adadsneeze · 5 years
Okay I wanna try something
Send in my ask box which member of the Losers Club I remind you of. And pass this on, I wanna see if people will do this for others too!
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adadsneeze · 5 years
Reblog if you're not skaphobic.
Every url that reblog’s will be written in a book and shown to my skaphobic dad.
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adadsneeze · 5 years
Whats your type?
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adadsneeze · 5 years
Boston Straight Pride
It was a fucking mess. Here are some highlights.
-there were probably like 10 white women and about 200 incel white men
-a bunch of the dudes made a point to set up right next to the holocaust memorial, as someone pointed out on twitter
-my personal twitter feed today was just bostonians taking pictures of the dumpsters outside their apartments and being like, “look at the straight pride parade, everyone!”
-businesses along their march route prepared by putting up lgbt flags or signs that said “go home alt-right scum”
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-the floats were just trump 2020 floats
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-milo fucking yiannopoulos showed up and made a speech but there were so many counter-protesters that no one could understand what he was saying
-legit there were counter-protesters flooding the streets. lots of rainbow and trans pride flags out today
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-small bands along the route popped up to drown out the white supremacists’ hate with good upbeat tunes
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-this dude in a clown suit and his buddy in green face paint drove 8 hours to protest the ban of a legit incel subreddit. yes you heard me. apparently incels are “reclaiming” clowns?
(im not showing a pictures of him or milo or anyone else like them because im not giving them the attention they’re so clearly begging for)
-people legit just flipped off the marchers as they walked by
-then the police decided to start arresting people. apparently there were 34 arrests of counter-protesters in total
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-eventually fights broke out
-BPD started punching and driving motorcycles at counter protesters who refused to move out of the way for the straight pride parade
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-the police ended up using mace on the counter-protesters towards the end of the parade
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-there are reports of tear gas use also though i haven’t seen any photos of it yet
That’s basically where we’re at rn in MA as of about 8pm.
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adadsneeze · 5 years
every time you leave the house w some aspect of your physical appearance challenging norms but honoring yourself, you get a little firmer in your conviction that you have the right to exist and be a body however tf you want
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adadsneeze · 5 years
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adadsneeze · 5 years
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adadsneeze · 5 years
Thank you for choosing bad mcdonalds how can we hurt you
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adadsneeze · 5 years
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is this something
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adadsneeze · 5 years
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adadsneeze · 5 years
so you know how testosterone is like super expensive and practically impossible to get insurance to cover?
well, if you live near these pharmacys you can get your vial for just 10-18$ without insurance (depending on your pharmacy)
I know it’s saved my ass since i never would be able to afford it in a million years without this
here’s a link- [link]
pharmacys that accept it include- walgreens, CVS, Walmart, kroger, hy vee and a couple others.
please share to help others out!
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adadsneeze · 5 years
today i saw an old man wearing a shirt that said "thyme 2 turnip the beet"..... Fuck yeah you funky little gardener....
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adadsneeze · 5 years
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adadsneeze · 5 years
I dont understand, how can Magnus be fat?
umm?? like this??
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magnus is fat next question
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adadsneeze · 5 years
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this meme format is so so good
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adadsneeze · 5 years
i feel like the mcelroys have a huge lgbt following, because many of us never experienced such a supportive family relationship. i never got to joke with older brother and even less with my parents. i am always careful with how much i tell them about myself, anything could too much. 
the mcelroys aren’t like that at all. they joke with each other, make fun of each other (and their dad), but are also open about how much they love each other. i know they aren’t my family, but listening to them bicker on how to pronounce crêpes made me feel more included than any conversation i had with my family. 
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adadsneeze · 5 years
the mcelboys said trans rights!
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