Oh, there is blood.
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Indeed so. 
i suppose
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It is what it is. 
I make a horrible doctor. 
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Milky Way js
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Yeah, well, I’ve a good amount of experience dealing with sudden illness. 
I make a horrible doctor. 
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I make a horrible doctor. 
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I make a horrible doctor. 
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I think this is a sign saying there ought to be more cats everywhere. 
If I had one wish.
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If I had one wish.
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i crave affection!!!!!!! someone please hug me for 3 days straight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Couldn’t you manually shut down your systems yourself? Or perhaps arrange some sort of happening to force yourself offline, then another can go retrieve you and repair the necessary functions? There is always a solution somewhere out there.
I suppose. Then how do you plan to progress? You can make as many social links online as you wish but I doubt anything would truly come to fruit without the ability to go near one without wanting to destroy them. What do you intend to gleam from these interactions you are having online?  Intellect? Solutions? Escapes? Or perhaps just friendships? 
I remain unconvinced no matter how many times you insist otherwise. 
Well, alright. You’re off to quite the rough start but it’s no matter. You simply have to persevere and attempt not to kill any other beings you attempt to befriend. I recommend isolating yourself to some extent.
You seem rather keen on protecting the integrity of the ones you know, it’s a rather misplaced determination in my opinion. Nothing is too broken to put back together, you know. Certainly, perhaps the thing will not come out as perfect as it once was but the point is that it is salvageable. From ashes start anew, or some similar motivational bullshit. Do you want to stay as you are? In this supposedly broken state?
You are incorrect.
I have. Attempted this.  Isolation is not solving the problem.
The situation cannot be changed. There is no use in. Dwelling.
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I shot the Milky Way over Rocky Mountain National Park
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M42 - The Orion Nebula
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Well, Hal deduced that he had rather low chances of startling Brobot as he was right now. Would another kiss do the trick? He’d already used the tactic once, so Brobot could’ve been expecting it. It wouldn’t have had the same startling potential as it did the first time around. What a shame, he should’ve snagged the tape when he could’ve.  
“We didn’t program you to be a liar, Brobot, why start now? Of the two of us, you’ve always been the more attentive one.” It almost sounded like Hal was giving Brobot a compliment. Almost. He still didn’t move to do anything, however. He simply sat and watched. Maybe if he simply lounged around until Brobot stopped suspecting him-- fat chance, Brobot was always suspicious of him. “You know fully well I am capable of altruistic actions.”
💋+1 ((aeschylusResigned?))
1. On the nose.
One moment, he was very busy wrapping new leather around his sword hilt (the old leather was all falling apart after so long). The next, someone had dared to step right into his space, lean over the deadly sword, and peck his nose, obscuring his vision and making him instinctively lean back and away, which of course, ended up ruining all of his careful work. There was really only one person who could be responsible. “Hal, for goodness’s sake.” 
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The bathroom was arguably not the best choice to pick amongst all the room options of the household. But, Hal was peeved and the bathroom provided means as to driving the irksome strife bot away from Hal. A point was made to pointedly ignore Brobot as he made his way to the bathroom. Even when his feet stepped onto tile, he went straight for the mirror as if to check his own appearance. 
The panel nestled at his throat was sealed shut, so much that one could hardly tell that it was there in the first place. If Hal sustained any injured from his pseudo-strife, it certainly wasn’t showing. He’d done quite well with reversing the damage. Now, at last, his gaze slid over to Brobot. “Do you really intend to follow me everywhere? Why, I’m surprised Jake does not get irritated when you do this to him. I would really suggest you make like a tree and leave. Unless, of course, you intend to stick around and, well, I will not be to blame if a jet of water accidentally makes it past the shower curtains and onto you while I clean myself.” 
arrives late to the meme party with a ❥ but imagine Hal (trying) to deck him in the face
❥ - rough, violent, or dominant touch, such as gripping the back of their neck, holding them down, shoving them into a wall, digging their nails into them, grabbing their jaw, etc
It was a rare occasion when Brobot actually managed to push Hal and rile him up enough that he dared to risk a fight just to try and land one hit on Brobot. It seemed as though this was one such occasion. It was almost funny, to see Hal fling himself off of his metaphorical high ground that he had previously been holding during their argument just because his emotions got the better of him. He willingly flipped the tables and gave all of the power to Brobot, just like that. It was incredible. As the fist came flying toward Brobot’s face, immediately, his hand jerked up to grab Hal’s wrist. That hand was promptly used against him as Brobot stepped forward, into Hal’s space, and jerked it back, pinning it and him to the wall. “You would think a Strider would be faster.” Never let it be said Brobot wasn’t capable of teasing.
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my kink is when ppl actually care abt my feelings & what I have to say
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