adribanesti · 3 years
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adribanesti · 3 years
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adribanesti · 3 years
i’m yearning i’m starving i long for the space to belong 😔 </3
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adribanesti · 3 years
oh hey your theme is back! anyway i've been procrastinating but heyo here i am! could i maybe ask for a ❤ vibe with 🛩 distance for kakuzu? making a choice was HARD and i felt compelled to pick kisame since it's mermay but i drew him yesterday so i picked my favorite cantankerous old man in the end 😔
Hi Aasari!! :D Nothing is stoping you from asking for Sharks next up UwU. Thank you for keeping on fueling my Naruto fire!
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It's always hard to know what Kakuzu is thinking. He's never very open about anything, not much of a talker overall. He's very straightforward when he does say things, mostly when he's telling off Hidan for ruining whatever things go wrong on missions.
The emotional distance had always been hard to overcome, but throughout the years, you had learned his ques, you had taken notice of how the slightest changes in his face betrayed his feelings, and that was what you worked with.
You were perfectly fine doing most of the talking, and you were perfectly fine just spending time together. It had started off in him not really minding your company and had evolved into something more over the years.
Sure, it was not a conventional relationship, and sure it was hard work. But you truly enjoyed his company and even though he never expressed it explicitly, you knew the same went for him.
To get rid of Hidan though, that would be an even harder goal to achieve.
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Join my mystery drabble event - Click!
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adribanesti · 3 years
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fazbear frights #10: friendly face, official cover
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adribanesti · 4 years
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adribanesti · 4 years
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a commission for @atempause-art!
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adribanesti · 4 years
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adribanesti · 4 years
too many posts fishing for asks you have to answer. i want asks where people just tell me things
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adribanesti · 4 years
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stale sea water looking mf
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adribanesti · 4 years
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made an oc ask blog! because i always wanted to. no other reason needed
she’s live and she’s here!
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adribanesti · 4 years
Being-A-Creative-On-Tumblr-Culture is going through all of the 24 reblogs on your post with 357 notes just to get just enough serotonin to get through your day by reading what the five god sent people who left tags wrote
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adribanesti · 4 years
im surprised gynandromorphism in fursonas isn’t more popular
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adribanesti · 4 years
i am terribly unsatisfied with it BUT it was fun to write nonetheless! 
don’t hesitate to send me a prompt, even from another prompt list, or a prompt you wrote yourself! i wanna write more. enable me
Picture Perfect
“What’s that thing behind you in that picture?”
This sentence was the bane of my existence. For as long as I can remember, and since the day of my birth, and in every picture, without exception, people had been seeing something behind me, something that I couldn’t see myself.
Needless to say, having my picture taken was never my favorite thing.
I grew up lonelier that I could have been. Our extended family was so clearly uncomfortable around me; and I can’t count the number of friends that just slowly disappeared from my life after looking at one of them. I’ve learned to hate that vulnerable, uneasy expression that came with their guts screaming at them that Something Was Wrong, that meant that in the months to come they would drift away from me as if by coincidence. And every time i had to deal with official documentation requiring a portrait of me, well - those were always fun, but we’ve seen better conversation starters.
It was never the same thing, being, either. I mean - one person would always see the same one, in every picture, but everyone saw something different. And they couldn’t describe it, only jumble a puzzle of impressions of it. And I could never see what they saw.
I think my parents were in denial about that. They kept saying they didn’t see anything, like me, but they flinched every time the subject was brought up. There weren’t a lot of childhood photographs on our walls.
What I’ve never told anyone - because I wanted so bad to be in denial, too - was that, while I never saw anything, in those pictures or out of it, I could hear breathing, behind me, every time one was taken of me. Deep, calm, like the sound of the waves receding, and so loud. Always straight behind me, no matter what could be there, but never getting closer, deep, calm, loud.
Like the waves receding.
I dreamed I was spending the day at the beach.
And I can still hear the breathing. Deep, calm, loud. Right under my bed.
Prompt List Prompts:  “What’s behind you in these pictures…?” ;  “There’s something breathing under the bed…”
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adribanesti · 4 years
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adribanesti · 4 years
H O R R O R . P R O M P T S
“I just got back from the cemetery.”
“I swear I just saw someone… or something looking in my window.”
“I know I closed the damn closet door, but it keeps opening! Please tell me this is just some kind of joke you keep pulling.”
“What’s behind you in these pictures…?”
“Apparently like 20 years ago, some girl slaughtered her family in the basement.”
“I think there’s something about this house that you’re not telling me.”
“I keep hearing noises coming from the attic…”
“I know what I saw, and whatever is in the basement… it’s not human!”
“I didn’t have time to see what it was! I just got the hell out of there!”
“Whose grave were you bringing flowers to…?”
“The electricity guy said there was absolutely nothing wrong – and yet, the lights always flicker on at 2am. Explain that to me?”
“Why don’t you spend the night in that house ‘alone’, then try to convince me that you don’t believe in ghosts.”
“Y-you don’t understand, he didn’t have a face!”
“I had a dream that I killed you.”
“Ah, yes… the room you’re staying in. It’s a paranormal hot spot, apparently.”
"I keep hearing whispers at night… I-I can’t sleep!”
“There was something else in there with me, I’m not going back to that house.”
“Come on, it’s just an urban legend…”
“Are you trying to tell me I’ve been sleeping in a dead girl’s room!?”
"I keep getting the feeling that someone is following me.”
“Don’t panic… but I think there’s someone else in the house.”
“I can still feel her/his ghost, and it’s killing me…”
“There’s something growling in the basement… could you, uh… check it out for me?”
“Can you just… can you please check the closet?”
“P-please… put the knife down.”
“I bought this haunted ring on eBay!”
“No, no, no – run!”
"I didn’t forward one of those freaky chain letters and now I keep hearing the laughter of children coming from my hallways at night.”
“The dead are all around us…”
“She’s dead! She’s dead and yet I keep seeing her, everywhere!”
“There’s something breathing under the bed…”
"You can’t tell me you don’t believe in ghosts after all we’ve been through.”
“I saw something I wasn’t supposed to see, something… that wasn’t supposed to be here.”
“Maybe an exorcism is in order…?”
“I woke up, and it was j-just… staring at me.”
“He was there, then like a second later he literally vanished! I saw it happen!”
“I like the ghosts here… they keep me company.”
"You can’t honestly tell me you’re in love with a dead girl.”
“Wasn’t someone murdered in this house? Why are we here?”
“If dying means being with him/her, kill me. I’d be happier that way.”
“Ghosts aren’t real. You need help.”
“…what do you mean we didn’t talk last night? You came over, you were here.”
“You saw something you weren’t supposed to see. And now… now you know what has to be done.”
“I’m pretty sure my toaster’s haunted.”
"What’s wrong with you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Don’t! Don’t you dare open that door!”
“I visited his/her grave for the first time today…”
“Something terrible happened here, didn’t it?”
“Wh-why do you have a knife…?”
"You’re all bloody, what happened!?”
“You know that book from The Evil Dead? Yeah, well… I’m pretty sure we found something pretty damn similar to it.”
“You’re bleeding…”
“How can you not see it…? I’m dead! I’ve been dead for years!”
“I’ve always wanted to see you choking on your own blood.”
“I’m sorry, I’m busy Friday with the… funeral and all.”
“I’ll never forget the sound of his screaming.”
“From the looks of it, the afterlife is a lot more fun than this.”
"Legend has it that you can still hear her crying for her lover in the dead of night.”
“I want to be dead, too.”
“Well don’t you look lovely, all covered in blood.”
"Whoa – wait! Please don’t go down there… let’s just get out of here, please?”
“You played with a Ouija board!?”
“Me and some friends played with a Ouija board the other night… and things have been a little strange since then.”
“There’s so much negative energy in this house… do you know if someone died here?”
“You’re always hanging out in cemeteries… and yeah, it’s kinda creepy.”
"They just don’t believe like they used to…”
“I will haunt you until the end of time.”
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adribanesti · 4 years
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