adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
Getting asked questions I know on the spot but blank on the syntax, need to keep sharp because white boarding  can come up at anytime.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Where have I been? Well I’m Back after a successful demo of my application  I graduated the iron yard program. I took a month break to get back in touch with my family and friends that I shut out for that period of time and am looking to now hit the text editor once again.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Using react and redux  I finished this secret keeper project making a call to a server to post and get information rendered on a page.  The logout was tricky until I realized that I had to create a new action to terminate the cookie and token.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Had to use a filter with react-redux to sort through a belt store. this is what sent me over to understanding the relationship og the store, state and mapStateToProps
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
Ive been loving react and finally made a breakthrough with redux and actually understand it now
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
Things Programmers Shout #745
“This doesn’t make any sen… oh. because I’m an idiot.”
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
How’s React?
Well, the organizing of components is great but I haven’t really made anything cool yet. Just sort of getting the fundamentals. Worked on this Star Wars vehicle page that pulled from their api and was able to take pilot names and maintain the state of props. Sort of like the fundamentals and such...but while working on this with one of my friends It kinda hit me. I understand this stuff, we were going through what was going wrong in out api request from top to bottom. And we solved it and understood why and where we went wrong. It’s honestly refreshing to take a step back and look at the body of knowledge you’ve accomplished in x amount of time. I guess You just kinda get lost in the projects or “ What’s wrong with my code?”. Feels good.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Working with psql is  great! So far....; I was able to make a quick little exercise of local taco restaurants in the area with menu items and locations. It translates pretty well overall though.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
Where Have I BEEEEEN?
Haven’t posted in awhile I’ve been deep into back end, or at least learning it. Mongo-Mongoose and Now PSQL. PSQL is clean, I like it, but being able to access my keys in mongoose is a little easier than in PSQL.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Made A log in check page, like captcha (god help me) but, It gave me perspective on the login page I just finished today that validates an actual user as a key and a password as a value. It was an object so pretty basic but Im excited as I want to build an actual web log in page registering users soon.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
 I’m having trouble with post, request etc. -Me; on Tuesday Now Im able to trace through my engine file (mustache), I feel as though in a week I’ll be as comfortable with back-end as I do with front-end right now.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
Working with Nodemon
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
Working with node!
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
The Calculator
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this thing was a major headache logic wise and I was sooooo tempted to grab this from codepen but it feels good making it from scratch. Logic wise its a pain to grab the strings and concatenate them.  like 5 and 4 are 54.  then the 0 gave me a headache. 0 is falsey,  so when I was parseInt’ng them it was skipping over to the next index of the array where I was pushing my values too.  finally though its working and by working I mean 90% lol.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Annnnd im all done using XMLHTTP request. Fetch is way easier.
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adrianwritenow-blog · 7 years
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Using string literals with javascript  and my first XMLHTTP request. Frabbed it right from my Github profile to make a digital business card....may come in handy.
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