aecxr · 10 years
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Distressed swearing in various clicks and shrill trills of annoyance sounded from what seemed to be an abandoned port. Limbs going numb, wrists bloodied and bruised via the struggles for what seemed like the past two weeks (in reality, a day or two) making the young mermaid weak and desperate. Her captors had sanctioned her off, keeping her hidden so that none other sea-faring folk may find her and take their meal ticket. It seemed, however, that they hadn't returned like they promised -- what use to them was a dead mermaid? She figures the storm must have gotten them or her sisters one -- she hoped like hell her sisters tore them limb from limb. A shrieking , dying sound left the captured creatures lungs , passed near-blistered lips and weakening body. 
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aecxr · 10 years
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Shit. She was caught. Red handed; well red finned as well. The water's too shallow for her to really escape so natural selections working against her. Her hearts pounding and she feels as though she's going to pass out at any moment. This was so embarrassing; she had no idea what body of water she was near; just that a wave carried her inland during a storm and so she gets stuck in a semi-deep but not deep enough tide-pool trap. and she was staring at a two-legged fish. 
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aecxr · 10 years
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The sun is setting and her sisters are going for a hunt. She turns her nose up at the very idea and gets a splash of water thrown over her body. Hissing in distaste for their childish actions, Syrena sighs and continues to sit perched upon a rock. Her tail barely moves, the paper-thin webbing near her fanned end trembling just ever so slightly as the waves lull and lap lazily at the rocks surface. She fiddles with an empty turtle shell, trying to find a way to keep herself entertained and resist the cawing of her crooning sisters.
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aecxr · 10 years
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What a curious creature she was. Skin the colour of the turtles shells, beads colourfully placed within her hair. Admiring from behind a gathering of rockbeds, the mermaid watches the woman. Her chin is resting in her upturned palm as one arm crosses over the other. The way that woman moved without any interruption; it was beautiful -- it was so .. free.
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aecxr · 10 years
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Her sisters were hunting, sirens call filling up the small alcove. It was ringing, seeping out over the waters like an oil spill and she sat there, silent. Her arms were crossed, nails lightly scratching at a little patch of skin to keep herself from joining in. Never did she enjoy the vicious ways they tore flesh from bone and lure men down into the depths. Instead, Syrena slid easily off of the rock and into the warming ocean, tail pulsing her through the lazy dusk waters.  Resurfacing to catch her breath, thick eyelashes blinked away stray water droplets, only to be face to face with the side of a ship. Always a curious one, she slides through the water as though it were satin, a delicate hand resting on the old and sea-worn wood before glancing up towards its sails.
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aecxr · 10 years
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Writhing within the net, her nails lash out to try and mark whatever surface she might find purchase with. Her teeth sharpen, an airy, paper-thin hiss of rage and distress leaving past trembling lips. The ropes are heavy against her skin, bruising almost to the touch of her flesh. With effort and fight, her tail thrashes against the bonds, arms trying to find the opening of the trap. A screeching scream bellows from the captured creature, a cry of help for anyone of her kind.
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aecxr · 10 years
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The storm rages, the sea a wild tempest of frigid rain and tricky winds and the blackest night the mermaid has ever witnessed. Surfacing as lightning strikes the sky, shadows illuminate to devour the ports, the thunder shakes her to her very core; it's loud and rattles the dead bones of pirates that have happened to get themselves caught in the metal cages. 
She brings herself closer to the ports where the taverns are still alive with music, jovial tunes and heart squawks of laughter and womanizing. the   bands play an off-tune shanty; it's like the storm doesn't even exist to the patrons. Bobbing through the water, moving effortlessly as thought it was simply thought propelling her, the mermaid comes to rest near the docks; head canted to listen to the shanties and rhythmical lacking tunes. 
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aecxr · 10 years
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There's music going and some of the two-legged fish can't keep time and rhythm to save their lives. One fell over and the rest are laughing into their cups, froth on their beards and their drinks sloshing over the brim of their cup. She feels a faint giggle leave her mouth as she observes them. They're so funny, so strange -- creatures that were just a touch away from her own world. Her tail sways and bobs in the low-lying waters, bony and bare arms pulling her closer and closer to the rock bed that leads to shore. she's so caught up in the commotion, lights, movement, noise, that she almost doesn't see him. Almost. 
Ducking lightly and backpedaling towards the vast ocean, Syrena stops. Maybe he hasn't noticed her. Maybe he just went to get some air? The brunette stays half hidden in the night time waters, lips appearing before disappearing each time the waves bob. And she waits; breath held and tail whipping dangerously beneath the dark veil. 
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                             { Joviality reigns free over the masses of                              sailors; herded together in their nightly                              celebrations now that it were s a n d                              under foot rather than plank. There was                              no suppressing — nor the desire to                              withhold — that upwards curl of his lip,                              observing as men revel in their merriment.                              In his own hand he did nurse a right-fine                              bottle of his own, tipping back his head to                              indulge in a mighty swig of the contents.
                             Yet as he returned to normal position,                              eyes glazing over the crowd, a soft                              g l i n t struck attention, drawing his curiosity                              into motion. He’d excused himself from the                              company of his quartermaster, bottle                              remaining in palm as he carried himself                              with heavy footfalls towards the rocks. }
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aecxr · 10 years
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Fingers grasped at the slippery rocks, almost as if she were trying to climb her way out of the trap. A wave had brought her in, but it certainly wasn't going to bring her out. Her arms strained themselves, trembling lightly before her strength gave out, the young woman falling into the tide-pool like puddle. Panicked thrashing echoed from its wet walls, the mermaid swimming damn near in circles to try and find a way out. Slapping a palm against the glimmering surface of a rock, she let out a banshee-like screech for her sisters, for anyone to help her that was near. 
Collapsing back against the rocks, chest heaving and tears threatening to leak out over her cheeks, she nearly jumped out of her fin when she heard a voice. Whirling around, she bared her teeth in a hiss but no sound came out. Petrified of damn near anything that moved, the brunette pressed herself slam up against the rock, doe-like eyes wide and staring, shining with the promise of tears. Syrena felt her muscles tighten beneath her skin, lower lip trembling as though she were to bust out in hysterics at any moment. Her ears were ringing and she lowered her head just slightly as it tilted when his voice echoed down to her. 
She wasn't exactly sure what he meant, but as of right now, he was her only help. Swallowing back another scream of fear like before, she stays where she was, tail nervously flapping beneath the lowering water. At this rate, she would be stranded.
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It wasn’t unusual for Jack Sparrow to be wandering ashore; yet he had no remembrance of where he was. It tended to happen when he searched for different sources of travel; more often then not he was left on shore. In retrospect he should have bartered better. Sounds stirred his mind as he came closer towards the waters; surprised to find a trap that had been left abandoned on this low populated island. Curiosity took hold and with his head lowered, eyes wide, Jack approached. Upon a closer inspection, his lips curled and a narrowed stare went to the being inside. Even so many yards away; Jack knew a mermaid with hardly a glance. How would one be so tricked to be captured? Keeping his stance; his speech was cursory. Best not trouble a cornered cat.
                           ❝Should I be weary, dear?❞
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aecxr · 10 years
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Palms pressed firmly against the glass prison, bleary eyes searched the gathered faces around her. She was terrified, light headed, fuzzy. she was terrified, the fear leaking out of her scales as her tail thrashed in the warming water. Her lips trembled against the water's line, fleshy lids fluttering over dark brown eyes. Dark vignette clouded her vision before she heard a loud thud against the glass, a squealing noise before a cloud of warm air rushed into the glass.
Like a starving man, Syrena flew to the crack, lips pressed against the wet edge; gulping the sticky oxygen down. She shuddered, panting and desperately trying to get the lid off of the prison she was currently stuck in. Angry thrashing via her shimmering tail and hissing at the faces pressed near the glass made Syrena mimic her sisters when they hunted. However, the movement and spectacle only seemed to intrigue them more, much to her dismay. 
Slumping against the side, lips still near the crack, she heard a rather soft voice ask with urgency. Blinking, her face turned to the woman who opened the casket. She shook her head to clear the fog, straining to understand what the woman had said. Cocking her head to the side curiously, Syrena continued to stare at the woman. 
Usually Elizabeth Swann was not the one to follow the crowd; it was surprisingly unexpected how this time she found herself caught in it, almost unable to escape the pull. She did want to make her way out of it, however in a moment of hesitation before her eyes appeared the display everyone was so eager to see: a unique view indeed, it managed to capture her entirely - the rare sight of a mermaid, a valuable yet dangerous mystical creature of the waters. So very captivated everyone was that they failed to see what the pirate captain spotted almost instantly. Too many times had she seen death up in close proximity not to notice that the mermaid was struggling to breathe. The symptoms were clear, just as clear as the memory of what it felt like when she was unable to grasp for air in the strangling corset of hers years ago. It took all her might not to yell and cause a fuss, what good would it have done anyway. Three shillings to admire the creature close up, that was the price but Elizabeth offered all the money she had on her for a chance to get all the way to the box; when it came to her beliefs no fair amount of money could buy a life.
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The crowd cheered for the antiques of someone who paid an entire load to feast her eyes up front, led by the organiser of the show himself. Little did they know what was to come, when Elizabeth moved for her knife in order to open the glass casket. Sadly, she only managed to lift the top a bit but enough to regain air access, before she was grabbed and pulled away by the man who set this horrible entertainment. “Are you bloody daft? She cannot breathe, look at her!” she cursed at the cruel being who seemed to have suddenly realised his mistake and loosen the grip on the woman. Elizabeth used this chance to kneel in front of the mermaid’s prison in a swift movement. “Are you hurt?” she whispered, hoping she wasn’t too late.
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aecxr · 10 years
Replies tomorrow probably. Family time with the hubby.
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aecxr · 10 years
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An ungodly screeching echoes through the woods, as though a trapped banshee were calling for help. Thrashing leads to splashing, arms tugging and writhing in the trap; she was almost certain this was meant for an animal of four legs; not one with a tail such as hers. Half out of the rather deep river she wandered into, the mermaid screeches for her sisters help, petrified beyond reason.
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aecxr · 10 years
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A begging, pleading look cast to anyone who walks by. She's suffocating, smothering in this box. Spectators are gathering and the slimy snatchers are grinning from ear to ear, hawking and cawing for coinage to see the mermaid. A shaking hand presses to the glass, trying to push against it, only to have the limb fall limp.
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aecxr · 10 years
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Nighttime was safest for her kind to prowl. Preying off of drunk pirates and townsfolk, luring them with the age old songs. She found no joy in murdering; she found no thrill like her sisters did. And so, she peeks around the rocks, ignoring the lazy and dangerous lapping of low-tide waters to watch the curious two-finned creatures parade about the topside sand.
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aecxr · 10 years
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Why didn't she listen to her sisters? Why can't she just behave and follow the others? Sing, lure, devour, repeat. That's all she has to do. But no, she has to have curiosity; something that often killed the catfish. Wrinkling her nose against the sun, the petite mermaid tries to free herself from the shallow water. Distressed splashing and panicked breaths echo off of the slick rocks. Thrashing and writhing, she sinks against the mucked sand, staring upwards at the towering, colossal trap.
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aecxr · 10 years
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She can feel a storm brewing, a few miles off of the port. The waves are getting restless and it leaks into her skin. Lower lip gets tucked away as teeth nibble at the flesh, the salty warm air sticking to her neck as she tips her head towards the rowdy bunch of bi-pedal creatures. There's a weird smell in the air, sharp and strong. Curious eyes peek over the apex of the rocks, eyebrows lifting just so.
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aecxr · 10 years
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        ❝     Nothing can console me but my jolly sailour                                                  b o l d  ❞
I n d e p e n t [ p o t c] c h a r a c t e r
△Over ten years experience in roleplay. || 5 on tumblr. △ Re-vamped Syrena-muse. △ Ranges from Oneliners to Multi-para rp; gifs and icons are used. △ Semi-selective. △ AU friendly, OC friendly, Cross-overs, Multi-verse, Multi-ship — bring it on! △ Mature content could possible happen on this blog and in the character.  △ Ask box is always open for plotting or memes or ooc chat.                       
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