Final links
Advanced Portfolio short film package (Clickable) 
Creative Critical Reflection (Clickable)
Postcard (Clickable)
Social Media page (Clickable)
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Source files
Media Studies blog source files (Clickable)
Media Advanced Portfolio sound files (Clickable)
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Week 20:-Screening of our advanced portfolio
Screening of our advanced portfolio
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It was important for us to show our advanced portfolio to our school’s principle along with three of our school’s teacher to get an overall review of our film. Fortunately, they loved and suggested zero changes for it.
My overall reflection
As compared to last year’s project, this project was obviously larger in terms of the execution with us being more cautious than our previous two projects. It is always fun working with Sanika Prabhu and Aryan Vinayaraj. They really respect one’s opinion and criticism. Along with that, we have been blessed to have a wonderful media studies teacher:- Shritej Patwardhan. In terms of my improvement, I think I have more respect for editing as a skill. It’s not that easy because one is portraying a story through a couple of videos and making it into something that is supposed to make sense. 
In conclusion, this is my last blog for our advanced portfolio so I would like to conclude by quoting Steven Spielberg, “I don't dream at night, I dream at day, I dream all day; I'm dreaming for living.”
-Advik Arora
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Week 19:-Motion poster
Motion poster (Clickable)
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After discussing the basic plan of the motion poster with our director, this is me editing the motion poster 
What is a motion poster?
Motion posters basically act as a title announcement for the film along with that it gives the overall feel and the genre of the film
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Colors of the motion posters
Our film's branding color schemes are blue and purple, but on our social media page for this motion poster to pop out. I intentionally maintained white and black as the theme. White signifies purity or innocence.
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The soundtrack that is being played in the background is a song called "I'll carry you" composed by Tommee Profitt (Clickable). We felt that this song best describes a father and daughter's  relationship. The song has a paragraph that starts off with "I won't let you down...." and ends with "I'll carry you". 
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The first two titles are present on a normal paper with the title of our film being on a crumbled paper that is actually a prop from our film used as a metaphor to describe our main character's crumbled life with an annoyed girl (Anya) and a man reading a newspaper is seen (Namit) showing that the story revolves around the two of them.
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In conclusion, it was a good week as we were able to finish our motion poster that is going in line with our product’s branding. 
-Advik Arora
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Week 18:-Game night and character behind the scene posts
Game session
We conducted a small game session inspired by the games conducted by wired. Our main intention of this was to show how Ritika is completely opposite to the character she is playing that's Anya. We had asked her to smile more and laugh more along with that requested her to bright colors so that the audience can see a vast contrast between Anya's personality and Ritika's personality in real life.
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Avani Singh, who is the host of this game show, is actually a student from S.M Shetty.
Game session edit stages breakdown
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In terms of editing the game session, I wanted to keep it as simple and interesting as possible not crossing the time limit of 2 minutes with both of them individually playing for at least a minute. The color grading was kept simple too with me just increasing the oranges, reducing the Reds and overall increasing the contrast. I have also used a different aspect ratio that 4:3 to avoid the unnecessary empty space visible in the frame.  
-Advik Arora
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Week 17:- Character breakdown of Namit, Anya and Neetha
This is me editing the individual character interviews for our social media page. 
For the overall character interviews, I have tried keeping it as simple as possible with very less cuts. I use the same format for all the three character interviews:-
1)Introduction scene of the three characters
2)Main character interview 
3)Cutaway to a shot of their characters in their films 
4)Title of our film
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There is a small J cut in which them talking is audible in the last frames of their character’s introduction scene to allow the audience gradually understand the contrast between the tone of the actors in real life and the tone of their characters. 
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Midway, while they are talking I have tried keeping a cutaway to a shot of their character in the film or a blooper of them during the shoot to not keep it boring for the viewer to watch. 
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I have removed our title’s audio to give and kept it silent because there is no soundtrack through out the clip except for the scenes from the films. Along with that, I have used the same fonts that are our signature fonts for our film to give a sense of branding to this clip and in a way stating that belongs to our product. 
In conclusion, the audiences haven’t any promotions or anything, so through these small clips and interviews, I have intended to give glimpses of our film without actually spoiling it for anybody. 
-Advik Arora
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Week 16:-Logo, branding
What is branding?
Branding is basically promoting our product through other medians such as poster, a tagline, or a logo to help create awareness and a target audience for our product. 
We started the project with a working title as “a father to a daughter” but after finishing the script we thought the name did not suit the script so we changed it to “if only you were there”. This name justified our film and gave the audience the right amount of knowledge about the film. 
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We have selected this as the product’s logo with a crumpled paper as the background because that is a crucial prop in our film. As in the film, there is a scene where Anya throws the crumpled paper and it hits Namit. Afterwards, Namit goes towards Anya and asks her if this crumpled paper belongs to her, she immediately refuses and leaves the conversation mid-way. This was used as a metaphor suggesting that the crumpled paper is actually Anya’s life.
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Blue, purple and white. The backdrop color of the poster to fall in a more cooler shade of colors that is more of blues and purple because blue signifies cold, isolation while purple signifies fantasy, mystical and ethereal that perfectly matches our story given the fact that our films includes a daughter mystically clashing into her divorced father after almost 14 years and then reuniting with him and that can be nothing, but mystical. White signifies peace and innocence. 
“So Close, Yet So Far” is a song by Elvis Presley. That is the slogan of our film to signify even though Namit spends time with Anya at the bus station, they both yet don’t know about their relationship. 
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This is the overall aesthetic of our film. 
The fonts used in our social media page, our film’s title and obviously the logo that is two headline signifies a bold yet simple font done to represent the simplicity of our product. The simplicity of our product as in we have kept the story of our product very straightforward and simple without actually having any explicit or implicit meanings. Another font that is used is samarkan, which is inspired by the Indian traditional language “sanskrit” used to give the viewer the ideal language of our film that is Hindi with a couple of dialogues in English.
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In conclusion, it was a productive week with us being able to finish and better plan the marketing of our advanced portfolio. 
-Advik Arora
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Week 15:- Editing
The basic line up of the scenes
The principles of editing run around three basic words:- cut, copy and paste. With that being said, the first stage of editing any work is to do the basic line up of the scenes in a non linear or linear order according to the initial screenplay decided.
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Once I had completed the entire layup, the overall film had a duration of 6 minutes 53 seconds with the actual time limit of the advanced portfolio not being more than 5 minutes. To incorporate all the scenes and shots, an excessive use of J cuts and L cuts had been used.
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What are excessive J cuts and L cuts?
J cuts are used when the audio of clip A continues to play when clip B is being shown. L cuts are used when the audio of clip B can be heard when clip A is being played. These cuts help the audience watch both clips without any hard cuts or disruptions. An excessive J cut and L cut is when play half of an entire scene’s audio while the visuals of another scene are visible. This technique is usually inspired by the movie “Drive”. In the opening Ryan Gosling is seen instructing to someone at another time and not while the scene is happening removing the need to show to actually show that scene showing the time constraint. Now we wanted to break this convection by cutting half of a scene 8’s entire audio starting at scene 6 creating this excessive J cut.
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Scene Breakdown 
Along with J and L cuts, I have added multiple cutaways, cut on action, cross cuts and insert cuts with a consistent use of standard cuts.
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Between scene 4 and scene 5, I have kept a cutaway to an establishing shot of the bus station to in a way give the viewer a breather period and help them understand that there is a change in the day.
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Between scene 6, 7 and 8, when Anya says bye to Namit, the audio of scene 8 starts slowly fading when in fact the visuals of scene 6 and 7 are being played. The reason for this long L cut is to help the audience understand the overall conflict of the story gradually. So I have kept it as slow paced as possible instead of harshly cutting to the flashback. Moreover, I also wanted to use the technique implemented by the editor of Dunkirk: Lee Smith and that is of a J cut being seen as the shot’s audio of men shouting starts being audible when a shot of the main character’s mid close up is visible allowing a slow and gradual fade out to absolute silence.
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Between scene 9 and 10, I have used a match cut, where I have matched the motion of the bus that is the last frame in scene 9 with the motion of Namit in scene 10. I have done this to help the audience watch the transition between the two scenes smoothly without actually distracting them. In scene 10, I have used the technique from “Get out” that I have always wanted to implement.
Sound design
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In the scene where the mother and daughter are introduced, it starts off with quick standard cuts of establishing shots of Anya’s room with her conversation with her mother being played in the background sound. This in a way becomes non-diegetic for the mother’s voice and  Anya’s voice as the source is not revealed, however, for the radio’s song it becomes diegetic as the source is later revealed.
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Most of the scenes were exterior meaning a lot of noise was captured in the audio causing me to manually remove the noise in adobe audition through Adobe’s smart link between premiere pro and audition.
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There are five steps to removing noise in an audio:-
Capture a noise point meaning the part in the audio where the most noise can be heard.
Select effects < noise reduction < capture noise point
After that, select the entire audio with a shortcut of ctrl + A
Select effects < noise reduction/restoration < noise reduction process
Lastly, save the audio file by pressing ctrl + S with the change automatically being visible in premiere pro
I repeated this process for the audio of the entire film. There were times where I had to play with the overall audio gain and amplify the audio to make the audio more clear.
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The title of our film in a way summarizes the overall feel and look of the film. The enlargement of the word “IF” is done so that the viewer’s attention falls on that first giving the overall title a sense of order. My intention was that the audience first reads the word “IF” then moves on to “SMSISJC’S”, then “only you were” and finally moves towards “there”.  
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The difference in fonts is done to obviously go in sync with our product’s branding. The basic font used for all except “there” is two headline, which is a bold yet simple font done to represent the simplicity of our product. The simplicity of our product as in we have kept the story of our product very straight forward and simple without actually having any explicit or implicit meanings. The font used for “there” is samarkan, which is inspired by the Indian traditional language “sanskrit” used to give the viewer the ideal language of our film that is Hindi with a couple of dialogues in English. 
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The fonts had been downloaded from a website called Fontspace.
Captions and subtitles
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The language of the film has major parts in Hindi, which is why we added captions to it, to help our product cater to an International audience. Adobe Premiere Pro has this new feature, where the app can automatically form a transcript that can obviously be modified by the user, and then used to create captions. 
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Color grading
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Color grading is an essential part in editing as it helps enhance the emotions and the overall color visible better. It is a crucial part of cinematography as the cinematographer often has a vision while taking a shot. So this is me discussing the overall color theme of the film with our cinematographer.  
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A color palette breakdown done by me after color grading to see if all the colors blend well with each other. The color tones in the scenes has an orangish blue tone to it as displayed through beige whites that signify sunlight in this frame.
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Before color grading  
Orange and blue have been used as the overall colors is because orange signifies warmth and youth with blue signifying cold and isolation. On a scale of emotions, both colors signify two very opposite emotions. Even before the color grading, one can see Anya’s house’s wallpapers being colored orange with her sofa having hints of blue on them.  
After color grading
Our intention of depicting an orange sunlight being emitted in a blue greyish room (Anya’s room) shows that some positive thing is about to light her life or is about to change her life.
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The color grading of the scene 8 and 9 follow very less color grading. It involves reducing the exposure, increasing the contrast, increasing the highlights and reducing the shadows. The color grading of scene 10 and 1 involves more dark greens and blues because green signifies darkness with blues signifying cold and isolation suggesting both the characters before this were isolated. Moreover, we have changed the color grading of a scene during the scene being played matching it with the color grading of scene 7. We have done during scene 6 to show that our main character: Namit is now reliving an important moment in the past.  
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Sound Mixing
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When you have done a basic sound design line up, the next stage to it is sound mixing. Sound mixing basically means leveling up the most essential sound track, and reducing the level of other sounds to help emphasis on the required sound track. There are three sound tracks that have played through out the film:-
1)Bohemian Rhapsody:- This is used to introduce the mother’s character in a way give the audience a bit more about her personality. There’s a particular paragraph in this song, which I picked out that describes her actions in the past and that is,”Mamaaa, just killed a man, put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger,Now he's dead. Mamaaa, life had just begun.” There is a quick insert shot of Anya switching off the radio, where the volume of this track increases, and then is abruptly stopped. Another interesting thing about this track is that I have completely shut the left channel to it meaning it can’t be heard from the left side, but only from the right side. I have done this to signify that the radio is really old with one of the two speakers in it not working. The technique that the editors of Baby Driver have used over there in their film was to sync the high chords of the background with all the shots, so that’s what I have tried to do during scene 3′s establishing shots. 
2)The Last of us sound track:- This is used for the confrontation scene and glimpses of it is audible through out the film, for instance, the scene when Namit  doesn’t show up. This track has a very soothing yet eerie affect to it, which in a way describes the relationship of Namit and Anya initially the track starts off in a very soothing manner building up to something eerie. Namit and Anya initially feel happy because that one element in their life that is having a daughter/father is in a way fulfilled, but in a very unexpected way. 
3)The minecraft sound track:- This is used to describe Anya’s personality. It has a lot of instruments being played constantly without any new chords being introduced that is a small representation of how Anya’s life really is. She is tired of her monotonous life of getting up, hearing her mom’s rant, going to college, and coming back. I have tried gradually fading this track by the end of the scene 8 as things are almost in place for her with Namit entering her life. She smiles more. 
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In conclusion, editing is all about cut, copy and paste. Last year, during the editing of our foundation portfolio, I had kept the editing very fast paced, but this year I actually wanted to breakdown each and every scene before actually editing them to give our director a clearer image of how I see the film, so for that I started taking inspiration from existing films’ editing and trying to replicate them in our film. 
-Advik Arora 
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Week 14:-The shooting of our advanced portfolio
Day 1
We had finally started shooting our advanced portfolio hustling through a lot of hurdles in our shoot, for instance, our second location was changed last minute due to an unexpected causing us to arrange for a new location. 
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After shooting a couple of establishing shots for scene 3, our cinematographer (Aryan Vinayaraj) suddenly fell sick so he had taken an one hour break.  In that one hour, sanika and I thought of completing the actors’ interviews, which was needed later for our social media page. 
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Immediately after that, Sanjay Sir (Namit) had arrived on set as it was his reporting time. Due to time constraints, as Aryan was feeling better the three of us had divided two hours worth of work including practicing the lines with Sanjay sir (Namit) and recording the mom’s voiceover. 
Before the shoot, we had a table read practice with Chaitna ma’am(The mother) and Ritika (Anya) causing them to be more confident for the shoot of the scenes, however, Sanjay sir couldn’t attend those table read resulting in Sanika practicing the lines with Sanjay sir while Aryan was setting up the shots. 
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Meanwhile, I set up a small dubbing set up in a room to help reduce any echo and quickly wrapped up the mom’s phone voice recording needed for the upcoming scenes with Ritika(Anya) giving the appropriate cues of dialogues saving up a great amount of time. Sanika had already briefed both the actors about what to do during the table read leaving me to just directly record their voice in a single take. 
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The three of us are discussing the shot division for the scene meanwhile the actors are getting ready. 
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After finishing all these small procedures, we resumed shoot and went back in line with our callsheet. I handled the clapper board allowing me to match the audio from the mics and the camera’s visuals better. 
End of Day 1 
Day 2
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Day 2 brought another set of challenges to it because on Day 1, all the scenes were interior so we had the environment’s conditions under control, for instance, the lighting and the other exterior noises plus we were shooting at an open bus station with us having absolutely no control over the noises. We were mentally prepared, which is why we kept a special mic equipment ready for day 2, allowing us to shoot sound on location without any hesitation making the denoise stage during post production easier for me. 
Last year, during the shoot of our foundation portfolio, we did conduct an exterior shoot, but obviously the scale of those scenes were fairly smaller than the scale of these scenes. I vividly remember struggling during the sound designing stage when I had to denoise all those dialogue scenes. It was quite struggle at that time and now that we have almost doubled up that struggle in our advanced portfolio, we had to extremely careful about the sound. It was a 12 hours shift, we had a lot of factors to consider during this particular day’s shoot including:- 
The actors’ and our safety and health 
The execution of the desired shots
The lighting 
The environmental sound
The testing of mics 
The continuity 
The fifth scene in our film is actually the first time in Day 2, where we actually use the mics for the first time and we do goof up with it. It was expected. The goof up did not massively affect the quality of our final product as a whole, but it surely did affect the quality of that particular scene. The mics during scene 5′s shoot were just not working maybe we forget to test it before the scene. There was nothing we could do about it at that time because we had almost 6 more scenes left and around 8-9 hours of shoot left. At that time, there was just one thing that was worrying me and that was, “How good is the camera mic? How much noise really did get captured?”. 
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Meanwhile the actors were changing costumes and preparing for their next scene, I was just going through the shots of scene 5 again and again with Aryan (Our cinematographer). Fortunately, our camera’s mic did capture the dialogues of scene 5 meaning it was doable to remove the noise allowing us to move forward.
After this goof up, we did set up a routine that was to test the mics before every shot and then move ahead with the standard commands.
We were able to smoothly shoot the rest of the scenes with the output matching 90% of the expectations we had set for the film that is fairly good until our actress got into a small accident. Nothing big happened, but for us obviously we had to make sure whether our actress was in a good condition to shoot the rest other scenes that were left. It was 12 noon when it happened, so dehydration for any member on our team was our main concern during pre-production causing us to stack these bottles of electoral on set, but having a first-aid kit on set somehow never struck us.  
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One thing about this media industry field is the uncalled uncertainty. Now obviously, we were shooting on a busy road with all kind of vehicles passing by especially massive buses barricading most of our shots that did actually personally benefit me as an editor, I was confident we can at least maintain continuity in terms of the vehicles that are seen in the shots. 
Another goof up had happened before the climax scene, we had skipped to make one crucial prop for scene 10 and that was the photograph that Namit carries. So 15 minutes before the shoot when the actors were getting prepared, I quickly edited the photo and got it printed. It was rectified quite quickly. 
At the start of this scene 1′s shoot, I had instructed Aryan about the technique used by Gregory Plotkin in “Get Out” that is actually done by constantly cutting between two shots where both the different subjects are framed in the same framing giving a delusion yet serving the purpose. The final climax scene that we shot at around 5 pm was probably the most important shot of the day. Our actress was fortunately doing better, the spotlight was on her because she had a big monologue coming up. One could easily see the pressure visible on the faces of the three of us. The scene took about 30-45 minutes, mics were working, and all of us were quite charged by the actors’ performance. 
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In conclusion, last year, during the shooting of our foundation portfolio, we were honestly very exhausted by the end of the day and we just wanted to get done with it, but this year, the three of us were so into the project because our actors were dedicated to the film, the public at the bus stop were so cooperative, the shoot of our other scenes happened so smoothly so the three of us were quite motivated by that especially knowing that our 9 months worth of effort were finally resulting in something so beautiful.
-Advik Arora
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Week 13:- Cast photoshoot and table read
Cast photoshoot 
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Conducting a cast photoshoot allowed us to take pictures of our actors in their characters enabling them to better understand their own character from the way the stand to the way their expressions are. 
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As an editor, my main focus was to take one of these pictures and use it for our film's poster promotional card. For that, we had asked our main actress (Ritika) to have that tiredness, look clueless, frustrated and to keep her body quite loose. 
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I had requested our cinematographer (Aryan Vinayaraj) for a mid close-up shot for the main poster and a long shot for the logo of our film's branding. In the cast photoshoot, we basically had to take photos of our actors being in their characters. We needed these photos to make the props to display photo frames.
Table read
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What is a table read?
A table read is basically conducted to practice the overall screenplay with the actors and check how much time is the entire story taking. As an editor, it helped me understand how each and every scene will be happening from the dialogue delivery of the actors to how much expressive our actors are allowing me to plan my editing cuts better.
Props that we needed for our shoot:-
1)A family pic of Anya and her mother 
2)A family pic of the three of them 
Sanjay sir, who’ll be playing Namit couldn’t attend the photoshoot, but we had scheduled a table read session with him one hour before the shoot. We had requested him for a old family pic of his, which we can use for our film, and through Adobe photoshop I can edit the mother’s face on it. 
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The picture of the mother we took during the photoshoot. 
Note:- Unfortunately, in order to not cause any controversies among our actors’ family, we are avoiding to post that family picture photo on the internet because that could hurt the original family’s sentiments. However, the picture is visible in the movie. 
In conclusion, it was a productive week as we were able to finish the props needed for our shoot.  
-Advik Arora
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Week 12:- Mock shoot
What is a mock shoot?
A mock shoot is basically done weeks before the shoot to actually give all the crew members a better and clear understanding of how the film will look in a draft version, the props, the movement that the actors are expected to do, the editing cuts and obviously the cinematography. We basically conducted this to give us a better idea on how lengthy our short film is going to be as we had a time restriction. 
Here is how we shot our mock shoot...
Our media sir teacher had monitored the entire process to make sure we are productive and in sync with each other’s ideas. 
During this period, we were very well prepared for our advanced portfolio’s shoot in fact we were supposed to shoot the following weekend. However, due to personal reasons, our main actress backed out causing the three of us to again start looking for another main lead actress. It was definitely stressful as our shoot got postponed to two weeks from now. After a lot of searching, we stumbled upon an audition clip that had rue’s monologue from Euphoria. Rue’s characterization is quite similar to Anya’s in terms of the way they talk, which is why we casted Ritika. 
In conclusion, this mock shoot allowed us to have a clearer understanding and know better what we as crew members expect from our actors.
-Advik Arora
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Week 11:- Callsheet schedule and 360 degree camera technology
What is a callsheet? 
A callsheet basically represents the reporting time for the crew and the cast to make sure there is clear communication between everyone. It usually comes in handy when the production is happening on a large scale like with a crew of 200-300 people saving a lot of time communicating with each of those 200-300 members. 
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We made the callsheet according to our convivence and the actors’ convivence by pushing all the scenes that require the same location or have near by locations on the same day to be more productive and waste less time travelling from location to another. 
What is a schedule?
A schedule represents the location which is again to keep a clear communication informing the actors and the crew members about the scene description, the actors required and the location of the shoot.  
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Testing new mics 
During the edit of our foundation portfolio, the scenes that we shot in exterior contained a lot of other traffic noises within the audio of the clip making it really difficult for me to amplify the actors’ dialogues, so this time it was very crucial for us to overcome that issue. 
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The mics’ system contains three crucial components to it:-
1) The receiver, which will be connected to the camera through a wire, allowing a wireless connection between the two mics and the receiver. 
2) The first mic
3) The second mic 
The wireless connection can capture audio from a distance of 500 meters, which satisfied our product’s criteria of shooting long shots from a distance.    
This is Aryan(our cinematographer) and me doing a small testing of the mics before shoot while our director was recording it. 
Overall, it was a great week as we played around with new mic technology and also finished out callsheet/schedule. 
-Advik Arora 
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Week 10:- Crew introduction posts and the use of new camera technology
Crew Introduction
As it is the crew introduction, we wanted the three crew posts to be as simple and as eye catching as possible.
My generic take on the posts
Usually, actors’ performance are usually shown within a rectangular screen covered by two black lines with the crews’ efforts being depicted through the actors’ performance. However, my intention was to bring this convection by using white lines through a frame within frame composition showing the three of us. The change in color from black to white is simply done to make the viewer understand from a distance that these posts are something different.
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Starting Font
Each of the three posts start off with a bold ethical font showing the position of the crew and intended to depict that it is something important.
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Ending Font
As the viewer comes to the end of the frame, they can see the names written as if someone wrote it with a sketch pen in a childish manner. This is done to in a way show the viewer that there is a connection to the film as our film is led by a 17 year old.
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Along with that, I have color graded the final outputs with more blue and white being visible in order to go in line with the color theme of our film. One can also see, the costumes we are wearing vividly has hints of blues with the backgrounds being white. This is again done to break our standard convection of having a blue background with a white font that is consistently followed with the logo and first look poster of our film.  
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360 degree camera
A 360 degree camera as the name itself says what it is. It captures the entire environment in a circular format. 
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As you can see in this still image, the stick that I was holding that had the camera in it was removed by the artificial intelligence present in this camera. The circular format can obviously be changed to straight footage through a process called reframing. 
One can edit a 360 degree video in premiere pro either through a free plugin called GoPro reframe and by manually key framing the desired shot from the video under the effects control panel in a subsection called Position and scale.
In conclusion, we really enjoyed working with a new camera technology that not only enhances the overall viewing experience, but all makes it easier during post production for the editor as the editor doesn’t have to worry about individually masking out the stick. 
-Advik Arora
0 notes
Week 9:- Storyboard and our short film project
In the 9th week, we started making the callsheet and schedule of our advanced portfolio. 
What’s Storyboarding?
Storyboarding is basically a rough sketch of how the entire film should look including all of the shots that mainly cover how the camera should be positioned, angled, and where should the subject. It helps the cinematographer to understand better about how the director wants the film to look. The storyboard was entirely made by our cinematographer(Aryan Vinayaraj).
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Scene 1 is the hooking point for the film, so it is essential for us to keep it a bit fast paced and not to cross more than 4 shots. I had also instructed the cinematographer that this is the last frame in this scene is where the title of our film appears. 
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Scene 2 is more of a back up scene that contains the establishing shots of Mumbai. Back up scene as in if the film doesn’t reach approximately 5 minutes, then we may use these shots to create a small opening sequence in a quick montage cut showing the city of Mumbai.  
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Scene 3 starts off with the establishing shots of Anya’s room to help the audience understand Anya’s personality better. We have kept multiple establishing shots with no camera movement and with quick standard cuts to allow the audience to flow into the chaos there at Anya’s house. Throughout these shots being displaced, one can hear hard rock music being played in the background coming from a radio. 
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Anya is seen closing the door on her mom, where I plan to include a J cut of the door closing with that door’s close sound effect being pushed off to a change in the scene (clip B) showing Anya walking towards a bus station allowing the audience to smoothly watch the film proceed. 
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Scene 4′s first frame starts off with J cut from scene 3 moves forward to all shots having a standard cut. The last frame of scene 4 is where I plan to take a cutaway showing the bus station from a distance to allow the audience to take a breather. 
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Scene 5′s first frame to the last frame again consists of standard cuts. The scene is quite crucial so I wanted to keep it as simple and slow paced as possible. It ends with a simple dip in black transition or I may end it with a L cut of a bus arriving’s sound effect coming from the first frame of scene 6. 
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Scene 6′s first frame starts off with L cut moves forward to simple standard cuts with the last frame again ending on an excessive L cut with the audio of scene 8 being audible. 
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Scene 7 consists of one shot, so the audio of scene 8 will be heard over here also.
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This is basically done to save up time at the same time prepare the audience for an important plot point as I am gradually introducing scene 8. 
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Scene 9′s consists of standard cuts, but the last frame will include a long shot of the bus leaving, where I’ll be matching the motion of the bus with Anya getting off the bus that’s the first frame of scene 10 creating a match cut. 
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Scene 10 being the climax scene will consists of a lot of long shots from the same angle with a very less standard cuts to allow the audience connect the overall story. I plan on ending the story with a standard cut to give a sense of abruptness to the film and to show that we are leaving it on a cliff hanger  on how things between Namit and Anya further take place. 
Short Film Festival 
During this period, we also took part in a film festival hosted by our school for which we had to a make a 10 minutes short film. 
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In a post apocalyptic world, Brian finds himself looking through several past memories of his father to relive through a VR technology and see how earth used to be in 2022 before climate change went against them. The entire purpose of this film is to tell the world to remove their VRs, and actually witness what’s happening to our current environment. 
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Unique Selling point
This story has a lot of hook points where the audience is kept in the dark till the last scene. Every scene has a different information, conflict and destiny making the story even more interesting. So this is probably one of the few films where the audience doesn’t know the proper conflict till the last scene.  
In conclusion, this film honestly was a warmup film before If only you were there helping us understand how important it is to be precise and as accurate as possible in short film in terms of how the story is to be executed. We obviously made a couple of mistakes throughout the process of this film, however, it made us more alert during the production for if only you were there. 
-Advik Arora
0 notes
WEEK 8:- Shot Division & Reflector Board
In the 8th week, we moved on to the next stage of pre-production that is shot division, and the making of a reflector board. Each of these elements play an important role during production helping us get a better idea of how we want the final product to look like. 
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Us working on the shot division 
What’s Shot Division?
Shot division (clickable) is the detailed planning of every frame that will be visible in the short films, and is a document that includes every frame’s camera composition, camera movement, camera angle and the perspective. During production, this vastly helps the cinematographer achieve what they want without wasting any time thinking about the following things. Here is the link to our advanced portfolio’s shot division (clickable) . 
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What is a reflector board?
A reflector board is basically used to reflect light off a shiny surface in order to prevent shadows. 
Once the reflector board was made we did a test run to check if the light is redirecting towards the person.
Overall it was a good productive week as we are one step closer to ending the pre-production stage. 
-Advik Arora
0 notes
WEEK 7:- Location scouting, call sheet, focus group and our first post’s design
In the seventh week of media studies, we completed our advanced foundation portfolio’s location scouting and posted our first Instagram post. 
What is location scouting?
Location scouting is basically looking for suitable locations that match your storyline’s locations.
Location 1
The location where Anya and Namit meet
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Instagram’s first post:- Title reveal poster
Color theme of the poster
I always wanted the backdrop color of the poster to fall in a more cooler shade of colors that is more of blues and purple because blue signifies cold, isolation while purple signifies fantasy, mystical and ethereal that perfectly matches our story given the fact that our films includes a daughter mystically clashing into her divorced father after almost 14 years and then reuniting with him and that can be nothing, but mystical. 
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Draft 1 
This was the first draft of the title reveal poster that consisted of a father and young daughter walking in a garden with the father explaining something to her daughter. The main purpose of this was to show that this was something Anya could never have in her life, as her father left her at a very young age. However, my team and I felt that this poster was revealing the story’s one plot point. 
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Draft 2 
This poster clearly shows a group of people waiting somewhere probably a train station or a bus station, also shows an old man reading a newspaper and a depressed/ sad girl looking drinking a hot drink. Ideally when people are sad, they prefer to drink something warm. Moreover, the overall season is winter. The problem with this poster was that we felt that the old man was too old for a character like Namit that’s why I had to tone his age down a bit. 
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Final Draft
This poster consists of all of the features mentioned above except the old man being changed to a much younger man reading a newspaper. 
Poster by Advik Arora
Overall Style of the poster
The characters look as if someone drew it, which particularly can mean that Anya given the fact that she likes doodling, and making sketches, has drawn this somewhere in her sketch book. Now because her relationship with her mother isn’t that great, she hasn’t kept her mother in any of the sketches, but has rather always felt the need to have another parent.
Font style
As one can see, the font looks a bit dreamy and very loose like the style of the writing, this is simply because again a lost daughter meeting her divorced father unintentionally at a bus station after almost 14 years can be nothing, but compared to a dream.
Overall, it was a good productive week with us being able to finish the location scouting and allowing us to move on to the other stage of pre-production. 
-Advik Arora
0 notes
WEEK 6:- 40 posts plan for our advanced foundation portfolio
In the sixth week, we finished the 40 posts plan that will be on a social media platform: Instagram in order to promote our short film that is under our promotional package of our advanced foundation portfolio. Moreover, we also completed our foundation portfolio’s storyboard.
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Focus group 
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Our director explaining the story of our advanced portfolio to a group of our classmates so that we can get a better review of our story. 
We did take their reviews into consideration and thought that having a locket would make it too cliché so we removed it in the script. 
Editor’s note
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Dunkirk was edited by Lee Smith (clickable), and the editing is prioritizing the actors’ emotions and performance along with it making the editing has created a sense of suspense that no other film has ever done. In scene 8, where we cover the fight between Namit and Neetha, our director wants that level of suspense to start being created from scene 6 itself. 
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Things that the editor has implemented:-
J cuts 
No soundtrack
Insert cuts
Cut on action 
In this scene, where the first bombing happens, it starts off with a soundtrack being audible in the start and fades out to absolute to signify something dangerous is about to happen. A J cut is seen as the shot’s audio of men shouting starts being audible when a shot of the main character’s mid close up is visible allowing a slow and gradual fade out to absolute silence.
Throughout the scene, there are insert cuts of soldiers’ reactions being visible. The significance of cutting in between of men marching backwards in a mid close up to a long shot is done to add more chaos and panic to the edit. The last shot lasts for a good amount of 10 seconds showing the panic on the main character’s face. There were a total of 19 cuts through out the scene. With this, I have covered the edit breakdowns of the major scenes in our advanced portfolio allowing me to focus on our social media page’s edit work that starts from next week. 
Overall it was a good productive week as we were able to in detail plan our social media campaign in detail, helping us to have a clearer idea on how to promote our media product.
-Advik Arora
0 notes