adailybaby · 2 years
Conversations with children
Lillian: why don’t you put your masks in your outer backpack pocket?
Alexander: mine is full of stuff.
Coral: mine is full of dirt.
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adailybaby · 2 years
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4 years apart on Mt Pierce!
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adailybaby · 2 years
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adailybaby · 2 years
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“This is one of the best days of my life”
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adailybaby · 2 years
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Coral’s first ballet recital!
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adailybaby · 2 years
Alexander: I don’t understand why you and Mama are going away this weekend
Me: Sometimes it is nice for adults to go on an adult trip
Coral: Yeah, because taking care of kids is a lot of work!
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adailybaby · 2 years
Conversations with a third grader
Alexander: I wish I had a Time Machine, because then I could skip ahead to video game time tomorrow. Then skip to library on Thursday, then video game time on Thursday.
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adailybaby · 2 years
Conversations with children
Alexander: If I could have a superpower, I would have the power of time travel, and I think I would use it to visit Ancient Greece a lot.
Me: Why Ancient Greece?
Alexander: A lot of reasons. Like, in Ancient Greece, there would be no climate change.
Coral: Yeah, I would go to Ancient Greece too because there is no climate change.
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adailybaby · 2 years
Overheard with children
An actual conversation overheard this afternoon
Alexander: we have already ruined the world with global warming.
Coral: the world isn’t ruined. The world is wonderful!
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adailybaby · 3 years
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adailybaby · 3 years
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Coral wrote a book about Pusheen this morning. This is the second to last page. She insists the last word is pronounced with a long A sound, like Kate, and that it is a real word. I think maybe she means shape? Nonetheless, that is not what she wrote…
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adailybaby · 3 years
Some Coral quotes:
Coral: Alexander, I tried playing Stay Alive: reprise, but instead google home played the greatest snowman! (She did pronounce reprise to really sound like refreeze)
Me: Oh, you washed my snow pants?
Rachelle: Yeah, I’m not really sure why I did that.
Coral: (with a huge smile) Because it is laundry day!
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adailybaby · 3 years
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Coral is ready for Thanksgiving.
(The feathers are what she is thankful for)
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adailybaby · 3 years
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adailybaby · 3 years
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adailybaby · 3 years
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adailybaby · 3 years
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