adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Am I alone here?
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Something Forbidden (Xavier and Adeline)
The school year had been far too quiet for Adeline's tastes so far. That's not to say she needed chaos and trouble at all times, but a little bit of fun was definitely on the agenda. It wasn't like they'd really get caught, anyways, and if they did-- well, that was half the fun, wasn't it? Pushing her hair over her shoulders and heading to the common room, Adeline kept her shoulders relaxed and her expression stoic. The last thing she wanted was for someone to suspect she and Xavier were up to no good, and run off to tell a teacher. 
Speaking of Xavier, it was really refreshing to be hanging out with him, alone. Most of the time they hung out, Damien was around. Of course, it's not that Adeline disliked Damien (to be truthful, she found him completely gorgeous and enticing), but she'd been friends with the younger Pucey first, and it would be nice to hang out with him and catch up. 
Adeline entered the common room, which was relatively empty, and leaned against the back wall. Crossing her arms over her chest casually, she surveyed the room. He wasn't there yet. Oh, well. She could wait a few. She absently twirled strands of golden hair around her fingers as she did so, waiting for Xavier to arrive so they could get down to business. 
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Catch you then, Pucey.
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What time is it?
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Neither have I, really. But! Let’s meet up tomorrow and see what we can do. I have a few ideas.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
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Clare Kennedy and Adeline Longbottom at the End of the Year Ball when they were in their sixth and fourth years respectively.
Taken by Elliot Baines.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
You're such a nerd, Scorpius.
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Sixth Year is probably the best year in Potions. It’s so good I might consider running ahead on my own. 
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
I'm Adeline, by the way.
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Is anyone here?
I say it is a plan.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
You're savior, huh? I like that title. 
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Ugh-- suck ups. But if they're not going to explore the forbidden places in Hogwarts, who will? I nominate us for said task. 
Is anyone here?
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Saying the same to you. You are my savior. But I’m afraid people are studying or something—really, they don’t get that there are more things to do at school.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Right? Where is everyone?
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But hey, at least you're here. 
Is anyone here?
Then we are totally in the same boat.
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  Things were getting depressing here.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Thank gawd. 
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I can only take so much silence. 
Is anyone here?
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Is anyone here?
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
You don't mess around, do you?
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I don't really "do" fear. Greenhouses in five minutes. I'll find you there.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
I'm definitely accepting.
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Yeah, well....you're brother, he's-- he's pretty cool, if you ask me.... But I wouldn't mind hanging out just us. I haven't noticed Damien around lately, anyways. 
What time is it?
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I might be, if you’re accepting. I mean, it’s been awhile since we’ve hung out without Damien. You certainly liked to be around him…
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
If he was so interested in me, he would've cared what I had to say back when he still had the chance. 
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What classes did you drop? Binns is kind of just weird in general, if you ask me. Hell, all these teachers are a little insane. 
Oh Adeline, he is interested. He might be worried and unenthusiastic and boring, but he absolutely cares how you are.
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That’s good to hear. And, well, mostly relieved to be done with some of the classes I dropped, to be honest. I mean, the classes I am taking are really interesting, but still.  The new teachers do seem alright so far, but I will say it’s odd to have Binns lecturing to a handful of us as if the room were still full.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Huh, convenient. [takes the chocolate frog] Uh, thanks. But..how long has that been in your skirt?
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Hmm[takes a chocolate frog out of her skirt] Here have a chocolate frog.
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Y'really think so? 
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I guess he’s supposed to, though I wouldn’t place a wager on that…
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adeline-l-blog · 11 years
Avoiding studying at all costs. And I'm kind of hungry, too.
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Nothing much, mostly walking around. You?
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