adirairisselwyn · 4 years
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an adira iris selwyn moodboard | 001 --> general musings, melancholy feeling
venus, planet of love was destroyed by global warming did it’s people want too much, too? did it’s people want too much?
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
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Willa Fitzgerald photographed by Nate Rynaski for Flaunt Magazine (2019)
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“So, I already have two cats – Cookie, and Brownie. My sister just wrote to me saying I should adopt another one and call it Blondie.” Hugo looked up from the letter in his hand and spoke to the nearest person. “Should I do it?” 
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“Aww, that’s precious, Hugo!” Adira looked up from her Dragonology essay, leaning back in her chair. “Blondie would be sweet. Or Snickerdoodle, if you’re looking for options.”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“--So, what’d you do for Easter, Blaise?” Adira wanted desperately to catch up with her friend as she started her breakfast, forking a small bit of egg into her mouth. It had felt like ages since she’d had time alone with Blaise, and he looked... right about as grumpy as ever. But she couldn’t blame him; it was just his face. “Please tell me you got out and did something, or at least had time with family.”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
”--Cain, wait up!” Adira had been searching for that familiar head of hair since she’d come back to the castle. She picked up her speed, not about to let him make it down the the dungeons without talking to her first. He was taller than her, taking longer strides, but she was determined to finally speak to him. She’d left him alone for long enough. “Hey,” she murmured as she finally caught up to him, her expression a little solemn. “I missed you this break. I went by your house to try and see you, but I think you’d left.” Still, she hoped his grandparents had enjoyed the flowers. "How are you holding up?"
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“Yes, but Adira, at least most marriages you can try and make it work. No matter how hard I try, I will never be attracted to you like that,” He admitted, chewing on his lower lip. “Yeah, well apparently my parents don’t seem to agree there. Friends I can work with, but you deserve more than that. You deserve to be happy too. We-” He hesitated, “We both do.” It was one of the first times he’d actually admitted out loud that he deserved happiness, a weak smile curving at his lips as he thought of Hugo.
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“I know.” As much as Adira felt sorry for herself, her heart broke for Phin. He was a nice enough guy, and even if he wasn’t, he shouldn’t be forced to marry someone he wouldn’t ever love. “Well, I’m not your parents. I... understand you a bit more than you might think.” The words came out more easily than she expected. “I mean, we’re not exactly the same, but...” She worried her bottom lip, gently taking a sip of her drink. “We don’t always get what we deserve.” She tried to fight the bitter tone that laced itself into her words, but she couldn’t help it. “Still, maybe it’s time we do.” She forced a small smile for Phin. 
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“Hey,” Phineas looked up from the book he’d been studying, a tired smile gracing his lips. “No, go ahead.” He gestured for her to sit. “How have you been holding up, recently?”
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Adira moved to sit down next to him, a small smile gracing her lips at his own. “Oh, school’s killing me, but that’s essentially my fault. Busy, but... for the most part, good.” She was glad to be back at school, away from her parents and that quiet manor. “And you? I kind of expected our parents to try and throw us together over the break.”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“Still, it cant be particularly easy being engaged to well.. someone like me,” Phineas sighed softly, shaking his head. “We need to, make the best of it that is.” The boy was briefly conflicted as to whether he should tell her he was trying to get away from his parents, but the less people that knew the better.
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“Phin, none of these marriages are about love. Even for... more compatible people.” Adira sipped at her drink, trying her best to ignore the sinking feeling in her stomach. She yearned for the sort of attention she’d never get, almost hungry for love. She forced a small smile. “Besides, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re a good man, and we get along. We’ll be friends, and we’ll find a way to let you be happy.” 
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“--Hey there, stranger,” Adira teased, moving towards Phin’s spot at the Slytherin table. It’d been a while since she’d seen her betrothed, and she had to admit she’d felt the absence of his presence. Phin was sweet, and someone she’d like to consider a friend. “Is this seat taken?”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
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adira iris selwyn
honestly, adira hasn’t ever been to a wedding that wasn’t arranged, and has to admit, they make a happy couple. she tried to keep a more subdued look in one of her house colors. a certain lord byron poem came to mind as she added soft celestial touches to her look--moon earrings and a necklace of the constellation virgo.
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
Kingsley nodded a bit as she sympathized with the family. He couldn’t imagine what that kind of experience would be like… well, he could - with Emrys, but Emrys wasn’t family. It couldn’t possibly be the same feeling. “They are. The twins, the younger ones, seem to be handling it very well, but I haven’t seen Cain and Gwen much, so I’m not sure about them.” It was a hard thing to process. He’d come back from the dead. Or, at least, that was what it felt like. “Ah, yeah. I just couldn’t turn my brain off.”
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Adira couldn’t begin to imagine how awful and wonderful it must feel at once, regaining a loved one in that way. She could hardly imagine what life would be like if Atalia was gone, and the twins hardly spoke. As well as the eldest Selwyn twin knew she could maintain her composure, she was positive it would break if she both lost and gained her twin within the course of a month. She’d have to visit Cain over the holiday; probably bring some flowers for his grandparents. “I have a few droughts that can help,” she offered, already moving to open her bag and see if she had any left. “I get a certain amount a month from the Hospital Wing, but I think I can spare a few.”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“I won’t say no to that,” Andromeda laughed lightly, holding out her pinky for the other girl to take. “Deal.” As she turned to the bartender she ordered herself a glass of wine, pausing, before turning back to Adira. “What are you drinking, exactly?” She questioned the other.
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Adira giggled softly as Andromeda held out her pinky--it didn’t seem like something women of the Sacred 28 should be doing. But still, she wrapped hers lightly around the middle Black’s. “Good, because I wasn’t taking no for an answer.” She reached for her wine glass, finishing it off as the bartender looked to her. “Elderflower wine. I can’t be too drunk when I run into family later tonight.”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
Corban turned to face the other when she joined him, letting out a laugh. “I suppose, is that all you want though, Adira?” He asked her playfully, wiggling his brows. “Consider them cancelled. Did you bring the booze, or are we digging into my stash this time?”
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Adira’s cheeks turned a soft pink as she rolled her eyes slightly, looking away from Corban. “You think you’re so charming, Yaxley.” She knew he could see her blush, and part of her wished she’d had a little bit to drink before she’d come in. Just so she’d have something to blame the color on. “I think it’s time we gave your stash a try, though I think I have some idea of what you’ll pull out for us.” If there was one thing she knew, it was the Corban Yaxley always had a bottle of White Rat on hand.
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
There weren’t many people Caunus enjoyed talking to, a small group of handpicked people who had the priviledge to see behind the carefully molded mask of perfection. Though him and Adira weren’t hugs and sweet words kind of friends, they were close enough to be comfortable around each other. “This party was getting dull anyway.” He answered, accepting her offer. “Let’s go somewhere quieter, I don’t need the entire astronomy tower watching us.”
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“I completely agree.” Adira much preferred to drink more in... smaller circles than at big parties. She felt like she had a little more control over what happened in that scenario. Motioning with her head towards the exit, she lead them down from the Astronomy Tower. “We could find an open classroom, unless they’re a little to drafty for you,” she teased gently, offering him an easy smile. Caunus was an interesting man, to say the least, and she knew how to act in front of him. It was easy, relaxing. “I think we can find some Dragon Barrel Brandy if you let me sneak up to my dorm, first.”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
Kingsley nodded with a bit of a laugh. “Probably, yeah. I can’t believe it’s just on the shelves though, not even in the restricted section. I was shocked.” He supposed most of it was fine, but there were certainly parts of it that the earlier years should not be reading. As Adira mentioned Emrys’ family, he hesitated a little bit. “I think they’re mostly happy… but I haven’t seen Cain yet, I’m not sure about him.”
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Adira sighed, wondering for a moment how confusing it must be for a loved one to return like that. Though, she supposed, they had been close to the Higgs family... Perhaps it was easier coping after that. “Poor dears. At least they’re handling this well enough, then.” She gave a weaker smile as she wondered about Cain. He always took things so hard; she couldn’t imagine that he was taking this as well as the youngest of them might. “I should find him. Be a good friend and all.” She managed to offer the man before her a small smile. “And you? Is that why you weren’t sleeping?”
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adirairisselwyn · 4 years
“Well hello to you too,” Corban chuckled in amusement as the girl walked into his room. He was shirtless, to no one’s surprise, leaning against his backboard as his eyes roamed over a textbook of more advanced magic. He placed the book down, eyes watching the other as he beckoned her to join him. “Well even if I did, I’d cancel them for you. What brings you to my neck of the woods?” He teased lightly, lips curving into a smirk.
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Adira chuckled a little, in a much better mood now that she saw that familiar head of hair. His shirtlessness made her a lot less nervous than it used to, more a familiar sight than a novelty. She moved over to his bed, sitting down at the end of it, decently comfortable in her own position. “Can’t a girl just come here for good conversation... and maybe some decent liquor?” she teased, eyeing his smirk carefully. “Cancel your plans. We’re getting drunk.”
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