aerialliftsafety · 3 years
Aerial Lift Safety Innovations
Aerial lift safety is an area of innovation that has evolved significantly for fleet businesses that maintain essential infrastructure in the United States and around the world. Modern economies develop infrastructure that supports the ability of communities and businesses to grow. As more developing countries invest in safe, reliable electric utility infrastructure, they give their economies a chance to grow and compete on the global stage. This kind of investment creates opportunities for manufacturers to develop business relationships around the world. Safety innovations have made working at the platform significantly more safe. Some manufacturers of new insulated aerial lifts have found ways to allow hydraulic tool use at the platform. 
Aerial Lift Hazards & Insulated Equipment
Aerial lift work can be extremely hazardous, especially in the case of maintaining electric utility infrastructure. Most linemen work in support of electric utility distribution systems: networks of cable that range from forty to seventy five feet in the air that move electric power from substations to businesses and homes at a local level. While this is technically not the same as ‘high voltage’ power, it is absolutely deadly. The risk of severe injury and death is entirely real for linemen, who experience daily hazards on the job, including exposure to electric current and falling. Part of what makes being an electric distribution lineman is that there may be multiple jobs in a day, and each job requires a serious approach to keeping safety on the jobsite at the forefront.
Aerial Lift Innovations For Safety
Aerial lift innovations have certainly played a role in how safe it is to work in the elevated workplace. Technologies have been developed to limit every person’s exposure to electric current, though there are important differences between manufacturers and how they approach keeping linemen safe. The overall goal is to make being a lineman as safe as any other job, yet huge barriers stand in the way. Barriers to aerial lift safety probably have more to do with an aging electrical infrastructure, and the inconsistencies in systems that work together to keep power flowing across the United States.
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