adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
closed starter - addy & jasper ( @jaspcrxlocklear​ )
Addy sighed lightly, deflating slightly into the couch. “Do you think this will ever be over? I’m starting to lose hope on when we’re going to see something good in the papers for once, y’know?”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
closed starter - addy & gabe ( @gabelarkin​ )
Adabella curled pieces of Gabe’s hair around her fingers, laying in bed with him. “Can we just lay here all day?” she said, curling into him. “Pretend that the world outside doesn’t exist?”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
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“You are staying here. You’re my best friend don’t think I won’t kick your ass if you try,” Adeline replied in all seriousness, “Addy, they’re not going to let you in? You’d only be putting yourself in danger going down there,” of course, she was worried about Gabe too and Harper but she knew that there was nothing they could do right now except wait, “He said he was fine when you reached out and when I reached out? I can’t picture him lying if he was in any immediate danger.”
Addy let out a soft sigh and slid down the saide of their counters to sit on the floor. “I hate not being able to do anything. It’s so frustrating.”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
text || gabriel & adabella
GABE: I'm so glad you are together right now. Please stay together okay? Don't split up until all of this is over. And I promise to text her back too.
GABE: After this is all over I will come straight to you. Just please stay home, please. It's going to be okay.
ADABELLA: fine, as long as your stay safe and stay locked in the apartment.
ADABELLA: i love you
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
text // jasper & adabella
JASPER: It's not like Death Eaters are going to attack the muggle streets. They'd have nothing to gain so I'm perfectly safe.
JASPER: Don't do that, even if everything is screaming at you to go. You know you'd just stress and worry him out more.
JASPER: The sensible thing to do is to wait there until this is over.
ADABELLA: ugh, i know you're right.
ADABELLA: text me when you're with Lyra again okay? stay safe.
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
“Well you’re certainly not wrong there,” the blonde laughed, knowing Jasper was that kind of a boyfriend who would go for pretty much anything if it made her happy. She felt so fortunate to say she had that. “Paris sounds magical,” Lyra admitted. “Do you think they’d go for it?”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
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“To a dance class? I thought you said you had private lessons,” Adeline said, “I’m not allowed to join those, am I?”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
“Just my usual, if I have anything stronger I won’t be able to sleep and it’ll just make my classes tomorrow a lot harder to understand.” He commented, running his hand through his hair for what was probably the thousandth time that hour, knowing that his curls were probably sticking up at all angles.
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
“That’s a great plan,” he agreed with a nod upon Adabella’s suggestion. “See this is why I think you should be the brains of every operation. You’re able to find the solution to every problem and it doesn’t even seem difficult for you to figure out.”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
closed starter - addy squared ( @adelinexmulciber​ )
Addy was pacing the floor of their kitchen, worse case scenarios just running through her head. Now was possibly the worse time to be craving a fix. She needed to see Gabe, she needed him to be safe in front of her eyes. She didn’t feel like she could breathe until she saw that. “I can’t stay here,” she said to Addy. “How the fuck am I supposed to stay here when Gabe is stuck having front row tickets to people probably dying right now, to all the danger?”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
text // jasper & adabella
JASPER: Are you with Adeline? I'm guessing it would be better for you to be with someone then alone.
JASPER: I already feel like shit because I know Lyra is by herself, even if she is in a place that is probably the safest right now.
JASPER: I am. I'm in London. Muggle London.
ADABELLA: Well the muggle part makes me feel a little better, the London part doesn't. I'm glad Lyra is safe too.
ADABELLA: I'm safe with Addy, but everything in me is screaming to go to Diagon Alley. Gabe is there.
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
text || gabriel & adabella
GABE: I'm glad to hear that. Are you on your own?
GABE: Sorry but we are at home. We're okay though. Not doing anything to draw attention to ourselves. I wish we didn't have a front row seat to all the explosions and shouting though.
ADABELLA: I'm at home with Addy. We're both pretty freaked. I think she texted you too, I don't think she'll breathe until you text her back yourself, even if I tell you that you're okay. She's checking on her brother too.
ADABELLA: I wish you didn't have a front row seat either. It's taking everything in me not to run out my front door just to get to you right now.
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
text || gabriel & adabella
GABE: Bells, babe
GABE: Where are you right now? Are with Addy or someone else?
ADABELLA: I'm fine, I'm home right now. Please tell me that you're safe.
ADABELLA: Please tell me that you went out with Harper shopping or something somewhere other than your flat right now. Please tell me you're no where near any of this, babe.
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
text // jasper & adabella
JASPER: Addy, are you okay?
JASPER: I've heard what's happening in Diagon Alley and just want to make sure you're somewhere safe.
ADABELLA: I'm fine, I'm at home for now. It seems they're contained in Diagon Alley for now.
ADABELLA: I'm trying to get a hold of Gabe, his flat is in Diagon Alley.
ADABELLA: Are you safe?
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
“I think Harper would love anything you made her because it’s so thoughtful of you to even offer in the first place,” Gabe smiled warmly after his girlfriend’s enthusiastic outburst. “I’ll be honest I’m not too sure about the specifics of what she can or can’t eat. I’m going to have to ask the healers for a list so I can make sure I do the appropriate groceries when she can come back home.”
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“Okay, how about this,” Addy said. “You find out that list and get back to me, and I’ll figure out what to make her.”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
“I don’t think it is. I think it’s just two friends hanging out.” Hadley indicated. “But what do you suggest i wear?”
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“Oh honey, it’s totally a date, you’re going to dinner, and he asked you. It totally seems like a date. We should find something that accents your beautiful curves.”
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adabellaxskeeter · 2 years
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Adeline shrugged, “I’ll have a think about it. Not even sure when I could make the time at suitable hours but like I said maybe.”
“I’m sure you’ll figure it out if you want to,” Addy replied. “Do you want to come with me now?”
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