aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
....from 3rd grade to 5th grade?
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
Who I’d want at my smoking sesh and why [headcanon]
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Since today is 420 I wanted to post this lol
He can roll joints,, that’s a good enough reason for me lmaoo
Also because he’s filled with wisdom
If I wanted to get all deep he’s the person I would talk to and he would probably give me some like life changing advice
I just know he’s one of the funniest mfs ever
Just overall I think he would be a chill person to smoke with
I think he would bring like snacks for the munchies later
She literally is a stoner and she just seems really cool
Idk I just want to hang out with her lmao
Would fs come with her things and we would both smoke each other out
Wee Man:
He has good vibes to him and I feel like if smoke with him, it’ll rub off on me lmao
Always smiling and laughing like you just need someone like him to smoke with because then the vibe is always going to be fun
Would also probably bring snacks
Phil and April:
I just need to see them high
Phil is funny and I think he would just be chilling
April would still probably give me mom advice
Was probably a stoner back then ngl
He just gives me those vibes like someone could tell him “Dimitry, let’s go smoke” and he would just have a blunt ready
He was always funny and he always seemed nice like chaotic neutral yk
Dico and Raab:
I have no actual reason other than just wanting to get high with them lmfao
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
This video of Wee Man and Preston😭
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
Dark Shark vs Bear
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
can we talk about how bam says disgusting
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
For the ask I got rn I hope this answers your question lol
If fic requests are open, I need dirty daddy knoxville to soft pj pls 😔
Guys I’m ngl,,, I finished this and it has literally been sitting in my drafts for like a week but I’m not confident enough in it to post it😞 I don’t have a problem with smut but like I just don’t think I do it enough justice when it comes to writing it lmaoo I’m so sorry please don’t hate me😭 this was like my first time writing like a full on smut so I’m just like nervous to post it ig and I don’t want to post something that I don’t even like, yk?
Anyways I hope you guys understand🙏🏽 I’m so sorry if I disappointed anyone reading this
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
Amor Eletrizante [Steve O]
Electrifying Love
Ahh I just hit 200 followed so please enjoy this<3
aeonian-knoxville’s main m.list
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“Are you excited for this?” Jeff asked you as the two of you watched tasers and cattle prods being tied to the ceiling with a rope. You gave him an ‘are you serious?’ look and told him “not even a little bit”. “That’s the spirit” Jeff told you laughing while he walked away.
You had been friends with the guys for a while but after you ended up in a stunt by accident; Johnny didn’t know you were sitting in the limbo with some of the boys during the Beehive Limbo while they were filming the second movie and when Johnny asked if you were okay and you responded with “well at least now I know I’m not allergic to bees” and tried your best to laugh your pain they knew you were perfect for their team.
You looked around at the other guys and took note that none of them looked any more excited than you did, “Its bark is worse than its bite Ehren” you heard someone say to his friend. “Good luck” Wee Man told you grinning that it wasn’t him doing something like this.
Spike got all of you guys in your place and the cameras started rolling. “Due to prison overpopulation we’re giving these guys a chance to escape. This side represents incarceration and that side, freedom. This is Electric Avenue.” Johnny let out his infamous laugh and it suddenly hit you that you really let Steve O rope you into doing this.
It was one of the first stunts they were filming for the third movie and Johnny and Jeff asked if you were up to doing something this extreme. You had told Steve O you were on the fence about it and Steve O told you it probably wouldn’t be that bad, why you trusted him you weren’t sure. Maybe you were actually kind of excited to try it, it was terrifying but it was also something you would have never done in your life.
You heard Johnny yell “Go!” at you guys and no one moved. Dave shoved you in front of him as all the guys moved backwards instead of forwards. The boys all let out a “Fuck!” Or “oh my god!” Everyone was sharing the same level of fear. “Come on! Come on” Johnny shouted at you guys waiting for someone to make a move.
“Fuck, I’m going to pass out man” Steve O said pacing around. You saw none of your friends were going to go first, “Fuck it” you whispered under your breath and ran past the guys towards the end of the hallway. “Holy shit!” Ehren shouted, the other guys also shocked you made the first move. Bam followed you after and one by one the rest followed you.
When your skin first made contact with the electricity your brain couldn’t even process the pain but then you felt a horrible stinging sensation. You let out a yelp and pushed your ways towards the end. It felt like it took an eternity to finish the electrifying obstacle course and when you finally made it to the end you just laid on the floor in pain. You tried to get your heart rate to calm down and try to not let the pain get to you. You wanted to prove you were as tough as them and didn’t want them to regret putting you in this stunt.
You heard Bam yell, “fuck that sucked!,” and you very much agreed with him. The rest of the boys finished as well and they all limped or staggered past you. You sat against the wall, your skin still feeling a bit numb. “You okay?“ Dimitry asked you as he filmed you, “Steve O told me it wouldn’t be that bad” you laughed. “Sorry about that dude” Steve O came up to you and handed you an ice pack, you stood up and leaned against the wall for support. Dimitry left you two and went to go talk to someone else.
“So what did you think?” Steve O wanted to hear how you felt about your first stunt. “It was kind of fun if I’m being honest. Like it was fucking scary but honestly I just wanted to impress you guys to” “Well I’m impressed. It was hot,`` he said, staring at you with admiration in his eyes. You were taken back, “Really?” You asked him. You had hoped he would be the most impressed with your boldness. “Yeah I thought ‘Holy shit I can marry them right now’”, Steve O backed you into the wall a little more and you wondered if you were hiding your excitement well. The two of you were always flirty around each other but it didn’t feel as playful this time, it felt more lustful and intimate.
“[y/n]!” Johnny’s sudden voice made Steve O back away from you, “that was amazing!” Johnny praised you and you let out a shy “thank you”. “What made you decide to take charge?” The older man asked you, still amazed with your boldness. “I just trusted Steve O” you told him honestly laughing as Steve O wrapped you in a tight hug, he was the proudest of them all.
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
No because watching jackass high hits different and i knew it would give me inspiration I’m writing a Steve O fic rn <3
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
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thinking about dave's bday post for steve-o in 2014 captioned "i kissin' him"
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
the way steve-o started doing stunts because he wanted his ex to worry that he was gonna die after she dumped him. kinda romantic idk that would work on me idk
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
since there doesn’t seem to be one, i made a discord server for all the jackass fanfic writers in the fandom, if you write any type of jackass fics, you’re more than welcome to join ! link is here
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
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cracked open my stash of loomis pictures to bring u guys these <3
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
I cannot get this picture of Ehren out of my head; the hat, the chain like he looks like a complete dickhead but like I cant stop looking at it😭. Not even in like a “he’s so hot” type of way but like “That’s Ehren?!” type of way idk lmaoo
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
hi! im so glad i found your blog (youre an awesome writer btw)
could you write up some hcs for the jackass guys with a s/o who does stupid stunt stuff with them? thank you!!
being / dating a member of the jackass cast part 1 of 2.
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you’re prime target for his pranks.
it’s free real estate as far as he’s concerned.
carrying your own stun gun so you have some protection from this lunatic (affectionate).
him being proud if you do manage to prank him.
“that’s my girl!”
you got high fived, it wasn’t pleasant, but it was also funny.
much like steve, you can’t stand the bulls, and you hate when johnny gets in the ring with them. it’s nerve wrecking to watch.
you tried to volunteer to do a stunt with bulls once, and it was the only time johnny has ever said no to you doing a stunt.
spiders are a big no no, so of course, he has chased you around set with a tarantula on his hand.
asshole (affectionate).
you do a lot of stunts with dave, you’ve started calling him your work wife. johnny will pout about it until he remembers he’s the one who gets to go home with you at the end of the day, then he’ll get a lil bit smug.
your biggest supporter on set. he’s made signs to cheer you on with.
if anyone is unsure of his partner doing stunts, it's chris.
he worries about the danger of it a lot.
several times he's discreetly threatened ceff over you being nominated to do risky stunts.
you'll be standing next to chris talking to someone, ceff will unintentionally make eye contact with chris, and chris will subtly move his shirt aside to flash his knife. suddenly bam has been nominated for said stunt.
you think it's sweet how protective he gets, but have to constantly remind him that he's being a tad bit hypocritical.
he pouts, and you end up doing a good few stunts on the days he isn't on set.
having to take chris' knife or hatchet off him when he gets mad.
"give me the knife." "no." "give me the damn knife, you're not stabbing ehren." "just let me stab him a little." "chris, now." "ugh, fine."
this is a regular occurrence.
although it works out in his favor, because he finds it hot when you have his knives on you.
you travelled with him when he and steve did wildboyz, but you only had one or two cameos along the way.
you live with this unhinged, chaotic motherfucker, so no sympathy for him during stunts.
especially the day after a darf incident.
“you’re doing great, sweetie.” as he jumps off the back of the horse for the 8th time.
acts like he’s the normal one of the group, but by god he isn’t.
when it comes to you doing stunts, he’s never 100% on it, but tends not to say anything. he doesn’t like seeing you get hurt, even if it’s just a few scrapes or bruises, it makes him uneasy.
but he isn’t gonna try talk you out  of it, because he knows how much you love your job, and he knows you feel the same when it’s him doing stunts.
honestly you could’ve killed jeff after the firehose rodeo, purely because dave would not stop complaining that his ass hurt, he drove you insane for days.
arriving to set with dave then immediately dumping him on ehren for a few hours. begging jeff to let you to literally any stunt just for a break of listening to your boyfriend whine.
“tremaine, i’ll let you shoot me for all i care, just get me something to do before i strangle that man.”
you did a lot of public pranks with him during the tv show, which is how you became so close, and eventually started dating.
god help jeff tremaine.
no really, you’ll pile drive jeff tremaine if he tries to bull dog ehren into something he isn’t 100% on doing.
no tolerance, don’t fuck with your man when he’s expressed no interest in doing a stunt or being involved in a prank. 
you weren’t on set any day that he did the cup test stunts. nope, you’re not watching your mans balls get decimated.
you were there for the bear stunt, and you were just as unaware as most of the cast. 
god help johnny knoxville. he suddenly became public enemy number one. jeff is off the hook for now.
until you found out it was partially his idea, then it was on sight for both of them.
ehren just needs to be protected okay.
he’s very much the same towards you.
until silence of the lambs, in which case it was every man for himself. you and dave were stuck on the couch while ehren built his fort.
cue the offense that he left you with dave.
“ehren, get over here.” “i’m not stupid, you have dave, use him. he’s like, twice your height just stand behind him.” “bro.”
no sympathy when a pan smacked him in the face. karma’s a bitch.
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aeonian-knoxville · 2 years
being a member of cast and dating ryan dunn headcanons
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you’ve been together since the first movie. he enjoys having you on set.
mostly for the fact he’ll use you as a human shield if someone tries to prank or stun gun him.
you’ve been stun gunned a lot because of this. it’s hard to take his apology seriously when he’s laughing about it.
but he’ll help you get them back.
he always hangs around if you’re doing a stunt, even if he isn’t needed on set that day.
volunteering to do stunts with you if more than one person is required.
if the stunt isn’t bad, and you end up on your ass after it, he’ll laugh and then help you up.
if it is bad, straight into concern mode, no messing around.
he can be protective, but doesn’t want to be overbearing and tell you not to do stunts, when you both signed the same contract. he’ll express concerns, and vice versa, and you’ll talk it out before the shoot.
trying to take naps on set together, but no matter where you do, someone finds you and fucks with you.
knoxville antiqued you once and ryan happily chased him down.
a lot of pda. he’ll stand behind you, arms around your waist, and chin resting on your head or shoulder. doesn’t care if he gets teased for it, he’ll just flip them off.
telling ryan to cover his dick when he does the riot control test. then calling bam an idiot when he doesn’t cover his.
you have his original butt x-ray framed, he finds it amusing how you giggle to yourself whenever you walk by it.
he wishes you didn’t hang it in the bedroom though.
speaking of bedroom, if he’s in the mood on set, you’re gonna know about it.
there’s been many occasions you’ve been caught going at it in the van or one of the trailers. or just behind someone’s car, it doesn’t matter to Ryan.
being involved in organizing bits to get Ryan in water, he plans ones to get you dirty as payback.
you almost perished after the tar and feathers, he didn’t shower for days. then whined when he couldn’t get the tar out of his hair. it took you over an hour to fix that mess.
you’re glad you weren’t dating after the poo dive.
but you don’t mind his lack of showering. it’s rare he hits biohazard status, so you can live with it.
you did the ram jam with him and Steve. Ryan practically threw you at the goat so he could escape it. he’d feel bad if you hadn’t laughed at him when he got nailed by it’s horns.
if anyone else throws you under the bus in a stunt, he’ll get fighty with them. that’s his job.
you have to do interviews with literally anyone else, Ryan gets too distracted by you to focus on talking about the movie. Bam has to deal with his sulking over it, while you have fun with Dave and Ehren.
you’ll deny that you also get too distracted by Ryan to concentrate. Kosick has footage of you just braiding Ryan’s longer hair for 20 minutes while he talked about his latest car investment. you kept shushing Kosick when he tried to get you back on track.
he’s definitely crashed your interviews before and sat on your lap to join in.
you tried ignoring him once during an interview, he knocked your chair over and kept talking as though he didn’t. it was the embodiment of wut cat vs smug knife cat.
if a stunt goes wrong, he’s the first by your side and vice versa. he cares so damn much.
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