adoration-list · 2 years
They live the gospel. They speak the truth.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Mrs. Wade
I french braided her hair (first time I did it on anyone!) and she was so incredibly grateful, thankful, appreciative, and impressed. I loved that. She took such joy in the little things.
I also loved that Dr. Wade was looking out for her and wanted to treat her. He absolutely treasures her.
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adoration-list · 3 years
I received financial aid for all of the 2021-2022 school year :)
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adoration-list · 3 years
Gift of Brandon
Brandon is literally a gift from God. He came into my life at the perfect time. God knew what I needed and gave me Brandon. I feel so loved. Knowing that Brandon is my gift from God, I want to treat him well and right even more. I don't know how long Brandon's going to be in my life, but I want to treat him like the gift he is.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Parents, Church, and Saylor's Faith
Saylor has been praying so diligently for my parent's faith. She has been reminding her family to pray for my family every day during dinner time. Honestly, I think she's prayed for my family more than I have prayed for my own family.
Prayer 1 answered: today, parents went to church because uncle is sick with cancer and mom wanted to pray.
Prayer 2 answered: parents decided to look for another church because GSPC is bar code scanning their members.
Even though my faith is rocky at the moment, these were really "praise the Lord" and "thank you so much Saylor" moments. I feel so refreshed and encouraged by Saylor.
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adoration-list · 3 years
UC Davis' chancellor chose to step down after a pepperspray event that happened on campus. She was an electrical engineer, so she came back to the ECE department after she stepped down. She taught for one year. During that year, she offered office hours in the labs. She noticed that the labs were extremely messy and wanted to hire someone to take care of the labs. Lance and Phil thought that they didn't need to hire a full time staff, but that a student would be able to get the job done.
Lance hires a student, but the student gets stuck abroad due to Visa issues and won't be able to make it into the states in time. That's where I came and stepped in temporarily. When the student left at the end of the year, Lance reached out to me again since I knew what the process was.
He offered me the job throughout the school year, but I declined because I wanted to focus on school. A girl reaches out to me from EE-Emerge, and we meet up on zoom. She asks for advice on the interview and my experience. We meet up and hit it off. I end up training her and am coworkers with her sister this upcoming year. I'm also doing a sdp with them. The sdp that we got because of another person we met through EE-Emerge.
When I first heard of the lab assistant story, I was in awe. We're all connected. It was just really amazing to see. I loved it. I loved seeing how connected we all were to each other.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Nick Newcomb
Marji had told me that I was the only one interested in the project. I started to reach out to former EE Emerge people because I was concerned that the project would get cancelled. After a week of convincing, I was finally able to get 3 girls to join me. Then I found out that there were 10 people interested in the project. I was concerned that the 3 girls I recruited weren't going to get into the project, so I messaged Nick. Nick intervened for me and advocated for our team. He decided to pick me even though I ghosted him during our first meet up together. This is a very special project and none of us would have had this opportunity if it wasn't for Nick. I'm so grateful and thankful to him and all of the connections I made through EE Emerge.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Mom's Headphones
My headphones ran out of battery, so I took them off while I worked out on the gym on Friday. I forgot to take them with my when I finished. On Tuesday I went back to the gym and someone had returned them to the lost and found. Lord, I know this is such a small act, but please bless them as they really did do something good. These headphones are also meaningful since they were a gift. No one stole it while I left it in the open.
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adoration-list · 3 years
I am so grateful for Jeasmin. She was the best roommate that I had. She was so clean and chill. She was my friend even when I stressed her out. She dropped everything to hang out with me and took me out when I left kcon. She switched rooms with me in Glen Mor. She feeds me. She took me to events and made sure I was having a good time. She welcomes me into her home and loves me for me. She was crazy sometimes, but I still loved her. She was my best friend at UCR. I'm so happy she's in my life and that things are going well for her. She's doing well at work and her relationship with Pablo is going great. I'm so grateful and thankful for her. I miss her and miss living with her. I miss the times we had together. I'm grateful I can look back and she's a bright spot in that place and that time.
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adoration-list · 3 years
UC Davis ECE Department
From the academic advisors to the professors to the program itself, Davis has a solid ECE undergraduate program that I'm so proud to be a part of. I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to study here and be a part of the program. I'm so grateful that everyone in the department is doing whatever they can to help me graduate.
I know that being here is an act of grace. I didn't have the grades to transfer or the GPA requirement to change majors. I should have been kicked out of school tons of times. I shouldn't have been able to be a part of EE-Emerge. I shouldn't have gotten my software engineering internship or senior design project. UC Davis and everything that came with it are gifts. And I am so grateful to have received these gracious gifts.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Family Talk
Thank you Lord for answering my prayer and for being amongst us during our family conversation! There was no yelling and there were some ehhh moments, but there was also peace, love, and support. We were all able to communicate well with each other. Thank you!
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adoration-list · 3 years
Tien's Mom, Tien, and Katie
The two people who took care of Samuel. Katie checked up on him when she didn't have to. They called 911 and went to the hospital with him. They thought about calling into his work, coverup story, and worked all day to get in touch with us. They comforted us. They helped save his life.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Samuel's Life
Thank you Lord for showing grace and saving his life. Thank you for remaining faithful to him even though he doesn't know you. Thank you for healing him. Thank you for providing him another chance.
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adoration-list · 3 years
House Key
I got home yesterday and noticed that my house key fell off the keychain. Today, I checked at work, but was unable to find it. I remembered I took a covid test and that I had dropped my keys because I was so embarrassed I didn't know how to bike well and people were watching. I went back to the bike rack outside the covid testing center, and my key was there!
Praise God that no one stole it! Praise God that he gave me memory so I could remember where it could have fell! Praise God for leading me back to my key!
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adoration-list · 3 years
Brandon's Explanations
As I talk to different types of people, I realize that most people just say that you're too dumb or immature or young to understand if you disagree with them. They start attacking your character, your faith, and you as a person instead of helping you understand.
Brandon takes the time and energy to help you try to understand. He doesn't call you dumb or immature or young or attack your character if you don't understand. He's patient and tried to help.
When I talk to him, I feel like it's okay to ask questions. I appreciate and am grateful for him since I've learned that most people don't react or respond similarly.
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adoration-list · 3 years
Because they've expressed interest in keeping me long term, especially after graduation, I realize how much freedom it gives me to actually apply to jobs and internships I'm interested in. I'm really grateful that I have that luxury.
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adoration-list · 3 years
I'm not sure if this fits with gratitude, but one year ago I decided to pursue a writing minor to improve my critical thinking skills and writing. Miranda emailed me and said, "I love your writing." Knowing that Miranda reads a lot and can distinguish good writing from bad, that was a compliment I truly appreciated. I'm grateful to see the fruit of my labor in improving on my writing.
Side note: if you love something about someone, tell them! It could really make their day.
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