adelinelives · 2 years
[      STATUS      ]          ››          open  starter​  .
WHO :  juno  &  your  muse
WHERE :  manhattan
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          “  don’t  be  shy  ,  get  in  here  !  ”  juno  calls  out  and  waves  [  your  muse  ]  over  .  she  adjusts  the  camera  angle  so  that  everyone  is  within  the  frame  and  snaps  a  couple  pics  .  puts  her  phone  down  and  leans  in  .  “  a  couple  finance  bros  ,  ”  she  starts  ,  head  tilting  to  point  towards  the  group  of  men  sitting  not  too  far  off  .  “  are  trying  to  show  off  so  if  you  wanna  get  some  free  booze  …  ”  she  trails  off  .  “  feel  free  to  join  us  .  they  invited  our  group  to  join  them  .  they’re  doing  the  whole  shebang  .  bottle  service  .  vip  table  .  ”  she  says  this  with  a  roll  of  her  eyes  .  bold  of  these  men  to  assume  she  and  her  group  of  friends  didn’t  already  have  a  table  of  their  own  .  much  less  the  fact  that  her  family  OWNS  the  hotel  that  the  club’s  in  .  “  but  it’ll  come  at  a  price  .  we  have  to  listen  to  them  drone  on  about  wolf  of  wall  street  .  ”
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to the beat of the camera shutter,   adeline makes herself a blur in most of the pictures by moving her head,   hiding behind a friend’s shoulder.     when juno continues talking,   adeline snorts in disbelief.     “   am i supposed to feel   seduced   now?   ”     still,   she peers over at the self-titled finance bros,   sucking on her teeth.     they’ll have her in a neck-lock   –   to ensure her attention is   solely   on them   –   while they monopolise the conversation.     frustrated about their lack of control in work.     she   knows   the type.     “   computer science nerds are   way   more fun.     they spend a fortune on some nft shit like it’s worth more than   my teeth.     love seeing their faces when they realise the hole they’ve dug,   with no way out.   ”     she stops then,   looks at her companion from the corner of her eye and leans in.     “   y’think they’re   dumb   enough to fall for it too   –   or too stingy?   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
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“ i  can’t  help  but …  feel  bad  for  aliens,  y’know?  like,  we  have  so  many  movies  where  we  fight  and  kill  them,  and  not  very  much  good  alien  rep  overall,  right?  it’s  kinda  sad.  like,  i’d  just  like  to  tell  them,  y’know,  that  not  all  humans  are  mean  like  that. ” 
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“   well   someone’s   gotta be the villain.     d’you think they’d be nice to you   ––   do some   nice,   fun experiments on you?     better than not being worth their time,   i suppose.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
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it  has  been  one  of  those  days  .  a  day  of  balancing  books  that  cannot  be  balanced  ,  making  phone  calls  with  victims  clients  consisting  in  large  part  of  thinly  veiled  threats  ,  listening  to  his  father’s  ever-present  judgements  of  him  (  whether  real  or  imagined  )  …  —  and  that  was  before  noon  .  the  rest  of  the  day  was  worse  .  he  desperately  longs  to  go  home  ,  slip  out  of  his  wrongdoings  like  they  are  merely  an  ill-fitting  and  itchy  suit  ,  and  sleep  the  evening  away  in  a  pleasant  haze  of  ignorant  unconsciousness  .  messenger  bag  slung  over  his  shoulder  and  umbrella  in  hand  ,  he  makes  his  way  out  of  the  office  preparing  to  do  just  that  . instead  ,  there  is  this  :  adeline  ,  standing  motionless  in  the  pouring  rain  ,  snow  queen  from  the  old  fairy  tale  made  flesh  and  blood  .  the  sight  makes  him  shiver  .  not  only  because  of  his  friend’s  sudden  and  frosty  appearance  ,  but  for  the  guilt  that  creeps  up  on  him  ,  as  biting  as  the  cold  .  the  last  time  he  reached  out  to  adeline  …  well  .  it  has  been  a  while  . the  image  of  warm  blankets  lingers  tantalizingly  in  his  mind  ,  but  he  can’t  just  leave  his  friend  out  in  the  cold  .  before  he  can  change  his  mind  ,  he  is  standing  beside  adeline  ,  shielding  her  from  the  rain  with  his  umbrella  .  a  weak  smile  paints  his  lips  to  greet  her  ,  the  emotion  not  quite  reaching  his  eyes  .  he  doesn’t  respond  to  her  teasing  ,  but  the  comment  makes  him  stiffen  a  little  ,  suddenly  uncomfortably  aware  of  how  close  the  shared  umbrella  has  forced  them  to  stand  .      “  do  you  want  a  hug  ?  ”  the  question  is  asked  dispassionately  ,  not  betraying  his  own  opinion  on  the  matter  . despite  daniel’s  unease  about  the  pair’s  proximity  ,  adeline’s  comment  still  has  him  gently  swiping  his  thumb  under  her  eyes  to  rub  out  some  smudged  mascara  that  has  collected  there  .  “  you  think  they  will  ?  ”  he  wonders  fleetingly  —    but  catches  himself  before  he  can  take  the  thought  any  further  ,  breathing  a  self-conscious  chuckle  .  at  some  charity  dinner  a  few  years  ago  ,  the  event’s  organizer  had  asked  him  to  introduce  her  to  his  sister  .  the  woman  had  shifted  her  body  expectantly  —  not  towards  zoya  ,  but  to  adeline  .  it  wasn’t  the  first  time  he’s  been  told  the  two  are  as  two  peas  in  a  pod  :  their  stoic  stares  ,  their  work  ethic  ,  their  downright  stubborn  refusal  to  share  much  of  their  private  lives  .  he’s  never  understood  the  comparison  .  his  aloofness  is  a  learned  skill  ,  a  defense  mechanism  .  by  comparison  ,  hers  seems  genuine  ,  effortless  .  something  about  being  around  adeline  always  intensifies  his  tendency  towards  overthinking  ,  her  undecipherable  countenance  making  him  interpret  innocuous  comments  as  attack  or  warning  . “  i  think  people  believe  what  they  want  to  believe  .  nothing  we  can  do  to  change  that  .  ”  it’s  a  nice  sentiment  ,  but  it’s  not  his  ⸻  it’s  hers  .  an  old  habit  :  sewing  costumes  of  other  people’s  opinions  and  behaviors  ,  only  to  cloak  himself  in  them  during  moments  of  uncertainty  ,  mirroring  the  threat  the  individual  back  at  themselves  .  i  am  you  ,  you  are  me  —  you  cannot  attack  your  own  reflection  .  it  feels  like  safety  and  suffocation  ,  simultaneously  .  the  trait  is  especially  prominent  with  adeline  ,  not  just  due  to  the  secret  shared  between  them  that  has  him  avoiding eye  contact  with  her  as  he  walks  in  the  direction  she’s  pulling  him  in  ,  but  because  he  doesn’t  remember  ever  feeling  on  sure  footing  with  her  .      “  besides  ,  who  am  i  to  deny  adeline  livingston  her  fair  share  of  drama  ?    if  anyone  asks  ,  make  it  a  good  story  ,  will  you  ?  ”  the  day  has  already  left  him  feeling  like  a  monster  ,  the  media  might  as  well  paint  him  as  one  .  
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the person in the paparazzi pictures   is more character than human.     the caricature:   angular,   glassy-eyed and wan,   with her eternally red-tipped nose.     cold to the touch,   yet red with   blood   that fights an infection,   from breaking and reconstructing her nose one too many times,   until it   loses;   the nose turns black and falls from her face.     a classic model’s story:   a story her mother would put her to bed with.     it ends with a skeletal nose to match the rest of her face.     that’s all she can see:   her body growing more   misshapen   every day.     how could anyone want to keep an unnatural image like that around?     and yet,   the raindrops collect there,   her skin remembering where his thumb warmed her cold,   purple-bagged under-eye.     indented permanently from his thumbprint.     (   and something   grotesque   roused within her,   something heavy and impenetrable.     something inaccessible yet familiar like a childhood home.     something like   fondness.   )     bleary-eyed:   her eyes are dry.     the raindrops freeze on her cheeks,   making them redder and redder.     the flush will photograph badly,   making her look ill like a child inflicted with tuberculosis.     rotting and breathing.     but he doesn’t mind;   he even brought her close.     he has his father’s smile, but still calls it his   own.     he showed a glimpse of it to her.     it should be nice to see a smile,   shouldn’t it?
the cards are in his hands,   right where she left them.     where she wanted to leave them.     idle dwellings:   his father probably couldn’t put a face to her name.     she wishes there were timestamps for unsent texts,   to actually feel the date changing every day.     plucking clumsily at her own thin,   taut heart strings,   incapable of producing musical notes.     off-key:   unnatural.     and yet,   warm.     he keeps her   warm   in this rain,   like a reflection unconstrained.     his smile thrums her strings in a way she doesn’t care for.     (   read:   most people introduce themselves with a   “   you have your mother’s smile,   ”   to her.   )     there are no more words unsaid;   there is only the present where the cards are evenly distributed between their hands.     no advantage.     “   why would they ask?     we’re the public discourse,   aren’t we?     streaking even with our clothes on.     especially   with our clothes on.   ”     it’s easy,   he’s easy.     she knows him like the back of her hand.     bad non-father,   annoying mother,   difficult sister,   unwanted and fated vocation.     too easy:   too close.     if she pulls at him again,   he might pull away so both would get the space they want from each other.     “   but i’m not above a cuddle session in the middle of the street.     then it’s an   ‘   i’m not crying,   i’m just   happy   to see you   ’   kinda situation.     if neither of us have gotten better at smiling,   it’d be a   boring   drama.     too easy to predict the ending,   y’know?   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
“Well, fuck me, I actually don’t,” Lightning says with a sigh, but takes the cigarette anyway. “Give me a moment.” He stands up off the sidewalk to ask for a lighter from a passerby, before returning to his seat beside the stranger and lighting her cigarette with the tip of his own. At the advice given to him, he lifts an eyebrow. “I wasn’t picking a fight, I was just matching his energy. And then some. Sometimes we look at a mirror and abhor what lies before us — all to say that it was his fucking decision to punch me. I don’t like being pushed around. Even if I lose, I’d rather have put up a fight than cowered in fear before it even began.” Lightning shuts up now, taking a drag from the cigarette as he looks at the landscape before them. When the stranger asks him another question, he laughs. “I don’t, actually, which is why I never carry any with me. It just felt appropriate.” Lightning looks at the woman for a moment longer, tilting his head in recognition. “Livingston, right? Why do you carry around a pack if you don’t like them?”
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the first drag settles her shoulders back   into her frame.     the shared cigarettes,   touching to share the light,   sitting on the sidewalk at a profane hour.     how romantic   –   a fun little photoshoot for some perverse paps,   ebbing like shadows at the edges of her vision.     forever an   almost   catch.     unlike her:   always watched,   never watching.     and still,   he sits with a bruised cheek,   swelling into a bruised eye,   and she sits,   carefree,   on her dark-grey,   matted coat.     some manic pixie dream,   right?     “   in case someone wants to share one with me.     would you be so   nice   if i didn’t have one?   ”     a smile can’t burrow through her lips,   so she raises her eyebrows,   just a smidge,   tries to make her eyes seem lighter.     a second drag.     “   y’know,   ”     she says lightly,     “   i think   ‘ millionaire keeps his   dignity   in a local bar fight ’   just doesn’t have the same ring to it.     losing is just   –   losing.   ”     finally,   she looks at him again.     pretty face:   pretty laugh.     she offers her hand to return the introduction.     “   and you might catch me   blushing   if i lost like that,   suwannarat.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
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truthfully, whenever most people spoke to liv, she let her mind go blank and would simply choose not to listen. but with adeline, there was a genuine respect for her opinion on style. plus, the two had known each other for long enough at this point. once livia heard the word girlfriend, she cringed a bit, clearly feeling a bit uneasy about the term but trying to stay subtle about it. “i’m good– i think at this point, i trust your judgment a little better; you should feel special.” she said with a chuckle to let adeline know she was only semi-kidding about the last statement.
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adeline lets out a breath,   which she calls a laugh from her lips.     her features resettle into the vacant stare and a quirked corner of her mouth,   into her usual   acerbic humour.     “   that’s why you invite her anyway.     let her think she’s   special,   ”     she says lowly,   like it’s a secret.     semi-witty:   very lazy.     if adeline keeps talking,   she’ll sound more interested,   won’t she?     “   the competition is usually more fun in your head anyway.   ”     her gaze wavers from livia’s face to the bags in her hands.     “   where’s the woman of the hour wearing her   haul   this week?     they’re kinda   ––   spicy.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
livia loved dragging adeline out for her weekly shopping excursions. not because she thought adeline was actually having fun, but because she hardly trusted anyone else to give her honest opinions on her purchases. “do you think i should go back and get the red dress instead? ah, fuck it– i should just get both.” @adelinelives​
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“   you make your own luck,   liv.   ”     she can barely keep the tired sigh from her voice.     and yet,   the trivial advice spills from her lips smoothly.     “   the fabrics could be better.     i mean,   you’re only wearing it once so,   what’s it   matter?     but it doesn’t feel as nice.     you should want to feel nice,   i want   you to feel nice.   ”     a pause:   a shiver.     it even had her mother’s timbre,   that voice.     her own voice.     her nostrils flare and she sniffs curtly.     she makes herself as nonchalant   –   relaxed shoulders,   teasing voice,   bored stare   –   as possible,     “   you could always just ask your   girlfriend.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
        ‘ okay, i need you to get a better angle of me if we’re going to do this. ‘ honestly, sometimes she thinks adeline does this shit on purpose. is she trying to make her look bad? ‘ seriously. why do you want me to look like i’ve got six chins? ‘
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“   you always look good,   lo,   what are you worrying about?   ”     adeline sucks her teeth,   tongue touching the rim of her lip,   and takes another picture.     and adeline’s   right   –   the blonde   is   photogenic   –   despite her mocking tone.     “   it’s just for   my   eyes anyway.     y’don’t care that much about what   they   see,   do you?   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
he’s  sitting  down,  doing  one  of  those  cross  word  puzzles,  as  he’s  noticed  it  helps  his  english  by  a  lot.  his  previously  injured  leg  is  placed  on  top  of  a  chair,  extended.  a  faded  yet  somewhat  prominent  scar  is  barely  covered  by  knee  socks  as  he  taps  his  mechanical  pencil  against  the  table.  when  the  waitress  brings  him  his  drink,  he  notices  she  accidentally  bought  him  two.  when  he  wants  to  return  the  other  one,  she  tells  him  to  keep  it.  what  is  he  meant  to  do  with  two  vanilla  chai  vegan  latte’s?  he  can  barely  finish  one  as  it  is.  “hey,”  he  tells  the  nearest  person,  “the  waitress  bought  me  two  drinks  by  accident.  do  you  want  the  other  one?  if  the  answer  is  yes,  it’s  a  vegan  option  so…  i  hope  you  don’t  mind  that.”
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adeline barely registers his voice   until he says the word,   vegan.     she’s never heard that pick-up line before,   least of all this early in the morning.     (   what time is it?   )     his face blurs into one colour,   featureless and   too close.     “   are you about to try to   grift   me?     ‘cause if you are,   i’m not listen–   ”   in her rapid blinking,   he fades in and a blush settles into her cheeks.     now,   she spots his cast.     great.     that coffee can’t reach her table   –   her calories are already counted for the day.     she looks over to the counter lined with customers,   sheepish.     “   unless you’re not…   tell me which one brought that,   is it the one that i think   spits   in my drink?   ”     she pauses for effect.     her eyes glance back to him as she starts nodding like she’s resigned on his behalf.     “   you might have   spit   in your extra drink.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
status  :  open. location  :  outside  a  club. time  :  approximately  11:00pm
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          𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐓𝐇𝐄  𝐒𝐔𝐍  𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐄  𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓  𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆,  toby  had  returned  home  just  in  time  to  pass  his  family  sat  together  at  their  excessively  long  glass  dining  table.  judging  eyes  following  his  every  step  past  his  father  at  the  head,  his  mother’s  chair,  dahlia’s  chair,  and  then  lars  at  the  end.  the  buttons  on  his  shirt  were  buttoned  at  the  wrong  spots,  drops  of  blood  stained  the  white  fabric  and  dried  to  his  bottom  lip  —  the  remnants  of  an  altercation  with  a  nightclub  bouncer  —  physical  signs  of  a  memorable  night  out  for  him,  but  more  of  a  mess  to  cover  up  for  his  parents.  toby  was  late  …  what  was  new  ?  he  passed  his  greetings  onto  the  staff  first,  roaming  the  kitchen  for  a  few  moments,  before  taking  his  seat  at  the  table  and  suffering  through  an  hour  of  dry  conversation,  and  disappointing  remarks  toward  his  character.  at  the  close  of  the  dinner,  he  flipped  his  father  the  bird  then  made  his  shit  disturbing  exit  from  the  ringvold  manor.
to  say  his  mood  was  ruined  from  his  morning  was  an  understatement.  although  the  mix  of  being  hungover  and  not  sleeping  since  the  day  before  had  a  lot  to  do  with  it.  besides  returning  to  his  apartment  to  freshen  up,  toby  found  himself  back  in  the  city  running  errands  and  in  search  of  another  event  to  boost  his  mood.  though  he  wore  a  sour  and  exhausted  expression,  he  entered  one  of  the  more  popular  club  spots  just  as  the  night  was  beginning.  a  cheap  beer  found  it’s  way  between  ringed  fingers  minutes  upon  arrival,  sipping  the  drink  as  he  leaned  against  the  edge  of  the  bar.  in  search  of  excitement  and  a  need  to  bring  a  little  spice  to  the  evening,  toby  instigated  a  group  of  guys  beside  him  at  the  bar  —  well  deserved,  mind  you.  they  wouldn’t  leave  the  bartender  alone.  cans  of  beer  thrown  and  a  couple  of  punches  later,  toby  was  tossed  out  to  the  curb  wearing  a  bloody  smile  and  glowing  like  he’d  just  experienced  the  greatest  high.  “  tough  crowd,  ”  he  mumbled  to  himself,  brushing  fingers  through  untamed  and  beer-dampened  locks  as  he  regained  his  composure.  then,  urged  by  curiosity,  he  shifts  his  gaze  to  someone  nearby  …  “  oi,  party’s  moving  elsewhere,  this  joint  sucks  major  ass,  ”  toby  states  with  amusement,  it’s  written  across  his  features,  and  then,  with  a  wiggle  of  his  brows,  he  pulls  a  joint  from  behind  his  ear  and  draws  attention  toward  it.  “  this  joint,  however,  does  not.  care  to  join?  ”
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a couple of drinks in and she’s already seeking cold air.     reeling in her lack of control.     hands clasped behind her back,   dabbing the rough brick with her fingertips;   shoulders press harshly back into the wall.     pounding head;   bouncing thoughts.     she’ll have a firmer grip when her head feels attached to her neck again.     enter:   commotion.     louder than a usual scuffle.     she eyes the entrance until a man gets unceremoniously thrown to the curb by the bouncer.     and,   just her luck,   he decides to make   her   the next destination of fun in his night.     her recompense for watching,   she supposes.     she almost laughs at his wiggling brows.     at his proffered hand,   she scrunches her face and she hums derisively.     “   pretty sure that’s how i wind up   face down in a ditch   tomorrow morning,   ”     she says,   yet looks at his joint for a beat too long before meeting his face.     she can count his blood stained teeth and,   what looks like,   a haphazard wipe at the corner of his lips.     “   especially if it’s that easy for you to get thrown around…   nothing like   me,   of course.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
The fight starts out like this:
“What are you looking at?” the stranger spits, slurred words laced with an unmistakable desire to start a fight. Lightning is the stranger’s chosen victim, and Lightning — well, is stupid and headstrong enough to refuse to be pushed around, even when he knows he’s outmatched. The stranger is large and bulky and angry, and Lightning’s preferred mode of violence is of the emotional sort. Still, he counters, all rage and grandiose fire: “Fuck you, what the fuck are you looking at?” The stranger makes the first move, and as much as he overestimates his own ability to fight, to cut the story short, this is how Lightning ends up punched in the face. 
Lightning staggers back and someone catches him, and though he wants to lunge at the stranger again, he feels the grip of the interruptor holding him back. Besides, when he looks at the drunken stranger, a presumed friend of the jackass has already steered him away, raising a hand in pathetic apology to Lightning. Lightning looks again to the person that caught him, removing himself from their grasp. “Please tell me you have a fucking cigarette,” Lightning says to his fateful interruptor, slumping down to sit on the sidewalk as he rubs his newly bruised cheek. 
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a late-night photoshoot:   her mother.     blood courses angrily under her skin;   the veins in her legs pulse and bulge,   making every step hurt.     her thumb nail reefed by her pointer nail,   on the verge of breaking skin.     she could spit   HAG   at every passing older woman.     in her fast walk,   she almost gets mowed down by two men fighting.     a mute gasp.     she lets one of them lose   –   badly   –   before she decides enough time has passed.     maybe he’ll learn to keep it off the street.     judging by what he says,   not likely.     she snorts at him,   raising an eyebrow.     “   i knew you wouldn’t give a show for free…   i hope   you   have the lighter,   ”     she says,   laying down her heavy,   grey jacket to fall beside him.     (   an easy price to pay to not feel the dirty sidewalk on her thighs.   )   out comes the packet from her jacket’s inner pockets:   plucked cigarette given without a second thought.     “   you should stop   picking fights   with people that look like they can fight better than you.     ‘cause y’know...   they don’t just   look   like they can fight better.   ”     the cigarette feels foreign between her fingers.     there’s a single speck of blood from her thumb’s nail bed.     sighing,   she turns her head to face him,   passing her gaze up and down his form tentatively.     “   how d’you even   like   these things?   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
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being   tense   and   stressed   had   become   the   new   normal   for   natasha   ,   but   when   she   notice   that   her   hair   was   starting   to   fall   out   and    frown   lines   were   appearing   on   her   forehead   ,    that's   where   the   blonde   drew   the   line   .   her   looks   were   starting   to   catch   up   with   her   personality   and   she   didn't   like   what   she   was   seeing   .   that's   it   ,   she   was   done   being   miserable   ,   no   more   fake   crying   on   instagram   ,   no   more   pretending   to   volunteer   just   to   clear   her   name  ,   no   more   pr   relationships   with   boring   dudes   ,   she   was   done   and   tonight   she   was   going   to   party   .   she   had   been   at   the   club   for   a   few   hours   ,   drinking   and   doing   everything   she   saw   in   front   of   her   .   to   say   she   was   intoxicated   was   an   understatement   ,   but   for   the   first   time   she   didn't   care   .   dancing   on   the   dance   floor   ,   until   a   misstep   causes   her   to   bump   into   someone   .    “   i'm   so   sorry   !   let   me   buy   you   a   drink   to   make   up   for   it   .   ”
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strobe lights:   pulsing colour.     she can’t feel her heartbeat.     hips with no music,   rigidly swaying to the beat.     gangly in a way she hasn’t felt since puberty.     the drink in hand couldn’t even save her:   nothing but a glorified glass of   bile,   which she no longer has interest in swallowing.     she should laugh at herself:   going out with a group she can’t remember?     and in her   free time   no less.     it’s a discomfort she doesn’t like.     someone bumping into her is just the cherry on top,   spilling their drink all over her dress.     adeline shakes her head at the woman:   she has more clothes at home.     not like she can outfit-repeat anyway.     “   or i could just–   ”     adeline mimics pouring her own drink over the other woman.     so drunk that she might even   enjoy   the shower.     the drink stays in her glass.     “   here,   you take mine and i’ll take your empty one,   and we’re square.   ”     curiousity nips at her twitching lips:   it’d be better to not walk home   alone.     “   who are you here with?     i’ll bring you back to them.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
a comprehensive list of scenarios    :    accepting.
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@pangkuphos​ said:     MAKEOVER :   for one muse to help the other with a new outfit or hairstyle.
the warmth of cory’s apartment sticks   to adeline’s skin like condensation.     her temples feel flushed,   skin pulled taut by the clips in her hair.     comfortable habits:   safe discomfort.     something   needy   pulls her to look at the mirror,   the bright dress cory is wearing,   and adeline realises it’s new.     her own new set of clothes rests in a shopping bag,   just outside her own wardrobe.     really,   you’d think she’s an   amateur.     (   it is easier to look at cory’s reflection than her own.     their truest forms drawn from a portrait with no paint or pen,   just their own natural colour.   )     cory’s soft,   artificial light mustn’t do the dress justice,   adeline decides.     “   you’ve got a   good face.   ”     adeline drifts closer cory,   keeping her gaze on their reflections.     in her periphery,   she sees cory’s profile,   her fluttering lashes and her straight back.     “   and posture.     people never have that,   did you do ballet?   ”      she asks absently.     her gaze skirts down to the dress;   her lips purse and cory’s reflection still feels   needy.     “   do you love the colour?     like,   love   love,   like the-colour-is-all-i-see kinda love.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
a comprehensive list of scenarios    :    accepting.
@scftspoken​​ said:     UMBRELLA :   for one muse to share their umbrella with the other on a rainy day.
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eyes closed :   pause.     five heartbeats per breath,   calm and steady.     her clothes soak into her skin;   her body sheds the glisten of her sculpted clay-body.     the screaming cold feels warm among these liquid crowds flooding the streets.     i should taste the rain,   she thinks,   feel the tangy drops on my tongue.     the rain,   however,   stops before she can consider it any longer.     eyes open :   next scene.     enter daniel,   almost a head taller and holding an umbrella over them.     rain patters sharply above them,   and she feels her feet again.     she can’t distinguish his features,   raindrops from her brow bone fall into her eye.     he encroaches on her bubble of warmth,   suffocating her back into the present.
she sniffs wetly,   makes   herself titter and looks at the ground.     there must be mascara running down her cheeks.     “   you’re taking my breath away,   danny,   and without even a little hug,   ”   she says,   like he’s too close to her.     her arm wraps into the crook of his elbow,   trying to corral him away from this storefront.     her face can’t be puffy in this rain,   but there   must   be mascara cresting at her neck.     “   you should bring me to get new clothes,   y’know.     so people don’t think you made me   cry   in the middle of the street.   ”
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adelinelives · 2 years
🦋          »        what    would    your    character    do    if    they    knew    they    could    not    fail    ? 💙          »        name    3    things    your    character    is    grateful    for    . 💧          »        when    was    the    last    time    your    character    did    something    for    the    first    time    ? 🐟          »        what    does    your    character’s    voice    sound    like    ?    do    they    tend    to    use    simple    or    worldly    vocabulary    ?
a    set    of    thought    provoking    questions    based    around    character    development    :    accepting.
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🦋          »        what    would    your    character    do    if    they    knew    they    could    not    fail    ?
answered here.
💙          »        name    3    things    your    character    is    grateful    for    .
her brothers, for teaching her how to stick around.
her bank, for keeping her debt-free and for fuelling her slothful lifestyle.
her plane, for allowing her to escape if only for a day.
💧          »        when    was    the    last    time    your    character    did    something    for    the    first    time    ?
six months ago, she shot a gun for the first time. it was in a restricted area of a hotel she was staying at with her ex. they aimed towards the clearing of trees, wedging bullets into their trunks the way others would carve their initials.
adeline was a worse aim; her ex stood behind her, chin on her shoulder and hands on her shaky arms. her heartbeat flared and the shadows began to move. “    stop,    ” she says, “stop–” they make a sound, something between a scoff and a laugh. “i'm just    joshin',    lighten up.” her eyes almost remembered how to cry.
🐟          »        what    does    your    character’s    voice    sound    like    ?    do    they    tend    to    use    simple    or    worldly    vocabulary    ?
she speaks slowly and softly, like she's too lazy to even speak. somewhere between liv tyler's voice and florence pugh's cadence. she's very curt, even in her sarcasm. she'd like to think she's more of a wordier sentence woman, but it's her thoughts are more complex than the words she can create. she's more surface-level than she'd like to admit. she's very curt, even in her sarcasm; so, simple language for a sharp opinion of social life.
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adelinelives · 2 years
a comprehensive list of scenarios
1.  GUEST :  for one muse to offer the other a place to stay. 2.  STORM :  for both muses to find shelter from a severe storm. 3.  MEDIC :  for one muse to show up at the other’s doorstep injured. 4.  SURPRISE :  for one muse to come home and find the other already inside. 5.  TRIP :  for both muses to road trip or travel together. 6.  BABYSIT :  for one muse to help the other home while they’re drunk. 7.  INSOMNIA :  for one muse to find the other still awake at 3am. 8.  AMBUSH :  for both characters to come under attack by the same enemy. 9.  DANCE :  for one muse to ask the other to dance at a party. 10.  STRANDED :  for one muse to help the other who’s stranded on the road. 11.  SERVICE :  for one muse to cover the cost of something for the other. 12.  SAFEGUARD :  for one muse to save the other from being hit by a vehicle or from some other life-threatening event. 13.  DAZE :  for one muse to wake somewhere and find the other hovering over them. 14.  STOWAWAY :  for one muse to find the other hiding on the same ship. 15.  TAXI :  for both muses to share the same taxi ride. 16.  MAKEOVER :  for one muse to help the other with a new outfit or hairstyle. 17.  LIFEGUARD :  for one muse to rescue the other from drowning. 18.  DISASTER :  for both muses to work together to escape a fire, flood, or other disaster. 19.  TRANSIT :  for one muse to sit next to the other on a public transport. 20.  SPRAIN :  for one muse to carry the other after spraining their ankle. 21.  EMPLOY :  for one muse to be hired as the other’s bodyguard, tutor, assistant, etc. 22.  QUEST :  for one muse to help the other with a task in exchange for compensation. 23.  SOOTHE :  for one muse to calm the other during a panic attack. 24.  RECOVER :  for one muse to return the other’s lost belonging. 25.  UMBRELLA :  for one muse to share their umbrella with the other on a rainy day. 26.  HEAL :  for one muse to nurse the other back to health from a sickness or injury. 27.  NIGHTMARE :  for one muse to comfort the other after a nightmare. 28.  REUNION :  for one muse to run into the other again after a long time. 29.  PRIZE :  for one muse to win the other a prize at a carnival. 30.  NUDE :  for one muse to walk in on the other while they’re changing. 31.  BED :  for both muses to wake in the same bed, naked or fully clothed. 32.  TRAIL :  for one muse to notice the other has been following them. 33.  EVADE :  for one muse to pull the other into an alleyway to escape their pursuer. 34.  THIEF :  for one muse to confront the other after having something stolen by them. 35.  CAUGHT :  for one muse to walk in on the other singing / dancing. 36.  FESTIVE :  for both muses to decorate for a special occasion. 37.  PRESENT :  for one muse to give the other a  (birthday)  gift. 38.  WEARY :  for one muse to wake up after falling asleep on the other. 39.  CAPTIVE :  for one muse to hold the other against their will. 40.  SNAP :  for one muse to yell at or push the other out of frustration. 41.  SLEEPOVER :  for one muse to stay the night at the other’s place. 42.  TRESPASS :  for one muse to trespass on the other’s property. 43.  BREAK-IN :  for one muse to discover the other robbing their place. 44.  MERCY :  for both muses to come across an injured animal. 45.  UNKNOWN :  for both muses to wake and find themselves in a strange place. 46.  ACCOMPLICE :  for one muse to assist the other at the scene of a crime. 47.  ASTRAY :  for both muses to take a detour and lose their way. 48.  RELAX :  for both muses to share a hot tub or hot spring. 49.  MUSE :  for one muse to model for the other’s art project. 50.  ACCOMPANY :  for one muse to give the other an extra ticket to an event. 51.  SALVAGE :  for one muse to retrieve the other’s belongings from a thief. 52.  MEAL :  for both muses to prepare and share a meal together. 53.  CEMETERY :  for one muse to find the other at a gravestone. 54.  REFUGE :  for one muse to shelter the other from enemies. 55.  ARRANGED :  for both muses to date or marry out of convenience. 56.  FAVOR :  for one muse to owe the other a favor. 57.  VACATION :  for both muses to book the same hotel on vacation. 58.  DEFEND :  for one muse to save the other from one or multiple assailants. 59.  CATCH :  for one muse to return the other’s pet that escaped. 60.  RESTRICTED :  for both muses to sneak into someplace they’re not supposed to be.
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adelinelives · 2 years
a    set    of    thought    provoking    questions    based    around    character    development    :    accepting.
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🦋          »        what    would    your    character    do    if    they    knew    they    could    not    fail    ?
trick question :   adeline knows she wouldn’t fail at doing anything.
if she could truly have her way, she would cut contact with her parents and revert to a baser, more normal life. she couldn't follow through, knowing that she'd still see herself on social media: she cannot go unwatched to either the world or her parents. a sordid gift for their baby girl. and even if she holed herself in an apartment under her own name, her bank account is conditional. love me in my own way and you'll never want for anything – quite the contract to sign before she could grow hands.
maybe she'd try a step back then? relocate to an almost-drab cabin in switzerland beside the ski lodge, open to holidays and any other visitations. except her mother would get on the first plane to drag her back to their apartment overlooking the nondescript greys of new york (and the square of green called central park, the sparkling waves of the bays just within sight and the atlantic ocean that she could paint based on memory alone).
and...   she would make herself a cup of coffee.
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adelinelives · 2 years
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a    set    of    thought    provoking    questions    based    around    character    development    .    send    a    blue    emoji    to    explore    more    about    your    characters    .
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🦋          »        what    would    your    character    do    if    they    knew    they    could    not    fail    ? 💙          »        name    3    things    your    character    is    grateful    for    . 💧          »        when    was    the    last    time    your    character    did    something    for    the    first    time    ? 🐟          »        what    does    your    character’s    voice    sound    like    ?    do    they    tend    to    use    simple    or    worldly    vocabulary    ? 🦕          »        what    is    something    your    character    wishes    they    could    go    back    into    the    past    and    redo    ? 📘          »        what    is    a    memory    that    makes    your    character    feel    proud    ?    describe    the    memory    . 👕          »        what’s    in    your    character’s    handbag    /    briefcase    /    pockets    ? 🫐          »        is    your    character    proud    of    who    they    are    ?    describe    an    achievement    or    moment    they    are    proud    of    . 🧊          »        what    does    your    character    first    notice    about    another    individual    ? 🏙          »        what    does    your    character    value    more    ––    creativity    or    practicality    ? 🌧          »        describe    a    time    your    character    did    something    even    though    they    were    scared    . 💍          »        what    is    your    character’s    favourite    gift    that    they’ve    received    ? 🌊          »        how    old    does    your    character    feel    on    the    inside    ,    and    why    ? 💎          »        does    your    character    feel    they    have    passed    up    chances    that    they    presently    regret    ?    describe    what    they    were    .
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