adrian--oconnor · 11 years
Adrian, after a long and tiring night, more tiring than it should have been, finds herself walking the streets of Boston - Glad for the shelter the clouds were offering from the sun. She found it silly how just the light of morning would bring a sense of ease to people, just as if the light could chase away the monsters. No, most demons just choose the night, and vampires could venture out, so long as it wasn't direct rays hitting them.  She turns a corner, a car honking rather obnoxiously steals her attention momentarily and she collides with someone. Never one to apologize she takes s step back then recognizes the voice right away. "I believe you were the one who turned into me. so no, I will not watch it." she mutters, side stepping and bout to be on her way. 
Little Goes A Long Way || Open
Payton glanced down at the bag in her hands, it had once been filled with all sorts of sandwiches, but there was only one left. Though she and Warren mostly focused on homeless youth, especially those who came through their shelter, Thursdays she always spent out on the streets. They were familiar, still like home, and she knew the places to look, for others. And so every Thursday morning she dug around in the kitchen, made a couple dozen sandwiches, and passed them out to those who needed them. God knew she would have appreciated it when she was younger.
She walked a bit further and handed out the last one, crumpling up the bag and tossing it in a trash bin. She turned on her heels, not one for making conversations really, and intended to walk home, but not before walking into someone accidentally. “Oh, watch it,” she exclaimed.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
I assure you, luck is not something I require when it comes to getting what I want. 
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Good luck with that.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
Trust me dear, in this town nothing stays a secret from me for long. 
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Aren’t you a sharp one. However, I’m not telling you my dark secrets. 
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
It's a big world, there are many more places than here, as I am sure you know. Which only leads me to believe that you're here for more than you say. 
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It was either here or with my asshole father.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
So you come to Boston, a place you apparently don't want to be? 
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I had nothing else to do.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
So, why is it that you are here, then? 
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Don’t let my presence fool you, I really don’t want to be here.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
Morons, I'm surrounded by them.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
I wouldn't waste time on threatening a human, if I wanted you dead, you'd already be just that. -shakes her head and turns away from her, walking off-
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
Sarcasm, dear. -chuckles- and this 'pet' would it be of the human variety? -shakes her head- No, I can't help you there, but I am sure you'll have no issues finding someone or thing that can . 
Why would that be so horrifying? *shrugs* It’s more…sexual frustration. I thought I was about to gain a pretty little pet but…it didn’t work out. *smirks* Not something you can help me with. *chuckles*
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
Actually being. Hm, and why are you so frustrated? 
What? Thinking I’m infatuated with you or me actually being infatuated with you? *chuckles* Well that’s just lovely. As for me…I’m a little frustrated.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
And that would be a horrible thing. -Smiles- Wonderful, and how are you? 
If I said anything else you’d just think I’m infatuated with you. *smirks* How are you?
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
I'd like to think of myself as more than just a vampire. 
What’s there to take offense to?
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
Hmm, I'm not certain if I should be offended by that or not. 
Well good because I’m not. I’ve got far more important things to do than to become infatuated with a vampire.
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
I've been reading people for a very long time. However, if you say you're not than I'm inclined to believe you. 
I’m really not infatuated with you. Why on Earth would you think that?
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
-Rolls her eyes- Miss Romero, I would suggest that you put your attitude somewhere where it won't land you on a slab in the city morgue. -calls after her, sliding both hands in the pockets of her trench.-
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
-looks at her hand, but doesn't take it- I trust you don't think we will ever be on the 'right' foot, as you say. 
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adrian--oconnor · 11 years
quite possibly, yes. 
Me? Infatuated? Hardly. I simply like beautiful things Miss O’Connor.
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