addamsqueen · 1 year
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Tropes and Archetypes: Royal School
It’s all here in the Princess’s Book of Etiquette. Let’s begin. No nagging, bragging, sweating, fretting, slipping, tripping, slurping, burping, twittering or frittering allowed. Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud
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addamsqueen · 2 years
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addamsqueen · 2 years
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VINTAGE VIBE COLLECTION   28. EMPIRE RECORDS by © peachcoloring Contains 1 psd and 2 actions (actions with premium only). Don’t share this psd and do not put in pack and do not use this resource as a basis for creation. You can adjust the layers if you need to. This resource contains ‘color lookup’. If you do not have photoshop cc, you will not be able to use it. This psd was made using photoshop 2020. Please, don’t claim as your own. If there is any problem, send me a message. Download: Follow me + like or reblog + ask (logged) “28. EMPIRE RECORDS” with a message of thanks or help us by buying our filters! Message without thanks will be ignored. | Before - After | Comercial use: If you want to buy the psd directly through paypal, send me an ask! This is our work done with effort and time spent. Please do not copy do not violate, and do not sell it as if it were yours. The Preview was made by me, being my own. Please, if your photo is here, talk to me. It is not my intention to violate the copyright rules.
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addamsqueen · 2 years
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🌞🌜Moon, Sun and Stars ✨ gifs (edits) made by me :)
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addamsqueen · 2 years
We haven’t really changed over the years, you and I. Not too long ago, we were sitting on our living room floor, swapping toys and unbelievable things we’d heard our parents say, things we wouldn’t understand for another ten years. We were innocent as only children can be, unbothered by what was to come. We did not care. We had each other. Years later, we were sitting on your bedroom floor, swapping celebrity magazines and chocolate, gossiping about this and that. The worst thing that could happen to us back then were maths exams and boys we had a crush on not knowing we even existed, but it didn’t matter. We had each other. Most of the time when I think about us now, I don’t see us sitting on our living room floor, or on your bedroom floor, two untainted souls with a lot to learn. I don’t think about you holding me on the kitchen floor of your first apartment, drunk out of our minds, when I was sobbing because I was certain I would never be good enough for anyone. I don’t think about me telling you I would always be there for you during a time when you were convinced you had no one. I think about the days that led up to our bond breaking, of the words that still hover between us, even though it’s been years since we’ve screamed them at each other. I know not every connection is supposed to last a lifetime, but I’d really hoped ours would. Remembering my childhood and adolescence goes hand in hand with remembering you. If I could separate the two, it’d be easier - but we always had each other until we didn’t, and I can’t seem to forget about you. If I had to pick one person to hold my broken pieces together while I fell apart sobbing on the kitchen floor, I’d still want it to be you. But we said and did terrible things, both of us, and sometimes the divide hurt creates grows too big to ever be bridged. What memories am I left with if I cut you out of them?
cut apart memories / n.j. (via ninasdrafts)
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addamsqueen · 2 years
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coffee colors
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addamsqueen · 2 years
little romantic things I love
sensing when you’re scared/anxious so they place their hand gently on the small of your back
knowing you don’t like certain ingredients (ex. chives, parsley) so when they make dishes that call for it, they make the effort to leave it out of your half of the dish.
doing the small things like setting the dinner table, scraping the ice off your car before you go to work, or picking up flu medication from the drugstore when you don’t feel well (and you didn’t have to ask)
maybe they just know you've been super overwhelmed lately and want to help out to hopefully make things easier for you
or omg when it’s cold out so they get out of the passenger seat and fill your gas tank (that is if you’re driving)
alright now hear me out:
you get so shitfaced, absolutely hammered. And you’re dancing with them, trying to make ~moves~ but they don’t accept your advances bc you’re drunk right. Then when you’re puking in the toilet, they don’t leave your side. They’re holding your hair away from your face, rubbing your back, and wiping your face for you.
And when you cry, instead of saying “no, don’t cry” they tell you to let it out. They know you need a good sob and they don’t stop you. They reassure you that there is absolutely nothing wrong with crying.
maybe you have some physical marks/body parts that you consider flaws but they absolutely adore them. They kiss you on those places, lightly brush over them, and tell you how beautiful/handsome you are.
and of course the cliche "giving you their jacket when you're cold" but they don't stop at that. They give you their hat and oversized mittens to ensure you stay warm, even if they freeze. And the hat smells just like their shampoo which is even better
when you're sleeping/half asleep and they brush your hair out of your face, pull the blanket up to your chin (and make sure it's covering your feet), AND they plug your phone in to charge.
Maybe they make sure your alarms are also set :')
they always go out of their way to make your day
it doesn't even have to be a special occasion and they get you flowers just because they thought of you. It doesn't even have to be flowers. They can just message you saying they were thinking about you. That shit is so meaningful.
or when you overhear them talking positively about you to their friends or family.
Even when you aren't in the room.
They are just so proud of you and love to talk about your accomplishments.
They simply adore you and all that you do.
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addamsqueen · 2 years
oblivious idiots in love
credit if reposting, don't repost to other websites, change pronouns as needed x
“ you really don’t see it, do you? “
“ if there’s nothing going on there, you don’t mind if i ask her out, do you? “
“ you flat out just admitted you have feelings for me. “
“ i think i’m falling in love with you. “
“ is that really all she is to you? “
“ he kissed you? “ it was more of a peck... “
“ she’s just a friend? “
“ you’re so full of shit. “
“ come on, you’re in love with her. “
“ doesn’t take an idiot to figure it out. “ “ are you calling me an idiot? “
“ i wanted to kiss you. i’ve been wanting to kiss you for quite a while. “
“ so you kissed him, and then you... “ “ ran away. “
“ friends don't look at each other that way. “
“ not like i’ve fantasized about you, or anything… “
“ friends don’t talk about each other that way. “
“ you said i had nice lips. who says that? “
“ it’s just an innocent kiss. “
“ it’s easy to confuse feelings for something they aren’t, especially when eye-contact is involved. “
“ friends kiss each other all the time, right? “
“ we're just friends. “
“ you're still hung up on [your ex]. “
“ if you refuse to make a move, i will. “
“ man, fuck that guy. go show her what she’s missing. “
“ just put us all out of our misery and admit it already. “
“ she invited you to her [loved one's] funeral? “ “ yeah, for support and comfort. “ “ ...why you specifically? “
“ you were practically made for each other. “
“ she shut me down last time, remember? “
“ you’re in denial. “ “ i am not in denial! “
“ that guy's a real jerk. you should be with someone who respects you. “ “ and who would that be? “
“ look me in the eyes and tell me you don’t feel something for me. “
“ do you have a crush on me or something? “
“ are you asking me out? “ “ no. i mean yes, maybe... as friends? “
“ don’t let this one go. he’s perfect for you. “
“ unless you don't like me, in which case i take it back. “
“ do you think that this, us… do you think it could ever be something more? “
“ she’s everything i ever wanted, but i don’t want to risk losing her as a friend. “
“ i’m worried that if we go there, and things don't work out... things might never be the same. “
“ you know that’s not the case. she adores you. “
“ you’re more than just friends. it’s obvious. “
“ of course i love him, we’ve been friends for ages. “
“ grow some balls and be honest with her. “
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addamsqueen · 2 years
101 ways to say i love you
firstly, tysm for 101 (actually 103, haha) followers! when i started this account i honestly had no intentions of having so many of you lovely people take interest in me, but i'm very grateful nonetheless! this is my gift to you all, and, again, thank you!
i've seen a few other posts like this, but i wanted to go ahead and make my own! this is going to be completely different from the others that i have seen as well, so there's a lesser chance of duplicates for those of you who really enjoy these!
"You don't have to do this alone."
"I won't let you do this alone."
"I'll always be by your side."
"I'll get that for you."
"Let me bandage you up."
"I want you to be a part of my future."
"Here. You look hungry."
"Come here, I'll carry you."
"I fed your pets while you were away."
"Is something wrong?"
"Is there anything I can do to help?"
"I have an extra ticket... Would you like to go with me?"
"I saw you looking at it last time we were in the store together, so I got it for you."
"Stay with me."
"Thank you for making me smile."
"Your smile is beautiful. I want to see it more often..."
"I want to kiss you."
"You have a beautiful soul."
"No... No! Come on, I can't lose you!"
"You make me feel safe."
"Don't let me go."
"Give me a brush. I'll fix your hair for you."
"I want you, and only you."
"Your hands are too cold, I'll warm them up."
"Kiss me."
"I know you don't feel great, so let's stay home today, okay?"
"You're so beautiful."
"Hold me. Please."
"You're family."
"Marry me."
"I took care of the laundry already."
"Go back to sleep, (term of endearment)."
"I'll protect you."
"Take care of yourself."
"Let's take a break and relax."
"You're the first person I think about when I wake up."
"You smell so nice."
"Let's move in together."
"I wanna know everything about you."
"Don't leave yet."
"Let me see your scars..."
"I remember when we first met..."
"Here's your medication."
"I have a surprise for you."
"I bought this for you. It's in your favorite color..."
"Your skin is so soft."
"I would do anything for you."
"I'll help bring in the groceries."
"Last night your feet were really cold, so I found some of your socks and put them on you."
"I would go anywhere with you."
"You're cold, take my jacket."
"I promise."
"You're so golden."
"No one has ever made me feel like this."
"I missed you... a lot."
"Come back soon."
"I got us matching shirts!"
"I know you can do it."
"I'll never forget you."
"I've waited so long for this..."
"You look like something's bothering you... You can talk to me if you need to."
"We make the best team."
"I'll hurt whoever did this to you."
"You didn't deserve that... You deserve so much better."
"I want you to meet my family."
"I want to start a family of our own..."
"Your back is so tense. Would you like a massage?"
"This is my favorite picture of us."
"Don't hurt yourself again..."
"You should be more careful."
"Hey, your favorite movie is on. I'll get the popcorn."
"You've never let me down."
"I saw that you were almost out of shampoo, so I went and got some for you."
"You're overworking yourself... Please take a break."
"I named my little plant after you."
"It's an honor just to know you like this."
"I didn't make you uncomfortable, did I?"
"I never imagined that someone's heartbeat could sound so amazing."
"What was your childhood like?"
"You looked so cute when you were little."
"You look just like your mom/dad."
"What happened to you?!"
"Does it hurt?"
"I'm sorry."
"I love waking up next to you."
"Don't be scared. I'm right here."
"Have you been drinking enough water?"
"We can look out for each other."
"I'd like to take you on vacation one day, just the two of us."
"Are you sure you're ready?"
"You're so funny."
"Do you want to help me fix dinner tonight?"
"You don't have to pay me back."
"No, you're sick. You're not doing chores until you're better."
"Your voice is so relaxing."
"Text me when you get home safely."
"I found this meme that I think you'll like. Wanna see it?"
"Can I give you a hug? You look upset."
"I'm yours."
"I love you."
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addamsqueen · 2 years
little intimate things that leave me breathless
feel free to use these as prompts
you're talking on the phone and your lover quietly comes up behind you, wraps their arms around you, and starts gently kissing your neck. you begin to lose focus on your phone call as you concentrate on not making any noise.
your crush gently touching you on the arm or putting their hand on your shoulder as you two have a conversation.
having a piece of hair brushed off your face as you're reading or looking down.
looking at your crush or lover only to find them already looking at you and when you make eye contact, they smile at you.
holding hands while having sex and/or making out.
"i'm so proud of you."
being asked "are you sure?" (there's nothing sexier than consent)
you and your lover sitting next to each other at a table and they rest their hand on your thigh, gently rubbing their thumb back and forth.
your lover playing with your hair or vice versa.
telling a stupid joke and hearing your crush laugh.
helping your lover fix their tie or zip up their dress. or, you two helping each other undress.
telling your partner how stressed out you are and they are simply just listening before opening their arms and holding you until you feel better.
"i love you."
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addamsqueen · 2 years
fun ways to introduce new characters
have your protagonist walk into them
have them walk into your protagonist
falling from the sky
they flirt with your protagonist in a coffee shop
your protagonist flirts with them first
your protagonist saves them / they save your protagonist
they fix your protagonist's car
find them hiding in a closet
find them making out with someone in a closet
eavesdropping on your protagonist
involved in a car chase after your protagonist
your protagonist mistakes them for someone else
they bond with your mc over how loud the neighbours are
OR they move in next door and are annoyingly loud and your protagonist is determined to teach them what good music is
they kidnap your protagonist for ransom
they accidentally commit vehicular manslaughter and your mc is the only witness
the barista mistakes their order for your protagonist's
pizza delivery man
walk in on their demon summoning circle
they keep trying to sell your mc something on a flyer
secretly your mc's long-lost sister *gasp*
online dating site
they mistake your mc for a celebrity and try to take pictures with them
taxi driver
your mc catches them shoplifting and tries to get them to return what they stole
or they see your mc shoplifting and get them arrested
friend of a friend
break into their house because they need a place to hide from the authorities
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addamsqueen · 2 years
more little intimate things that make me blush
you and your lover in bed together late at night, but you two are just softly whispering to each other about anything and everything as you lay next to each other. the gentle whispers and peaceful atmosphere put you in such a calm state of mind that eventually pulls you into the best deep sleep.
when you are nervous and avoiding eye contact with your crush or lover and they suddenly stand closer to you and whisper, "look at me."
literally any endearing nickname. baby, sweetheart, angel, darling, beautiful, etc. omg i melt... (bonus points if the nickname is something random that only the couple would understand like an inside joke between them only)
someone leaning against the doorframe with the sweetest smile on their face just watching their lover get ready to go out.
"how did i get so lucky to have you in my life?"
your lover knowing exactly how you like your tea or coffee and them bringing it to you in bed in the morning with a kiss on your forehead.
when your crush or lover gifts you with something that you briefly mentioned wanting to have some time ago, not having any idea how much they were paying attention to what you were saying.
"i just want you to be happy."
two people being each other's safe space and finding a home within each other. a home where they feel completely comfortable being themselves and where they find the kind of peace that unconditional love brings.
"you are my home."
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addamsqueen · 2 years
soft prompts for couples who aren’t together yet
hugs that last a little longer than they should
immediately looking at the other after telling/doing something funny in hope to see their smile
making playlists and mood boards for the other
trying to learn about the others interests
continuously denying others who think they are together
“no we are not together!! … at least not yet…”
finding similar fictional characters who shares the other one’s MBTI and enneagram type
trying to know little things about them by observing
always giving the utmost attention to the other if they are in a crowd
associating random things with them
getting matching key rings
hanging out together often
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addamsqueen · 2 years
“Was it all a lie?”
“… At first, yes. It was all part of the plan. But now, you… you are the light of my life. I want to share this with you. Come with me.”
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addamsqueen · 2 years
SENTENCE     STARTERS     BASED     ON     THE     ALBUM     “     REPUTATION     ”     BY     TAYLOR     SWIFT     PART     1  :
“ if he’s a ghost , then i can be a phantom ”
“ some boys are trying too hard ”
“ i see nothing better ”
“ i see how this is gonna go ”
“ touch me and you’ll never be alone ”
“ in the middle of the night , in my dreams , you should see the things we do ”
“ i know i’m gonna be with you ”
“ i’ll take my time ”
“ you and me we got big reputations ”
“ you heard about me ”
“ i got some big enemies ”
“ i heard about you ”
“ i’m one call away , whenever you need me ”
“ i protect you with my life ”
“ i don’t wanna be just another ex love you don’t wanna see ”
“ it’s easier to ignore it , believe me ”
“ i’ve made mistakes and made some choices , that’s hard to deny ”
“ i bury hatchets but i keep maps of where i put ‘em ”
“ i never trust a narcissist but they love me ”
“ for every lie i tell them , they tell me three ”
“ this is how the world works ”
“ if a man talks shit then i owe him nothing ”
“ why’s it feel so good ? ”
“ they say i did something bad ”
“ i let them think they saved me ”
“ they’re burning all the witches even if you aren’t one ”
“ don’t blame me , love made me crazy ”
“ for you i would cross the line ”
“ my name is whatever you decide ”
“ i once was poison ivy but now i’m your daisy ”
“ for you i would fall from grace ”
“ this ain’t for the best ”
“ my reputation’s never been worse ”
“ you must like me for me ”
“ just think of the fun things we could do ”
“ ‘cause i like you ”
“ is it cool that i said all that ? ”
“ is it chill that you’re in my head ? ”
“ stay here honey , i don’t wanna share ”
“ we can’t make any promises ”
“ sometimes i wonder when you sleep , are you ever dreaming of me ”
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addamsqueen · 2 years
~ some of these are poems that i think would make good inspiration for stories / one-shots / drabbles / etc., some are quotes that could be incorporated. in honor of reaching 125 followers, here are 25 more ‘prompts’ from my extensive collection on pinterest (currently up to 2.2k), same as last time i’ll tag some the characters i write for incase anyone else needs inspiration! this is by no means a challenge but if you write anything with any of these, please add me to the tag list as i’d love to read! ~
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Keep reading
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addamsqueen · 3 years
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Addie LaRue headers
• like or reblog if you save
• give credits to @raisyfavs on twitter
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