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The thing about programming is that adding a cache is just as likely to fix a problem as cause another.
(via thethingaboutprogramming)
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When you start to notice the mystical, the mystical will start to notice you (by Milamai)
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Technology moves extremely quickly. It seems like there is a new innovation produced nearly every day. Technology has changed the way business is done and has enabled many people to reach goals and try new things that they’ve never done before.
So which recent technological innovations are the most impressive? Eleven members of Forbes Technology Council shared their responses. The answers varied, but there is a consensus that high technology has transformed our lives and made many new businesses and achievements possible.
Practical Augmented Reality Augmented reality stands to be the most immediate tech development that will affect our lives in the near term. With microdisplays becoming reasonably priced, we will see personal wearables becoming available to the masses. This will provide us with a whole new avenue of information retrieval use on a daily, minute-by-minute basis. - George Heimel, Square360
Generative Adversarial Networks Generative adversarial networks (GANs) are a new type of neural network that is semi-supervised and enables companies to learn more from less labeled data. Let’s say you would like to identify customers who are likely to churn but only have labels of actual churn after X days for a handful of customers. GANs enable this and succeed where other fully supervised neural networks fail. - Anand Sampat, Datmo
Real-Time Language Translation Driven by voice recognition technology coupled with AI, real-time language translators allow single-language speakers to have real-time conversations. It’s impressive both on the usability front (earphones) and on the level of complexity insofar as getting both the language and accent right. - Michael Gurau, The Beacon Group
Chatbots I love the idea of chatbots and what they can do to take on some of the time-consuming work companies have while making businesses look good in terms of their customer experiences. Plus, chatbots are good at collecting information and analyzing it for further insights. It’s just a great way to cover tech support and service questions. - Muhammed Othman, Calendar
Artificial Intelligence In Mobile Apps A year ago, building AI into mobile apps would have been extremely difficult and costly. Today, it’s a lot less expensive, and we can incorporate Microsoft Cognitive Services, Google services, or Amazon services that use AI to make a mobile experience more intelligent, anticipate users’ desire and needs, and present information in context. Artificial intelligence, particularly in mobile devices, has transformed the user experience in the last few years as cognitive services have advanced exponentially. - Sanjay Malhotra, Clearbridge Mobile
Inexpensive, Fast Storage The cloud, AI, VR and other buzzwords are often considered the hottest tech trends. However, the rapidly declining cost and increasing performance of flash-based storage powers these trends. Without the modern, low-cost solid-state drive (SSD), VR and AI would still be inaccessible to most businesses. Cloud providers rely on SSDs. Innovation in the storage industry builds a foundation for new tech. - Jason Gill, Attracta
Deep Learning-Based Predictive Analytics The biggest technology innovation of the last three years just might be predictive analytics using AI-based deep learning. The ability of a computer to learn by just analyzing data without having to let the algorithm know what variables are important is unprecedented. This form of unsupervised learning is drastically changing the role of technology. - Carlos Melendez, Wovenware
Serverless Computing Today, developers have to worry not only about building their application but deploying and hosting it as well. It is a large portion of their workflow and requires them to commit resources in time and money up front. Serverless computing makes launching applications cheaper and faster by letting companies focus on the customer value without having to worry about deployment and scaling. The possibilities this will unlock are endless. - Nikhil Hasija, Azuqua
Brain-Computer Interfaces Brain scanners can translate your thoughts into textual words. Discussions about these devices have been around for some time; however, they could only map a handful of commands. Imagine if only by wearing a ball cap you could think, “How deep is that river?” and have the answer read back into an earpiece. The next step is to get the information back directly into your brain. - Jere Simpson, KITEWIRE/Steel-Talon
AI And Machine Learning Applications The most impressive piece of tech that has come out in recent years is the practical application of AI and machine learning. Whether it is modeling data, analyzing speech or driving a car, we are starting to see real-world applications of these technologies. It may have taken a few of decades, but the field is making good on the promises that were made back in the 1980s. – Chris Kirby, Voices.com
The Cloud No doubt that the cloud service is one of the great technologies that happened in the last three years. SMBs that need to concentrate on the business do not have the right knowledge or the teams in place to maintain their systems or are not willing to spend the money in that direction. The cloud offers a unique and flexible option for them to make sure they will be able to concentrate on business execution. - Ofer Laksman, Correlata Solutions
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Part 1: Why Machine Learning Matters. The big picture of artificial intelligence and machine learning — past, present, and future.
Part 2.1: Supervised Learning. Learning with an answer key. Introducing linear regression, loss functions, overfitting, and gradient descent.
Part 2.2: Supervised Learning II. Two methods of classification: logistic regression and SVMs.
Part 2.3: Supervised Learning III. Non-parametric learners: k-nearest neighbors, decision trees, random forests. Introducing cross-validation, hyperparameter tuning, and ensemble models.
Part 3: Unsupervised Learning. Clustering: k-means, hierarchical. Dimensionality reduction: principal components analysis (PCA), singular value decomposition (SVD).
Part 4: Neural Networks & Deep Learning. Why, where, and how deep learning works. Drawing inspiration from the brain. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs), recurrent neural networks (RNNs). Real-world applications.
Part 5: Reinforcement Learning. Exploration and exploitation. Markov decision processes. Q-learning, policy learning, and deep reinforcement learning. The value learning problem.
Appendix: The Best Machine Learning Resources. A curated list of resources for creating your machine learning curriculum.
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