adhra123-blog · 6 years
Final Thoughts
So over the course of this challenge, I have learned new things and picked up new habits.
I will definitely continue recycling, keeping my waterbottle with me and replace my cloth oven mitts with silicone oven mitts.
I have managed to convince my parents to buy a recycling bin which is an achievement for me. I also inspired my sister in getting her own re-usable waterbottle as well.
The first week of this challenge has been very easy because I already practice turning off the water when not in use, cutting down my showering time and re-using my water although I haven't done an update on it throughout that week.
I faced a lot of obstacles in this challenge as well, it was really hard for me to not give in a lot of the time because I barely had support from my family and they weren't very open minded to some of my ideas. For example the deal with plastics, I would have loved it if I could completely ditch the use of plastics but that quickly became impossible since everyone else was using it and it seemed like there were no other alternatives so I just used them accordingly and recycled wisely.
Something I wish I tried and think would have been interesting to do for this challenge was the idea of going vegan. I would say I could demolish it since I really do not eat a lot of meat but at the same time maybe I just don't notice all the meat I am always consuming.
I was able to witness how this challenge has evidently showed improvement and progress with my classmates cutting down their showering time, using different methods of drying and washing their clothes, taking their personal containers to fast food restaurants and learning that gelatin is a product of pig meat found in many candy (can't have those candies with gelatin while they are trying to be vegan).
This has been a fun learning experience not just for me but for others as well.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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So I recently burned myself on accident trying to bake cookies in the oven and the concept of whether or not traditional cloth oven mitts and silicone oven mitts are better.
With some research, I found that silicone oven mitts are actually better. The FDA actually recommends them over cloth oven mitts since they are manufactured with high-grade silicone making it very heat resistant even in very high temperatures.
In addition, it's grippyness, easy to maneuver, water resistant and added protection has made me lean towards wanting to replace my cloth oven mitt.
Silicone isn't biodegradable, but unlike cloth oven mitts, silicone can be recycled- where facilities exist.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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So I have been drinking a lot of water and what helped me was buying this $5 glass waterbottle that I got at Walmart. My sister actually got inspired by me and got herself the same one too. We both agree it's cute, keeps out water cold and reminds us to stay hydrated.
I am really happy this challenge helped me inspire some of my family members just so that I can do this challenge with more ease while getting them to join me in a way too.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
So I thought that because I used plastics that I basically failed my challenge and I would have to do some punishments. But I actually did recycle them, so I guess that means I am safe. I still didn't go on my phone for 5 hours just in case I am wrong. It was easy since I was sick all day and I had other work to do anyway. Plus there is always tv that I can watch instead of engaging on my phone.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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I picked up a new habit this week and it's drinking more water to stay healthy and hydrated.
But there was no way I was going to use plastic water bottles while I was doing this challenge, so I bought myself a $5 reusable water bottle.
This way, I can always carry my water bottle around, avoid using plastic water bottles and stay hydrated at the same time!
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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So this weekend my family bought this seasoned avocado mixture and I wondered why there was literally avocado in a plastic container like that.
My mother told me it was just efficient, lasts longer than an actual avocado and that she got it from Costco.
So I educated them saying how it's a waste use of avocado because when you are done with it, you throw away the plastic compared to just throwing the avocado shell which can decompose efficiently quicker then plastic. This was it's better for the environment in the long run.
This made me realize how efficient things really matter for humans since we get lazy sometimes. But we don't realize how easy things can be made just the same as the already made.
For example, I know I can probably make that avocado paste with lemon and any other ingredients or seasonings that I can find in my household. It will be the exact same.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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So a task I know I failed at miserably is my decrease in plastic consumption and usage. Plastic waste has a big negative impact on our environment on a global scale and tackling this well could help tremendously with this issue.
My family has lots of snacks wrapped in plastic or come in plastic for school snacks and just at home snacks. Food that have plastic windows in its packaging or food bought outside that provides plastic forks, spoons and knifes.
It is really hard for me not to give in and just use what is available at home. Especially change what we buy when grocery shopping because my family isnt really willing to help me on that.
I find how hard it is to quit something like using plastics when family members around you aren't quitting either.
I surely have to do some consequence activities in order to accomodate my failures.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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My recycling bin has been filled up. Previously I was worried that my dad would throw it in the garbage before I can recycle them correctly myself. I was so pleased today to see big recycling bins for trucks to pick up near the garbage bin outside within my complex in order for it to be recycled. I do not recall seeing them before, but it's like by chance while I am doing this challenge, my community is trying to help out. I am hopeful that even after this challenge, recycling will still be practiced in my home👍
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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So my sister and I walk to school every morning and we have been doing this for the week before the break as well as this week. During the break we actually managed to walk to the grocery store or to any other destinations within a walking distance. This morning however, I really wanted to get a ride as it has snowed and it was -7°C outside. Luckily my temptations couldn't be met since my mother is out of country and can't give us a ride.
Walking to school and closeby destinations help with the issue of global warming from all the vehicle exhaust being absorbed in the atmosphere that gradually warms our earth. I also got the personal benefit of staying on schedule and waking up on time to reach school on time. Walking has helped me wake up in the morning a little more too and get some daily exercise.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
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So over the break I did manage to buy my family's households first recycling bin. My family got in the habit in recycling all things recyclable and I noticed how we really don't use that much paper or recycabling things but we also tend to re-use a lot of the items we had for other uses. For example, instead of buying a set of new trash bags, we just use plastic bags that we get from grocery stores or Dollarama instead. When I proposed the idea of the recycling bin to my father, he told me it was stupid and useless because it was all going to end up being thrown away in the same place anyway. But then I convinced him in getting one by including the fact that it's just a small and adaptable change that wouldn't have any negative concern in our home. I am just worried that when it gets full, that my dad will get his hands on it before I do and end up throwing it away in the garbage.
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adhra123-blog · 6 years
December 17th, Day 1
Starting this week, I am going to start tackling something on my lists of natural resources and environmental issues that is a bit on the easier scale in my opinion. I am going to attempt to watch my water usage and try to use it as efficiently and sustainably as possible. This will include things like, cutting down shower time, not leaving the water tap on when not used, soaking dishes in warm water instead of letting it run and possibly invest in water-saving devices. 
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