adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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Here are a few examples of Healy's work.
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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adamkj01 · 2 years
Final Project: My formula
Pippa Healy's work mainly focuses on topics of loss, grief, and violence, so leaving out the violence, I wanted to focus on something that I long for or feel like has been lost around this time of year.
My Formula: Black and white, color, Urban Nature, Symmetrical, Asymmetrical, Diurnal, B&W color grading, Surrealism, inanimate objects, blending modes= Images that depict the feelings that some may experience when the colorful busyness of summer disappears into the monochrome emptiness of winter.
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adamkj01 · 2 years
Final Project: Photographer Formula
I chose Pippa Healy as my photographer of choice for the final project. More specifically, I chose her collection called "I want it all to go back to the way it was before".
The formula for her work in this collection is:
Color, Urban, Nature, Symmetry, Diurnal, Nocturnal, Heavy Color Grading, Surrealism, everyday things, living and nonliving= Surreal depictions of loss and wrongness felt around the world during the pandemic
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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Shutter: 1/5, f20, ISO: 100
I really liked the pattern on my lamp shade and thought it would be cool to experiment with. I wanted to highlight the pattern with just a little bit of movement.
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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Shutter: 1/5, f18, ISO: 100
For this image I wanted to experiment with rotating movements rather than the linear movement of the first two images. I felt like this image worked better in color than in B/W.
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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Shutter: 1/5, f25, ISO: 100
Similar to the last image, I wanted to try and imitate the styles seen in the videos. I feel like this image is closer to what I wanted than the previous.
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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Shutter: 1/5, f14, ISO: 100
With this image I wanted to imitate some of the things I was seeing in the videos from this week which is also why I shot in B/W. I really like the surreal feeling of this.
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adamkj01 · 2 years
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This was going for a movie feel. It seems like many movies portray this era with a sort of yellowish color scheme at least interiors so I wanted to add that to this image.
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