because I’ve blocked them as well as the “If he’s not there will the anti Katie brigade he set up be there” game too.
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Southern Parent’s reaction to their kid coming out as an Avatar (twitter: @illcapitano94)
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can we just talk about how puberty hit brendon with a truck. a big truck. and another truck. then two more after that.
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If someone cheats on you they do not love you, remember that. If someone cheats on you they do not care about you as much as they say they do. If someone cheats on you it means that for a split second you were off their mind long enough for them to put another person in arms that should only be for you. If someone cheats on you, dear god, I hope you don’t go back to them because you are worth so much more than that.
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Don't fight about money in front of your kids.
They will feel guilty like it’s their fault and not ask for necessities when they run out.
Don’t fucking do it.
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It’s a positive message though you should be a caring lover, you listen to someone before you shiver your gearbox in their minivan
Burnie Burns, on the spot episode 21 (via bamboothief)
Founder, Creative Director and former CEO of Rooster Teeth Productions, ladies and gentlemen.
(via roysyesterdayjam)
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Why do you keep saying that?!
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Cool fact about thick thighs:
Free hand warmer always
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why do people keep thinking snorting and wheezing pugs and bulldogs are cute??? brachycephalic dogs have trouble breathing because of unnecessarily short muzzles and stenotic nares, it’s not cute it’s terrifying, and it needs to change for the...
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I’ve reached the point in the night where I should probably give up but I’m not even half done.
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Things I should not be doing: Letting myself get distracted by boys and putting off uni work
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