aderida · 3 years
“I used to think the worst thing in life was to end up all alone. It’s not. The worst thing in life is to end up with people who make you feel all alone.”
— Robin Williams
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aderida · 3 years
Repeat daily!
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aderida · 3 years
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aderida · 3 years
Check it out
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aderida · 4 years
“So, here you are too foreign for home too foreign for here. Never enough for both.”
— Questions for Ada (Ijeoma Umebinyuo)
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aderida · 5 years
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Happy international woman’s day ❤😊💪👏🏻
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aderida · 5 years
Nothing hurts more than knowing you were the “toxic” part of a toxic relationship.
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aderida · 5 years
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If you are staying in a toxic relationship, allowing someone to dismantle your self-worth, and destroy your mind, body, and emotions, all in hopes of ‘saving’ them, you are deluding yourself. They are operating out of dysfunctional patterns embedded deep within them, and you are providing them with a victim upon which to focus their rage and pain. Being victimized is not helping them. Accepting their abuse will never heal them. See this for the truth it is, and remove yourself from their life. Save yourself while there is still something left to save.
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aderida · 5 years
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aderida · 5 years
idk who needs to hear this but its time you move tf on, he dont deserve u
(via lovendrugs24)
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aderida · 5 years
I might not be in your heart anymore, but you will always have a home in mine
late night thoughts (via dis-grace-ful23)
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aderida · 5 years
Loving you made me sad.
Things I realized when I thought about my failed relationships, part X (via thingsirealizedwhen)
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aderida · 5 years
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aderida · 5 years
I’m running out of excuses to explain your lack of appreciation towards me.
Things I realized when I stopped lying to myself, part X (via thingsirealizedwhen)
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aderida · 5 years
I was your cure; But you were my disease. I was saving you; But you were killing me.
Unknown // excerpt from a love story that doesn’t exist #27 (via apikaliaa)
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aderida · 5 years
You weren’t ready to be loved the way I loved you. I learned the hard way that no amount of genuine love would have ever been enough to outweigh all the fear, doubt and self hate within you. I hope one day you’ll find the courage to stop planting and watering those toxic thoughts about yourself and others. I hope you’ll plant a garden filled with trust, hope, self love, and compassion instead, and its gates will be open to everyone to eat from its nourishing fruits, to lay in the shade of its deeply rooted trees, and feel safe.
@anna-learns-to-love-herself (via anna-learns-to-love-herself)
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aderida · 5 years
sometimes you treat me like shit, and i just go with it; but that’s not what love is.
love me! || 11.11.17 (via reinacm)
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