actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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Accounting students and professionals are always keen to learn the differences between the two primary sets of accounting principles and standards. We call them IFRS and GAAP. Let’s proceed to the discussion with an understanding of IFRS VS GAAP.
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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Financial Statements are the financial documents providing significant information about the financial activities of the business entity. These statements provide relevant financial data for internal and external users of accounting. The information in financial statements is useful for the users of accounting in making economic decisions. There are five types of financial statements that we will learn in this article.
The types of financial statements based on US GAAP and IAS 1 issued by IASB are as follows.
Statement of financial position
Income Statement
Statement of changes in equity
Statement of cash flows
Notes to financial statements (Disclosure)
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
"this company would only raise prices by $1.00 if it paid employees a living wage!" ACTUALLY companies are ran by profit-motivated individuals who CHOOSE how to price things in a way that maximizes profit, it's not some automatic invisible hand of the market response. a billion dollar multinational corporation reliant on neocolonialism for the cheapest labor possible is NOT being forced by le epic free market forces to raise prices after raising wages, the company's CEO decided to raise prices regardless of whether or not the company will lose enough money to collapse (spoiler alert, that never fucking happens).
ECONOMICS IS NOT A NATURAL SCIENCE. get it through your fucking brain. yes you've been taught capitalism is the default economic system for humanity so it makes sense to bring natural law into economic theory, BUT THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT FACTUALLY CORRECT. you have no idea how tired I am of seeing both conservatives and leftists debating the minimum wage by saying companies would do this or that as if it's some sort of natural response and not a result of a competitive market economy focused on profit maximization.
rant over...for now 😎
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
Okay, so.
I believe I understand the Gamestop story now.
Perhaps it’s news to you! It goes like this.
One can bet against the future value of a company’s stock. A couple of very large investment firms bet that GameStop’s stock would be at or below a certain low level. Perhaps this was some standard amoral investor machination, but they were surely doing harm to the company for money by insisting through the power of their opinion – because the value of any stock is based entirely on the opinion of the investor – that GameStop stock is cheap. 
So Reddit gets wind of this.
They think, “fuck capitalism, let’s set some Boomer wealth on fire while also saving GameStop from hedge fund depredation.” So, en masse, they take their $600 stimulus checks, run them through a free-stock-trade app, and buy as much GameStop stock as they can for as much as they can.
This drives up the price of all GameStop stock.
This obliterates the money of investors who had invested in the idea that GameStop’s stock price will be below a certain level at a certain period.
And so:
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It’s hilarious. It’s turning the legalized gambling of Wall Street stock market manipulation against it.
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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#13 Dwelling - Baya weaver
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
mummy oook! is a wabbit!
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
add teaching/academia related jobs. 
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I will have what she is having
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
“Protecting what’s still in the ground and rebuilding the soil carbon in our agricultural systems is pretty much a no-brainer, because of all the multiple benefits that we get. In a lot of our farming systems, soil carbon levels are at a state where, if you improve them, you get benefits in terms of water regulation, water quality, stabilising production and resilience in the systems.”
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
“Why do they always teach us that it’s easy and evil to do what we want and that we need discipline to restrain ourselves? It’s the hardest thing in the world—to do what we want. And it takes the greatest kind of courage. I mean, what we really want.”
— Ayn Rand, The Fountainhead
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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Joker BTS
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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Ducklings’ first swim!
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
I just learned about a bird species called Golden Plover. Their chicks have an amazing camouflage: their baby fluff resembles MOSS!
...Oh to be a tiny golden plover lying in the moss safe and sound waiting for your mom to bring you some worms...
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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Abandoned somewhere in France 
Photo Julien Harlaut 
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actuallyayishagul · 4 years
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Faerie Haven by Devajoy Gouss and Julie Jumper from Faerie Magazine
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