adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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xxx alright my loves❣️ i've finally gotten this place up & running! this is a private dead dove;do not eat discord server for hazhelluva roleplayers ran by yours truly. in the meantime, it's going to be invite only for those of y'all i know & can personally trust to follow the ancient fandom texts:
If you wish to take part in any fandom, you need to accept and respect these three laws.
The First Law of Fandom:Don’t Like; Don’t Read (DL;DR)
The Second Law of Fandom:Your Kink Is Not My Kink (YKINMK)
The Third Law of Fandom:Ship And Let Ship (SALS)
xxx pls like this post to express interest & i'll go around & offer invites❣️ pls also keep in mind that i'm one person here & need to keep the space managable. so pls be patient with me & pls don't take it personal if i don't give you an invite right away. if this sort of space turns out to be in high demand, i'll consider enlisting help to accomodate more ppl 💕 ( no promises tho! i'm electing my time & energy to give ppl a safe place to be without being subject to the nastiness that happens out in the open 🕊 )
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
The buck's heart skips a beat or two as he hears his employer speak his name, but he nevertheless hurries inside to meet him. Before he can start explaining his plans, though, he's met with a suggestion that practically erases them from his mind.
"O-oh, I had, but—!" Without a second thought, he tosses the folder back over his shoulder, allowing the papers within to scatter. His interest can be fickle at the best of times, and if Vox has ideas to share, those are sure to be far more interesting than whatever nonsense he came up with. Having all but forgotten his own plans, he sidles up close to the desk, tail swishing in anticipation.
"But I'd love to he—ear what you were thinking. Sir," he says, even managing the weakest smile. "It's ss...so kind of you to spend any t...time thin-king about my show when I kn...I know you have so much ww-work of your own." He doesn't even notice the dreamy, romantic tune playing backdrop to his voice, nor his familiar's knowing smirk.
Vox's eyes glittered at the timid sound of René, right on schedule. "Of course, come in, Ren, I've been looking forward to this.." He purred from within his den of screens, talons tracing against holographic keyboards as he watched the blue stag approach.
He's been listening to René's broadcasts, how can he not, when the only time he's able to hear René speak with any sort of authority, any sort of controlled confidence is when he's live on the air? He thrives on it, hearing the Radio Demon lean into his own brutal power, even if just a little bit, even if the deer justifies it by claiming simple showmanship. It's a thrilling reminder, every hiss of amused static making Vox's blood fizzle with delightful interference.
Vox is more than aware of the fact that he is allowed to own René, permitted to keep him on a close leash in exchange for protection. The unspoken permission makes him fucking dizzy.
"Have you put together next week’s broadcast block? I've got some segment suggestions that I think would suit your show wonderfully.." They weren't big suggestions, he didn't know how far was too far before the stag's shadow would snap back for him, but he knew René enjoyed singing when nobody could see him..
At least, he thought he knew..
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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[ vibesssssss ]
[ looking up an outfit for René to wear to a masquerade and remembering how hard he leans into ouji lolita 🫣 ]
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
[ Another small detail about René: his teeth are not yellow like Al’s. His hygiene obsession extends to dental hygiene as well, so he takes very good care of his chompers. ]
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
[ Important hc for both Alastor and René:
Both boys met and became bonded with their version of Nwar in life (specifically in their childhood). That’s the reason they’re still together in death, and it’s the reason Alastor and René look the way they do in Hell: they took on Nwar’s appearance…at least in terms of silhouette.
This doesn’t affect the exact intimate details of their bodies, but it does determine their general body type and hair, ears, antlers, etc. ]
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
[ looking up an outfit for René to wear to a masquerade and remembering how hard he leans into ouji lolita 🫣 ]
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
Send 🎭 for our muses to meet at a masquerade party
(Alternatively send "masked stranger" if you can't use emojis)
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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SilentZound's dtiys on twt 💕
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
[ probably playing Dragon Age again soon so look forward to silly little posts about how my characters (probably including Al and René) fit in as the Warden, Hawke, and the Inquisitor. 🤭 ]
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
[ HC: René's parentage ]
On a similar note to this post about Alastor,
René's father is also a Goetia: Furfur, a deer creature said to hold power over attraction between men and women. This is part of the reason René is so obsessed with forming connections to others and acting on any attractions he feels (even if he doesn't know they're related).
Like Alastor, he doesn't know anything about his father's origins until they're reunited in Hell. By default, I write him as if that hasn't happened yet.
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
Whether it's the snake's accent, some phrasing he's never heard before, or drunken slurring, Alastor isn't entirely sure what just came out of Pentious's mouth. Just how long has he been drinking to end up so thoroughly zozzled?
At least mostly sure that he was asked a question, Alastor replies, "I'll leave that up to your imagination, my friend." Waving down the bartender, he calls, "Husker, could I have some of what he's having? It seems like a great time, whatever it is."
The very drunk Sir Pentious, his hat vaguely sitting crooked on his head and his overcoat vaguely ruffled and a few buttons on his collar undone, squints toward Alastor like the deer had suddenly sprouted a second head and was trying very, very hard to make sense of it all. He still clutched a bottle of some strong looking liquor in his fist, and the tip of his tail hasn’t stopped flicking and wagging and sliding across the floor in some fashion or manner for the past five minutes. His pupils were vaguely blown wide, and he seemed to sway a little in place, despite the fact that he had no legs to stumble on.
“…Issss that your way of nanty narking and selling me a dog or are you being sssserious?” Forgive the snake, he is absolutely blitzed and his brain isn’t entirely working quite right. It also seemed his accent has gone through a bit of a change, it being less posh as before and a bit more loose.
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
send me a number for my muse to talk about …  could be npc’s from your muse’s canon or other muses! 
1. someone they fear
2. someone they love
3. someone they miss
4. someone they admire
5. someone they’ve forgiven
6. someone they feel dislikes them
7. someone they view as a mentor
8. someone they view as a role model
9. someone they would like to befriend
10. someone they’re holding a grudge against
11. someone they have romantic feelings toward
12. someone who taught them a valuable lesson
13. someone they have conflicted feelings about
14. someone whose choices have drastically impacted their life
15. someone they used to view positively, but now view negatively 
16. someone they used to view negatively, but now view positively 
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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Try as he might to keep his face schooled, the Radio Demon lets out a brief snort of laughter. What is he supposed to do? Not mess with the poor fellow?
"While that is a kind--and awfully tempting--offer," he begins with a dramatic sigh, "I'm afraid my heart belongs to another." Nwar appears on the wall behind him to mirror his over-exaggerated swooning and admiration.
"She's a fickle mistress, it's true, but although we've had our ups and downs, I can never leave her side for long before I come running back," the Radio Demon muses dreamily. "And I'm not the only one with a weakness for her siren song! Our royal proprietor, my dear friend behind the bar, and even our very own Angel Dust have all succumbed to her wiles in one way or another.
"...the stage, I mean," he concludes with a grin, entirely too pleased with himself.
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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Alastor stared at his sprawled beau for a moment and blinked. What sort of cartoonish gag was he playing at? Regardless, far be it from him not to play along.
"Oh my, what a tragedy," he said without much feeling, nudging one of Angel's arms with his foot to see if he would react. "My beloved Angel, cut down in the prime of his afterlife. How will I go on without his stalwart support and boundless sensitivity?"
Leaning forward at the waist, he asked with a pleasant smile, "Is this the game we're playing? Am I selling it well enough?"
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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René lets out a squeal as he's groped, rigid and unsure of how to respond. He should protest, shouldn't he? He isn't even sure who's touching him right away! When he glances back to find the serpentine succubus toying with him, he flushes and hastily scrambles away.
"Wh-what are you doing?!" he squeaks through an overlay of static, holding the back of his coat closed despite his flagging tail and trying to brush off the feeling of being so boldly touched without warning. That is: the unexpected thrill it gave him. "What if ss...some-one sees?"
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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Alastor has appeared! What to do?
Play dead
Ask on a date
Take picture
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adeerandhisshadow · 6 months
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René has appeared! What to do?
Fondle butt
Leave him
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