adventure-123 · 2 years
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Travel experience in the West River: where to go, what to eat?
“Can Tho region has white rice and water in joy, happiness, and fullness of life
The Dong Thap region has immense rice fields, love, and love
Those who cross Tien Giang get off My Thuan ferry, who go from Hau Giang to North Can Tho
Going to Minh Hai or going to Kien Giang, going to Sa Dec or going to An Giang in the West!"
For a long time, the songs about the West have entered the hearts of the people here and many tourists. The West is not beautiful and majestic, but has a calm, idyllic and peaceful beauty, famous for the fields of storks flying straight in the Dong Thap Muoi region. If you are planning a trip to the West, please refer to some of the West River travel experiences below.
What provinces does the West include?
The West is the land of the Mekong tour ho chi minh, there are 13 provinces in all, including: Can Tho, Tien Giang, Long An, Ben Tre, Tra Vinh, Vinh Long, Dong Thap, Soc Trang, Kien Giang, Hau Giang , An Giang, Bac Lieu and Ca Mau.
Map of provinces in the West
What season and month should you travel to the West?
Unlike the North, the West is blessed by nature with a warm climate all year round, not as cold as the North but not as hot and rainy as the Central, so you can travel to the West at any time. what time.
However, according to the experience of traveling to the West of the river, there are times when the West becomes strangely beautiful, and if you come to the West at that time, you will admire an extremely "popular" beauty. wild" that is rarely found anywhere else.
Mekong tour ho chi minh, western garden tourism: the time from June to August, also known as the fruit season of the West, if you want to see the luxuriant trees, ripe fruits and enjoy tasting the fruits, you should go to the region. West this occasion.
Travel to the West and visit ripe orchards
Mekong tour ho chi minh, traveling to the West in the floating season: From September to November every year, you will be able to sit on boats and weave your way through canals, small coconut forests in the middle of a western region of rivers. .
Experience sailing in the West
Instructions on how to move to the West
To move to the western provinces, you can go in two ways:
By plane: If in the North, choose to fly to Can Tho, then move from Can Tho to other provinces.
By car: Go to the Western bus station in Saigon, then catch the bus to your desired destination.
And if you want to move between the western provinces together, you can go by motorbike, boat, canoe, canoe ... (note, when traveling by boat, boat or canoe, you should wear life jackets to ensure safety. If traveling in groups, you should sit evenly to both sides to avoid the train tilting)
Where should Western tourists stay?
Mekong tour ho chi minh, one of the cheap travel experiences in the West is that there is no shortage of motels and hotels in the West. "Just ask 8 hostels and you'll find 2 that you like" so you shouldn't worry too much about this. Depending on your schedule where you choose to stay, you can book early through Agoda to enjoy many incentives.
The West has a lot of cheap hotels and motels
Hotels and motels in the West are also very rich, depending on your needs and budget. The special thing is that the people in the West are very sincere and hospitable, so you can ask to stay in local houses, on boats or on islands.
Which province should tourists go to in the West?
The highlight in the West is the peaceful village roads with vast fields and rivers. In particular, when going deep into the gardens, you will enjoy famous fruits of all kinds such as jackfruit, grapes, plums... or canoeing along the canals to enjoy the peaceful and cool scenery.
Attractive tourist attractions in the West
Western tourism should go? With the experience of traveling to the West, each province has its own unique beauty of scenery and cultural identity. Here are the most prominent features of each province for your reference and find the right destination.
An Giang tourism: Famous for many famous tourist sites such as Sam mountain, Cam mountain and many special festivals during the year.
Bac Lieu tourism: Visiting Bac Lieu's son's house and other places such as the hundred-year-old longan garden, Uncle Ho temple or Bac Lieu bird garden...
Ben Tre tourism: Also known as "coconut land" is famous for the largest coconut gardens, in addition to many fruit gardens spread throughout the district.
Ca Mau tourism: Famous for its pristine wild landscape and long-standing culture. Cape Ca Mau is a landmark marking the end of the country. Ca Mau is considered one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the West.
Can Tho tourism: Can Tho is likened to a "river city", due to the interlaced river system, vast orchards, and immense fields.
Dong Thap tourism: with its natural roots by the fresh and cool atmosphere of fertile rice fields, go on dinghys on rivers and canals to come to the relic of Pho Bang Nguyen Sinh Sac, Go Thap relic…
Hau Giang tourism: with famous tourist destinations such as Phung Hiep floating market, Long My relic.
Vinh Long tourism: visitors will have
Mekong tour ho chi minh, the opportunity to float on each water, go between the natural green color with the green and fruit-laden orchards ... these are the fruit orchards, this is the row of coconut trees interspersed with green willow trees of one color, the scene is peaceful and peaceful. She will make the daily worries of tourists suddenly disappear.
Kien Giang tourism: with many beautiful landscapes and departure place of ships to Phu Quoc.
Long An tourism: there are many prehistoric relics and nearly 100 Oc Eo cultural sites have been discovered, famous relics such as Binh Ta, Hundred Pillar House, Ton Thanh Pagoda.
Soc Trang tourism: famous for islets with lush green gardens, to bathe in the cool and fresh air, to visit the orchards in four seasons with your own eyes.
Tien Giang tourism: fruit trees along the Tien River, Dong Thap Muoi and Go Cong coastal areas with famous tourist destinations such as Thoi Son Con, Cai Be garden, Cai Be floating market...
Tra Vinh tourism: admire the ancient beauty of more than 140 temples of the Khmer community, besides 50 temples of the Vietnamese ( Kinh) and 5 temples of the Chinese community.
Western specialties must try
Travel to the West and enjoy specialties
One of the things that makes Western tourism attractive to visitors is also because this is a land with an extremely rich cuisine. Each western province has its own characteristics, so if you come to visit, you should not miss the following dishes:
+ An Giang cuisine: durian salad, copper snakehead fish, toss the oven, Phu My puff pastry, fish sauce hot pot,...
+ Bac Lieu cuisine: radish cake, spicy beef vermicelli, silkworm cake, longan wine...
+ Ben Tre cuisine: pineapple coconut, My Long rice paper, Son Doc puff pastry, coconut worms, Phu Le wine, ..
+ Can Tho cuisine: Cam leaf tet cake, Cai Rang grilled spring rolls, Cong cake, cork hot pot, etc.
+ Hau Giang cuisine: Waterfall fish, Cai Tac heart porridge, boiled fruit, Cau Duc pineapple and other specialties
+ Kien Giang cuisine: Phu Quoc sim wine, crab cake soup, Ha Tien sticky rice, steamed noodles, vermicelli noodles, dried shrimp noodles, ..
+ Long An cuisine: Go Den wine, fresh sausages, peanuts, fish sauce hot pot, watermelon, dragon fruit...
Suggestions for Western travel itinerary 1 day, 2 days, 3 days
Mekong tour ho chi minh, If you are still wondering which province to travel to the West should go to for the most convenient and interesting way, then please refer to the schedules that have been drawn from the following Western river tours:
– Western tour itinerary 1 day: Tien Giang or Ben Tre are the 2 most suitable destinations. In the morning from Saigon, take the bus to My Tho, Tien Giang (70km). Come here, we will hang out at Vinh Trang pagoda, Thoi Son island, Phung island, gardens on the Tien River, Dong Tam snake farm, traditional coconut candy production facilities...
– Western tour schedule for 2 days: One is on day 1 to go to the same schedule as above, then stay overnight in Can Tho, then on the second day, go to Cai Rang floating market, Ba Cong orchard, production facility export traditional noodles, My Khanh tourist village, return to Saigon in the afternoon.
Or you can also choose to explore Dong Thap province, first day go from Saigon to Cao Lanh, visit Xeo Quyt tourist area, Gao Giong, relics of Nguyen Sinh Sac grave, overnight in Cao Lanh. On the second day, go to Sa Dec to visit the flower village, Huynh Thuy Le ancient house, Ong pagoda.
– Western tour itinerary 3 days: The first two days can visit Tien Giang, Ben Tre and Can Tho like the suggestions above, the second night will stay overnight in Chau Doc - An Giang, where You can visit Tra Su Melaleuca forest, Chau Doc raft fishing village, Tien Cham village, Thay Tay An pagoda, Ba Chua temple of Sam mountain...
Or you can go to Vinh Long and Tra Vinh, day 1 go from Saigon to Vinh Long, stay overnight in Vinh Long, day 2 go to Tra Vinh to visit Ba om pond, pagoda, Khmer museum. Overnight in Tra Vinh, then the next day back to Saigon.
– 4-day Western tour schedule: With this itinerary, you will probably experience all the characteristics of the West. The itinerary includes: Saigon – Chau Doc – Ha Tien (Can Tho), then return to Saigon.
Some notes when traveling to the West of the river
Usually, a self-sufficient trip to the West will often combine visiting many provinces to be able to fully feel the characteristics of the West. However, to have the smoothest and most meaningful trip, you should not ignore some of the following notes:
Traveling to the West has many spiritual destinations, temples, so please dress neatly and seriously when visiting these places.
In the West, there are many biological reserves and eco-tourism areas, so there are many mosquitoes and insects, so do not forget to bring insect repellent.
Mekong tour ho chi minh, appropriate footwear, limit wearing sports shoes lest sailing boats get wet easily.
Hats and hats are indispensable when traveling to the West, this place is quite sunny.
It is advisable to research the itinerary, stops, rest and attractions in advance
If you go on the right occasion of the festival, you should go with many people to avoid getting lost, especially to avoid pickpockets.
Hopefully, with the sharing of travel experiences in the West of 2022, the South will provide you with useful and necessary information on your trip to be more interesting. Wish you have a nice trip.
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