Your skin is the largest organ in your body that protects you from different elements. Regardless of how thick your skin is, it is still not impenetrable. Some reasons that might cause or worsen skin issues include allergens, environmental irritants, specific disorders, and inherited factors.
There are many skin conditions, from small red bumps to widespread rashes. While specific skin issues can be unsightly but not harmful, others might be contagious. Several skin disorders cause pain or itching as well.
While some skin diseases may be hereditary, others may be brought on by a person’s lifestyle. Treatment options for skin conditions may include pills, lotions, ointments, or lifestyle modifications. As a provider of skin treatments in Adelaide, we list some of the most prevalent skin conditions.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 2 years
Many people seek a variety of body contouring operations after a significant weight loss to assist them in achieving their desired figures. Body contouring can be used to get rid of pockets of extra fat, smooth and tighten loose or wrinkled skin, and efficiently mould parts of your body into a more attractive form, but it is not a substitute for weight loss.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 2 years
A perfect body doesn’t exist. However, we can do something to make the body look toned and tightened. Sure, exercise and diet can take you far, but there are stubborn fats that don’t seem to go away no matter how many squats you do.
This is where body contouring methods come in. These non-surgical treatments use a non-invasive approach to reduce fat cells.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 3 years
Body contouring or non invasive fat reduction procedures have always been shrouded with myths and misconceptions. Some of the more famous ones include body contouring as the solution that can stop weight gain once and for all. Others seem to think that body contouring is not effective at all.
This procedure does sound too good to be true. Imagine being able to shed some unwanted fats with no surgery at all. You do not have to take a time off from work to heal nor do you have to suffer from some reminiscent scars. It is no wonder why so many people are doubtful about it. There are also those, on the other end of the spectrum, who expect so much out of it.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 3 years
Body contouring or non-invasive fat reduction procedures have always been shrouded with myths and misconceptions. Some of the more famous ones include body contouring as the solution that can stop weight gain once and for all. Others seem to think that body contouring is not effective at all.
This procedure does sound too good to be true. Imagine being able to shed some unwanted fats with no surgery at all. You do not have to take a time off from work to heal nor do you have to suffer from some reminiscent scars. It is no wonder why so many people are doubtful about it. There are also those, on the other end of the spectrum, who expect so much out of it.
This article aims to address all those misconceptions and counter them with more factual information regarding non-surgical fat reduction treatments. You may have heard some of the following misconceptions, and if you have, we recommend that you read through them carefully. That way, the next time you think about non-surgical fat reduction, you’ll be able to make a more informed opinion and decision towards it.
“I don’t have to exercise anymore with fat reduction treatments.”
Most people undergo non-surgical fat reduction with the expectation that they don’t have to exercise anymore. It is understandable that exercising is not the most enjoyable weight loss activity out there, but it is still a vital part of maintaining the effects of fat reduction treatments. Before the actual procedure, specialists will even advise clients to build an exercising habit first and commit to it.
Body contouring is perfect for individuals who are near their ideal body weight. It is not a weight loss treatment, but more of a healthy and safe way to get rid of stubborn fat and/or loose skin. This procedure is designed to tone the skin and body to achieve a more contoured and sculpted look.
Most clinics that offer fat reduction treatments nowadays integrate a post-procedure regimen that supplements the treatments. The regimen includes eating the right food, exercising at the right time, and many others. So, fat reduction procedures as the be-all and end-all answer to losing weight is nothing but a dangerous misconception. Beware of clinics that perpetrate this misleading marketing tool.
“I can come in for a session and come out with the body that I want.”
This is absolutely not true. Prior to the actual fat reduction treatments, dietitians and treatment specialists will take a considerable amount of time assessing and consulting with you. If you come in with the above normal weight, for instance, you might have to go through weeks of dieting and exercising first. Once you have hit a certain weight goal, only then will the procedure be implemented.
Ultimately, you have to understand that the effects of procedures like this does not happen overnight and with just a single session. Hard work and commitment must still be in place to ensure your safety. Although, once you have gone through the preparation phase; the next consecutive sessions will be a breeze as you can take them during lunchtime or whenever you are free.
“Body contouring is applicable only on belly fats.”
Traditionally, fat reduction treatments only concentrated on belly fats. Procedures like liposuction surgery have popularised the notion that non-invasive fat reduction is also only limited to targeting belly fats. But this is far from the truth.
On the contrary, body contouring through SculpSure is actually very versatile. This type of procedure is already approved by the Therapeutic Goods Agency for the abdomen, inner thighs, outer thighs, back, love handles, and chin.
“Non-invasive fat reduction has negative health effects.”
For some reason, people associate non-invasive fat reduction treatments with harmful radiation. This is another baseless misconception. SculpSure fat reduction procedures are laser-based, which means that no harmful radiation whatsoever is involved.
There is a little radiation that stems from some lasers used in this treatment. However, radiation emitted from the lasers behaves much like ordinary light, rather than something that can break down cells. It is completely harmless and does not have any long-term effects. The procedure eliminates only targeted fat, keeping the surrounding cells and tissues safe and intact.
“Body contouring procedures are very painful.”
Non-invasive fat reduction treatments are, well, non-invasive. That means that you don’t need to suffer from cuts and incisions just to get rid of those pesky pockets of fats that just wouldn’t go away. It uses innovative laser technology, using specific wavelength and heat to remove fat cells in selected areas of the body.
Sessions typically last from 25-45 mins. It is a fast procedure that you can take during lunchtime or whenever you have free time. The only post-treatment thing you have to do is commit to your exercise regimen. No need for a long period of time to heal from physical wounds.
Got More Questions? Call Us.
We hope this article has cleared some misconceptions regarding body contouring. There’s a lot of benefits to be had with fat reduction treatments. If you want to experience fat reduction in Adelaide, then head on over to Adelaide SculpSure where we can help you achieve the sculpted look that you’ve always wanted.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 3 years
Body contouring or non-invasive fat reduction procedures have always been shrouded with myths and misconceptions. Some of the more famous ones include body contouring as the solution that can stop weight gain once and for all. Others seem to think that body contouring is not effective at all.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 3 years
Working out and eating right are two of the key things that you need to get in shape. But if you are going on the journey to fitness, you need reliable help to get you from point A to point B seamlessly. Microneedling and body contouring are on the rise to becoming the best procedures to get the body that you want. You still need to put in the hard work, of course, but these two will boost your progress to the max.
But many are also questioning the safety of body contouring in Adelaide. Is it really safe? Will microneedling in Adelaide have adverse effects on you? What other fat reduction treatments are available out there? These are just some of the questions that this article will answer for you.
How do microneedling and body contouring work?
Microneedling is a cosmetic procedure mostly done to improve and treat skin conditions. Pin-prick needles are run through the skin, stimulating collagen and elastin. Most people who undergo microneedling do so to remove loose skin on their weight loss journey. This procedure can also help smoothen out acne scars, shrink pore size, and even get rid of stretch marks.
On the other hand, SculpSure body contouring uses the power of lasers to target fat cells. This procedure uses non-invasive technology, and since it is targeted, none of the surrounding healthy cells will be damaged.
Both microneedling and body contouring in Adelaide are getting more popular, but is it really safe? The short answer is yes, but if you want detailed explanations then read on.
TGA-Approved Procedure
Fat-reduction treatments, SculpSure body contouring in particular, have been tested and reviewed by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). The same is true with microneedling in Adelaide. Several industry standards have been set in place to ensure that these procedures remain safe for the people who undergo them.
Only Expert Specialists Can Facilitate
Another safety standard that is mandated to all clinics that offer these services is that only accredited and certified specialists can facilitate the procedures. These specialists must be well-trained and highly attuned to the protocols involved when conducting the procedures.
No Need for Downtime
Aside from the points mentioned above, body contouring also requires little to no downtimes. These procedures can be done at lunch, and you can already jump back to work before break time is over. With microneedling, you might need more time to heal. But within one or two days, you can go on about your usual routine already.
Minimal Post-Treatment Care
If you are a busy person, then you will love the minimal post-treatment care involved in both procedures. You may feel some mild discomfort on the areas that have been treated, but nothing that can hold you back from resuming your daily activities. You also don’t have to perform self-treatments or whatsoever. The only thing you have to do is to show up to your next sessions as instructed by your microneedling and body contouring professional.
Microneedling and SculpSure Body Contouring Safety FAQs:
We understand how much you want to go into the procedures with assurance and peace of mind. This is why we have compiled the following questions and provided answers for you to refer to:
Can I travel immediately after the treatment?
Absolutely! You can travel through air, sea, or land even right after the treatment. Just keep in mind that you might experience some mild soreness which can make long journeys a tad uncomfortable.
Am I allowed to drink alcohol?
Feel free to drink your fill. Alcohol will not interact with the procedure chemical-wise, so it will not affect you. Although, your doctor might still advise you to stay away from alcohol’s calories if you are trying to lose weight.
Is sunbathing possible after treatment?
For those who love to back in the sun, you would be happy to know that sunbathing is completely safe to do after the treatment. But to lessen possible discomfort, patients are usually advised to not sunbathe a week before the treatment.
As to microneedling, direct sunbathing might not be possible immediately after. You can still enjoy the beach, of course. Just make sure to cover the treated area with a UV-blocking fabric and you’re good to go.
Is it okay to massage the treated area?
Yes. There are many benefits to massaging the skin after non-invasive fat reduction treatments like body contouring. Massaging can improve blood flow, reduce swelling, and more.
Will I experience swelling after treatment?
You may notice some mild swelling after SculpSure body contouring, but nothing you should be alarmed about. The swelling can vary depending on which part of the body was treated. For instance, the inner thighs can appear more swollen since they are more sensitive. Don’t worry, just listen closely to your specialist in body contouring in Adelaide and the swelling should settle down in no time.
Will I be in pain after treatment?
SculpSure body contouring in Adelaide and in any other places is virtually painless. You might feel a bit of discomfort, but nothing more than the usual soreness that you would usually feel after strenuous activities.
Microneeding and body contouring in Adelaide are within your grasp today. Contact Adelaide SculpSure to learn more about how we can help you in your journey to a more beautiful you.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 3 years
The skin is the most vulnerable to a wide range of concerns as it is the body’s largest and most exposed organ. Rashes, allergies, dark spots, blemishes, pimples, acne, dry skin, just to name a few. Some days, we simply don’t feel confident in our skin and wish that whatever skin concern we have would be gone right away.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 4 years
Nowadays, beauty is defined in many ways. This modern world encourages us to be more accepting of our own natural beauty and use it to our advantage. But there are ways to enhance that natural beauty and transform our physical bodies into something that can empower us even further. One of the ways to do this is through a breakthrough technology called SculpSure body contouring, a new non-invasive fat reduction treatment.
This device and procedure have been gaining popularity all over the world for the many benefits that it bestows upon women and men. But before we dive deep into the benefits of Sculpsure body contouring, we first must have a rudimentary understanding of what it is and how it works.
What Is SculpSure Body Contouring?
SculpSure is a non-invasive fat reduction and laser treatment that aims to break down and eliminate fat from various parts of the body. It uses a device that targets the laser energy to fat cells that lie beneath the skin. Since the laser is targeted towards fat cells alone, it does not have an adverse effect on the skin or whatsoever.
The device works by delivering heat to the targeted cells, breaking them down until they are completely destroyed. This procedure is done in sessions to allow the body to adjust and take over the momentum from the SculpSure fat reduction treatments. The best thing about it is that you can now get SculpSure body contouring in Adelaide.
What makes SculpSure one of the best among the many fat reduction treatments available in the market today? Many women are loving their bodies more and more after several sessions of SculpSure. They love the natural results that it gives, but the benefits do not end there. Here are more benefits of SculpSure body contouring.
Non-Invasive Technology: No Pain
SculpSure uses state-of-the-art technology that elegantly does the job without pain. There might be slight discomfort, but nothing that can seriously cause pain or injury. With the laser, the device is able to penetrate deep into our fat cells without damaging nearby cells.
Non-Surgical Sessions: No Risks
Being non-invasive also means that there is no surgery needed to get the job done. Aside from the tools and equipment, you would also need a good SculpSure technician to properly set up the device to target only the areas that you want targeted. So, make sure you are able to find one in your area. Better yet, work with reputable clinics like Adelaide SculpSure.
Lunch Time Procedure: No Downtimes
SculpSure treatments takes less than an hour to be completed. Some even coin it a “lunch time procedure” since you can just go in the clinic during your break, get the treatment, and head for work before your break is over. Unlike extensive surgical procedures, SculpSure does not require any recovery time, so you can get back and focus on your work immediately after the procedure.
Multiple Applications: No Limits
SculpSure procedures can be done in any part of the body. Whether you want an effective non-invasive fat reduction procedure around your belly or you want to get rid of flabby thighs, you can freely do so with the versatility of SculpSure. The device is capable of targeting various surface areas, from the small nooks of your chin to the big coverage of your stomach. With SculpSure, there are no limits.
Results Last: No Expiry Date
SculpSure procedures take about one to three months of consistent treatments before significant effects can be seen. Although you might have to wait to really see and feel the results, the wait will be all the more worth it considering that the effects are long-lasting. However, this does come with the condition that you take consistent and continued effort to maintain it.
The consistent and continued effort on your part means watching what you eat, following a suitable diet, and of course getting SculpSure treatments based on the recommended frequency of your attending physician.
To really maximise the value of your money when getting SculpSure body contouring treatments, we recommend working with a clinic that does not only have the facilities to conduct the treatments. We highly encourage working with beauty clinics that have accredited SculpSure practitioners, doctors, dieticians and other health workers to ensure your overall health and wellness on your journey to beauty and empowerment.
Bring out your best with Adelaide SculpSure
Adelaide SculpSure is a clinic that offers holistic treatments to give women and men the body and face they have always wanted. Whether you need acne scar treatment or intensive microneedling in Adelaide, we have got you covered.
For quality SculpSure body contouring and non-invasive fat reduction treatments, head on over to our clinic for a consultation. You can also call us to book an appointment. Together with Adelaide SculpSure, you can now bring out your best self.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 4 years
Working out and eating right are two of the key things that you need to get in shape. But if you are going on the journey to fitness, you need reliable help to get you from point A to point B seamlessly. Microneedling and body contouring are on the rise to becoming the best procedures to get the body that you want. You still need to put in the hard work, of course, but these two will boost your progress to the max.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 4 years
Suffering from chronic acne can be a total self-confidence buster. We have all been in a situation where we get so self-conscious about our pimples that we just feel the need to prick them to make them go away, not knowing that this vicious cycle does more damage. Chronic acne can leave physical (and emotional) scars even years after the breakouts die down. If you have been doing your research on getting an acne scar treatment, then you might have gotten word on microneedling in Adelaide.
Acne scar treatment is getting better as new technology is discovered and harnessed towards healing. One of the by-products of these innovative explorations is the science of microneedling. You might have heard of the benefits of this treatment. But before you head to the clinic, here are some things you need to know about microneedling.
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adelaidesculpsureau · 4 years
Nowadays, beauty is defined in many ways. This modern world encourages us to be more accepting of our own natural beauty and use it to our advantage. But there are ways to enhance that natural beauty and transform our physical bodies into something that can empower us even further. One of the ways to do this is through a breakthrough technology called SculpSure body contouring, a new non-invasive fat reduction treatment.
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