adhuilxdochas · 5 years
hey good luck today with whatever u got going on. u got this. and i hope something really nice happens to u today. u deserve it. 
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adhuilxdochas · 5 years
Random huge Naegi kinnie memory dump for fun because why not I suppose? It’s super lengthy though, I’m just warning you, but this isn’t everything I remember.
Alright, so, first of all, my canon is a strange mixture of the original Distrust with the normal Danganronpa, follows the storyline pretty closely with some differences here and there.
I’ll give a rundown of my appearance real quick. So far, Naegi is the kin that looks the closest to what I do now. I’m very pale in my canon with a very naturally flushed face, freckles scattered across my nose and cheeks. My hair color is a soft brown, almost like a butterscotch color, it’s also kind of thick and messy; rather than being spiky, and more wavy/curly, and fluffy and sticks out in every which way. No matter how much I brush it, it just wants to pop back into place. My eyes are also a forest green but most people often mistake it for hazel or grey, nope, it’s green. I did tend to dress on the more darker/edgier side, having a bullet belt, painting my nails black, and wearing dark clothing, however, I adore my green hoodie so I wear it anyways. Other than that, height is pretty well the same as the game. (I’ve been trying to make my cosplay look like how I look in my canon, slowly but surely, I’m getting there with lots of tweaking.)
I have a quite a few memories that happened before all the listed storyline stuff like the things during middle school and even before that, but I’m sure that’s not really important unless you specifically want to hear what happened through childhood to the crane getting caught incident and what not. “Naegi Makoto, The Worst Day Of My Entire Life” was exactly on the dot in every detail as well.
I was really friendly with everyone in my class for Hope’s Peak and was basically friends with everyone and I was also pretty friendly with everyone else in the school.... Well, as well as I could, some people were more on a “leave me alone because I don’t like you” or “you have no talent so don’t bother me” so I would respect their wishes and leave them be. I was closest to Kirigiri, Togami, Maizono, Enoshima, and Komaeda.
I had a big crush on Maizono however she ended up dating Kuwata as she started helping him get into deeper music. 
Enoshima was a great friend, her spunky, wild personality was super refreshing and I loved spending time with her. She was quite... bold and flirty and very much a hugger. I had a small crush on her as well. I never would’ve guessed she would start the end of the world.
Kirigiri was mysterious and I was always super curious about her, I was determined to befriend her so we ended up spending quite a bit of time together, I also ended up developing a crush on her. (not surprising) She’s soft and funny once you get to know her in my opinion.
Komaeda didn’t like me at first and was in fact quite mean to me, but eventually, we became close friends out of nowhere? (Not sure where the change of heart stemmed from, I think he might’ve realized something about myself before I did is my guess.) He was an odd one, but I always found him endearing even if he did take things too far for the wrong reasons at times. 
Togami and I had a complicated relationship, in the beginning, I always thought he hated me, but as time passed we got incredibly close. To my surprise, Togami and I ended up in a romantic relationship eventually. (I’m VERY oblivious to flirting ahaha.) Honestly, Togami may be cold, but all he really needs is a bit of translation from his harsh words, he’s also very sweet when he wants to be, I adore him. I’m not sure if I were in any relationships prior to that.
I have quite a few during Hope’s Peak Academy memories if you’d like to hear more I can be DMed about it.
The tragedy was a horrifying event that I happened to stumble into the aftermath of, meeting Kamukura for the first time then and there. I ran off to go get help and he had disappeared by the time people showed up to the scene. The Biggest Most Awful Most Tragic Event In Human History was not due to hypnosis, Junko basically started a cult following of people who believed in an “opinion” she started (propaganda type stuff) of putting talents against no talents and rallied people together and it got hostile very fast and there were lots of lives lost. I almost got caught in the tragedy some hostile people who had no clue I was just a lucky student.
The school we locked ourselves in was entirely covered in blood and destroyed and looked like a genocide a took place there, but that’s because that’s what happened.
The events in the killing game almost follow exactly as it did in Danganronpa. Mondo’s punch to the face gave me a nosebleed and knocked me out. I tripped and my face hit the table in the beginning when we were all supposed to gather one of the mornings. I tried to befriend everyone as much as I could this time around as well, however it was much harder since nobody really trusted each other very much. My execution was a mix of the barrel and swords escape trick and it got switched to detention half way through because it got interrupted.
After the survivors and I got out we weren’t found by the Future Foundation right away so we had to wander the post-apocalyptic world for a little bit. We stayed in a group since we thought it was a good idea. The first night we spent together outside we all sat around a fire, hidden away from view. We were going over everything that happened. I tried to hold back crying, but I ended up bawling because I couldn’t hold it in anymore now that all the death and everything was over with.
Aa. This is getting very long but perhaps I shall continue another time! If you read this far I’m impressed. Ahaha. Have a nice night.
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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Every library in london is dreamy, a series by me
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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Hello, I’m Makoto or Sabitsuki if you prefer. I guess this is kind of a kin side blog I made for myself? I’m double friendly. (I love hearing about other canons.) I’d love to interact and make friends with others who kin from Danganronpa (especially if you have connections to the Distrust beta since I do, but I’m not picky) but keep in mind that I am nineteen so if you’re not comfortable with someone older than or younger than you then you are aware of my age.
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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things for cold days
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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Culzean castle, Scotland
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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Heart-shaped lightning formed during a thunderstorm over France.
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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Parisian roses | dana_chels
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
I truly appreciate kindness. I appreciate a quick message, I appreciate those who ask me if I’m okay, I appreciate every person in my life who has tried to brighten my days a little.
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
why isn’t anyone allowed to be wrong anymore? it’s okay to be wrong. no one should be terrified of every tiny little mistake they might make. being wrong, and realizing you were wrong, is how you learn and grow and change.
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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details from a scrapped piece 
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adhuilxdochas · 6 years
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My Life by Vivienne B
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