aedarisfarm 26 days
Welcome! My name's Amber, and this is my blog for all my random little Stardew Valley thoughts that I wanted to be able to find later.
On this blog I'll be rambling about my stardew ocs, some headcanons, perhaps some fic ideas I have - or ideas that I maybe can't fit together into a coherent fic, and (once it's released on console) I'll be posting about some of my farm playthroughs.
Now, I could do this on my main blog (@ambersky0319), however, that blog is a mess that has accumulated for the past 6 years and if I posted any of this there, I would never find a single thing ever again. Hence this blog!
More refined art and fics related to Stardew Valley will likely be reblogged here, but most of the time, you'll be able to find them over on @amberskywrites and @ambersky-art
And I'm always up to talk about this game! So feel free to send me your thoughts or tag this blog - hell even tag me in posts about your own farmers or jump into my ask box or DMs to gush about them, I'm always happy to interact and listen! ^^
A Few Links
Brief Intro of My Farmers
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aedarisfarm 26 days
Meet the Farmers!
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Meet Kali, Aster, and Sour Patch!
Kali is a quiet extrovert, easily befriending the townsfolk but preferring to spend time adventuring in the mines. Kali uses she/her pronouns, is aroace, and eventually has Krobus as a roommate.
Aster is quite loud, but very much an introvert, preferring to spend time fishing alone and having to be dragged to social events. Aster uses they/them pronouns, is panromantic asexual, and eventually marries Elliott, who they fall for hard.
Sour Patch is a social butterfly passionate about learning and hoards everything. Sour Patch uses any and all pronouns, or even no pronouns, is aromantic (and romance repulsed) and doesn't put a label on his sexuality beyond "allosexual" and "non-monogamous".
There might be more farmers to come ^^
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aedarisfarm 28 days
Farmer Braindump
Featuring Farmer Kali!
She/Her pronouns.
Aroace and very, very sex-repulsed
Inherited Aedaris Farm from her grandfather (William Delmuth) and godfather (Kenny Oloren)
Lived with her older brother Quinn before he got a job at a hospital in Zuzu City
Started college with the intentions of also becoming a doctor. Had to take a gap year because of stress, then tried college again.
Met Sour Patch in a biology class and Sour Patch tried to help her with stress management/tutoring but Kali eventually just dropped out because it was too overwhelming
Moved in with Aster when she started college, and invited Sour Patch to live with them (with Aster's agreement of course) partway through college.
Aster got her a job at Joja during the gap year, but Kali moved around departments pretty frequently for about another two years before she had a more stable place in the company.
Her parents are both dead - her father from heart complications and her mother from grief not long after.
Has always been quiet, but likes making friends and talking with others.
Is a social butterfly and while Sour Patch needed no encouragement to socialize, was the one to drag Aster off the farm to meet at least a few people
Gravitates to and adjusts quicker to the more magical or strange aspects of the valley
Befriends Rasmodius very quickly and is determined to get him to teach her more magic
Makes friends with Harvey and Maru only because in the beginning if her stay at the valley she had to visit the clinic many, many times. And because she visits the Saloon to socialize a lot, she befriends Gus and Emily pretty quickly too - though tends to avoid Shane and Pam.
Is really only friends with Elliott because of Aster - she'd still be cool with him, but it'd be more of an acquaintance if Aster wasn't interested in him
Linus and Krobus are her best friends.
Kinda befriending Dwarf.
Not a fan of Clint or Lewis - Clint gives her the creeps and resurfaces way too many memories of "nice guys" not accepting no as an answer. Aftermath Emily's clothing therapy really cemented her dislike of him.
She found Lewis' gold statue of himself. She has run into him multiple times collecting taxes that don't seem to go towards the community. She was not happy.
His treatment of Marnie really only added salt to the wound that was her distaste.
Ends up asking Krobus to move in with her - but does not tell Aster or Sour Patch. No, she doesn't know how that happened - especially with Sour Patch's curiosity.
Honestly Kali thought they knew and didn't think it had to be said. She learns that Sour Patch only met Krobus a few times and Aster had never met him.
Loves combat and mining! Often she has to be dragged out of the caves because she passes out in there or she's just having too much fun exploring.
If she's not in the mines, she's hanging around the Adventurer's Guild
Accidentally makes it the base for anything related to the "Break up Marnie and Lewis" agenda after discovering Marlon has a crush on Marnie
LOVES the slime hutch and slime breeding. She names every slime.
Feeds into Sour Patch's hoarding tendencies by collecting weapons. But it's fine - she has fun showing off the collection and refusing to elaborate which ones she's used when
Marlon doesn't understand why she doesn't sell any of them but eventually just accepts it.
Once she gets the geode crusher, never visits Clint again. Sour Patch gets her tools upgraded for her.
Her favorite hat is the skeleton mask
She met Leo for the first time with it on and she scared him. She still feels terrible about it and gives him ALL the duck feathers as an apology
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aedarisfarm 28 days
Farmer Braindump
Featuring Farmer Sour Patch!
This got ridiculously long, so it's all under the cut ^^
Will use any and all pronouns. Switch in the middle of sentences, use neopronouns, hell Sour Patch is also happy to be addressed with no pronouns
Not a fan of formal addresses. Just use Sour Patch.
Early-mid 20s
Aromantic and doesn't label sexuality - just claims being allosexual and refuses to elaborate. Non-monogamous and lives by open communication with any partners
Mildly romance repulsed. Doesn't care much for dates
Has gotten into physical fights with people about cheating. Will continue to fight people who think it's okay in any capacity.
Parents are stupid rich and supportive but also fairly distant. Told Sour Patch to move out once they turned 18 but they would support any of his college or university tuitions if she paid for xeir own rent and non-academic bills.
Sour Patch loves learning and basically took this as permission to never leave uni. Already has a BA from double majoring in marketing and astronomy, with a minor in journalism. Currently trying to earn a second BA studying ASL and religion.
Also loves group projects and collaborations. Is the person who will get awkward classes or tables talking. Professors leading discussion classes love Sour Patch because Sour Patch will fill any potential silences.
Knows someone who can do whatever needs to be done. Need someone to knit a sweater? Sour Patch knows 3 people. Need financial advice? Which of these dozen would be best? Want a baking buddy? His TA last semester made the best cookies and loves learning new recipes or having a friend in the kitchen. Need to write a research paper? Xe knows someone who knows the sister of the leading expert in that field, want Sour Patch to get you in contact?
Met Kali in a bio class and when Kali dropped out, moved in with Kali and Aster and switched to mostly online classes
Was initially just looking for a cheaper place to crash by having more roommates but really befriended the two
Kali and Aster invited Sour Patch to Aedaris Farm with them because what were they gonna do, just leave one of their closest friends homeless?
Valley Life
Still takes online classes - just takes fewer than they may like because she has to work on the farm
Changes religion major to a minor and starts also majoring in agriculture
Absolute rubbish at fishing. Still fishes because Sour Patch refuses to give up and also wants to learn things especially about fish through personal experience
Is a hoarder. Sour Patch will not sell anything unless there are at least two so they can keep one.
Cannot be trusted with finances. So Sour Patch has separate finances, but does his best to contribute at least 25-33% of what Sour Patch earns to farm expenses each season as a deal the three friends made.
Animal master.
No like, seriously. All the animals just adore Sour Patch. And Sour Patch's hoarding needs are met because he convinces Aster and Kali that they should get half a dozen coops and barns each to fill - each with a different animal.
Sour Patch handles all animal affairs from then on and spends most of his personal money on them.
Except the slimes - while Sour Patch likes them alright, Sour Patch despises taking care of them.
Has slept with like. Majority of the town marriage candidates. Except Elliott, who she clocked liking Aster before Elliott himself realized he liked them. Everyone's chill about it and it's sort of like a giant open relationship between them all
Got Abigail, Sam, and Sebastian together. None of them will admit to how.
Really, really likes Maru and Maru's thrive to learn. Befriends Demetrius and Harvey real quick, as well as Rasmodius.
Favorite past time after animal chores are done is to bother Gunther.
Is okay at mining and combat, but tends to leave that mostly to Kali.
Enjoys exploring the valley and foraging - unlike Aster and Kali, all of Pelican Town is new to Sour Patch so there's a lot to learn
Determined to befriend everyone. Will stalk people to do it. Shane cannot figure out why the hell out of the three new farmers this one is obsessed with him and really wishing sometimes one of the others would step in. But also. So many pepper poppers. So...
Lewis is the exception. Sour Patch despises him. But pretends to be his friend anyway because it's a small town and for some reason most of the townies still like him.
Sour Patch does not get it. But is content to pretend and embarass him by wearing replicas of his shorts.
Feeds into the rumor mill and knows all the gossip. May or may not share it with you.
Is the driving force behind the "Break up Marnie and Lewis and get Marnie with someone who actually cares about her" movement. Aster started it, but Sour Patch dragged everyone in town into it.
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