aemondismybabygirl · 29 days
Guys, Netflix is going to make a modern day adaptation of Dorian Gray and they're making Basil and Dorian brothers
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aemondismybabygirl · 1 month
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aemondismybabygirl · 2 months
they should invent a living alone that is affordable
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aemondismybabygirl · 2 months
i don't care if you live in new york city get normal about drug addicts sometime soon or jump in front of the trains
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aemondismybabygirl · 3 months
I don't think people realize how absolutely wild Linux is.
Here we have an Operating system that now has 100 different varieties, all of them with their own little features and markets that are also so customizable that you can literally choose what desktop environment you want. Alongside that it is the OS of choice for Supercomputers, most Web servers, and even tiny little toy computers that hackers and gadget makers use. It is the Operating System running on most of the world's smartphones. That's right. Android is a version of Linux.
It can run on literally anything up to and including a potato, and as of now desktop Linux Distros like Ubuntu and Mint are so easily to use and user friendly that technological novices can use them. This Operating system has had App stores since the 90s.
Oh, and what's more, this operating system was fuckin' built by volunteers and users alongside businesses and universities because they needed an all purpose operating system so they built one themselves and released it for free. If you know how to, you can add to this.
Oh, and it's founder wasn't some corporate hotshot. It's an introverted Swedish-speaking Finn who, while he was a student, started making his own Operating system after playing around with someone else's OS. He was going to call it Freax but the guy he got server space from named the folder of his project "Linux" (Linus Unix) and the name stuck. He operates this project from his Home office which is painted in a colour used in asylums. Man's so fucking introverted he developed the world's biggest code repo, Git, so he didn't have to deal with drama and email.
Steam adopted it meaning a LOT of games now natively run in Linux and what cannot be run natively can be adapted to run. It's now the OS used on their consoles (Steam Deck) and to this, a lot of people have found games run better on Linux than on Windows. More computers run Steam on Linux than MacOS.
On top of that the Arctic World Archive (basically the Svalbard Seed bank, but for Data) have this OS saved in their databanks so if the world ends the survivors are going to be using it.
On top of this? It's Free! No "Freemium" bullshit, no "pay to unlock" shit, no licenses, no tracking or data harvesting. If you have an old laptop that still works and a 16GB USB drive, you can go get it and install it and have a functioning computer because it uses less fucking resources than Windows. Got a shit PC? Linux Mint XFCE or Xubuntu is lightweight af. This shit is stopping eWaste.
What's more, it doesn't even scrimp on style. KDE, XFCE, Gnome, Cinnamon, all look pretty and are functional and there's even a load of people who try make their installs look pretty AF as a hobby called "ricing" with a subreddit (/r/unixporn) dedicated to it.
Linux is fucking wild.
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aemondismybabygirl · 3 months
"don't post that, what if an employer sees?" personally i think employers need to stay the fuck off their employees' social media lmao
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aemondismybabygirl · 3 months
"don't post that, what if an employer sees?" personally i think employers need to stay the fuck off their employees' social media lmao
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aemondismybabygirl · 4 months
I have the confidence of those men that think they could land an airplane but instead I just feel like I could be the first person to decode Linear-A if I really put my mind to it
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aemondismybabygirl · 4 months
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The San Francisco Examiner, California, February 25, 1935
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aemondismybabygirl · 4 months
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a girl of fear, a woman of anger— look how we've grown
girls contain multitudes, heather o'neill / king, florence + the machine / The Affront (L'affronto), by Antonio Piatti / In the Dream House, Carmen Maria Machado / this pin / cassandra, florence + the machine / What If This Were Enough?: Essays by Heather Havrilesky) / crush, richard siken / the closest thing i could find was this soundcloud link / a womans beauty, susan sontag / a vision of fiammetta, dante gabriel rossetti / stop me, natalia kills / fury, yevgeny yevtushenko
everyone say god bless you to @pe4rl-diver for the sources
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aemondismybabygirl · 4 months
"i dont want topless women or leather daddies at pride" then why are you going. like be really fucking serious why are you going
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aemondismybabygirl · 5 months
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silas denver melvin // ethel cain // george bataille // blythe baird // margaret atwood // nicole homer // emily palermo.
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aemondismybabygirl · 5 months
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haunted house uquiz by streetlighthalo
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aemondismybabygirl · 5 months
It is November of 1893. You have just killed a vampire. Exhausted and worn, you close your eyes and rest.
You wake up. It is May of 1893. You are on a train en route to Transylvania. Your diary says you have had queer dreams lately.
You try to believe it.
(An old woman puts a rosary in your hands. You accept it without question.)
You are a guest in a castle you have never been in before (you recognize every hallway and know without trying that every door is locked). Your host is a man you have never met before (you killed him you killed him you killed him he had turned to dust and there was blood on the snow).
One morning you cut yourself while shaving.
There is nobody behind you in the pocket mirror’s reflection.
You turn fast, and the razor is like a Kukri knife in your hand.
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aemondismybabygirl · 5 months
schools like ucla temporarily switching to remote instruction is twofold interesting because first, it is a transparent attempt to wait out the disruptive effects of protest by shifting the learning environment into the private space (a capitalist innovation!) of the student's room, which a protest cannot so easily impinge upon; but second, it is something that would not have been possible before the pandemic, before the mass adoption of technologies that could serve accessibility but are now being deployed by the reactionary project. an ongoing pandemic is not reason enough to let students participate remotely—the threat that truths about imperialism will spill into this environment of "higher education", however, is enough to force them to.
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aemondismybabygirl · 5 months
Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.
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aemondismybabygirl · 5 months
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Jennifer’s Body (2009) || Hannibal (2013-2015)
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