adcraticns · 5 years
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rozkv: look who’s talkin stunna
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kdh1996: you’re too kind. maybe they can feature us in a gallery together 
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adcraticns · 5 years
     it’s embarrassing, really. blue eyes are trained on the man standing only a few feet away from him, shoulders broad under daehyun’s sweater as he leans over the sink. hannie’s task is momentarily forgotten in lieu watching his friend, chest wine-warmed with affection when dae’s soft humming reaches his ears. songbird had always been a favorite of the younger’s, in turn making it a favorite of hannie’s as well. he allows himself a moment to bask in this. this little moment of they have created for themselves. it’s something he had missed when dae was gone, and something he craved now that he was here before him again. hannie can’t even find it in himself to be embarrassed when the taller man turns around and catches his gaze. a smile growing on his lips that he tries to hide behind the rim of his wine glass as he takes a sip.
    ( would it be like this if they were together? soft and safe and theirs? if hannie got to wake up to daehyun every morning. if he got to sleep next to him every night. would it be like this? )
      ❝ i would never help you out just because you offered me wine. it’s only just a bonus! ❞ his eyes crinkle into small moons as dae flicks the bubbles his way, no long attempting to hide the laughter that tumbles past his lips. it’s easy. it’s always been easy when it comes to the man before him. comforting. something hannie settled into so easily it’s as though nothing had even changed. the urge to reach out and touch daehyun is strong, so he allows himself to do just that, hand finding the crook of daehyun’s arm and drawing him just a tad bit closer. he hates how pleased he feels when the younger takes his wine glass out of his hand to take a sip when his own is sitting on the counter behind them. a soft, content hum leaves hannie’s lips.
      ❝ oooor we could not do the dishes and take a little break instead? ❞ they had been working since the morning. hannie entrusting the shop to his employees in favor of coming to help dae with his spring cleaning. he takes his glass back for another sip. ❝ we’ve been doing pretty good, don’t you think? ❞
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                     dae furrows his eyebrows playfully when hannie speaks. so quick to want to shirk their workload in favour of something else. he isn’t complaining, though. as long as the two continued to spend the day together he couldn’t care less what they were doing. being in hannie’s company made even the most boring and menial of tasks a pleasure to take part in, and while he wants to take a break and relax he knows that if hannie leaves he’ll never finish cleaning. in fact, even if hannie stuck around he may not finish the cleaning if they get onto doing something else. time had a way of running away from him when he was in the presence of the older man.
                     “ we’ve only been working for a few hours, han.” he continues to scrub away at the plate in his hand, though his eyes aren’t on the dishes. no. they’re trained so intensely on hannie that he isn’t sure he’ll be able to tear them away. how could someone make slacking off look so god damn good ? not that he was angry at all. he was entirely content watching hannie sip wine in silence. perhaps he even considered it one of his favourite sights --- not that he would ever say so.
                     “ help me finish these ones off and then we can take a break. ” he nods to the dishes sitting to drip dry in the dish rack. “ i’ll keep washing, you just have to dry. maybe even put them away, if you’re feeling a little frisky. ” he reaches for hannie’s wine glass again, a more cheeky expression on his face this time as he takes a longer sip. his body sways softly to the fleetwood mac continuing to play over the speaker, giving him a rhythm to continue washing to.
                     “ what would you like to do in celebration of all our hard work ? i say we order take out and finish this wine off. i think watching you vacuum drunk would be super amusing. ”
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adcraticns · 5 years
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Rose was not prepared for the person staring at her. Then she realized they were looking at the flower crown she had hand crafted on the table and was placing on her head. “Do you like it? I am more than happy to make you one,” she said. “I am quite attached to this one though.”
                     dae watches rosie with quiet fascination as her fingers expertly thread the flowers before her on the table into a beautiful crown. his way of helping for most of the festival thus far had simply been handing crowns to passers by rather than actually making any himself --- most likely due to the clumsy nature of his fingers. when she speaks he finds a hand running through his own hair, a nervous grin forming on his face.
                     “ i was more hoping you could try and show me how to make one ? i feel bad sitting here just passing out crowns while you and hannie do all the work. i think it’d be good for me to learn how, anyways. in case anyone ever comes to the shop and wants one and i’m the only one there. ” as if that would ever happen, but he needed some justification.
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adcraticns · 5 years
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rozkv:  you are so right, i mean look at this angle
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kdh1996: that photo should be mounted on the wall of the louvre. a masterpiece.
[snapchat ⇢open]
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adcraticns · 5 years
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rozkv: be productive &work on art or take basic bitch selfies?
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kdh1996: selfies are self portraits which are technically art, so why not say it’s both?
[snapchat ⇢open]
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adcraticns · 5 years
closed starter for @hcnnies
                     it’s embarrassing, really. dark eyes are trained on the man standing only a few feet away. they had been in similar situations plenty of times before --- just the two of them, alone. whether it be in the flower shop after hours piecing together arrangements, or lingering in daehyun’s drive way a little longer than necessary when he walks him home. they were alone together often enough and yet he still managed to be a mess each and every time. today was no different, the two of them slowly working through a bottle of wine as they got started on spring cleaning dae’s apartment. the windows were all open, the mid-april breeze blowing through the small space. a mix of fresh air and lavender scented cleaning product tickled dae’s nostrils, and songbird played quietly from the bluetooth speaker on the kitchen counter.
                     “ you know, i’m kinda starting to think you’re only helping me because i offered you wine in exchange for man power. ” dae’s tone is teasing as he flicks the suds off of his dish washing gloves in hannie’s direction. a few stray bubbles floated slowly in the air between them, just missing their intended mark. he was still staring --- if anything, he was stuck doing so --- with the same fond, glassy look in his eyes. the way hannie’s lips lightly touch the rim of the wine glass is all too enticing for his hungry gaze. just satisfying enough of a sight to stop him from going crazy but not enough so to soothe the ache in his chest. he reaches one gloved hand gently taking the half finished glass of wine from hannie and bringing it to his own lips to take a sip.
                     “ how about you wash some dishes while i lean on the counter drinking chardonnay ? ”
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adcraticns · 5 years
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it was half past 10 and she was still in the university. time moved slower when the sun set much later and in all honesty, penelope had lost track of time (she tried not to glance out the window in lost thoughts so she could focus on her pages). in all honesty, she wasn’t quite sure what she was going to do now, standing outside of the library with her bag clutched tightly in front of her. she had forgotten to bring her bike (it wasn’t that far in the first place) and penny just never felt comfortable walking alone at night – her parents always made her and her siblings walk each other in threes. pursing her lips, her hand reached for inside her bag in hesitance, debating whether or not this would be a good idea (he was probably busy too…) but knowing that she could rely on him. finally making her decision, she quickly dialled in his number and pressed the phone against her ear until she heard a familiar (and reassuring voice). “um… i’m at the library and its getting quite late out…” she said, feeling a little embarrassed but hoping he would understand. 
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                     daehyun can’t help the way his face lights up when he sees penny’s contact name pop up on his phone screen. 
                     puppy 🐶
                     he answers immediately, finger quickly sliding across the screen of his phone and then tapping the speaker button soon after. when he hears her voice his eyes light up, and though she can’t see it he’s certain she can tell by the tone of his voice. he’s about to greet her, but she’s beginning to speak before he gets a chance. he only needs to hear the start of her sentence before he knows what she’s alluding to --- someone to accompany her on her walk home --- and he’s more than happy to oblige.
                      “ i can walk over and meet you. maybe we can stop for food somewhere on the way back to our place ? ” the slight embarrassment in her voice is apparent and he knows the best way to distract from it is to move onto a separate topic, and one involving food is always a safe bet.
                     “ are you by the library, pup ? ” he’s slipping a hoodie over his head as he speaks and his voice is muffled enough he isn’t sure she can hear him. when his head pops out of the neck hole he gives it a shake, running a hand through his hair before he picks up his phone. “ i’m just leaving home now. i’ll be like ten minutes tops. ”
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adcraticns · 5 years
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i am so in love
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adcraticns · 5 years
roses were some of faith’s favorites, especially the white ones. they were just so crisp, so clean, so perfect; faith loved decorating her work office with them whenever she could. despite how pretty they were, she knew about the thorns, knew that they could potentially hurt her; she was extra careful with roses. having the boy snatch them from her left her a little shocked, complete with the wide blue eyes staring at empty hands. “ uh… ” the blonde blinked. “ all right… ” there wasn’t much else she wanted, but now she almost felt obligated to get something else. “ i guess i’ll uh… grab some of the hydrangea seeds ? ” she was wondering aloud, looking for something pretty and blue. “ those bloom blue. they’d look nice with my delphiniums. ” her words were rhetorical, but as she wandered to the seed section of the little flower shop, she was more than open to having a conversation with the other. she only knew a bit about flowers and flower care, after all; if the taking-back of the roses was any indication of what the boy knew, it was a lot more than her.
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                     daehyun watched faith carefully as she wandered about the shop, more awestruck than anything with the careful yet effortless grace with which she moved. she commanded attention without force, and he found himself unable to take his eyes off of her. he hung off of each word that fell from her lips as she contemplated her choices, nodding along slowly with what she said.
                     “ our seeds yield some of the best hydrangea blooms in maine, according to a couple local floral magazines !! ” as if he needed to pitch it to her when she was already reaching out to grab them. “ they’re easy to grow from seeds too, and they don’t mind sharing a pot with other flowers as long as there’s enough space. delphiniums would make a good pot-pal for them. ”
                    he had almost forgotten in his enamoured stupor that he was supposed to be de-thorning the roses. a small oh left his lips upon remembering, and he grabbed the pruning scissors quickly. he had always enjoyed white roses more than red ones --- this stranger had good taste.
                     “ only thing is that hydrangeas grow better in moist soil and delphiniums prefer a more dry bed. hydrangeas are pretty adaptable and resilient though, so i’m sure it would be fine so long as you monitored the watering carefully. ”
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adcraticns · 5 years
she had just turned at the word careful, small batch of roses in hand, before she was entirely taken off-guard. the roses were yanked from her hand, a thorn indeed catching right across her palm, leaving her with a shallow scratch, not drawing blood but making her take a sharp breath in. she looked to her hand, then at the other. “ i am plenty careful, thank you, ” poppy replied, tone short. “ i know how delicate flowers can be, especially roses. i grew up in england. ” as if that really mattered. but now her hand hurt as she was being hastily redirected to buy something else. “ all i wanted was the roses, ” she insisted, not budging from her spot. “ may i at least have a bandage while i wait ? ” the scrape was beginning to sting, and a bead or two of crimson was appearing. she cradled her hand to keep it upward and visible.
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                     oh god. oh god. oh god. oh god. 
                     daehyun’s eyes widen considerably, making him look like a deer caught in headlights. while his actions hadn’t been the most polite he hadn’t been expecting such a reaction, never mind the fact that he’d scraped her hand in the process of trying to prevent her from doing it herself. 
                     “ i am so sorry-- oh my god. ” there’s a small crack in his voice but he hopes it goes unnoticed. this was no time for him to be getting emotional. “ yeah i’ve got bandaids right here. ” he opens the front counter drawer in a hurry, pulling a package of bandages and disinfectant wipes out and placing them on the counter. god. he feels horrible, eyes darting between the now discarded roses and the pearls of blood forming on the woman’s hand.
                      “ you know what, you can uhh-- you can just have the roses. no charge. for the trouble. ” shaky hands grab the small scissors used to cut the thorns off, and he made quick work of snipping each of the pesky little thorns off of the stems. his gaze still moved to the woman every few moments, searching her face for signs of any growing anger. what would christine think if she knew he’d maimed a customer ? 
                     “ i really am sorry...i didn’t mean to nick your hand...is it feeling alright ? ” 
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adcraticns · 5 years
[ text to dae 💐]
john: Hello Dae, I hope you've been well.
john: Do you think it's strange to send flowers everyday?
john: Is that creepy?
daehyun: i have been well! thank you john
daehyun: everyday might be a bit much! i totally understand the sentiment but they might not unless you're making it really clear
daehyun: does this person know the flowers are from you?
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adcraticns · 5 years
Lobo raised an eyebrow, already not exactly fond of the former cop, despite the pretty package he came in. Still, he let him take the roses, amused. “I’m not afraid of getting a little blood on my hands. And the flowers are for a dead woman, so I think she will be safe,” he said. “But if you insist, I do need to find some flowers for my father. You have anything that says ‘You were an asshole but I’m still sorry you died in a storm of bullets’?”
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                     the panic sets in quickly, and part of him finds annoyance in that fact. he was ( formerly ) a police officer in new york city, for christ’s sake !! and yet the moment the very large, very imposing man starts discussing the topic of death ( and not just death in itself, but dead parents ) he feels his stomach churning. all the while he’s doing his best to keep that customer service smile on his face, though he finds it to be a daunting task while thoughts of his mother’s last moments race through his head.
                     a soft clear of his throat, and his free hand tugs at the collar of his shirt for a moment. “ i can...check the catalogue and see if we have anything in the shop that has a similar sentiment. ” he places the bundle of roses down on the counter, exchanging them out for the stock binder.
                     “ monkshood symbolizes uh...hatred. ” his words feel sticky in his throat. “ yellow carnations...disdain. lilies are a common funeral flower and uh, orange ones also mean hatred... ”
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adcraticns · 5 years
                     “ oh ! careful ! you’re gonna-- ” 
                     maybe it was a little rude, the way he snatched the thorny collection of roses out of the customers hand, but he’d already had one person bleed on the front counter already ( a child, to make matters worse ) due to the unclipped roses and he wasn’t willing to risk it again.
                     “ how about i keep these up here with me and uh, you can pick out the other things you want while i de-thorn these roses. ”
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adcraticns · 6 years
does your muse wear all safety gear in applicable places, or do they not bother?
“ there isn’t much safety gear that’s used working with flowers aside from gloves, which i do wear if i’m working with thorny flowers like roses ! ”
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adcraticns · 6 years
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adcraticns · 6 years
“ The stars lean down to kiss you and I lie awake and miss you”
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adcraticns · 6 years
     the croony, staticy voice of stevie nicks fills the small flower shop from the record player in the corner, and hannie is unable to stop the way his hips sway softly to the back beat of the drums as he makes his way towards the work table. his once full glass of wine is slowly becoming more empty with each sip, savoring the flavor of red grapes as it bursts across his tongue. these are the nights that he lives for–surrounded by flowers in a quiet shop that he will soon turn into the most beautiful bouquets for the morning rush. 
     expect this time hannie isn’t alone ( like he usually is ). daehyun is standing before him, tall and broad and so much more handsome than he was before he left, that for a moment hannie can’t help but question if he’s dreaming. the excitement of the younger being home still hasn’t wavered, and each time hannie looks at him it bubbles right up in his chest once more. the smile that crosses his lips at the sight of daehyun fumbling his way through tying a bouquet together is one that he can’t stop. 
     not that he wants to stop it anyway. 
      ❝ daehyunie, no– ❞ his laughter is windchime soft, and hannie places his glass of wine onto the work table and idly wipes his palms on the apron around his waist before reaching out to place his hands over the other male’s. ❝ like this. ❞ he doesn’t move his hands as he works daehyun through the steps, allowing him to feel how to move his fingers before they’re tying the paper and flowers into a perfect, neat bow. ❝ there, like that! you’re getting the hang of it! ❞
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( @scftnesses )
                    tying bouquets was quickly becoming one of daehyun’s least favourite tasks. he wasn’t sure if his hands were too big or if the ribbon was too thin, but something about the precision needed to do the task well was lost on him. the wine he had been drinking --- on his second glass already --- certainly wasn’t helping his case, and he was sure he had been trying to tie the same bundle of flowers up for fifteen minutes. a cross between a grumble and a frustrated whine bubbles in his throat, spilling quietly past his lips. he elects to place the bouquet down for a moment, picking up his wine glass and taking another large sip before carrying on.
                    after six more tries, almost getting it each time, he can feel his frustration reaching it’s peak. calling it quits and going back to clipping thorns off roses was looking like a good option, until hannie’s soft, teasing voice reached his ears. there was no way he could fight a smile when he heard hannie’s giggle, eyes flickering up from the bouquet to land on what daehyun actually considered to be the most beautiful thing in the shop. flowers be damned when hannie was tipsy and dancing to fleetwood mac, or carefully placing his own hands over dae’s to show him how to tie up the flowers. it’s hard to watch their hands when all he wants to do is raise his gaze to meet the other man’s, but he stifles his urge and does his best to pay attention to the careful motions of hannie’s small fingers.
                   “ i don’t think i’m made for tying ribbon, ” dae mutters when hannie completes the bow. he raises his hands up to face level, turning them as though he were inspecting them. “ my hands are too ... big and unsteady. ” a soft chuckle leaves him as he takes the bouquet from hannie’s hands before placing it down in the ever-growing pile of completed arrangements.
                     “ you should let me make one, ” he suggests, nodding towards the flowers. the motion makes his head swim for a moment --- the wine and the intense perfume of the flowers surrounding them making him feel a little dizzy. “ i think i’d be better at that. ”
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