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Why You Should Always Wear Your Helmet.
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Winter is beautiful not because it is the end of everything but because it represents the start of something new, when everything is all the way back to zero, a fresh new start.
Lukas W. // Winter is zero (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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here’s a link to a story i’m writing if you want to chuck it a read :)
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lol true
Me every time I watch LA LA Land and Seb and Mia still don’t end up together:
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you found my grave and it was too late
you left me in the dark of winter
when everything felt dead
you left without a word
nothing to help me mend my head
now i am among the corpses
our blood no longer red
and it’s here i spend my days
and with bones i make my bed
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n i g h t
i long for the night
there, the stars shield my cries
the shadows of the night sky mask my tear-stained face
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Oh darling, you've mistaken me for a mirror
me to me to me
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h u r t
please don’t harm my memories
for they have not grown stronger as i have
nor have they grown smarter
they are impressionable
they can be tainted
beat me
scream at me
do what you will
i will get up
but i’m begging you
don’t hurt them
they don’t deserve pain
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freckles and constellations :)
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