adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
So... I disappeared for like a month because I was moving, but I only had two replies while I was gone so I don’t think anyone really noticed, but I did gain like twenty followers, so I guess people still looked for me?
I’m here now. Sort of. I’m blog hopping. Been catching up on my main. Maybe making another blog. But you know, I’m here. Ready to mingle. Ready to plot.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
She smiled warmly at that, pleased to hear of their kindness. These Starks, they seemed to truly love each other, much as she loved her brothers, her grandmother. She had heard of other families being cruel, unwelcoming, even hateful towards other members. Of course, Margaery doubted that he would tell her, a relative stranger on their first meeting, about the cruelties within his own kind, but there was a relaxed nature about his words, how they were filled with jest, that warmed her heart.
Nodding a little, she gave both his parents another warm smile and nod, then moved with him towards his siblings, the girls first and then his brothers. Sansa, yes, the eldest one, she would become fast friends with this one, to be sure. The other... perhaps her gifts that she brought would help, but she doubted that silks would do. A good thing she had brought extras.
It surprised her, to hear him call the bastard his brother, but these Northerners were strange. She would not contest it, clearly seeing that it was likely a sore subject, even now. People still spoke of it in the South, how not even the honorable Ned Stark could deny his bloodlust from battle and had fallen in love with Ashara Dayne. 
She would not be Ashara Dayne. She would either seduce him, force him to love her, or harden her own heart. Children were for love. Husbands... she was not quite sure yes.
“A pleasure to meet you all,” she said warmly, then looked back up at her betrothed, almost expectantly. Now that the formalities were done, she was freezing. It was past time for them to step inside the keep to the nearest fire. 
robb made a mental note to hurry things along so they could find themselves inside. after all, he did not wish for the one he was betrothed to, to end up freezing herself to death after only being there a few moments. he did not think that would make the starks…or the north as a whole look good. but proper customs were proper and it’d be far too rude if he never introduced her to his family. sooner rather than later they were to end up her family. he wished for her to like them. 
as she tucked herself against them he found a hint of amusement. improper, he thought, and the desire to tease her almost there, but squashed down. he was so used to spending his time around his siblings and theon, that even with a stranger such as her, some habits within him died hard. of course, no part of him wished to alienate her before they found themselves having a single conversation.
“they are and i do hope you continue to think so.” for now they would be proper but he didn’t think it would be all that long before they were all running around and causing chaos that made his mother sigh more than he ever thought was possible by anyone ever. a thought of a son, he thought. 
one day she would feel at home, or at least he hoped, and walking through the snow and ice, along with the wind chills, would be more normal. how long that would take he didn’t know, but until then, he was more than happy to aide her. “i think we should stay upright.” he whispered, figuring they would understand. as they moved away from his parents, who he was certain anyone knew, he was more interested in introducing his siblings. “sansa, arya, bran, rickon,” he offered their names, keeping her steady, not really moving, more so just gesturing. “behind my parents are my brother jon,” a story he didn’t think he needed to tell, “and theon greyjoy. ignore him, he’s annoying.” he could feel the glare of his mother and simply…ignored her.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
Ah, yes. She had no need of him for most things, particularly given how she knew her own body, and had long ago accepted that she would be the only one to give it pleasure, but children... children did take a second person. Her movements stopped, and she turned to look at him, a pensive look on her face.
“A king needs heirs, and if you would like to keep me as your Queen, I should be the one to give them to you.” He should remember that if she were Queen, her brother would only ever be a step away, and she would never move to separate them. The sooner that he had an heir, the better. Particularly given the current circumstances.
“Perhaps, with wine, and the help of my brother, we can figure something out. We can time it well, so that it requires minimal effort... but we will have to perform at some point, unless, of course, you want for me to take a lover... but, a lover could tell others about what has occurred. It would be for the best if you performed the deed.”
          Renly moved to sit on the edge of their bed, a little stunned about the whole ordeal. He stayed quiet for a while, fiddling with the edge of the blanket. How long had she known? She was clever, so it shouldn’t have came as a surprise that she could figure it out. Plus, she had always been incredibly close to Loras. He liked to think that no one would ever know aside from the two of them, though.
          Did she still expect him to perform his duties as a husband even though she knew the truth? He wasn’t sure what was expected from a situation such as the one they were in. No one really talked about it. “I’m assuming you still want children,” he murmured. After a few seconds he added, “eventually.” 
          He knew that would have to come eventually. If he was going to be king, he needed heirs, or his claim was insignificant. Renly had only hoped that some alternative would present itself, but it didn’t look like that would ever happen. 
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
✉ She loves to remind me that any man can be removed from the equation once contracts are made.
text to - ᴍᴀʀɢᴀᴇʀʏ
✉ No offence, but it really was a tragic decision on his part ✉ I feel like your grandmother’s focus is on their bank account without much care for the face attached to it
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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“No, of course. I meant the cold weather. Not the people or the land itself.” She’s quick to correct her words, surprised that Sansa speaks of such affection for the entirety of the North. Her family, yes, and her home, understandably, but Sansa should be in the sun, surrounded by flowers and wearing silk, not covered in heavy layers of fur while surrounded by dark stone and white snow. “And you will show it to me one day”
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Sansa chuckled softly, a grin pulling at her lips. “The North is not frigid,” she replied with affection. “It’s lovely.” She added while turning fully toward her friend. “There’s something so very true about the North. How I wish I  could show you Winterfell. You’d love it despite the cold.” The redhead couldn’t imagine anyone not loving her childhood home. How she missed it. 
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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“... They disappear?” She had only seen them moving and shifting and changing destinations, while she was on them. “Whoever built this castle was cruel.”
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“Very true. At least we’ll leave this school with all our limbs intact, which I was worried about not happening when someone had to warn me that I was about to stand on a disappearing step.”
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
@nothingxdauntedxher liked for a starter
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“Princess Myrcella, won’t you join me for a walk through the gardens?” She knows that the girl would not deny her, of course. No one ever denied her. Not even the daughter of Cersei.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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there’s something wrong.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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I don’t want to be a queen. I want to be the queen.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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i’ll see you soon, my dear.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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 Character Aesthetics ▷ Sansa x Margaery
“margaery’s kindness had been unfailing, and her presence changed everything. Her ladies welcomed Sansa as well. It had been so long since Sansa had enjoyed the company of other women, she had almost forgotten how pleasant it could be.”
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
Send “Risqué” for a NSFW situation between our muses || @adeadrose
11. Our muses find a spare room at a house part
Robb drank just a little too much. No regrets for, not when he was tugging Margaery near and couldn’t help himself. He’d been attracted to her for far too long, unable to remember when it started, knowing that it was not going to stop. Not when she looked like that and even though he was all too certain that she flirted with everyone she’s ever met, it only did things to him when the smooth words slipped from past her lips. He only wanted more of her, away from the loud music, and the people that were not of any interest to him. 
His hand was firmly on her hip as his forehead was against hers, breathing against the lips he’d just  finished kissing. Gods, he wanted more of her and was only able to resist because he needed to take a breath. One of the times he wished that he didn’t need to breath to live. That’s when he got a better idea, a much better idea. He pulled away from her and reached for her hand, tugging her along towards the staircase. Robb only went because he was supposed to be keeping an eye on Sansa, who insisted on impressing, but clearly that went out the window. Oh well, Jon could keep an eye on her. Hopefully. 
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                     “Let’s go upstairs.” 
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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Beautiful. Clever. Polite.
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
RP-Meme: These Feelings
Accepting † @adeadrose
#20 - Humiliated
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Tears burned her Tully blue eyes as she made her way out of the throne room, head down, holding the front of her dress together thoroughly humiliated. Being the daughter of a supposed traitor, which her father had only been branded because of her, was quite bad. But being beaten and degraded in front of a room full of people was worse. Sansa let out a shuddering breath as she attempted to hold back the tears, not wanting to let them out for all to see. In her haste she did not see the girl in front of her and when she smacked into another body, it startled her, head jerking up sharply, spotting Margaery.Her stomach dropped. “Forgive me,” she whispered, eyes and nose red. “I should have been paying more attention.” What would her friend think of her like this? Sansa would understand if she wanted nothing to do with her, for who would want to keep company with someone like her?
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
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Get to know me meme;
[3/15] Female characters - Margaery Tyrell
“Women in our position must make the best of our circumstances.” 
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adeadrose-blog1 · 8 years
THE MEME FOR PEOPLE WHO HATE HAPPINESS. Send me a 💔 and I’ll generate a number, 1-75, and post a starter based on what scenario I get. Please note that some of these scenarios may be triggering.Status: Selectively Accepting.
33 - My muse mercy-kills yours.
Fingers wrap tightly around the leather hilt of the dagger that’s clutched inshaking hands. Breath comes into lungs ragged and eyes flutter  as they tryto not spill the tears over their dams that threatens to cascade down cheeksstained in dirt and mixed with dried blood. He looks at her, hazelnut gazelightened from the wave of emotion that crashes into him like a wave hittinga rock at tide. He draws a deep breath, trying to steady himself as he stepscloser, bottom lip shakes and he knows this is mercy but it didn’t feel as such.“I’m so sorry.” His voice is weak, sadness dripping at every syllable as it fallsfrom his lips and eyebrows knit together. The gap between them is closedand a hand reaches up, palm cupping the curves of one side of her face andhis gaze locks with her beautiful one and there’s a beat of time before he’splunging the dagger into her chest cavity, hard and swift, trying to make sureshe doesn’t suffer more than she must and soon he cannot fight the tearsas they fall from his eyes like raindrops from the sky. He collapses with herto the ground, hand dropping the dagger as he takes her into his embrace andhe holds her to his body, telling himself over and over that  this is nothing morethan a mercy kill even if it felt like so much worse. “I promise. I’ll take care ofLoras for you. I promise.” Words shake as he speaks them and he can’t helpbut watch as the light leaves her eyes. His own gaze drifting close for timethat passes before opening again and he turns up to the heavens, sending asilent prayer to both Old Gods and New before a silent May we meet again ashe lays her body on the ground one last time.
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