If My Muse was dying in Your Muse’s arms, what would your muse tell mine?
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Send whether you (the MUN) or your muse thinks my muse is a Top, Bottom, or Switch
Bonus: If you give an explanation as to why
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Reblog this with an icon/gif of your FC looking exactly how you imagined your muse to look like
(Because sometimes your FC sports a certain look that perfectly captures how you always imagined your muse to look like)
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Interesting Questions for MUNS:
1. Would you say that ever since you started writing for your muse you have become more similar to your muse? In what ways?
2. Do you self-project yourself into your muse? If so, then how?
3. Do you regret writing any of your past muses?
4. Would you like to become more like your muse some day?
5. Do you agree with your muse's decisions? Why or why not?
6. If your muse came to life, do you think you would get along with them?
7. Would you say that your attitude changes when you get 'into the zone' of writing your muse? (ex: when you write for your muse do you begin to sort of talk like them? do you find yourself feeling grumpy after? etc)
8. Do you like to tell people that you like to RP on tumblr? If not, then do you think you'll tell anybody?
9. Has your muse taught you anything about yourself and/or the world?
10. After a writing slump, how do you manage to get your muse back?
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How would you describe the MUN of this blog?
(For example, if somebody asked you what the MUN of this blog was like, what would you say?)
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Random, but a really handy way to make things seem creepy or wrong in horror is to make them incongruously neat or clean:
In the middle of a horrific battlefield, you find one corpse laid aside neatly, straightened and arranged, its arms crossed neatly across its chest
As you walk through the garden, you gradually realise that the oddness you’ve been noticing about the trees is that they are all perfectly symmetrical
As you move through the abandoned house, you realise that suddenly that there’s no dust in this room, no dirt or cobwebs
You hear hideous noises coming from behind a locked door, screams and pleas, and visceral sounds of violence. When you manage to break down the door, there is no one there, and the room is perfectly spotless
In the middle of a horrific battlefield, a hollow full of churned mud and blood, you find five corpses cleanly dismembered, each set of limbs or parts neatly laid out in their own little row
You witness a murder, a brutal, grisly killing that carpets the area in blood. When you return in a blind panic with the authorities, the scene is completely clean, and no amount of examination can find even a drop of blood
You run through the night and the woods with a comrade, pulling each other through leaves and twigs and mud as you scramble desperately towards freedom. When you finally emerge from the forest, in the grey light of dawn, you turn to your companion in relief, and notice that their clothes are somehow perfectly clean
You hand a glass of water to your suspect, talking casually the whole while, and watch with satisfaction as they take it in their bare hand and take a drink. There’ll be a decent set of prints to run from that later. Except there isn’t. There are no prints at all. As if nothing ever touched the glass
You browse idly through your host’s catalogue, and stop, and pay much more attention, when you realise that several items on a dry list of acquisitions are ones you’ve seen before, and it slowly dawns on you that each neat little object and number in this neat little book are things that belong (belonged?) to people you know
Neatness, particularly incongruous neatness, neatness where you expect violence or imperfection or abandonment, or neatness that you belatedly realise was hiding violence, or neatness that is imposed over violence, is incredibly scary. Because neatness is not a natural thing. Neatness requires some active force to have come through and made it so. Neatness implies that the world around you is being arranged, maybe to hide things, to disguise things, to make you doubt your senses, or else simply according to something else’s desires. Neatness is active and artificial. Neatness puts things, maybe even people, into neat little boxes according to something else’s ideals, and that’s terrifying as well. Being objectified. Being asked to fit categories that you’re not sure you can fit, and wondering what will happen to the bits of you that don’t.
Neatness, essentially, says that something else is here. Neatness where there should be chaos says that either something came and changed things, or that what you’re seeing now or what you saw then is not real. Neatness alongside violence says that something came through here for whom violence did not mean the same thing as it does to you.
Neatness, in the right context, in the right place, can be very, very scary
And fun
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How to write a kiss
How to Write a Kissing Scene in a Romance Novel
How to Write a Kissing Scene… Valentine Edition
How to write a kiss (1)
NaNoWriMo Expert: How To Write a Kiss? and Should You Write Sex?
How to Write a Kissing Scene in 5 Simple Steps
How to write a kiss (2)
Kiss and Tell – How to Write a Kissing Scene.
Masterlist - All about kisses in one place (GIFS, pictures, types of kisses)
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Tell my muse what you hate about them.
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Send 3 words and I’ll write a drabble for our muses based on those words
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send the mun asks about books
( i.e: book recommendations, least/favourite books, do you like the smell of books, etc.)
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Send me a ship and I, as the MUN, will tell you what I love most about it.
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Do you ever forget a word or phrase in English?If so, put in the tags what it is you do to try and recall the word in English.
(i.e: do you start making the action of that word? do you start repeating the word in your language until you remember it in English? staring out into space until you remember? etc.)
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Things I’ve Said To My Friends (Quarantine Edition)
“Are we two main characters stuck in the middle of a forbidden romance?” “For the last time you cannot control the weather.” “*seductively* Ready to get... wet?” “I know we aren’t allowed to, but can you imagine if we hugged under the moonlight.” “So, ummm, long story short, but I think I strained my arm and bruised my tailbone after trying my hand at Yoga.” “No, don’t worry about me. You go ahead. It’s just my asthma acting up again, the dots in my vision will go away eventually. This happens sometimes.” “Those shades make you look like a shady government agent.” “*seductively* Oh my. Looks like my pipes need a good... Plunging.” “He’s an absolute bastard of a man and I love him!” “Is it just me, or does the sewer smell like cooked steak?” “I have no sympathy for this orphan.” “Oooh! Congrats! Umm...you wanna go on a celebratory walk? Maybe have a celebratory picnic?” “Do I want homemade bread? Yes. Am I desperate enough to actually stand up and bake myself some homemade bread? Absolutely not.” “Sorry I’m late! I took a three hour nap.” “Oof. He got boned...” “I’m not scared of passing through the alleyway. I pass there all the time. Besides, there are no murderers in this area. Crime doesn’t exist here. The only thing I probably have to worry about are snakes, but it’s fine.” “LOOK AT THE MOON! THAT IS DEFINITELY A WEREWOLF MOON!” “I don’t know what happened. I wanted to try taking a new route on my walk, but I kinda ended up getting lost and now I don’t exactly know where I am.” “Hey. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Hey! Look at meeeee! Look, look, look!-- *blows kiss the other’s way*” “I’m sorry... Fragile!? I’m fragile? Me!?” “My aim is to get absolutely jacked so that if the apocalypse comes I can move the percentage of me surviving from five to a ten, maybe even a fifteen, if I’m lucky.” “Okay, but if we’re picking roles for the apocalypse I wanna be the scout, or that one member who makes shady backdoor deals with survivors from other groups in exchange for goods and favours... Or maybe I can be both.” “I just learned about brain architecture and neural circuits and their hierarchy. It’s so fascinating!” “So, I’ve been thinking about scream therapy a lot. We don’t have any good fields for it, though, sadly.” “I know I said I’d stop, but I have another Lord of The Rings tidbit to tell you. Pleeeaase!? This one is a good one!”
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What sort of Hogwarts professor can you see the MUN as and why?
(i.e: Charms? Care for Magical Creatures? Etc.)
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Words to describe someone’s voice :
adenoidal (adj) :  some of the sound seems to come through their nose.
appealing (adj): voice shows that you want help, approval, or agreement.
breathy (adj): with loud breathing noises.
booming (adj): very loud and attention-getting.
brittle (adj): if you speak in a brittle voice, you sound as if you are about to cry.
croaky (adj): they speak in a low, rough voice that sounds as if they have a sore throat.
grating (adj): a grating voice, laugh, or sound is unpleasant and annoying.
gravelly (adj): a gravelly voice sounds low and rough.
high-pitched (adj): true to its name, a high-pitched voice or sound is very high.
honeyed (adj): honeyed words or a honeyed voice sound very nice, but you cannot trust the person who is speaking.
matter-of-fact (adj): usually used if the person speaking knows what they are talking about (or absolutely think they know what they are talking about).
penetrating (adj): a penetrating voice is so high or loud that it makes you slightly uncomfortable.
raucous (adj): a raucous voice or noise is loud and sounds rough.
rough (adj): a rough voice is not soft and is unpleasant to listen to.
shrill (adj): a shrill voice is very loud, high, and unpleasant.
silvery (adj): this voice is clear, light, and pleasant.
stentorian (adj): a stentorian voice sounds very loud and severe.
strangled (adj): a strangled sound is one that someone stops before they finish making it.
strident (adj): this voice is loud and unpleasant.
thick (adj): if your voice is thick with an emotion, it sounds less clear than usual because of the emotion.
tight (adj): shows that you are nervous or annoyed.
toneless (adj): does not express any emotion.
wheezy (adj): a wheezy noise sounds as if it is made by someone who has difficulty breathing.
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Was there ever something that has reminded you of My Muse? If so, what is it?
(I.e: A film? A book? A specific character? A line? A scent? Etc.)
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What sort of roommate would Your Muse be like if they were living with My Muse?
(Would your muse be a chill roommate? Somebody who constantly pranks and annoys my muse? A thoughtful roommate? etc.)
Bonus if you give specific examples of what sort of things Your Muse would do as a roomie.
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