adudewhodo · 2 months
Thanks! I’m new to tumblr and haven’t really used it much but maybe I’ll start using it more and share some more of my ideas!
do you ever get a sudden and intense urge to create a magic system but you're creatively bankrupt so you scroll through pinterest for hours hoping that inspiration will strike so you can fulfill this insatiable thirst within you or is that just me?
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adudewhodo · 3 months
For me it’s the other way around, I have so many ideas and stuff but I don’t have the motivation to do anything with them.
If you’d like to use some, one that I’ve been thinking about a lot is basically making a reason why ancient things are almost always made more powerful than what’s currently used in the setting. Essentially how it works is the more times something happens in the presence of something (sound, symbols, object, person) the more likely it is to happen again, meaning if lightning strikes a place, it’s more likely to strike there than anywhere else, eventually causing a feedback loop that makes it more and more likely that place is struck by lightning until lightning only strikes there, making it so if there’s a thunderstorm anywhere in the world it will stretch across the sky to strike that specific place. This same magic system would also work on language, with early language being used to warn others of nearby dangers or helpful discoveries, eventually stuff like the mention of danger would summon danger and the mention of fortune would summon fortune. Eventually these words would grow too powerful to the point that the use of any word could be dangerous, so people would purposely mix up their language to make new words and new languages so they could communicate without worrying about accidentally summoning a pack of wolves or anything.
do you ever get a sudden and intense urge to create a magic system but you're creatively bankrupt so you scroll through pinterest for hours hoping that inspiration will strike so you can fulfill this insatiable thirst within you or is that just me?
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adudewhodo · 3 months
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Have this one been done yet
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adudewhodo · 4 months
If you pay attention to the first panel you may notice that the head is a different shape from in the last panel (along with a different kind of nose), meaning that black sheep physically transformed into a wolf because they were ostracized from the herd.
Be careful of confirmation bias, you may think that when the former black sheep shows themself to be a wolf that it proves your accusations correct, when in truth, they were a sheep until you made those accusations.
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adudewhodo · 4 months
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Thus my first post on tumblr, teach me your ways should you so desire, I bring a picture of cat as a peace offering!
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