Adam Croasdell #MeToo
If you weren’t there with us then you cannot judge. I will be speaking my truth everyday until our joint interview airs just in case there are other victims out there who might be too scared to come forward and need the extra nudge. It’s not easy you get attacked daily by Adam Croasdell his fans and friends but it’s what we must do to stop it from happening again. Adam Croasdell uses his friends and fans to shame his victims into silence five women are coming out what if there’s more out there we don’t about? I have evidence. I’m not going to wait until this animal harms someone worse than me. He choked me until almost unconsciousness it was not consensual I said stop 6 times and was gasping choking for air and then he proceeded to punch and kick me. Should I or any other woman take his abuse because he’s an actor and you like his acting? All five of us are just astounded at how Adam has used his fans to try and silence and quite frankly sickened. It won’t keep us quiet it recharges us we’ve already put the fear behind us. We keep saying support victims let them speak their truth they are survivors but they want to silence us. Not one person who attacks his victims for shattering their illusions of who he is has taken the time to ask what happened or to see what we have to support the claims. Adam Croasdell has hurt multiple women and their families all to hide his wrongdoing and to present a false image for his career. No matter who Adam enlists to silence or threaten us which some of us were threatened with bodily harm or try and guilt us his image or career does not mean more than a women’s life or safety. Walk a mile in our well worn shoes ask us questions before you condemn what if it were you. I’m a domestic violence survivor of the abuse inflicted by Adam Croasdell I’m proud to finally have the courage to not only admit that but speak out. I never want another woman to go through what we have been put through by Adam Croasdell even if he uses his fans, other women or friends to attack us and lies. He can’t hide the truth for long. Instagram @AdamCroasdell Twitter @ACroasdell #AdamCroasdell #Eccarius #IgnisScientia #LordBothwell #Actor #VoiceActor #FFXV #Preacher #Reign #Vampire #LosAngeles #Women #TimesUp #IWillNotStaySilent #Supernatural
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Adam Croasdell
Facts are threatening to those who lie or do wrong like Adam Croasdell. Be honest. This applies to every area of your life. Sketchiness is not an attractive trait. No more trying to cover up your baggage, sweeping things under the rug, withholding truth, blatant lying, or even telling seemingly harmless white lies release the need to lie completely! Our biggest fear is not in expressing the truth but that we will be attacked or belittled because of our truth. You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them, they should've behaved better. To say nothing is saying something. You must denounce things you are against or one might believe that you support things you really do not. Our joint interview airs this month. I won’t give a time and date when it airs it will be easily accessed on the internet. I want those especially who shamed and blamed his victims to watch every second of it more than once and realize you helped to abuse us with him whether unknowingly or purposefully. It takes courage to come out knowing you will be victimized continuously by others who were not there and are culpable with the person who did it to you in the first place. It never feels good to have fingers pointed at you when you're the one who deserves defense. While this victim blaming can leave you scratching your head, others will blame you, rather than accept that someone they like did something wrong, because accepting what happened violates those preformed opinions of that person they idolized or admired. When someone is a victim of violence, it affects not only the survivor, but also all of the people around them. How you respond to a survivor can impact their healing process. Being a willing listener, who acknowledges the feelings of a person, makes a significant positive impact. Instagram @AdamCroasdell Twitter @ACroasdell #AdamCroasdell #Eccarius #IgnisScientia #SBAC #LordBothwell #Actor #VoiceActor #FFXV #Preacher #Reign #Vampire #LosAngeles #Women #TimesUp #IWillNotStaySilent #Supernatural #Castlevania #Netflix
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Tell your stories. Tell your truth. Keep talking. Get mad. Keep supporting other abuse survivors. A year after the birth of the #MeToo movement, much has changed and nothing has changed. Victim blaming is on the rise again having seen and experienced it myself from fans, friends, and other people @adamcroasdell has enlisted towards myself and his other victims shows me how malicious and unsafe this world can be for victims. Using young impressionable fans to shame and silence his victims shows how far we have to go to make victims feel safe from these abusers. Actions from them and him is #WhyIDidntReport on top of living in fear of him and their threats. My silence gave him a thirst for more and younger victims. I realize and know wholeheartedly he will never stop. His fans, friends, and family are his accomplices by victim shaming and he shows no remorse for the pain he causes he feels proud. In other words, if you’re waiting for them to make an apology, forget it. These men might regret getting caught. But expressing true remorse about the damage they caused isn’t forthcoming. What most of them haven’t lost is the conviction that since they are either celebrities, men in power from business to political power they have the right to treat women as they please, not the women we are to bow down live with the nightmare. I decided to no longer suffer in silence but men like Adam Croasdell we stand up to or say no to feel they are the real victims and, as such, do not need to change their behavior and continue the cycle of abuse making it worse and enlist others to abuse their victims. Adam Croasdell is one of the many men during the #MeToo era included in some of the most shameful chapters in the history of the United States because it shows his complicity and what men of his caliber will do to hurt women and hide it. #NoMore #AdamCroasdell #Eccarius #Castlevania #IgnisScientia #LordBothwell #Actor #VoiceActor #FFXV #Preacher #Reign #Vampire #SBAC #Supernatural #LosAngeles #Women #SupportWomen #TimesUp #Netflix Instagram @AdamCroasdell Twitter @ACroasdell
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This November our interviews will be airing stateside. Five women with the courage to come forward after we’ve seen other women hurt by Adam Croasdell. We will be sharing our experiences as a survivor of his abuse, pictorial to video in conjunction with our claims against him and the various methods he used to try and silence us. This is my #PSA continued actions by Adam Croasdell, his friends and his fans he uses further proves you can recognize survivors of abuse by their courage. When silence is so very inviting, we step forward and share our truth so others know they aren't alone. #MeToo I was a victim of Adam Croasdell and will not be silenced, threatened or shamed as a survivor for his actions anymore by him or whomever he has help him whether fans or friends he enlists. I know speaking out puts my life at risk by Adam and his fans. I’m one of five women Adam Croasdell has physically or mentally abused if he has done the same to you or harassed you under multiple instagrams whether alone or with fans or his friends please come forward with hashtag #AdamCroasdellAbusedMeToo we would like to have you interviewed and speak out against him to stop him from silencing another woman if you’re scared and have any chat logs, texts, videos, audios or pictures we will take those to if you prefer to not be named. Your safety is more important Adam has a history of bullying and harassing women by internet. There are also six photographers who are going to sue him for violating their copyrights, harassment and vandalism of their work which he did under multiple instagrams #AdamCroasdellVandalized thank you for your help and supporting and stopping Adam from vandalizing photographers work and other women from being hurt by this animal. This continued shaming of his victims shows the depravity of Adam Croasdell. You were not there you did not experience what we did. Instagram @AdamCroasdell Twitter @ACroasdell #AdamCroasdell #Eccarius #IgnisScientia #LordBothwell #Actor #VoiceActor #FFXV #SBAC #Preacher #Reign #Vampire #LosAngeles #Women #TimesUp #IWillNotStaySilent #Supernatural #Castlevania #Netflix
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