addictedastrology · 10 months
Part 2 🌻🌻
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Copywrites reserved ©️GeminiMoonMadness
• 5th house Suns LOVE sex!! They are pleasure seekers. This can also be the case with any personal planet in the 5th house.
• Sagittarius placements (especially in the big 3) laugh alot and are loud, not surprisingly either, they also laugh loud.
• Cardinals (Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer) carry their pain and don’t often share it.
• Someone with the same sun sign as your rising sign is bestie material. They are the people who will make you feel alive and confident. For example: Libra sun people will find most Libra risings to be the light of their life.
• Neptune in the 11th house people experience peer pressure and may find it hard to say no.
• People who have the same signs in their big 3 as you are quite possibly your soul friends and are here to hype you up in life and help you reach your destiny. (Check your synastry aspects with these individuals!!)
• Leo risings tend to be pimple conscious and will check their skin daily, sometimes without even realising they’re doing it.
• People with Scorpio in the 7th house are private when it comes to what goes on in their one on one relationships. They will keep secrets, like “what is said in here stays in here” vibe. (Depending on other placements in the chart, these individuals are actually quite loyal, so don’t worry too much!)
• People with Uranus conjunct their Moon have an unstable bond with their mother. She was either unstable or absent in your childhood/life.
• To get your attention a Leo Venus will be a show off, then once they’ve got you, they’ll be showing you off!
I really enjoyed making this!
Let me know if you have any of these or know anyone with these placements!
I appreciate all interactions and feedback. 🫶🏼
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addictedastrology · 1 year
Aries and where you are the most independent
×Please take into consideration that what i talk about in this post may be affected by your other placements and aspects×
Aries 1h-You are overall independent and have a strong sense of identity!You knew who you were from a very young age and your ideas and the way you present yourself are very unique.You got a pioneer spirit and might be a trend setter(without even knowing🤭).On a darker note,you might have been ostracized or even bullied growing up for your uniqueness and people tend to react in an agressive way to your ideas.
Aries 2h-You are financially independent(or will be)!But even as a child,you knew how to manage your money and things.You don't need somebody else to tell you your worth,as you have a lot of trust in yourself.You might also have a very unique voice that makes you stand out.The negative side here is that you don't know how to ask for help,be it money matters or a boost of confidence.You might also find that your values are very different from the ones of your peers.
Aries 3h-You are an independent thinker!You might also be an only child or the older sibling.On rare occasions,you might've grew up in a neightborhood where there weren't many children besides yourself.You are a very fast thinker and always come up with new ideas.The negative side is that you had a very different way of learning from your classmates and in class,you either felt bored or left behind.This placement also makes it hard for you to collaborate with other people and might indicate a dangerous or aggresive environment(school or neightborhood).
Aries 4h-You are independent from your family!In my opinion,its a pretty difficult placement to have,as you didn't grew up with a sense of unity in your family and no matter the circumstances its hard for you to truly feel like you belong.Might also indicate a violent childhood and family life,usually from the mother's part.On a brighter note,the independence you were taught in your childhood will help you later on in your adult life,as your already know your way around things.Also,you might find that you will create a "soul family" later on in life with people you care about,so don't lose hope,you are not alone!
Aries 5h-You are independent in your hobbies!You don't need other people to enjoy yourself and just like aries 3h,you might have been an only child.(For 18+)You don't mind the idea of quick flings and are a pretty adventurous person on this part.You might have had a few partners throughout your life.Allthough you are not really good at "being part of a team",you are very creative and are good at expressing yourself in a very unique way.The negative side here is that you often feel lonely when it comes to your interests,as not many people from your area share the same prefrences and skills as you,and others often feel the need to compete with you in any activity you do.
Aries 6h-You are independent in your daily routine!Even as a child,you were left to deal with things on your own,especially when it comes to health matters.You needed to learn how to schedule appointments and take care of yourself,all on your own.On the good side,your body is vey healthy and you are very intuitive when it comes to your needs.When it comes to your work environment,the people are competitive and often times,you are left on your own,not having many colleagues friends,but you are a very hard worker and its not hard for you to get a promotion if you really put your mind to it.Overall,its not hard for you to find motivation in your day-to-day life.
Aries 7h-You are independent in your relationships!Allthough your partnerships might suffer a lot because of that.You are not one to always think about love and relationships and are pretty happy on your own.Even tho this might make you a bit sellfish at times.Its pretty difficult for you to express your affection in relationships,and often tease your partners.Nonetheless,you are a very dedicated and protective lover and will always fight for love once you find it.Also,you might not really like the idea of "bussines partners" and you prefer to work by yourself.
Aries 8h-You are independent when it comes to your vulnerability!Not many people where there for you when you felt exausted or just needed a good cry,and that made you very closed off.This also made you hyper-independent in your romatic relationships and friendships.You were often left to deal with your "demons" on your own,and this made you pretty scared of your shadow side.When it comes to your shared resources,you might often find yourself as the provider in your relationships.(For 18+)Also,you might have a few kinks that you don't share with other people you know(BDSM,hair-pulling, scratching etc.)
Aries 9h-You are an independent learner!Your most important experiences and adventures are done by yourself.You didn't really had a lot of people to learn from when you were younger and had to teach yourself many things.Especially when it comes to your interests.Your belief-system was also formed based on this.You grew up thinking you NEED to be independent at all costs,and that made you a bit fickle as a person.You might also be/have been very independent in university or college,meaning you most probably had a job and payed for your things with your own money.If not,this was the time when your sense of independence was formed.
Aries 10h-You are independent in your career!And since this is the MC,you might also have a reputation of being independent.Your long-term goals don't usually include other people(so relationships are not one of your aspirations).Also,your career might require you to be independent.Another thing would be that your father taught you how to be independent(it depends on your relationship if in a healthy way or a neglectful way).
Aries 11h-You are independent in social groups!You will often find that your goals and dreams are different from those of your peers,and this means that the path you took to get to them was pretty lonely.You also find riots to be very important,as you often fight against the system.You have the power to reshape and change the world,but that will usually be done by yourself.Also,you are pretty independent from your friendgroups or any social community.You don't like to identify yourself as part of something and often this means that you have a lot of friends but never one main friend group.
Aries 12h-You are independent in your beliefs!Some themes here are pretty similar to those of aries 9h,as they are both Jupiter houses!You will find that your beliefs about spirituality,the afterlife and the way your subconcious works will be pretty different from the ones of other people and this will often put you in tense situations where you will have to fight for what you believe in,as you will be challenged a lot.On a darker note,you might live in a constant fight or flight mode and have mental health issues.Whenever a chapter of your life ends you will also feel pretty alone,and might have the tendency to retreat yourself.You are also scared to share your secrets with other people or rely on them for that matter,which further leads to your "i'm on my own,i need to be independent" attitude.You will also find that a lot of your dreams will have themes related to independence.
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addictedastrology · 1 year
DEAR.. (astrology placements) 🎀 PT. 1
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🎀 dear scorpio placements.. not everyone is against you, alright? some people genuinely care about you. you don’t have to put a wall up in front of every. single. person who wants to know you haha (its ok i have to remind myself this sometimes too.)
🎀 dear pluto doms/scorpio placements.. come give me a hug rn. 🫂 we’ve really went through the toughest & darkest times in our lives ALONE and we really don’t get enough credit for it.
🎀 dear air signs.. what the hell is up with yall wanting to fuck your friends ??
🎀 dear gemini men.. why do y’all look so 🤤 in glasses ? like every single gemini man i have came across looks so sexy in glasses.
🎀 dear aries/leo/scorpio mars people.. you guys really do the most psychotic, insane shit in the world when you’re pissed.
🎀dear cancer/taurus placements.. i love how comfortable you guys are just sitting in silence. people around you need to understand that when you’re sitting in silence around them, its not that you don’t like them, its just you simply enjoy silence. lol
🎀 dear scorpio/capricorn/aries/virgo placements.. i’ve been studying yall and i’ve noticed that you guys are really into the “bad boy on the outside but sweetheart on the inside” type of guys.. am i right or am i right🤔?
🎀 dear 7h placements.. it’s okay to set your own boundaries love. you can’t please every single human being on this earth, ok bby?
🎀 dear pisces placements.. how often do you get complimented on your eyes ? lol
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addictedastrology · 1 year
———–┊⁀➷Attractive placements in astrology (Pt 2🤭🤍)
Another one because you guys seemed to really like the first one, so here we go, incase you didnt see pt 1, check it out here.
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🤍,, Mercury 1H; These individuals usually have an impressive intellect, are emotionally aware and are good with their responses to people. These people have a warmness that draws others to them that people can't resist.
🤍,, Pluto/Mars-Asc or Pluto/Mars 1H...these individuals have an intimidating presence and a willpower like no other, they often intimidate others yet people can't help but be drawn to them and they dont even have to do much, giving very much bde🫣
🤍,, Venus-Asc/Midheaven...Just beautiful, these people are not only usually popular where they work but they have a beauty like no other, usually alot of people take their side in discussions, not many would want to upset these individuals. Beautiful souls.
🤍,, Gemini Venus...despite the reputation of this placement, these people are often attractive people, people are also attracted to their style, how they talk and express their emotions. Intellectual individuals, these individuals have a cool exterior that attracts alot of people, they tend to appear very confident
🤍,, Earth Venuses...Earth venuses are no doubt, in that top 5 for my favorite venus placements. Earthy presence and these people dont get attention for how artistic they are. Very poetic individuals, many people are drawn to them because of their minds and how they move. These people also have a strong sense of boundaries that simply attracts many.
🤍,, Capricorn/Virgo/Pisces Ascendants...I just had to include these in this post, not many people discuss them even though these people are the rising signs of so many people we admire today. Dreamy like appearance,
🤍,, Eros-Asc/Midheaven...These individuals have authority and respect wherever they go. I feel like these individuals are similar to Capricorn Ascendants, people are usually drawn to them from the power they hold
🤍,, Cardinal Suns (Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer)...These people are usually popular individuals. Whether theyre intro or extro, people are drawn to them, they have such fun personalities once you get to know them, love these people.
🤍,, Mercury 11H...Intelligent. Confident. I love this placement, people with this placement attract through their power, beliefs and their assertion. Many look up to them and these people may have a proud voice.
🤍,, Sagittarius Mars...people with this placements are simply the best. If developed, these individuals are very fun to be around, expect to go on a lot of adventures, many are drawn to them by their flirty and fun personality.
🤍,, Moon-Ascendant (esp. conjunction)...These people have the appearance of a mermaid, something other worldly, conventionally attractive yet they also have a "one of a kind" beauty. These people are also very sweet individuals. Many people are drawn to them from how emotionally understanding they are.
🤍,, Moon-Venus positive aspects...These individuals are amazing lovers. People with this aspect a natural poets. People are drawn to them by their calm aura, they almost always know what to say to make someones day, this can be applied to Mercury-Venus aspects also.
———–┊⁀➷,,That is all for now, I hope you enjoyed🤍🕊️.
- J,,🤍
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addictedastrology · 1 year
𝐈 𝐀𝐦 𝐌𝐲𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟 & 𝐍𝐨 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐬𝐞
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝟕𝐭𝐡 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞
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𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝟕𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆?
the seventh house in a birth chart is associated with the zodiac sign libra and the planet venus. oftentimes, people only think of the 7th house in the context of marriage and other partnerships - which is somewhat fine! but when it comes to having personal planets in the 7th house, it can feel very irritating to want to know information about yourself and only ever finding out information about others or someone you haven't even met yet. this post is an attempt to look more into the 7th house outside of its association to others and instead look into it from the lense of one's personal introspection.
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the sun represents our life's purpose, our sense of self, and our driving energy force. those with their sun in the seventh house may feel as if they always need to perform a balancing act in their lives. they may be careful in their thought processes and with their words when it comes to speaking to people. they may come off as relatable and charming to people, and strangers may feel comfortable telling them seemingly private information within the first few minutes of meeting them. their life's purpose is to look at situations from a full perspective and view all sides of the field rather than being biased towards one or the other. they also aim to connect to the collective and show compassion to those who may not always receive it. showing their understanding of human nature and emotions is their forte.
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the moon represents the way we understand and express our emotions. those with the moon in the seventh house may have a strong understanding of how their emotions function. they might have been the kids that found it easy to voice why they were crying or how someone hurt them. as a result of their comfortability with their emotions, it's easy for seventh house moons to connect and empathize with others. seventh house moons may prefer to do more introspection to understand their emotions. although they understand others when they struggle with feelings, they are one of the last to openly express when they are actively struggling with their own. they may be playful when it comes to expressing the emotions they may be uncomfortable with talking about in public, so they may joke around or use self-deprecating humor sometimes.
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mercury represents the way our mind works and the way we communicate. those with mercury in the seventh house may be very diplomatic with their words. they may be careful about what they say and who they say it to. they may do a lot more active thinking about their words and way of thinking than they let on. everything they say has meaning and is intentional to their speech. they may be very particular about grammar! they may not have just one way of learning but instead do well when having a mix of tactics. for example, instead of learning well through just music, seventh house mercuries may learn well through music and repetition. seventh house mercuries are very well-versed in their communication.
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venus deals with our values and how we express our love and fashion aesthetic. those with venus in the seventh house value balance and harmony when it comes to human connection. they want everyone to get along and have the desire for a more rosy view of the world where everyone is nice and all things and people are treated equally. for love, it may be hard to feel "loved" by those with venus in the seventh house because it may feel as if they treat everyone the same. sure, they might kiss or spend more time with their significant other, but they may come off as being flirty with everyone because of their charming nature. when it comes to fashion, they may prefer more neutral tones like black, beige, gray, brown, or other related colors. they dress for whatever occasion is specified but may prefer to have a "clean" look overall.
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mars represents our actions and willpower. it also tells us about our physical and mental strength and what we desire. those with mars in the seventh house may be a little indecisive at times, but once they've finally made their mind up (or someone else has done it for them) they give their all to their given task. seventh house mars willpower reminds me of aries in that there's a strong dedication, but their dedication is out of genuine passion or wanting to do good instead of to prove a point or just out of competitive nature. those with mars in the seventh house may find it easy to gain muscle when making an effort and also may have good mental fortitude when making the decision to stay positive. seventh house mars may find it easy to fall into self-fulfilling prophecy (good or bad). additionally, those with seventh house mars desire a type of stability and peace. they may be more sentimental when it comes to their desires and actions than they let on.
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jupiter details what we believe in and how we grow and expand our minds. those with jupiter in the seventh house believe in a diplomatic way of living where everyone and everything is harmonious and equal. they may be a little gullible because they may see the good in everyone or everything, despite that not necessarily being true. they grow through being willing to listen to every perspective, even if they disagree. their intent is to try and understand where people are coming from, and that is how they gain knowledge and expand their way of thinking. also, those with jupiter in the seventh house remind me of people with mercury in the seventh house in that they both may be really good at persuading others because of the seventh house placement with those specific planets. 
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saturn represents our boundaries, limitations, and what we need to gain responsibility for. those with saturn in the seventh house may be chronically indecisive. they may prefer when people tell them what to do versus making decisions themselves. also, they may find it debilitating being alone. they may insert themselves into everyone's business in a way but only because they don't want to be alone with themselves. those with saturn in the seventh house need to gain responsibility for their own true thoughts and feelings. they can't keep looking to others to find their own answers if that makes sense. there is also definitely a need to be open with someone - likely a potential future spouse or significant other. there's a responsibility to seventh house saturn's self to learn how to be vulnerable with other people and with themselves.
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uranus tells us how and when we rebel and where we are innovative. those with uranus in the seventh house may rebel when it comes to traditional relationships. they may be open to polyamory, or they may be a part of the LGBTQ+ community. they may not like the idea of having societal contracts; they may possibly be interested in or agree with ideologies like anarchism. they may also like untraditional hierarchical structures in relationships, the workplace, government, etc. those with seventh house uranus want to push the boundaries of societal relationships.
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neptune details our dreams and imagination and where we want to find freedom from societal limitations. those with neptune in the seventh house may have vivid or (moreso) grandiose dreams. for example, if they have a dream about a school they once went to, the replication of the school in their dream will be pretty exact even if it's been decades since they last saw it in person. their dreams may feel so realistic that it's hard for them to recognize if they have woken up or not, or it may be hard to decipher whether a memory happened in real life or was a dream. also, they may dream of outside landscapes often - like vast forests or gardens. there's a sense of wanting realistic people and scenery in their dreams but wanting to up the grandness of real life in their dreams if that makes sense. additionally, they may find themselves communicating with their friends, family, and future spouse through dreams.
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pluto deals with where and how we transform. it also tells of how we confront our fears. those with pluto in the seventh house ultimately transform when it comes to how they understand relationships with themselves and others. they will eventually learn to have more independence and self-trust rather than being overly reliant on others. they will learn to be comfortable with being alone. additionally, they transform through meeting with other people. i'm reminded of the saying that "everything comes and goes for a reason"; there may be people in seventh house pluto's lives that they feel are so important that they can't live without that they eventually lose or stop talking to. it's through these building and loss of relationships that they eventually confront their fears of being alone. through this, they learn to lean on themselves and feel comfortable in their own silence.
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addictedastrology · 1 year
Aligning with the Ascendant ❶
Your ascendant sign – also known as the rising sign – is the constellation that was at the eastern most horizon at the exact time of your birth. This is the sign that is located in your first house. Houses are twelve stagnant sky sectors that the signs and planets (appear to) transit through (from human pov). Many star studiers credit the ancient Babylonians with the establishment of this structure. The first house is ruled by Aries and Mars, so this placement influences your energy, physicality, drive, appearance, and impulse. Other associations include first impressions, new beginnings, and the formation of self-image and identity.
Aries rising: You are bold. You're a trailblazer. You're a pioneer in the sense that your path and persona are heavily original in a prominent way. This is complemented by an exterior energy that appears light-hearted, child-like, and vivacious. It is likely people pick up on a sense of innocence and trustfulness from you. Power is found in purity with this placement. This placement captures the newness of experience, and raw energy is a focus that transcends more interpretational concepts like words, thoughts, or feelings. Others may naturally look to you as a leader. You are charismatic, open, candid, and action-oriented. You may have an affinity for fresh starts, blank canvases, and perhaps even being the first. Spring equinox energy. There may be pulls to compete, to be victorious, and to remain independent. You naturally attract opportunity through your dedication to living fully in the present moment. Intense individuality. Electric movements. Fast progression. Decided drive. Soulful simplicity. Fiery passion. Fire. Latin motto: I am.
Taurus rising: You are aware, and you are trying. You're a deliberate, intentional individual who endeavors to calculate the best course of action. Building a foundation, adding to the foundation, and then solidifying what is built. Fortification, cultivation, prosperity. There is a quality of steadfastness and immovability. You are likely firm in your convictions, and you do your best to surround yourself with reenforcing security. Material possessions may be a focus and/or comfort with this placement. There may be a correlation with self-worth and your surrounding, current reality. Inner development may bring in a heightened connection to nature that replaces a need for opulence or desire for luxury. A sacredness toward natural processes is present. You may feel you have all that you need, even in moments of lack. There is a graceful, giving gratitude here. Honest appreciation. People-oriented politeness. Reputable dependability. Harboring predictability through habits. Romantic nature. Earth. Latin motto: I have.
Gemini rising: You approach situations with a heightened mental awareness. You naturally gather large amounts of information, and you innately alchemize your ideas into applicable, relevant topics for discussion. You likely feel very connected to the world, and this placement also may denote a connection to transit. Going places, exchanging words with people, and expanding your network of contacts. This placement feels almost metropolitan. You are attentive, alert, engaging, and interested in the intellectual element of ordinary things that surround you. You take it upon yourself to learn topics, but you take the perspectives of others very seriously as well. There is a connection to duality, and you recognize the versatility of all things. As above, so below. Truth and trickery fascinate you. You may feel you adapt to the reason and values of others naturally, but you still shield your own learnings stored safely in your active mental sphere. Acute curiosity. Sharp-witted reactions. Enjoying problem-solving. Clarity through conversation. Words. Air. Latin motto: I think
Cancer rising: You are nurturing. There is a serene, noticeable emotional cycle present. You can relate strongly to the moon on a physical level. You do safeguard yourself and your feelings, but you impulsively crawl to situations that expose that which was meant to be hidden. There is a soft vulnerability present, but this unmasking really brings you to understand the shadow aspects of others. You may be a home body, and themes of family (given or chosen) are also prominent for you. Healing your inner self is a journey that begins in childhood. There is a sacred connection to memories - and the past. You likely draw upon a wealth of felt emotions to feel them again in more evolved mindsets. There is an urge to meet people in their heaviness. You are highly protective of the wounds of any object or organism. You recognize healing as yet another cycle. You are sentimental, highly intuitive of what's to come based on what has passed. Maternal instincts. Weak walls but a strong shell. Layers. Water. Latin motto: I feel.
Leo rising: You are a natural performer. Others notice you. You're very intentional in the character you exude out into the world. There is a self-awareness and self-concept that is centralized in your ego. You are personable as a result of this, and you actively embody (or attempt to embody) your best, highest self. Attention finds you, and you're able to utilize the spotlight to showcase something bright, exuberant, warm, or radiant. Your reactions to most things may be dramatic, and your energy is powerful like the sun. You are expressive, and you are proud of the things you create simply because they are an extension of you. You may become caught up in your idea of yourself, and it is important to remember that you are worthy even in the version of you that is not completely aligned. You likely see yourself in a royal, divine light. There is a magnetism here. Sincere compliments. Genuineness. Glitz and glamor. Positivity. Prowling prowess. Giving generously to others. Prioritizing the self in a healthy way. Latin motto: I do.
Virgo rising: You are helpful, and you are connected to a sense of purpose that you feel is helping make the world a better one. You have a sense of the effect you can have on the current state of things, and you are willing to place yourself into the work to improve an outcome that simply is not clean, correct, or good enough to you. Although you keep a close connection with this sense of control, it is complemented by your very prevalent humility. You are humble in who you are, and you wish to improve yourself as well. There is an impulse to serve in some capacity. You notice faults easily, but you know you are not immune to them. You are calculated, methodical, organizational, and sharp. Health is a focus for you, as well as general betterment. Minimalistic eclecticism. High standards and expectations. Fertility. Doing better. Striving for simplicity. Latin motto: I analyze.
Libra rising: You are beautiful. You attract others with your charming kindness, model poise, and reciprocal nature. Your initial instinct is to take on the role of the mediator in situations. You want others to be in harmony, and you are very aware of human perception. You are light. You take the time to notice the aesthetic surfaces of things, and you are connected to appearance in a big way. You may be drawn to an artistic avenue, and this can bring in many meaningful relationships for you. You may even relate to the word relationship-oriented, as you prefer the power of partnership over a solo endeavor. You are aware of the importance of harmony in all things, and you try to distribute your energy equally in all aspects of your life. You care critically about others, and you are always looking for relationships that exceed your present notions about love - both romantic and platonic. You are reflective. Effortless style. Fashion-forward. Lovely and loving. Latin motto: I balance.
Scorpio rising: You're a transformer. You may appear as different incarnations throughout your lifetime. Others may see you as rather enigmatic and mysterious. You may even mystify your own self. You're drawn instinctively to the intrinsic nature of the human psyche. You dive deeply into taboo and occult undertakings, and esoteric themes take on an undercurrent, important role in your sense of self. You dwell poignantly on moments and emotions, taking them to their extreme limits (and beyond). You ponder upon concepts like meaning, though you are rather morbid and perhaps cynical when it comes to conceptualizing them. You are brooding, and you may seek self-destruction. This is an intuitive practice that assists in your habitual, ritualistic reinvention of your inner world. You contain an endless capacity for creation, and you are likely very creative in private. There is a yearning for understanding in this placement. Quiet manipulation. Meditative existentialism. Peace with darkness. Latin motto: I desire.
Sagittarius rising: You are an explorer. You may feel your body physically pulled into uncharted territory or lands you haven't experienced yet. There is an impulse to gain knowledge and wisdom from cultures and locations that oppose what you are familiar with. This placement indicates an ability to teach others a skill you are good at, and you may feel comfortable explaining how to do something. There is a philosophical nature here, and it is philosophy that helps ground your naturally frenzied energy into a singular focus. When you direct your energy into one thing, you are unstoppable. You enjoy rising above situations to avoid the typical emotions and thoughts that come with it. You try to maintain a big picture outlook, and you are an expert at staying unchained from stagnant energy. Unrequited adventure. Restlessness and running away. Holding yourself accountable. Abundance. Luck is where opportunity meets preparedness. Latin motto: I aim.
Capricorn rising: You are a master. You're resourceful because you're observant, and you're willing to take the practical steps it takes to attain your desired outcome. You're disciplined, but you're also very aware of how the world restricts and blocks individuals from getting what they desire. Your energy is fulfilled when you complete things, cycles, projects, etc. You are structured, and you value the predictable nature of tradition. You look to history for guidance, and you want the future to match your vision. Cautious calculations. You likely exude elegance and a calm confidence. You are clear in your purpose, and you are willing to fight for your legacy. Long-term success. Mature desires. Achievements unlocked. Leveling up as a way of life. Paternal. Time. Finding yourself in situations that challenge you and shattering limitations like a falling, fallen glass chandelier. Rising to the occasion. Latin motto: I utilize.
Aquarius rising: You are a rebel. You're unconventional in your attachments. You have an impulse to reject the societally accepted ways of doing things. To truly combat the tradition, however, it is likely that you undergo intensive mental journeys to explore the nature of the modern community you stand in. You contemplate and create societal advancement by moving yourself through situations that introduce foreign, otherworldly concepts to you. You feel called toward ideas that you feel no other person can fathom, and you create original, complex thought to propel yourself into even father-away lands than you set out to discover. There is a humanitarian element to you that grounds you, and you do good deeds for the reality you conceptualize. Even still, you are much more present in alternate realities and alien worlds if that makes sense to you. Hippie energy. Out of the box thinking. Inventive ideas. Revolutions. External detachment and aloofness, internal activity and ascension. Latin motto: I know.
Pisces rising: Your head is filled with dreams, and the dreams feel real. You are sensitive to the energy of others. The awareness of the life story and the oneness of humanity pulls you to wander and wonder into oblivion. There's a spiritual sanctuary you feel in your sense of self. Your capacity to help yourself and others heal exists deeper than any impulse to self-sacrifice. Themes of surrender may tantalize your identity. You are whimsical in the sense that physical sensations are felt on a soul level. You love entering situations that are unique and rather wonky. There is music in your aura. Softness is present even in your booming cries, and forcefulness is felt in your gentle prayers. You may fantasize frequently about the idea of a forgiving, loving universal energy that is protecting your every move. Maybe you're right, and maybe you don't need to be. The giggle of an infant meets the last breath of an ancient, decomposing songstress. A lifetime of questions that only death will answer. Feeling surrounded and alone simultaneously. Embracing everything. Everything. Latin motto: I believe.
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addictedastrology · 1 year
Attractive Placements in Astrology ׂᨘ ‣ ♥️🔥
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Sun in 1H, 5H, 7H, 10H and 11H.
Sun in 1H shines brightly, others can notice this energy and feel drawn to them, these people can also be very comforting people, these people can often that beautiful smiles. Sun 5H individuals are creative, these people have talent and others see that, making them drawn to them, these people can also be the the life of the party. Sun in 7H individuals are caring, and respectful people, can be in tune with others emotions, people feel comfortable in their presence. Sun in 10H and 11H, similar to 1H and 5h, people are naturally drawn to these people, theyre exciting to be around and ca be very social individuals (bonus if placed in Aries, Libra, Capricorn and Cancer).
Moon/Venus/Neptune in 1H, 5H and 11H. I don't even have to explain, these people are simply naturally magnetic, they typically have looks of a model, when they walk into a room they turn heads, also very creative people and can be very in tune with their emotions.
Underrated but Pisces Mars. These people may have a subtle presence but they always seemed to be noticed from afar. Believe it or not these people can also seem very mysterious, people tend to be so curious about their lives, theyre drawn to them. Very sensual and loving individuals, gotta love them.
Mars in Capricorn, esp in women. Very and I mean very assertive people, these individuals tend to have a confident energy and they make it known to the people around them.
Mars in Scorpio. Similar to Pisces, these people are alluring, they're very strong willed people, with a hint of mystery. Very attractive individuals.
Mercury-Sun/Venus/Moon positive aspects, these people have a beautiful way of communicating and may have an expressive or soft voice, people also may be attracted to them because of how understanding these people are. Bonus if placed in 1H.
Venus in Aquarius. May be an unpopular opinion ☠️, but these people are very original and loving towards their friends. These individuals attract others by their very original and unique personality. These individuals may also have a unique style.
Prominent Sagittarius, Aries and Gemini placements. These people have a playful and flirtatious personality. People are often drawn to them, through them being high energy and full of life and fun. Very attractive individuals.
May make a Part 2 soon, but for now I hope you enjoyed 🔥♥️
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addictedastrology · 1 year
How to improve your self-esteem?
Venus in the houses
Venus is our self-esteem and values. The house Venus sits in can show us hints on how to help ourselves to build healthy strong self-esteem. Let’s go!
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Venus in the 1st house
Of course, the main key here is your appearance. I don’t mean that you must be always gorgeous and pretty. However, it is very important for you to feel that you fit at least your standards. Hair and make-up play a big role. You feel more confident when you like your look. NB!! Not others, but you! Also, your self-esteem grows when you socialize and show your identity in group settings. Don’t hide all the gorgeous talents you have! You MUST show them to the world. Be assertive when it is necessary because achieving goals and being the best is the number one key to your self-confidence. One more thing: aesthetics. Since Venus is in the first house, which makes this planet rising, that means that the qualities of Venus are important to express as well. Aesthetics, art, beautiful things, music, poetry, acting, and everything where you can show your talents. Also, although the first house is ME and my identity, Venus requires peace and balance. It is not easy, but you have to find a balance between showing yourself and being on the same wavelength as others.
Venus in the 2nd house
Here Venus is in its own house. Meaning that the themes of this house are emphasized. Your self-esteem improves when you feel safe and all is set: you have a nice place to live, you have a good salary, and your surroundings are harmonious. Defining your values helps to gain self-confidence. It is totally okay to express your material desires. They make your self-esteem improve. This is the essence of the 2nd house. Save money to have a backup but don’t be strict with yourself. If you really want something, just get it! The key to your self-esteem is your well-being. When you are fed well, dressed well, and generally feel good, you are confident. Any aesthetic activity that makes you feel calm and satisfied is good. Art and other creative areas also may help you because it develops your sense of beauty and allows you to express your talents.
Venus in the 3rd house
Your self-esteem is growing when you feel that you are an interesting companion. The worst nightmare is when people call you boring. That is why sometimes you are trying too hard to attract attention. However, it is only because of your insecurities. I think the key here is to allow yourself to be outgoing and funny personality which you are. Express your interest in communication and exploration. Your self-esteem improves when you feel knowledgeable. You need to constantly receive and share some interesting information. Also, learning something will increase your self-esteem as well. It can be anything: from cooking to science. You just need new knowledge to feel your self-worth and it is okay because it is the way your Venus feels at home. Don’t be afraid to show your knowledge, and make new friends and connections. Also, writing is very good for you. For example, you can express your feelings on paper. It might help you to build a strong relationship with yourself.
Venus in the 4th house
Your self-esteem improves when you are in touch with your emotions and your subconscious needs are met. It is very important not to suppress emotions and feelings. Also, helping and understanding make you feel needed. Sometimes it is not so good thing to seek this feeling, but for Venus in the 4th house supporting and helping someone is beneficial. Every field and place where you can express your ability to FEEL will be useful. For example, psychology, astrology, volunteering, etc. Also, as you know, the 4th house = home. Meaning that you MUST have your own safe place to restore your energy resources. Decorating and cleaning are helpful for your Venus because on a subconscious level you perceive this home as welcoming and safe.
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Venus in the 5th house
One word — self-expression. As simple as that, your self-esteem improves when you express yourself and your talents. If you don’t show your creativity, it will grow inside you and turn into poison. So it is so important to express that! Even if you think that the idea is stupid, please just try! Because it is not only about the result but also about the process. Also, showing others your warm and generous side will help your Venus a lot. Be yourself and don’t hide even weird and unusual sides of you because it is still you. Love yourself and respect your desires, enjoy life, and be optimistic about the world! Also, your self-esteem improves when you are the best at something. It shouldn’t be something great, it can be just a little thing that is only yours.
Venus in the 6th house
Your self-esteem improves when you build your plans and fulfill them. Yes, the 6th house here is all about working on yourself. You feel fulfilled when you follow your own rules and routines. It makes you feel like everything is in its place. Sometimes others find your little habits weird but it is who you are. Also, healthy nutrition and sport will make you feel more confident. Being healthy and put together improves your self-esteem. In addition, helping others helps you as well! The 6th house is all about service and when you help someone you feel fulfillment. It is just your essence so don’t hide it!
Venus in the 7th house
Venus here is in its own house but this placement is kind of tricky. Sometimes your self-esteem depends on your partner and you can’t find solid ground for your own personality. It can be so frustrating that you may feel even empty without a partner. However, this situation is not healthy because Venus and the 7th house are all about balance. Yes, Venus in the 7th house screams PARTNERSHIP, but you need to find balance. Give and take equally, respect each other and find harmony in this relationship. This is the main lesson for Venus in the 7th house. Your self-esteem improves when you and your partner find balance and peace in your relationship.
Venus in the 8th house
The 8th house is all about transformations so sometimes having Venus in the 8th house feels unbearable. Your self-esteem transforms constantly. Sometimes you almost don’t feel it but sometimes it breaks your heart. However, it is the essence of this placement. You need to transform yourself and the perception of your values. Life will give you a lot of critical situations that will test your values and self-confidence. Yes, this is not an easy placement to have, but this tough experience makes your self-esteem unbreakable and solid and you become wise and unstoppable.
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Venus in the 9th house
Your self-esteem improves when you get new experience and share it with others. It is so important for you to explore the world and build your own philosophy in life. You need to dig deep into the definition of the word «freedom». Your self-esteem improves when you feel no pressure and when you can do whatever you want with your life. Advice-giving is so good for your Venus. You have a lot to share with others so do that! Also, any kind of exploration of other cultures is good, whether it be a new language or travel. Your self-esteem improves when you can help others using your own experience. That is why you would be a great couch!
Venus in the 10th house
Your self-esteem improves when you are the best of the best in your field. You need respect and admiration from others. However, it is important to mention the difference between dependence on someone's opinion and deserved admiration for hard work. The second case is about Venus in the 10th house. Your self-esteem improves when you work hard on your goal and it doesn’t matter how big it is. You just need to build a plan and follow it until your goal is reached. Your self-esteem NEEDS to have a goal. It can be something small but also don’t shy away from big ones!
Venus in the 11th house
Your self-esteem grows when you are not afraid to express your authentic self and show your weird sides to the world. It is extremely important not to think about the opinion of others when it comes to your self-expression and creativity. Sometimes your ideas may seem strange but it is where the real innovation lies! Your self-esteem improves when you feel that your life is fully yours and you can do whatever you want. Also, like-minded people give you confidence because you know that you are not the only one. In addition, participation in some social activities helps your Venus to feel better. For example, charity or fighting for someone's rights.
Venus in the 12th house
Your self-esteem improves when you can express your deep emotions through creativity. Whether it be music or theatre, you need to find a way to free your endless feelings. It can be something small! Also, your self-esteem improves when you help those who are in need. However, be careful! Your sweet soul sometimes doesn’t understand when people take advantage of you. Everything must be in balance. Also, you need to find a field where you can use your empathic gifts to help others. For example, psychology, astrology, therapy, etc.
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addictedastrology · 1 year
mercury through houses
1st house
The forever overthinker, the one that looks for flaws in order to feel alive. The wise one. You are someone that values honesty and speaking up, but you might not always feel confident in your words. Your mind changes a lot - which is not a bad, thing as it is tied up to your personality, your mood, and your view of the world. You enjoy traveling with your body & mind. Practicing mindfulness and meditation are tools you can use to get over blockages and fully express your authentic self. You live to express your thoughts and your purpose is to inspire others with your stories & way of thinking, appearance, or style. This also makes you sensitive to words, and other people’s opinions & hyper-aware of your surroundings. It’s important to ask questions, but learn when it’s time to listen and not research, but rather observe.
2nd house
You have a practical mind, and you select the subjects that are worthy of your attention. Sometimes, this can make people feel left out, but when it comes to being focused on what really interests you - you are able to master any skill. You might be into self-development and are solution-oriented. Money comes easily to you if you think of a clear strategy of how to earn it or you could manifest it if you tried. You enjoy spending money on anything that gets your mind excited: courses, podcasts, books, tech, and business. Communication for you can become a source of income if you do use it wisely. You might get bored easily and can sometimes find it hard to decide on a single career path. Your self-worth is connected to high expectations and that might make you attached to a certain ideal or status in life.
3rd house
Idea-driven, thinks in stories and is a great storyteller. Your voice was made to be heard, if only you trust yourself enough to get it out there. You might have a talent for writing, public speaking, visually representing your thoughts, and singing. You have a great ability to make connections and have a good memory when learning. You are able to store a lot of information, sometimes useless and you get inspired by the ordinary, daily activities of life. Your attention to detail might sometimes make you overly critical, but your ability to not hold grudges against people helps you adapt quite easily. You are friendly and open to conversation, humorous and social when wanting to be. You might have siblings, but might sometimes put your ideas in front of others, while disregarding theirs. Your anxiety can affect your need to be social, so try less noise and more presence.
4th house
Your feelings travel through the mind, you always need to be understanding them on a deeper, rational level. This is why you only open up about your struggles to those people with whom you have built a strong emotional connection and feel comfortable around. In your private moments, you enjoy learning or consuming the type of information you are interested in. You like staying connected to your family members and you usually relate stories of the past, living off nostalgia. Your home is often your place of study or work. You might move out a lot. Your cultural background might be important to you or your ancestry, you might have inherited talents from generations. You might find it difficult to decide between wanting stability or freedom, but spending time alone is the best way to understand your needs.
5th house
Your childhood self might have been talkative or loud, always having something to say. You are someone that’s really talented and has an innate sense of mastering their hobbies, while you’re young. Growing up makes it harder for you to enjoy life, as you start asking too many questions. Your journey is to go back to the things that made you enthusiastic when a kid. That’s when you truly allow your life to flow and trust your instincts. You might have a few flings, might think a lot about having kids though. If you do have kids, they will bring out this playful side of you that you tend to bury within worries. Allowing yourself to endure the pleasures of life, in hobbies, in going out, and away from putting too much pressure on performing - will improve your overall well-being & love life.
6th house
You are the analyst. You enjoy directing information and making sure things are in order in your life. Your routine and keeping up with it is what gives you a sense of stability, but also you find it kind of fun. You are interested in the way your body works and reacts to different foods and changes in the environment. You can sometimes get so caught up in the daily that you actually forget to truly take care of it, by allowing yourself to take a break, take a breather, and rest, away from schedules and perfection. Your co-workers are important and you need to feel like your ideas are being appreciated in order to perform well at work. People come to you when they need recommendations, as you have tried everything and were able to find just the right balance of things. Don’t forget about your mental health & breathe.
7th house
Communication is the main factor that helps you build long-lasting relationships, but also the factor that might ruin them if you do not open up enough. You might have a fear of showing your opinions in romantic relationships, as you would be scared of being judged or misunderstood. In reality, the relationships you attract are here to teach you more about your mindset than you think. You are not a fan of oversharing, but often end up doing so. You have the potential of marrying your best friend - someone that understands your intellect and to whom you have a strong mental connection, which can also increase arguments, sometimes just for fun. You might work best or learn best when in a team, sharing ideas with others generates more ideas and you can create new business models if you find the right match.
8th house
Your mind is always looking to find the deeper meaning of things, whether you are aware of it or not. You might also be extra naughty sometimes, but this side of you is only shared with those you feel safe to do so or you’d rather keep it to yourself. You might be psychic or have a strong intuition, but need to allow it to grow and not deny it. Your thoughts about the inexplicable or weird subjects no one seems to care about are what keep you up at night. You have a way of attracting money through inheritance or pairing up with others, a relationship, a marriage, or gaining money together. Intimacy to you is the moment in which you are able to share anything without shame. When drunk, you might overshare, but usually, you are quite private with your feelings, especially when intense.
9th house
If you could, you would travel with your mind everywhere. There is only so much you can know about the world and you want to experience it all and then talk about it. Mostly the talking part though. You are open-minded and ready for a new challenge, get bored easily if not provoked mentally, and love to jump from one subject to another. You might be passionate about travel, foreign cultures, languages, philosophy, ethics, law, society, and purpose - the big questions of life. But when it comes to the small ones - related to daily duties, it might be harder for you to be able to promptly answer. Details are cool and all, but what about history, right? Humor might be your go-to bible. You might travel a lot or meet people from different backgrounds and be interested in your own cultural heritage. You have the potential to teach.
10th house
You are extremely goal-oriented, always looking for the next thing to achieve, and never stopping to understand how much you have actually done. Hard-working and future-oriented, you can sometimes get lost in your career with your mind and ignore other, more personal matters. Your feelings are sometimes numbed by your busy nature. This comes from a lack of emotional understanding when young & a heavier set of expectations set on you from early on. You have the potential to own a company or to be in a managing position. But sometimes you need to enjoy life a little more - this will inspire you and offer you a greater vision. Your career should be intellectually stimulating and the environment needs to be one where your ideas are implemented.
11th house
Forward-thinking and open to new experiences, you are a social butterfly. You are someone that gets mental stimulation through friendships, discussions, debates, groups of people with common interests, and talking on injustice and social issues. You are not the one to shut up about the things you believe in, especially when you feel that someone is being left out or misunderstood. You need a place where you feel safe to be your authentic self and this usually translates into your friend group or a community of people that have the same hobbies or views on life as you. You might be the one that is in charge, as you have a future vision and are able to mediate conflict. This makes you quite impartial, but can also make you cold, not being able to tell who is really there for you.
12th house
You allow your mind to be taken over by emotions. You are a dreamer and you might actually have really vivid dreams at night, but also by day. You need to be careful to not get stuck in a fantasy that doesn’t have the potential to manifest into reality. Unless you get to know your subconscious mind better, through meditation, through sitting in solitude and listening to your thoughts, you will always be putting the needs of others first and adjusting based on what they want. What is it that you want? Truly? What have you always wanted, for yourself? Your imagination and ability to manifest have no boundaries, so trust that inner calling. You would make a great researcher, artist, or spiritual worker. Finding characters in books, movies, and games that you relate to will be a way to get to know yourself better.
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addictedastrology · 1 year
Astrology Notes ☙
By Harmoonix ❣️
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☙ The beauty people with Pluto in the 1st house😍😍 These people can be very pretty and can have a very Scorpio Energy even if they don't have Scorpio Placements at all. But if you have Scorpio Placements and Pluto in the 1st house omggg this is too 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
☙ Did i forgot to say that Taurus Moons signs can be very possessive of their partners 👀, they are not toxic but they can get very possessive and jealous, they can be overprotective too. They can be extremely lovely and protect you with their own life
☙ You know you are the IT definition when your chart ruler is the Sun or Venus, or if you are Leo and Libra/Taurus Risings. These people are so popular and liked by everyone around
☙ Do you can know how hot Capricorn Risings can be???🔥🔥👀👀👀 They are form another planet i swear most models are having this ascendant and they look 💥💥💥💥🤯🤯🤯 AMAZING. Capricorn Risigns you are BLESSED
☙ Mars square Ascendant is a very hot aspect, most people with with this aspect look very attractive they can have high succes in media, because they can get a lot of people attention, this will sound funny but they look gorgeous with sun glasses on 😍
☙ Jupiter - Mars aspects have a really big high drive, they can be very horny, can have a very horny personality, it depends what people are they attracted because they can manifest their partners and they love to explore their sexuality too
☙ Uranus - Sun aspects, you just know they are unique and strong, nothing can stop them, these people radiate electric energy, just because Uranus and Sun together can have a very big and warm energy 💞
☙ I have seen people talking so bad about the 8th house placements, and I want to confirm that they are not right at all. People with 8th house placements are very powerful people especially if you have luminaries (Sun/Moon in the 8th house) or the chart ruler in the 8th house. They are like a phoenix and they re-born themselves if they are hurt. Karma is coming back for you very fast if you hurt such people.
☙ Jupiter Retrograde in a chart can means that you need to focus on your self and your goals more and you can see the luck coming for you, especially on traveling, try to travel to explore to go in search of new things because there is a high chance you will find luck there
☙ People with Venus in Cancer Degrees: 4°, 16°,28°, can get attached very fast to their partners, they give such "mom energy" they might like to take care and protect their partners a lot, nurturing them, but these people wanna feel secure around their partners either they can be very anxious about their relationshis
☙ Cancer in the 5th/6th house can have a big big big love for pets, they can have a lot of pets around them and there is a big chance these natives grew around animals in their childhood, maybe they had a lot of pets at home 🙀
☙ Mars in the 2nd house can help you with getting money fast at your job and at manifesting money, Mars in the 2nd house can be very influential if you wanna have a big wallet 🤩
☙ Pisces in the 10th house is a sign that you can be very good at singing. singing can help you to develop a career in singing or voice acting. 🎸. Painting and arts can apply too and also if you have the Midheaven at Pisces Degrees (12°,24°)
☙ Aries Risings OMG these people are like born with fire in their eyes and hearts, i swear all you need to do is to look in their eyes. Their looks is very mesmerizing, the 1st house feels so good in the sign of Aries ♈🐏
☙Capricorn Suns are having a very warm side too, there are many people saying "Capricorns are cold", "Capricorns are mean".... These people are humans after all and still have feelings? And of course they a soft side like all zodiac signs do. They can be very sweet with you, if you start to know them better and better you see they are not cold. These people are very sweet in all the ways posibile 💎
☙ People with 2th house Stelliums are here to be rich and expensive they do not joke when they wanna get that cashhhhhhh, get that cash guyssss. Applying if you have the North Node in the 2nd House too focus on being financial secure and don't depend on anybody 🌈
☙ People with a 12th house Stelliums can be very spiritual and connected to the spiritual world. They can see spirits or shadows and they can get body sensations like goosebumps very randomly
☙ Mercury in Scorpio can be very hard and fast at cussing people, when someone does them wrong or dirty they can come very fast to cuss them 🤣
☙Can we all appreciate how Aquarius Moons can stay so calm even in bad situations? Their calm omg and positive mentality is helping them a lot trough their situations
☙Ascendant at Libra Degrees (7°,19°) gives natives a very natural charm, they can have pretty lips and big eyes 👀. They can also have a good fashion taste, they can be very organised and take things veryyy seriously.
☙Ascendant at Aquarius Degrees (11°, 23°) gives natives very unique features, they can have bulging eyes/the eyes can have a very nice shape. The natives can be very tall and intelligent, good at working in online media. They can also be very good at making friends and having a social group around them. ✨
☙ Ascendant - Mercury aspects natives can be very easily for them to talk and to express themselves, they can be social butterflies. They are very smart too and very wise. These natives have a good knowledge and they can mentor other people and help them by communicating their feelings.
☙ People with Sun and Moon harsh aspects they are not having good either because they can face personality problems and they can find themselves struggling a lot. This aspect is the definition of Brain (Sun) vs - Heart (Moon) fight, who you gonna listen and choose to guide you first? Your heart or your brain? They can also have family problems (Sun - father) - (Moon - Mother). But these people are very strong ones because imagine to have both luminaries aspecting each other, is definitely not for the weak 💎💎💎
☙ Virgo Risings are having a highly feminine energy and aura. Doesn't matter the gender,if you have a Virgo Rising you have a high feminine energy. It's a very nurturing placements in harmony with nature and Virgo Risings can have an amazing hair like omggg 👀👀👀 how does y'all's hair look so good ???
🔥Mature Content🔥
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☙ Mercury in 8th house might talk a lot about sexuality and taboo things, they try to communicate while using dirty talk and flirting too 👀😍 these people are having a very sexual of communicating and expressing themselves but they are also very powerful in talking. They can give good speech and make people to listen to them
☙ Venus in Leo/5th house might like/have a tendency to be naked a lot around their partners, not 100% naked but wearing clothes who can highlights their bodies and the same can apply to Venus in Sagittarius or in the 9th house. Let's just say that people with these placements might like to tease their partners a lot 🔥👀
☙ Jupiter in Capricorn/Taurus or Jupiter in the 2nd/10th house natives might get spouse/husbands with big...👀👀👀 You know what's coming after..🔥🔥🔥 your husband can have great body/bones can be muscular too
☙You just know that people with heavy Scorpio placements have a lot of kinks and BDSM, it just happens for them to like it rough
☙ Aquarius's placements (mostly in big 6: Sun,Moon,Rising,Venus,Mars, Mercury) are highly kinky too and very passionate, when it comes to 18+ in Astrology, Aquarius Placements are highly underrated, these people can make you feel like heaven, so they are 100% very hot people 🔥👀
☙Neptune in 8th/12th houses are very sexual OMG these people are MY people 😍. Because they can spend all day dreaming about their partners, they can also have a lot of dreams and fantasies about their partners these people are intense at a very different level. Very intense, very hot, very charming 😍
☙ NEPTUNE IN THE 7TH HOUSE OMG these people can create a very big soul bounding with their partners they crave for love from their partners and they love little things in relationships. But these people are blessed getting such attractive spouses 😭 because Neptune can mean attractiveness too and in the 7th house of relationships and partners omggggg
☙ HEAR ME Y'ALL: JUNO - NEPTUNE ASPECTS mostly harmonious aspects (Trine,Sextile, Conjunction) similar to what i said about Neptune in the 7th house these people create a soul bounding with their partners and they can attract such hot SPOUSES 🔥😍🔥😍🔥😍 their spouses can be very sensual too. I feel this is also a very karmic placement because is also spiritual you can be connected spiritual with your spouse if you have your Juno/Neptune in the 12th/9th houses 😍😍😍 y'all these aspects are sooo hottt i love them (Juno asteroid code 3)
☙ JUNO - MARS aspectsssss another intense placements it can show your spouse can be EXTREMELY SENSUAL AND PASSIONATE, a lot of kinks omg😍😍😍 they can make you feel like heaven. Spouse can be hella attractive, pretty charming flirting everything sensual...THEY HAVE ITTT ALL. YOUR spouse is having a very attractive personality. So far one of the best Juno Placements to have (Juno asteroid code: 3)
☙ I heard Gemini's Placements are very good in bed too 👀, they can be very focused on what are they doing, they might not have such as many kinks are Scorpios but they are more into positions they like to try a lot of things and to experience a lot, they might not have many kinks but they are highly ROMANTIC.
☙JUNO IN THE 1ST HOUSE 🔥🔥🔥🔥. Definitely one of the most sensual placements to also if you have Juno here.... YOU ARE VERY desirable, a lot of people can wish you for them to be their partners. I'm not joking people with this Placement are having many admirations. BUTTT THEIR SPOUSESSSS 🔥🔥🤯🔥🤯🔥🤯🔥🤯🔥🔥🤯🤯🔥🔥🤯🔥 OMG your spouse can be very needy of you very lovely, high attraction to eachother, good pleasure time too 👀🔥👀🤯👀🤯👀 y'all are luckyyyy your spouse can also be very popular and a lot of people can know him. I adore this placement 💋
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I will make more and more notes about a lot of placements because i have many many ideas about it. Don't worry if you don't have any placement here i have more posts about it;
Here too part 1 and 2;
Here is part 2💋💋💋💋
Hope you gonna find something you like in these posts and i have a lot more to make and post 💋💋💋👀👀👀 just wait for it because i have so many ideas.
With love, Harmoonix ❣️
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addictedastrology · 2 years
☁︎☂︎Random astrology observations #2☂︎☁︎
◈Gemini+Virgo placements - Mercury makes you quick on ur feet. 🤸‍♀️Like y’all are probs the peeps who walk super fast and get particularly annoyed when you’re stuck behind someone languidly strolling. Y’all also get irritated if someone doesn’t understand how to do something as quickly as you- like y’all are super smart, but cut us normies some slack. 😪
◈One time I met a triple Aquarius; sun, moon rising and he was Uranian energy personified. He would tell stories of him fucking with the government, cheating the system and causing mayhem in established structures, like stealing whole ass mini fridges from Walmart. He also didn’t smoke weed but had a whole Instagram page dedicated to weed memes. Lol. Such contradiction, so chaos. Needless to say, he was memorable. 🤡
◈Timothee Chalamet has a 5th house stellium and it makes SO MUCH SENSE. 5th house is star 💫 power, 5th house is acting, it’s drama, it’s also the house of good fortune. He went from nobody knowing his name to “everyone”knowing his name in just a couple years. He also has his 5th house stellium in Capricorn, so he tends to be well respected by his elders in the industry. They see him almost as an equal. It helps that he’s a Pisces moon and life path 9 and that’s old soul energy. I can make a whole ass post about Timmy’s chart 😏 maybe in my next post lol 😇
◈This one’s personal but people with moon in 5th house are such dreamers. Y’all can weave a fantastical world of ur own made up of cherry 🍒 pie, sunshine and infinite love. The marriage of the moon in the 5th house of the sun, actually makes these individuals quite balanced emotionally. Oh and y’all def are suckers for romantic comedies.
◈Sun conjunct jupiter- what is so funny ? 😛 literally feel like y’all have laughing gas attached to you. Forever optimist. You could be hanging off a cliff with a gun pointed to ur head and you’ll still be like “oh this isn’t too bad..it’s a learning experience” lol (I have this placement so I know..lol, my friends tell me I’m their good luck charm and my sense of humor is my superpower)
◈This is just my theory but I believe if you have heavy 12th house, there is a karmic debt that U have to pay in this lifetime. Especially if you have Saturn, Pluto or mars there. 12th house is endings/12th house is karma (12th house is also rly beautiful, it’s the most spiritual house) but if u have say Pluto there, I always imagine you killed someone in a past life or someone killed you. Add mars to the mix and it was very violent.
◈I met someone with juno in Libra in the 12th house and I truly believe he lost his twin flame in his most previous lifetime and now in this lifetime he’s forever searching for that familiar energy 🥺🥺🥺
◈Empty 12th house probs means you got a clean slate this time around. Like u def did some real good deed in ur previous life.
◈ Something I’ve noticed is there are A LOT of Taurus placement celebrities- particularly actors. I find this makes sense because Taurus rules the body and it is a Venus ruled sign. So using your body to express the vibration of Venus. I almost thought about being an actor because of my Taurus rising and 5th house moon 🌝 still possible 🤩
◈ Taurus placements are SO sensitive to smells- like legit, I’m a Taurus rising and I’ll tell my friend something smells bad and then they won’t even notice it. What’s up with that ? Y’all have plugged up noses lol Also could be why Taurus placements are naturally amazing cooks - nose 👃 connected to mouth 👄 connected to brain 🧠
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addictedastrology · 2 years
Random Friendship/Connection Astro Thoughts ♡
follow me on twitter to ask questions!
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ Your ascendant sign often signifies the people who feel very comfortable with you (usually refers to their Sun/moon sign but can also manifest in other placements). However, the connection may feel stronger from their side and less attractive/deep for you.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ Your Venus placement determines the kind of people you will just admire regardless of whether you're close or not. Apply also to 7th house/5th house.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ Air placements are of course quite social and outgoing but a mixture of air and water often manifests in ambiverts.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ The more prominent a moon is in a person chart the more they need their alone time, especially if the moon is in a mutable sign.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ If you have any planet (except for maybe pluto) in the the 11th house you can become an influencer or have more impact on people around you in without putting in much energy.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ If you have a lot of 8th house placements you may prompt people, even on first meetings, to spill their dirtiest, hidden-from-sunlight kinda secrets to you without even trying. Apply also to Scorpio placements.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ Libra placements can become people pleasers quite easily but the best way to heal it is to tranverse the loving/acceptingenergy back to you and invest in your wellbeing & beauty routines.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ Gemini placements can come across as 'nasty' even if they're the kindest.
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♡ If you want to find your soul tribe you need to look for the people with the same moon sign. You will forever just 'get' each other.
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addictedastrology · 2 years
#0013 rx planets in your chart
rx planets will indicate what unfinished business/lessons you have in this lifetime. the more rx planets you have, the more lessons you are urged to complete. your rx planets may be difficult to cooperate with and may bring out some of your most challenging traits. look towards the sign, planet, and house. the sun and moon can never go rx. energy is directed inwards instead of projected outwards like it should.
mercury in rx — you will need to learn and appreciate the value of communication and verbalizing thoughts and feelings into concrete facts. there may be issues with general communication or the aiblity to express honesty. inability to confront; there is self-sabotage and self-criticizing. repetitive thinking patterns, especially negative, are prominent. while mercury rx indicates someone with great intellect and an ability to process information on a profoundly innate level, you may struggle with overthinking/having too much to think about. you are a reflective person but this often gets the better of you because you tend to isolate yourself from others for no specific reason.
mars in rx — great difficulty with confrontation and settling on one ambition to take action towards. you seem to want everything and nothing at all. you may express anger very aggressively but only after letting it boil inside you for a very long time; you may experience "dull anger", a type of anger that sits inside you, instead of having a clear projection outwards. you can be very passive-aggressive and only take action when you feel forced to. you cannot stand up for yourself, though you feel the great need to be dominant. one of your lessons will be to take charge in life instead of sitting on the post waiting for someone to do it al for you.
venus in rx — you have trouble opening up and letting people see you for who you are. romantically speaking, you have trouble committing because you fear depth, not because you are a cheater, although this can indicate some promiscuity as well. with others, you may have a harder time socializing because you like isolation more than the outside world. you may be lonelier than most. any friends you have are most likely friends from childhood or just very long-term friends. you may have a hard time loving yourself. so, one of your lessons will involve loving yourself and letting others love you. we accept the love we deserve and certainly, you accept love that is not what you really deserve
jupiter in rx — one of your lessons will include having your own set of beliefs instead of following other people's. it will involve establishing a personal constitution/morals/values you abide by. unconcerned with material wealth, you may focus on spiritual wealth to the point of total rejection of the real world. your gambler attitude may get tested also. personally speaking you may be reclusive and not have the brightest social life, but you definitely have a lot of luck, despite being in rx. in fact, this rx can breed a type of luck that puts you in disadvantaged scenarios designed for growth, but the type of scenarios that guarantee you will make it out the other side!
saturn in rx — confrontation may be a fear for you. you self-isolate, are very controlling, and feel the need to constantly micromanage. inwardly speaking, you are very nervous and have a lot of insecurities, especially with your body and personal wealth/success. in this lifetime, you will have to learn the proper discipline to achieve the goals you want out of life. you may want a lot but lack the ambition or direction in getting there. you may also be rebellious and not cooperative in relationships because you can't seem to take them seriously. additionally, you will learn to let go of control and let the universe take its course. you cannot always know what is best for you.
neptune in rx — this is a heavy dreamer planet, and can breed someone lazy and totally incapable of caring for themselves. while your imagination is insanely creative, you tend to have your heads up in the clouds too much. you struggle with being in reality for long. you may be gifted with the ability to dream or have a very strong connection to your spirituality, but you don't know how to express it, and it leaves you feeling restless most of the time. you are lonely and often misunderstood. you require a lot of time for yourself. you self-isolate more than be with others.
uranus in rx — you may be afraid of new beginnings because you are comfortable with what memories, nostalgia, and predictability do for you. there is happiness in the known and you may repel any sort of expression in fear of other people's judgment. there is a strong calling within you that urges you to be who you are, but you don't know how. to others, you may seem conventional, but inside you really are not. you have views and beliefs completely opposite to what impression you give off. your social life may lack or be very unpredictable. you may struggle to have solid friendships or maintain your own identity in friend groups.
pluto in rx — this is one of the most challenging rx placements because your struggles are experienced on the inside and have no expression on the outside. what this means is that you go through emotional/mental/spiritual turmoil that manifests in depressive moods or anger issues instead of being healthily channeled. you are very controlling and micromanage all the time. one of your lessons will be to let change be and to stop avoiding what needs changing. part of your inner turmoil is just layers of your soul shedding to embrace new sides to your personality. you have a very powerful presence and certainly love power but you hate any situation that puts you in a powerless state.
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addictedastrology · 2 years
Neptune Notes🧜‍♀️
Check out Moon Notes and Venus Notes
♆If you have a prominent Neptune in your chart you might notice that its hard for others to take you seriously when you are angry because you look so innocent? Thats because your power lies in that innocence. You power lies in looking helpless and getting others to rescue you and getting sympathy from others. Not saying you should use it just saying thats it. Just like ppl with prominent Mercury got their power in their sneakiness and their sharp tongue.
♆ A lot of people with Mercury/Neptune aspects grew up being ignored or left alone in their room a lot. So they had to fantasize to survive mentally which leads to them having a hard time with reality as they get older. They learned to view life from rose colored glasses to survive.
♆ People with Neptune in the 1st house probably feeling like they have never met anyone like them before. They give off this angelic otherwordly aura. Like they are more than human.
♆ People with Venus/Neptune had a mother who constantly criticized herself and was obsessed with her appearance. So they learned early that flaws are something to be covered up and fixed. Thats why they become the perfect partners and do everything they can to look their best. Their mother could also have been very submissive to their dad or blindly in love with him while their father ignored their mother.
♆ Neptune in the 2nd house can be way to generous.
♆ Neptune in the 10th house can be known for being a drug addict. You know in every town there is a group of addicts who everybody knows, they probably have Neptune conjunct Midheaven.
♆A lot of Neptune aspects especially squares can make a person very submissive with a inferiority complex.
♆ Moon aspecting Neptune can indicate a mother who suffers with some kind of addiction.
♆Im so sorry but when people with Mercury Square Neptune tells me a story I have to ask somebody else who was there if thats what really happened.
♆ Mars aspecting Neptune can others an impression of being weak or afraid. Men with this aspect probably gets ”tested” by other men a lot and might be unable to go out to pubs and nightclubs because of men wanting to start fights with them.
♆ Ive seen Mars Square Neptune to be a common placement in people who get used for sex. These people are easily taken advantage off and might believe that they are gonna get into a relationship with the people who just wants to sleep with them.
♆ Neptune rules who we overidealize:
Sun/Neptune: You overidealize your father and men. Moon/Neptune: You overidealize your mother and women. Mercury/Neptune: You overidealize siblings and younger people. Venus/Neptune: You overidealize beautiful women in general and your partners/female friends. Mars/Neptune: You overidealize men and sexual partners, and your enemies.
♆ Neptune in the 1st house can change the way their voice sound depending on who they are talking to. They can even change body language and the way they walk. The scary part is that it comes naturally for them.
♆ People with Venus Square Neptune are so cute and pretty. Like little dolls.😍
♆Neptune dominance in a chart can make someone very kind with huge ammounts of empathy and compassion.
♆People with a lot of Neptune probably get approached by beggars on the street. They look like they will give you what you need. (As a Neptunian myself I have to say ive always been weak for beggars, I cant just walk past them without giving something. When I was little my mom got mad at me because I always wanted to give them our stuff😂)
♆ Squares to Neptune in the chart reminds me of those ”once you see it you cant unsee it” pictures. When you finally figure that planet out you can use it to your benefit. Venus Square Neptune once you stop trusting everyone you will realize that you got the gift to make people trust you and see YOU as the ideal partner, instead of painting others as some kind of ideal.
♆ And once people with Neptune in the 1st house realize the power they hold its over. Kim Kardashian is a perfect example of this constantly creating scandals and extreme ammounts of money because she know how easy it is to make people think all kinds of crazy things about her.
©2022 Zeldas Notes
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addictedastrology · 2 years
☀︎ Moon in Sagittarius/Moon in Aquarius people like you are the reason the world is moving forward. Your humanitarian nature and nonjudgmental mind is the reason for the change in the world. When I think back what a horrible history humans have I think of people like you. YOU are the ones who start the protests, who refuse to let anyone be treated less because of how they look or who they are. You are the true humanitarians of the zodiac.
☀︎ Sun in the 8th house the things you have been through and the painful transformations you have made would be too much for most people to handle so please be proud of how strong you are.
☀︎ Erato conjunct Ascendant you were made to be in the magazines.
☀︎ Leo Moons the way you stand up for your friends and how loyal you are is so beautiful.
☀︎ Venus in Scorpio the way you want to understand the people you love and help them through the worst kind of trauma. Nothing can scare you away, you stay through the worst trials.
☀︎ Pluto 1st house the way you will stand up for the ones who cant stand up to themselves. Ready to even get into a physical fight to help someone else. The civilcurage placement.
☀︎ Virgo Moon yes you can be nitpicky but you just want to help. Its in your nature to fix when you see a problem.
☀︎ Cancer Moon the way you will always stay loyal to the people you like. It doesnt matter if the whole world is against that person you will still stay by their side even if it means that you will get hated too.
☀︎ Lilith aspecting Ascendant you are not only extremely beautiful and desireable but the way you stand up to authority even if you get outcasted. Your strenght is unmatched. Power personified.
☀︎ Venus 8th house your beauty is UNMATCHED. You also understand the darkest of souls to the point nothing can scare you away, which can be dangerous tho so be careful. A lot of people want to ”humble” you so be careful who you let into your life.
☀︎ Virgo Placements you are the kind of people to help someone in silence not even letting them know it was you. You genuinely want to help but you dont want anyone to feel like they owe you.
☀︎ Leo Venus your generosity and loyalty to the people around you is so beautiful. Just make sure you dont get used.
☀︎ Moon in the 1st house the way you want to help everyone with everything to the point of exhausting yourself. Dont forget yourself.
☀︎ Medusa conjunct Ascendant you have been a victim of the worst hate from other women but you refuse to let men win. You know how men take advantage of women hating on other women and you refuse to be like those women.
☀︎ Taurus Moon you might be stubborn but thats also what makes people around you feel safe with you. You wont leave because you found someone better. Once you settle you stay.
© 2022 Zeldas Notes
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addictedastrology · 2 years
Do you think a Leo Sun, Libra Moon and Libra Rising could work with a Gemini Sun, Aquarius Moon and a Virgo Rising? :>
yes! :)
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addictedastrology · 2 years
”The house of death, sex & other peoples money”
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⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: sex, abuse.
Sun in the 8th house:
The Sun here makes you transform in a way that you might feel like you have lived different lives. You might have a hard time believing people when they tell you about something you did 5 years ago because that just doesnt sound like you. You experience deaths and rebirths. You might even like hitting rock bottom because you know how beautiful it is when you rise again. You dont only transform yourself, you transform everyone you meet too. This is also why broken people are so drawn to you because they can sense your healing energy. This placement creates a strong aura and presence. You probably noticed peoples reactions to you early in life and this might have scared you. You have been trough a lot and this can be seen only by looking at you.
Your experiences have made you extremely strong and powerful but also a human lie detector. Its hard to hide anything from you and this is also something that people pick up on. You are sensitive and feel the energies of others. 8th house suns are very good at reading peoples personality since the Sun rules Leo which rules acting, teather and personality they have a intuition when it comes to those things. You know why people act how they act and no matter how confident they appear you know if you are faking and they know what your insecurities are.
You have a lot of integrity because you know how threathened some people can be by your power and how much people want what you have. You wont let a lot of people know who you really are, only those who are completely honest with you. The Sun in this house creates such a mysterious person that its easy for you to become famous. You awake curiosity in the masses. This is one of the biggest fame placements. You love black clothes and you love layers on layers, not showing any skin at all. Your relationship to your father is probably very intense and might even be uncomfortable. Your father might have been absent in some way, either physically or just emotionally. You are down to earth and will become a even more beautiful soul after your first ”ego death”.
Moon in the 8th house:
You feel everything so intensely that it scares you. When you hate someone you hate with your whole heart. You can be very moody and can get intense moodswings. Be careful not to let your moods get so extreme that you push others away only to later regret it. Your mother might have had a hard life herself and maybe she didnt know how to comfort you and love you. There is definitely a lot of healing to do when it comes to your relationship to other women. You might get very envious and jealous of other women if you are not comfortable with your own femininity. You might have grown up around powerful and dominant women which shaped your view of women and femininity. Rob Kardashian has this placement and he grew up in a family of powerful women with a lot of scandals surrounding sex.
You have an almost unnatural understanding of human nature. You have a intuition that is out of this world. The way you see right trough people is insane. You might even get psychic attacks. A natural psychologist just like Sigmund Freud who had this aspect himself. In men this aspect can become very scary and can turn into an obsession with women. People with this aspect can be obsessed with having power over women just like their mom had power over them. People with moon in the 8th house can have very fixed opinions and can in worst case be very conservative and care too much about keeping traditions. You will probably go trough a phase in your teen years when you ”shut off” your feelings because you are ashamed of your intensity, but your feelings are your power and a part of you and you need them to completely be yourself and we need our feelings and empathy to understand those around us.
Mercury in the 8th house:
These people are curious and love to dig deep. They are probably interested in everything they shouldnt be interested in. They have the habit of saying things they know will hurt someone because they know where it hurts. When young and still immature they might enjoy getting secrets out of others without telling their own, they might feel powerful when doing stuff like that. The problem these people have is that they underestimate others, they feel nobody understands how manipulative they are completey unaware of how everyone else is just the same. This makes them victims of other peoples manipulations because they dont see it comming.They are usually horrified when they discover that they are not the only ones who thinks this way, everyone else have been manipulating them this whole time. They are usually victims of manipulation themselves without knowing it because others can sense their sensitivity. They love asking questions they already know the answer to. These people can be very intuitive when it comes to other peoples feelings and hidden needs which makes them good at comforting those around them. They might sense when you need a hug without you saying a word. This placement creates a very intense gaze, you can see how analyzing they are
Venus in the 8th house:
You have a love for everything thats dark, mysterious and forbidden. You probably liked to read taboo books and watch scary movies even as a child. Venus here makes the person so charming that it outshines any physical flaws. A raw beauty. The sexual organs are beautiful and have such a soft feeling when you touch it. If you have sex with them once you will come back for more. These people know they got something special but they might not understand it themselves. Imagine the image of Goddess Aphrodite but shes wearing a leather corset and a whip. But Venus here is not only positive, even Venus becomes wicked when shes in the 8th house. These people might have been called sexy before they even knew what sexy was. Comments from adults that felt uncomfortable ”Oh arent you a little charmer” ”Shes gon be a problem” ”Imagine her in a few years”. Comments that made them ashamed. Beauty is no longer something funny or something to be proud of. The dark side of Venus. The reactions it attracts must mean Im bad right? So Venus in this house starts to hide. Baggy clothes, cold looks, no makeup, oversized shirts to hide what everyone is begging to see. Mean comments from other women awakes a self hate that will take years to recover from. Angry looks from women in the dressing room. Every little flaw magnified by the female relatives at the family gatherings.
These people have a healing touch to them. Just by meeting them once you will change. They transform people, especially those they love. Being loved by these people is a blessing because they have the power(8th house) of love(Venus). They will do anything for those they love but only if they feel you would to the same for them. They will understand you pain like nobody else and they will heal you.
The 8th house also rules other peoples money and the money we get without our own effort so you will get a lot from others, it might not only be money it can be in the form of gifts too. For example when you move to your own first appartment people might help you move for free and you might get most of your furniture by others without having to buy it yourself.
Mars in the 8th house:
These people have intense experiences with men and might have been abused by men with toxic masculinity. Men with this aspect might feel like they arent masculine enough.They might have been abused by men early in life. Experiences with the father might have scared them in some way. A lot of trauma surrounding sex. They might have had very uncomfortable experiences when it comes to their first time. The first time was probably aggressive. All the confusion around sex can lead to an insatiable hunger for sex.
Men and masculinity might be a sensitive subject. When younger you probably experienced a lot of aggression either from others or you might have been aggressive yourself. These people might be afraid of their own anger because they know how intense they are. They have an intense energy surrounding them just like Scorpio Mars people. You can sense when they are irritaded because their energy will fill the whole room making everyone uncomfortable. They dont take rivalry lightly and can be extremely competetive especially if mars is afflicted. They will be interested in the occult and eveything thats taboo and most of them are not afraid to show it because of the confident nature of mars.
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