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ohmy god you guys i meant to type sOPHIA NOT MARIA
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me: oh man so excited to rp sophia
everyone: sophia just fuck off
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He stands on one side of his room, facing the guards on the other side. He’s used to being under surveillance, but he doesn’t like how they’re looking in on him through a wall he can see through. It’s unnerving.
Head turns and eyes dart to the door when he hears a knock, and he knows who it is without even needing to see her face or hear her voice. She’s checking in on him, and there’s a part of him that hates her for it. This isn’t much different than prison other than the room is bigger and the torture is a lot more personal. Difficult, she says, and he wonders if she’s ever been forced into the Animus.
“Perfect,” he says with a sarcastic smile, and he can’t help how his rage starts to simmer into a boil. “Couldn’t be better. No, I love hallucinating, it’s why I took PCP for two years.”
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she inhales quietly as gaze falls to the guards STANDING on the other side of the glass, unmoving and WATCHFUL. head briefly lowers in something akin to embarrassment, “i will see if i can have them removed, cal,” sophia glances upwards now, a slow but firm nod immediately following. “it is a PRECAUTION, you understand, but one i find overbearing.” 
lips briefly purse together at his reply but sophia keeps her composure, simply blinking before replying, “i’ve seen your rap sheet, cal. that seems it could very well be true.” hands fold in front of her lightly and she attempts a small smile. “i wanted to ensure you are adjusting as well as can be expected. i know full well this is DIFFICULT.” 
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 trying to keep herself from getting sick from the motion sickness, the tired blonde wobbles to regain her stance, glaring down at the floor as she takes a hard gulp to swallow the words she wanted to lash out. bridgette wasn’t sure what she had just experienced, despite having it explained to her several times since her abduction.
“ i still don’t understand why– if you want information,” she pauses and pants, “–i can find it. i can find anything. ”
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fingers TAP absently against her lips and she resists the urge to gnaw her knuckles, mind WHIRLING through the slew of memories she’s just experienced, witnessed with her own eyes. it’s difficult to set it all aside, see the WOMAN before her now and not what abilities she had possessed just moments earlier. 
“a generous offer,” sophia states gently, reaching for a water bottle and stepping forward lightly to hold it outright, “and one i have no doubt you are capable of fulfilling, but i’m afraid it’s not that EASY.” 
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it’s going BETTER this time, nearly seamlessly. present and past merge together EFFORTLESSLY and if she allows herself to be captivated by it, sophia finds she struggles to remember where each begins and ENDS. 
but now does the memory fade away and the woman before her left PANTING. sophia takes a few steps forward, careful to ensure there is no DAMAGE before stepping to her side. “you did brilliantly, brigette, thank you.” 
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he knows when he’s herded into the office by a couple of guards that his day’s taken a turn for the WORSE. he’s got the big one’s keys in his pocket, && the little one had half a granola bar that mats lifted. no idea why. objectively, he might have a problem. it gets worse when he’s nervous, and as practiced as his poker face is, he’s uneasy. 
there aren’t a lot of reasons for these chats, and the few there are, aren’t good. he doesn’t want to go back in the animus again. doesn’t want to talk about the apple. doesn’t want to be there.
“ feeling like i’ve been called into the principal’s office. ”  he leans forward, head cocked with a jagged smile.  “ did somebody tell on me again, or is there something else you want? ”
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she sighs quietly and a smashed granola bar is placed LIGHTLY before him, set aside the coffee as if some sort of mangled attempt at breakfast. “i’m sorry, mathias, i had not INTENDED for them to search you like that.” sophia smiles gently, one finger TAPPING against the table. “in here, you are NOT a criminal, i assure you.” 
there are SAFETY measures for obvious reasons, measures sophia has been grateful for on more than one on occasion, but her father has the tendency to stray TOO MUCH towards what she would consider outright imprisonment. “i suppose that must make the principal then. i would rather you think of me as a GUIDANCE counselor. i’ve no interest in punishment.” 
sophia leans back, arms crossing over her chest as her gaze fixes on his. “i want to ensure you are WELL, mathias, that is all. regardless of what so many care to believe, i hope to see you made WELL.” 
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Marion Cotillard
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“you look well rested today, cal,” she knocks ONCE before entering the door to his room, not WAITING for permission to enter. sophia absently smooths on a FOLD of her blouse, clipboard tucked lightly under her arm, “i take it the bleeding effect has EASED somewhat? from what i understand, the first few days are the most DIFFICULT.” 
in truth, he’s reacting BETTER than most. an occasional few will experience no side effects at all, though she suspects they’re LYING when they say there’s nothing. she smiles politely, though gaze remains DELICATELY curious. “has it caused you any PROBLEMS?”
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“good morning, mathias.” a small smile is offered in his direction, a cup of coffee placed delicately before him. she’s CERTAIN her presence is at best, an annoyance at and worst, outright INFURIATING, but sophia has long ago learned to stop evaluating success by whether or not she is LIKED. 
it would be a welcome ADDITION, perhaps, but in no way does she expect it.
“i figured this might be a good way to start off the morning. let me know if you need SUGAR.” a small nod and they both KNOW why she’s here. “how are you feeling today?”
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We have to show him…who he really is.
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